"V T T v V ~V'* -f- •> * *> T T 'iK ^T t-» ,-v T~ rri T» ^T POETRY., THE MONKEYS. raag'd A TALl. Whoe'er, with ctirioas eve, fins Through Ovid's tales, has fcsn « How Jove, incens'd, to Monkeys chang'd A tribe of worthlefs men. •- nil Repentant fcon tlv offending race . Entreat the iajnr'd pow'r To gl»-c them back the human face, And rea fun's aid re [lore. Jove, footh'd at length", his ear JucIiVd, And granted half their pray** 5 But t'other half he bade the wind Difperfe in empty air. Scarce had the thundVer giVn the nod That {hook the vaulted Acres, Y/ith haughtier air the creatures (Irode, And ftretch'd their dwindled ilze. The hair in curls luxuriant now Around their temples fpread ; The tail, that whilom hung below, Now dangled from the head. The head remains unchang'd within, Nor alter'd much the face 5 It ft ill retains its native grin, And all its old grimace. Thus half transform'd, and half the fame, Jove bade them take their place (Reftoring them their ancient claim) Among the human race. Man with contempt the brute furvey'd Nor would a name be (low ; But woman lik'd the motley breed, And call'd the thing a beau. LORD NET,RON. ■ THK editor of the Quarterly 'Review, a perrvMiic-dVoik ofcifiirg rminenctfe, pubfift* ed iu London, conclude tin ir olbftrvations onUie tifferent « Lives.of Nolfo.h," in the foilowm*? imprelTivc drain of eloqjunce : ' " Then* was reafon to fuppofe^ from the apiKarance^ upon opening his bacj'y, that in the courfe of nature he might hav,<$ attained, like his father, to a good old ag^ ; yet he cannot be faid to have fallen prematurely, \rhofe work was done ; nor ought he to be lamented who died fo full of honors, and at the height of human fame. Th* mod tri¬ umphant death h that" of a martyr $ the moil awful that of the martyred patriot; the moil fplendid, that of the hero in, the hour of vi'&orv : and, if the chariot an<d the hor- fes of fire had been vouchfafed fo»- tfelfon's translation, he could fcarcely have departed in a brighter blaze of glory. Fie has left up, not indeed his mantle of tnfpif&ion, but a name and an example, which are at this hour infpiring hundreds of the youth of Eng¬ land ; a name which 13 our pride ; and an example which will continue to be our ihicld and our fytmgth.9* mg he who has had the fineft dream mall be entitled to it ; in the mean time, you may make an excellent repaR en mutton and fallad. The plan was agreed to ; the pat- The Gafcon, - DIVERSITY. BIOGRAPHY. ■000 § goo- MR. POPE S EXTERIOR. Alexander Pope, Efq. is al- moft univerfaliy celebrated and known, as one of the ftr/l of poets, but the form and figure of his per- fon are not fo well known.—His eminence as an author excites a curiofity to kno\ his pcrl'on ; and this, (fays Dr. S. johnfon) " was not formed by the niceft model. Pope has in his ac¬ count of the " Little Club/* in the Guardian, cam pate J hirnfdf to a ipider, and is defcribed as protu¬ berant behind and before—he THE FORCE OF HATRED. * The following is given as authentic in a laic Mnglifh publication, and exhibits a fad teflon of human depravity* AN elderly gentleman was caft away up¬ on the Weilern part of England. The peo¬ ple gathered about him, and pointed out a refpeenable houfe in the neighboihuod, where he was likely to be well received. He re¬ joiced to find, that it was inhabited by an old fchool fellow, whom he had Never feen iince they were boys together. His joy, however, was damped, by rinding him a mar¬ tyr to the gout—yet, long as he had filter¬ ed under the pangs inflicted by that tyrant, he feemed revived at the fight of an early friend, and his fpirits feemed to be renewed by the unlooked for accident. After our traveller had refrefned himfelf, he was fbown by the fervant maid to the chamber fhe had pamaru panea roe mgm >u *owj»«*m«£ a fine dream for the next day. ^ When they met in the morning, the Spaniard haitencd to inform the hotels that he had a magnifi¬ cent dream, having feen the heavens opened, & been received by the angelic choir into the realms of glory. Ton could not, faid he to the other, have had a finer, dream.—-1 faw you enter Paradiie, aufwered the Gafcon, and as I concluded you would never return I eat the Partridge. A LEARNED \Mj once inquired why chymiflry, geography, algebra, languages, Slc. were not as becoming in a woman as a man ? 1 will not fay, replied a wit, they aie entirely unbecoming, but I fhould think a very little would aufwer the purpofe. A woman's knowledge of chymiflry might- ex¬ tend to the melting of butter ; her geogra¬ phy to a thorough knowledge of every hole rnd corner in her houfc ; her algebra to the family expences, ; and as for tongues, heaven know 3 that one is quite fujjicient. g$*Ne& Cheap Goods, S. BARTLET, NiORMS his Friends and the Public, that he has this diy receiv*^ and now opening for fale, a LARGE tJSpPLYof GOODS; CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, I; Liquors and Hard Ware, i* Groceries,* ! :: Sadd! Crockery and es -&c. &c. Glafi Ware, > Which, in addition to his former Hock, will make his afiorjment very complete : the whole of which will be fold at the Montreal prices, for cam or any kind of produce. As he is now clofing his bufinefs in this place, no credit will be given, and goods will be fold lower than can lip pur- chafed in ihe Province ;* and as he is deter¬ mined to fell all off, earned I v Solicits his friends and cuitomers to call and. examine his Gouj^s.. £T Cash and thg higheft price paid for PRODUCE. N. B. All thofe indebted, either ly Note or Book Account, are requefted to mahi immediate payment. Kingston," Q^ober I, iSlO. CHEAP STORE. WHITNEY, has juii recciv- • ed and is now offering for fale, a very extenfive afToitment of FALL & WINTER GOODS. -----ALSO----- Hardware. Weft India Goods and Groceries. All of which he will difpofe of (wholefale and retail) at as low a rate as can be purchai- ed in Montreal or Quebec. He moft cor¬ dially invites thofe who arc in the habit of purehafing by wholefale, to call and exam- *ine for themfclves. Kingston, ljl December, 1810. Iitf __________ The fubferibers have ■ - * jufl received a confignment of Sixty Sides of ALBANY SOLE-LEATHER, which they offer for fale cheap for cafh. Jan. 1, 1811. ABBOT Sc BASCOM. V ibmcthing of ny me lervant maia to tne cnaniDcr me nau ^^1 C 1 f" "i i prepared for him, and left to Ms repofc. I DC lUDlCriber DCiTS 1— ' .......- - O leave to inform the Public, that he has jufl received and has for fale, at the Store lately occupied by Mr. A. Boston, the following articles-------Vi7. IS raid to have been beautiful in Ills infancy, but of a conftitution fee- ble and weak, and as bodies of a tender frame arc calily diftorted, his deformity was probably the ef-* feci of his application. His flat- ure was fo low, as to bring him to a level with common tables, it was neceflary to raife his feat ; his face was not difpleafing, and his eyes were- animated and vivid— his habitual diforder was the head- ^ w ache one of his fides was contrac¬ ted—he was very fufceptible of cold—his legs fo flender as to be enlarged with three pair of {lock¬ ings ; his hair had fallen almoft a- way, and he ufed to dine fome- times with lord Oxford in a vel¬ vet cap, his drefs of ceremony was black with a tie wig, and a little fword. When he wanted to fleep he nodded, and is faid to have llumbered at his own table while the Prince of Wales was talking of poetry, His invitations were ma- ny, but he was a troublefome in¬ mate ; he had fo many wants, that a numerous attendance wTas fear ly able to fupply them ; one of his conftant demands was of coffee in the night. In familiar or the want He loved meats highly feafened & of ftroiig tafle, and indulged his appetite. onvivial converla- tion, it does not appear that he ex¬ celled, and like Hryden, was not diftinguifhed by vivacity in com¬ pany," Such is the portrait given of this great little Man. We add, he was born in England, of popifh pa¬ rents, & died in the catholic faith, on the 30th of May, 1744., aged kG years. This girl was the only domettic oif our old gentleman. In the night, the tra-velhr was murdered. The trial was to a fcertain by whom. The mailer of the houfe reprefeut- cd himfelf as unable to Itir hand1 or foot—. for a long time-he had not moved out pt h fs apartment. The girl, when interrogate.,], uer fo candid and convincing, that every <>,, pinion absolved her. In this fifuation th);_, council for the pfofecution faid he had o:.ie quetlion more to afk the lervant maid, whicif, he handed to the prifoner's couufel. £C fjf yon put this qneftion (faid the latter) 1 flin,n. up* my brief." Every confideration natm^ ally enforced the queftion—it was, " D'v,£ you in the night, hear a door open ?" Th gnfwer was, " { did.'" " What door ?•'•» *' My mafter's." The old gentleman, % on this, begged that he might confefs ryfg crime, and niake the only atonement in hi[s power. What he faid was to this effect : " We were of the fame Handing, in th, &ime fchool, and the fons of gentlemen^ Two boys on the foundation, with no othe^. dependance, had robbed an orchard, The deceafed propofed that we, as able to b<:-M. the obloquy, fhould father the offence. Wfe did fo, and were expelled. The fh?me of expulfion produced hate towards him wh ^ recommended the aft which had produce.} it. We were fundered in the bt^fmefs of life. I knew not, till he fought my houfe. that he exiiled. At the hVht of him, 1 fei| a finih of triumph fpringing in my cheeks-— to him it no doubt feemed the joy to beholj him—it was the joy to behold him my vie>s tfm. Hatred invigorated my limbs ; de¬ crepitude yielded to the demand of ven-_ geanee : in the middle of a tleeplef-? night i crawled on my hands and knees to hi., chamber door : with a palpitating heart [ liltened to his breathing, to be affured he wa, afleep ; and with a razor, he had borrowe \ of me, I cut his throat from ear to ear—£ then crept back to my chamber with hojg:^ ble fatisfaction." • ^ it is only neceflary to add, that, *upo;-, this confeiTion, the roflender was executed. To apply the ftory, and. ill u ft rate our fob . jeel, may be the trouble, for it cannot b% the amufement of the reader. Of iV« trut^ there cannat be the fhVhteft qneiliou. C3-TO BE SOLD, THAT valuable ftandfrra Merchant or Tat* III-Keepek in the tuwnlhij* of Frederickj- burgh, bordering on the C^HeCreek, near Brarfihaw'* Mill. The properrv confifts in a nf.at Dwelling- houfe, painted S^ni/h brown, fortyfivc fe-t in kngM and twenty-fix feet wide, including a gallery in front, which runs the whole length of the houfe j-the wall* and partitions a>e all built of found burnt brick 9 a good brick chimney with two fire-places: there are five rooms on the lower rl >or, and one bed rOftW on the fecond. Llkewife, a good log UOTe houfe ami a horfe ftable, and unwards of two hundred acres of molt EXCELLENT LAND, bounded on ihe wtfl flit by the Little Creek, and On the eiit fide by th« ea(t half of lot No. 13, extending from the King* highway foutherly,dowo acr,)fs the Big Creek. Fob %* For fu thcr particulars apply to Joseph Fo»* , r..,prT f.c5.,,,4.«.t ><v ^♦'»» A«Ufci!l>er j*T^MVl'VJl 14th Nov. r8io. JAMES McNABB}^ BAGG & HAGAR, HAVE juft received from London, and ofTW for fale, at their Hat Store & Factory^ feeded and hook Muffins ; Gorton Cambrics, No. 100 St. Paul Street^ Montreal, next doorjOUtP0f Gingham, Chamhray, Irifli Linen, Shirting, Mefl'n, Beitowt, dues & Co. Cottons, brown Holland^ Lace. Spirits* Wiiifky. TenerifTe and Port Wines, S*igar, TeaSj Tobacco, Snuff, Raifins, Chocolate, black and purple Broadcloths, Kcrfcynicrcs^Cciit- mo-*, i/ik and cotton Velvet, Dimity, Cor- dnroy, Swanfdown nnd Patent cord Veiling5 whke and punted Coltons ; Bandanna, Ro- tnaJ and Cotton Handkeiehiefs ; Camels7 iiafr SJiav.-hi ; common ditto ; Leno, jaconet, o u '-'ai Morocco Skins, Seal Sc RufTeC ditto. Shoes, Sufpender?, Olive Oil., Stoughton's Bitters* Camphor, Turlington's BaHam, Liil-nce of Maftard, Lemon, Bcrgam(>t, Peppermint, Harlrem & Lritifh Oil, Opodeldoc, Arn.nto, Windfor Soap, Nails & Hardware of various defcriptions. —a-no— The followW BOOKS :—Mrs, C'ark's Memoirs—Junius' Letters—Ameri¬ can Lady—Charles Twelfth—Elizabeth— Ccelebs—Enfield's Speaker—School Bibles--- Teiramcnts—WehiterVSpeilingbooks—Bi'i- A General Aflortm^nt of Gentlemen's fine Beaver Hats j fiitc Water Proof, Leghorn and Willowdo,- Ladles and Children's beaver and itraw Bonnets of rhe fstefli faffrions and beil quality. Also, Military Folding Hats, elegantly trimmed ; Hat Trimmings, &c^&:c. which were imported upon as good terms, and will be fold as cheap or cheaper than can be bought in the country. ' They have alfo a variety of Hats of their own make, which rhey are willing r0 warfant to be as durahle a<; any ever offered for fale in Canada, Orders from the country thankfully received and ftri diy afu nd?d to^ ##* CASH paid for FURS. Montreal, Nov. zo, 1810. io cf THE fujK«-ib;T6 hereby give notice to the r icani-s of Kingilon? Emdown, Adolphui worth's di'tto—beiidea &vera!articles too te- die ions to mention. The whole of which are of an excellent quality, and will he fold at the moll reduced prices for cafh. yCountr;Produce taken in Payment.- H. C. THOMSON, 1 ^ Acting fr Mr. 5\ St. G&qzge, Torh± Kingston, Dec. lb", I 8 IO. 1 3 tf ti'jufe Building and Palming. nhab. ftown, and other adjoining places, that they intend to employ the n**xt feafori in th.s vic;nity? in PAINTING HOUSES, Dutfiaeand iafide, Pateut Paintin? of Rooms, Ssc. ant tne buHoeft of BOUSE CARPEN¬ TERS and JOINERS. Their work will be exe- cuted with n^acneisand difpatc>. Application may be made at the dwelling-houfe of Mr. Stouchton* innkeeper, in Kingfton,Mr. Joh'n Bell, in Ernef- town, or Mrs. Douglas, innkeeper, in Adolpbnf- town. NATHAN WHEELER, Nov. 2c: i?>70. • ANDREW PICKENS. SHERIFF'S SALE. Midland Diftria, 7 &T to wit : 10 BE SOLD, THE one hi.'f, (or it bell luirs the purcb,if?r, the whok) of that VALUABLE STONE MILL in Miryfcu'g, wirh cw;> ron of ilones fit for buJinei'i. SIJ virtue of a JFflt oj i'len facias, if faed out of his Majefifs Coin of King's D.ncL, and to me directed, agmnft the. lands and'tene¬ ments of DoctorPkia'dlf., at the ft titjf Bryan Crn-zifordFfq. I havefi-zed and taken in exeat* tion the eqfi half of tot No. 3, fecondconcejfum of the tcwn/lip of' Fredericl-fburpb. in the couniit* . ■ of Leno, W 4d£*U*, and OJMa afor,jaidx ^ ti \v. METrS V*"*^ containing by admeafuremrnt one hundred and an improvement of thirty-five on.- fuperfinr aivfrtwj cornrnon bolts, and fnar h«n- lirni <itres of, L^VND, with about 30 aces irrprofeff. On t!ie prernii='5,'^ear t/.e m\\\, is j good Ofwelfifig- h>cfe, wi-h thrc' rooms and 2 kitchen on tne iow-n i\ )or, and a c:>n*CH:cnt houfe n-eirly adjoining, fot* miller } aii^ a liable and borfe-thed....belonging to. the c^^te of the late Ps^f.p. Van Als^".>^ ri'.-crared, *£he f^naion h l> weM i:nown that it i" tht/U^hj ur.nec:irr4-y t> fcivc a f.n:h r c^cj^ription. Thofe who tri'ay with t<-» ^»ri ' . .' w'.lS #!ea!e t.) an* ply to xHojfiAs Darlanu, Ci<j. Adolpburtowi. be ihe fame more acres, acres\ ii-a v i5«. or iefs ; which ivilt he ad- NOTICK " S hereby given to nil thoie .ac^btec! totiic foblciriher, for Curding Wool or*Dreft*:. Cloth*that 'Jillcis th<y fettle their account- immedratelv, thry will \\c pnt to trouble am coil. 'DANIEL. KINGSBIlRV. K#?<?T<e Mil's-, fan. 1. )f 1 8 ii. .m but on* partridge, unlefa thiy agreed to cafr iogcihvr, there was no way to content th-.ni „ but if yoir will take my advice, added the,' do without it Co night, arrd to morrow morn ■' J Office, iphNov. i:<io. 1 1 // Writing and Wrap- PRINTED AND PT.Tni.ISTTJ-0 By MOWER .: Kl.NTD*WLt. t'Mm ;• Net*, Canis,Ha>idMl.'&> h "/,!/)!> 'v executed ttijbart « ' "•'•