I Foreign fntrlkgcnct. " •", /C J 'onrrrwr'du midacimnlnhts that < ■ iy^lfMnUZttp&pjhn of the two i '*& wh,-h Ik,, attached //, bitterly cm- London, IXc 1 3.— An Ancri. (lei whkh hixs :i\ rived <i: news fr«)«ji /'.'tins c:f thr ,,,lhl of protons, and that tk f.,ovvS-n f. The United States' artilleiy and guu-bo .t. hid not arrived, but were expect¬ ed daily. From Florida ws learn, that Baton R 01/?c ca*» ve ■PortfnuHit!i, brings FLilbon more recent t.y three di\s than that received by the Jafpo, ivtutu and village mr. deferted fa the ml aid- i Ar /• /• • / «••** mm*--** ' ■,*nha"c and N. I dictma were taken bo k [ion of h '■■*- 1he enemy s nun continue to Mtrt : I Ay ,*„ r? ■, -tl . ^rr?4f if JljtotheEnMbyhuvJrcits, Claiborne, without oppofitwn, and the . F.niNnnRc.K, N-rvmbcr 27.—-Mr. Mati¬ ns i\farryari t, one c*f the delegates from the Loudon Correfprjndtng Society to the Brit- y Wc learn tlr.it there faa.i been \\u important chainje in the jx>iku>*x m conveilt^". Md in F^mbirgb in th? oi MaffciKi's army. I lis ivar gu:;rd <'™ x 7^4, *rrived fn sht"Hidd on *»«*&" has eftivbliilied itfelf brftkid rive Zezcrc a;; far ns Funfocre. 11 »C wft. He Ins fuffered the i>..(« nee of the high court of jurticiary, viy.. i4yefo> banirh- meitf to New South Wales, for fedifion : 90 //vw/>.r «;y returning to their cantonments. At Mobile, it is expetled, Col. Cuftnng will have warm work.—[Tenneifee Gaz. Dec. 28. Orders have been ifTued from the War Of¬ fice of the United States, to lecommence the recruiting fervice. ead-qmi :ers or the Engiiih ctm* -—It is 3!- tinue to be at Cartaxo- a:id returned to this country only a few wrrksam. About the fame year, MellYs. Slrimnj?, Gerald, Palmer and Mnir, receiv¬ ed iimdar fenter.ces ; and Mr. Margarot 13 the only fflrvtvor, the other four having been >t*gdcad. He left Sh,-meld on Thurfday 1; moll certain that all the operations of the campaign arc fnlpcnded for one or two months* MaiTena Iras taken, without finding any obila- ^H^^T Uk»^^^»^ , r . t • 1 i 1 fi> ir' tii€ moralilt may learn an uleful lcflon, that Cle, a pofinon which lord Welling. Mr. M*m*toV9 hi, wj& and a favorite cat, ton hinilcll declared tO be tffi&r$g- which they took *long with them, are now «■•■*« oily iivmg objects of all thofe that failed jr> the vc'k-i tiom tfair* country. The cat is bland, grawa tmrf in the fervice of its maf- *■•:!', and is permitted to repofe itfelfon a Dreadful Cafualty.—On the loth of No¬ vember, at Paifley, in Scotland, at a fair, 130 or 140 people were upfet in a boat in the bafon of a canal ; and out of the num¬ ber 84. were drowned, 29 reltored to life by medical affiftance, and the others got out un¬ injured. The fubferiber in¬ forms the inhabitants of Kingston and its vicinity, that he intends carrvfnc on il. • MASONING BUSINESS, fuch a* brick laying, (tone work and plaftering : he will be ready to perform any bufinefs in htslloe at (hort notice, and in a workman-like rran- ner- MOSES DRAKE. 1 Firfl door South of Waller's Hotel $ FOR'SALE, M confiding of 25S acre.', be- • t>- a g lj0t N°* 6y In t]lc lft coftcel5on m i ittfburgh, fituate 6 miles from Kmgtton — to or 12 acres under improvement, °\\ith a good log bottfie on the fame, and a good Marfh affording hay for 12 or 14 head of cattle.—For particulars apply to Laugh- lin M'Intyre, mip carpenter, PittiWgh. February 12, 1811. 2n"f AFA ? jL \. mg L Jfc- nable. In cafe of a regency- the follow- in?* chano-es ?.re fpeken of in tL firft political circles as likely to bed of wool. take place for compofing the new minhiry : Firft lord of the treasu¬ ry, lord Holland ; lord chancel¬ lor, fir Arthur Pigot ; preiidgnt of the counclL the duke of Bel- ford ; the throe fecretaries of ftatc, , can Grey, ond t:^e v ; chancel- lord Greiiviile right hoii. G. Ponford^ lor of the exchequer, Mr. Bxifki£ on; £rft lord of the admiralty, carl St. Vincent; grand maik-r at the ordnance, earl iVloira ; trc:d:i- rer of the navy, Mr, Sheridan \ lord cliambeibin, the rmirquis nf Hereford; grand eouefty., ihc duke of Noii-humbc:land ; k-ru privy fealj earl Spencer: ierdiicu^ tenant of Ireland, earl LVndey ; chancellor of IreLmd, Mr. Wxn* Adam ; maircr of the WM&mbfy lord Dud das ; : at'Orncv-:?;enera:. Mr« Garrow ; iolieitor-cc:\er;':, ^r. jekyll; prcfident of the boaid {}{ tOr Viilm Ml 'i l» vt..-y It is hid that if his Majcfty's health lha'l not be fufiiciently re- gftabliihed to enable him to pro- fo^ue Parhanient by coijimiflioa on°Thuv;'day (i8) there will be dh that day another adjournment un¬ to Monday next ; after the phyfc of his majefly ihall have been privy conn- 4( 1 e* cians examineri before tl cil. Dec. 16.—Yeftcrday difpatches were received from lo:d Welling¬ ton, dated Cartaxo, Dec. ift, at which time no change had taken place between the two armies. Maffena had fortified Santaran, & added new works. It is believed he waits for reinforcements. There have been feme feirmiihes in the environs of Baylen, but wii.hout any important remit. Our Plymouth letter mentions amoft afflicTmg occurrence : The Narcifiiis, lord Aylmer, was run foul of in Santona Bay by a Span- ifli frigate. She cleared the frig¬ ate, which drove towards fhore, and carried with her a Spamfli FROM THE UNITED STATES. New-York, January 30.—The Balti¬ more Federal Qayeite has the following par- agrapli from Wa(htflgfofil the 23d in ft ant, \! uich we would fain hope is correct, though our t;o; refpondents at the ieat of govern- ilc <t make no nieuu'on of the matter. It U underito >d that the lecretary of f* ite has received difpstches fiora William Pini'.r.ey, da:ed the lad of November, in Vs Inch Mr. Pinkiwy fays the Britiih miniilry have agreed to refcind the orders in council, ad ivnd a mhiilfer here : and waited only die appointment of a regency, which was ex- p:6:ed to take place in a day or two, at LiithcTiuoft. This wai the credited report At thehujic this»■eveuinaC-,* WERT LATE FROM FRANCE. Yefterduy arrived at this port the tali fail¬ ing fell joner Maiia-Louifa, Skiddy, in 26 d: 1 vs f.om Bortlcanx, which port hhe left on ii.it tS January. Captain S. has obiig- i .Hv iuvorcd the editors of the Mercantile /vl' ertifer with French papers to the 27th < f l)ec«j;"!.',cr, fiora which we have tranila- 0 « v.iy j» . <l.1 • t»i ?ii.y imporxaace. Our French uaiKi' contain Lf>ndon dates to the 16th of December. The King of Englartd was reprefe.3-ted to be flowly recoy- eiiujf. It was alfoexpected a regency would be appointed in England, and that a com¬ plete change in the nuutfiry would take pi ace. The United States* frigate Eflcx, which carried out Jtlie Preli^ent's proclamation of the repeat of the nou-intercourfe with France, arrived at L'Orient on the rth of Decem¬ ber, and the Mcff.-nger arrived in Paris on the 12til. The Prefident's proclaniation had been pubiifhed throughout the French em¬ pire, and was received with great joy. Nothing had tranfpiitd from the French government, relating to American affairs af¬ ter the receipt of the Prefident's proclama¬ tion : and no change was known to have ta- ken place fiace our laft advices. FROM SOUTH AMERICA. Baltimore, January 23.—By the fchr. Exprefs, fiom Rio Janeiro, arrived yeiler- day, we learn that no official news of impor¬ tance from River of Plate, hid reached Rio Janeiro for fome time ; the lated accounts were to November 20. Prvate letters dat¬ ed that the inhabitants of Chili had followed the example of thofe of Buenos Ayrea in e- leCvlmg a Junta. The troops of the latter had arrived at Jujeoy, and were received with open arms. The governor of Para¬ guay, who was marching to Santa Fe, had returned to his government, finding the in- Captain Ropes, of the fhip Ameriea, arri¬ ved at New-York from Gibraltar, informs that on the 10th of December, a detach¬ ment of about I2CO French troops took pof- feflion of St. Roqtie. At the fame time, a- nother detachment of French troops drove in feveral fmall parties of Spaniards near Al- gefiras, but did not take that town.' ----------------------- Ext rati of a letter from a merchant of high re- JpeBabiliiy in the city of New-Tork. tk It is with great Satisfaction I inform thee that the commifiioners, who explored the country from the Hudfon to lake Erie, to afcertain the mod eligible route for the contemplated canal, will make a favorable report to the legiflature at the commence¬ ment of their next feflion ; and a more im¬ portant fubject will never be difcuiTed in any deliberative body m the United States, as it refpects the internal improvement of the country. It is to be hoped all will unite, and that the voice of patriotifm will alone be heard on this momentous occafion. From the different furveys that have been made, it appears that lake Erie is about 540 feet above the level of the Hudfon, and it is certain that there is water fuflicient upon all the fummit levels to feed the canal in its courfe through the country ; confequently, though a gigantic work, it would be eafily atchieved, if earneftly undertaken by con- grefs or the government of this flate ; and the expenie, it is fuppofed from an eflimate itnafie, wTFl not cxceerlt 4 ot 3 -nktlfliWu tl»<A'i-«'>'-. The canal will probably commence at To- mewanta creek, and proceed through the Cenefce country, where, 1 am told, the fur- veyor lalt employed, fays he can run for 60 miles without a lock. It will Crofs the Ge- nefee iiver,, a little below the high falls, or fome ditlanqe above ; in facl, wherever the ground is found bell calculated for the pur- pofe ; and thence to the neighborhood of Farmington, Ontario county ; thence to Cayuga outlet ; and thence (paffing by the falt-works to the fouth fide of Oneida lake) to the mouth of Wood creek ; thence up to the Mohawk river, and down to the Hud¬ fon, at or near Albany." On the 23d ult. as the four horfe flage from Vermont to Albany, was eroding the river at Troy, the ice fuddenly gave way, arid the horfes and Mage went down. The driver fortunately efcaped. TO BE SOLD, THE une run, (., >* ,-••, ,., M th„ p.,rrh-,f-r, rhe whal?) of that VALUABLE STONB HULL in M irvftu-g, wirh tw 1 run ot {tones fit for buiinefs, one /up- tine ar.d tw > common bolts, and four hun¬ dred ..ere, of LAMP, wih a.mut 30 acres improved. On the premilis, near the mill, is a jped dwell«ag- h/bfi.', wi;h thice rooms and a kitchen on the lower floor, dud a c»A«efii at hoofr nearly adjoiiiin •. far a miller; alio a liable and horfr-Aed....hclQagjng to tbeeftate of the late Peter Van AtiTijiE,' Efq. defeated. The fituariors is fo well known that it is thought unnec fl"»y to give a fonhtt defcriptiun, Tbofe wh-M may ivilh m puninf- will pleafe 10 ap^ ply to Thomas Darlakd, Ei'q. Adolphuitown. COaNELlDi VAN ALSI1NE, ) r . GEORGE W.MEYRES, .Extmlon. . Feb ua'v II 1S11 s IT 03* TO B£ SOLD, THAT vafukkle ftaioei far a Merc h ant or Tav¬ ern-Keeper in chfr rowr,fhic> of Frederick!- burgh, bordering on the L'fle Creek, near B.radfhaw'ft Mil!. The property cpififts in 3 neat Dwelling- houfc,painted Spaa:ihb»aw::: forty-five feet in ler>?th and Went J-fix feet wiuc/mciudtng a gallery in f.Oftt, which runs tne whole length of the houfe ; the vmh and partition^ are all bui't of found burnt bricks a good brick chimney with fwo firr-pl^ces: there a.e five 10 ,ms on the lower ftoor, and onf bed room on th- feeond, LHccwJfe, a good l*»g flore huuf. and a h^rle 0-thip, and upward* of rwo hundred dCTes of moft EXCELLENT LAND, bounded on ;h: weft fide by rhc LiUic Cr'-ek, and en the call fide by Lhe ea(t half of Urt No. 1 Js pending from the King's hi^hwiy fbutheiiVji d> w 1 w r^U the B*y Crr-cK". *^# For hi th»r ^art?cu!?.**s apply to Ioseph Foa- BTTAtBfa. Kin^ilon,or td-tKe fubferiber ar *I hurl >w« j$thN'wm u.io. JAMES McKABR. BAGG & HAGA8, XAVE jviit received fiom Londjh, and offer for fal itt Oftft Hat Store & Factory, AV. 100 St. Paul Si*ctf, Montreal^ mxt door fouth of A'L.frs. Beihzes* Gates £? Co, A General Alignment i>r Gentlemen's fin0 Beaver Hats ; Gtk W«er Proof, Leghorn aid Willow do.; Ladies and Ch.id^n's beaver and ftrany Bo'KM^TSfof the lateft fafhions and hrP: quality. Alco, Military Folding Hais, elegantly Ct'mmcd ; Hat Tr mrnaig', &C.&C. which wer.j: tmuortrd upon as Ltcod *cr.n?> and wol \*z fo'd a^ cheap or c^c-pez tiilo can be bottghi in the country. The/ Iuve a f> a variety of Hats of their owrt make, winch rhey a»e willing ro warrant ro be as durable as any ^v^ offered for fale in Canada. Orders from the country ihankfully received and ftr ftty atrended ro. %• CASH paid for FURS. Montr eal, Nov. 20, 1810. 10 tf . brio- 'By the fliock both name- W*N*» ^^Y Me W^^affifthim "«g« J)y me liu.a. uw no doubts were entertained of llie ukim diately went down, md7 iameMa- ble to add, the crews of both vef- fels periflied. The greater part of the gun-boats and armed yeffels in the bay, preparing for an expedi¬ tion, are alfo faid to have beeji loft. The number of men that periflied exceeds feven hundred. i)VQi'rencD troups '.as latciy matte >■■■■ i.^r^- "ice in the euvlrcns of MarbeUa, upon the aijlh f which they probabh iiediiate afeeond att^c,-. %UAtfMi Dec. 8.'—-/-/ My of ahttt ■I500 French troute las latch made its appear- * ... / O ' or, tfivincb they p. & M.frigate Tupait and feveral Spani/h arm. dfi'.ps thai are at anchor on thai part of the W?ft by their fire contribute fQ I't'p ilk enemy at ZrcfpeclnUc di/larv. M'ljfcna's tri'iu.d r.port to Bonner??, 'J thhttte uj Bufaro, has been tniac-pud. re Mi, that Is 'had hi ytto n] his gallant jd- timate fuccefs of the Juntas The naval force from Montevideo h^d raifeJ the blockade of Bu¬ enos Avres f >r a few days, when feveral A- tnericait vcffrla had got into the port ; it had again returned* with a firm determination to exclude all vefi'cls except thofe bearing that flag, (Britiih) to which ptrmiffion had been granted to enter by an arrangement with admiral de Courcey, of the Fourdroy- ant 7-1- Mr. Blodget,ofWafhington,eftimatesthe pvefent number of the inhabitants of the Uni¬ ted States and territories, at 6,955,000, which is three perfons to each mile ; annual births, 300,000; annual deaths 190,000; dwellinghoufes, 1,275,000; colleges, 25; academies, 74 ; improved land, 40,950,000 acres ; horfes, 1,400,000 ; horned cattle, 3,760,000; tons (hipping, 1,250,0005 im¬ ports, 54,000,000; exports,dls. 52,200,000; bank*,"^; bank capitals, 55,000,000 ; cuf- tonvhoufe bonds, 9,600,000 ; total valua¬ tion of the United States, 2,510,000,000. _o + o— MARRIED, At Erneft Town, by the Rev. Robert M'Dowell, Mr. Simonds to Mifs Betfey Sharp, both of that place. Houfe BrUdlr.g andPmivfg. THE Tu •JvjiS'-ioh«-r<rb- gUc notice t«> the 1flhab», irants of K'^.^iVon, Emcftown, Adolphuftowi . and other adjoining pi .c- , ttut the-, intend ro emp'oy the n^xt frafor. 19 th s vie n.tv, in PslINTING HOUSES, oucfioe and i <fi le, Pa'cnt Painting of Rooms, &c. a'." th- bufinefs of HOUSE CARPEN¬ TERS and JOINERS. Their wovk will be exe¬ cuted with ncirnefiand difpa'tch. AopUcaron rmy be inade at thfi dw«iling-lioufe of Mr.. Stoughton. innkeeper, in K;ingfton, Mr, jM*s Dell, in Erncf- town, or Mrs. DouGtAf, innkeeper, in Aiolchuf- town. NATHAN WHEELER, N.v. 20, 10jo. ANDREW PICKENS. JAMES ROBINSON, Infpcclor of Pot & Pearl Ajbet, R K IN G3TON : T U 5. SD A V, F*&$8 OJtRT I2,l8ll. E3PECTFULLY informs the deal- ____ers in pot & pearl afhes, that he now occupies a part of the ft ore near his reii- dence belonging to Richard Cartwright, Efq. where aflies will be inlpeded with the great- ell attention and difpatch. Kingston, Feb. \i, l8ll. *26 Writing and Wrap- ping Paper for file at this Oflice. •_________ The fubferiber re- turns his fmcere thanks to his friends and the public for paft favors, and informs them that he has on hand a large quantity of BOOTS,—Men's, Women's and Children's SHOES,—So\c and Upper LEATHER— a few pair of Caft-lron SLEIGH-SHOES, and a genera! afibrtmentof DRY GOODS and GROCERIES—which he will fell at a very reduced price for cafh or produce. RICHARD SMITH. Kingston, Dec. II, 1810. ffJThehigheft price given for good Elour 12 tf NOTICE ■ From the Mobile, the editor of the Nation For Sale, at the Kingston Mills, Boards and Plank of IS hereby g'ven to all ttmfe indebted to the fubferiber, for Carding IVooI or Dreffmg Cloth, that uulefs they fettle their accounts immediately, they will be put to trouble and coil. DANIEL K1NGSBERY. Napanc Mills, Jan. 19,1811. t22 al 1 melligencvr ha, accounts to the ,d ul- ^ ' ^ ;ces t'imo. At that time Captain Crames had ar- 1 ___ lived at half a mile north of the town, and arfdrcfied a letter to the Spanifh comniand- ant of fort Charlotte, who declined giving up the forttefs ur.u) he. had heard bom ha N. B. No credit will be given, but Produce of every kind taken in payment, at a feat valuation. Jan. 22. (U9) WANTED, A YOUNG Man, ahout 14 or 15 years IX < * a^» to att*w' in a 1tvV-v ' B00^ rc" commendations will be requited. Inquire cr the Printers. Jan. 1 tf