Kingston Gazette, January 29, 1811, p. 1

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*• J r~ KIMGSTON; (UPPER CANADA,) *{Mft ,-•*— *— •■* ** i ABBOT & BASCOM, Have i«lt received and are now opening for fale, at their Store in Kingston, . A ySRT GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FALL and WINTER GOODS : AMONG WHICH ARE THE FOLLOWING ! UPERFlNE,fecond&" " ' " " i lowpric'd Broadcloths Foreft Cloths Hunter's do. Scarlet do. K°rfeys, C-ifiimeres Baizes & Flannels Carpeting Fluifaings & Blankets l?iain & twill'd Velvets Thickfetts Genoa Cord Blue & drab Jerfey Knit Swanfdown, worked Cord, Toilinett & Merfailles Vetting Salifbury Flannel China blue Furniture Chintz do. Ditto Fringe Silk 8c co-ton Bandanna Handkerchiefs Black&figu-edSilkdo. men & cotton pocket do. Silk & cotton Shawls Printed & plain Bomba- zettes Calimancoes &Durants Witobojes Silk, lamb's wool, wortled & coiton H>fe Lamb's wool Gloves Worftcd do. Red and blue Caps Rooe Patterns Fancy Glngh'arns '■ Calicoes , Pimitieo Colored Ss'wbire Mufiins |jpan*d, t'eeded, do'ted & ^"figut'dbik. 3c while do. Lenoes & Laces Cotton Sewings White & cMor'd Thread Tapes &fhirt Buttons Brfack, purple, blue, pink, brown, buff, and flate color'd Carnbricks White Cotton 3'rlpcd ariwetfci a* Cotton Sbirimg linings f»«W* Brown Holland t Silk & Cotton Umbrclia- gttins, LuiVmgs Tatlitiea. Sarcenets Silk & fwift Black, blue, fcarlet&d^ pflilTe Cloths Ditto Cor.^s i Ditto Trimmings . ------- t^DTTPQ^ A general affortment of DRUGS & MEDICINE—among which are— &•# <W ' Cinnamon Htrim do. Skers's Opodeldoc Ejence Peppermint *> Mujlard n Tiurgamot things Worm dc/lroy- ing Lozenges Godfrey's Cordial Jefuift Drops • At tk shn of m 54, Biack, p«ip'?3 liar-& hot- tie green FcMTe Velvets Jamaica Spirits S*. Croix do* Frerrch Bandy Holland G^n Port Wine L- P, Tmetiffe do. Shrub HyfwOj hyfonfkin & fir— gio Teas Pepper,A;lfpice & Ginger Muicovaio fu&ar Raifins <k Tigs Almonds, Currants Tamarinds Honey Indigo, Fig Blue Starch & Soap Plug, roil & frnoking Tobacco Cigars, and Rappee fouff Upper Leather Morocco do, Calflkins Men's ihoes Coarfe Boots Blkt blue, purple? red Sc printed Morocco ihoes Selefted Books Youth's & children'sdo% A General AflWcmrnt »F Hardware , Cutle¬ ry, ChockerYi and Iron Hjllow Ware Bar Iron Anvil?, V;;es B lifter & Crawlev fteel H >t(z & pocka riftois Shovels & fpacies Frying Pans Noils 6X8, 7X9, 7AXS-5, and 8X10 NV:nduwG;aJ3 Tlvirmonvters Prated fours Gun Powder Shot & Bar Lead Military Silk water proof FuiVioil Server V-rTATS Caltor Roram Men's & boy's ft It do. Do. do. fine Ciroics Leather Caps for child;en Hat (crews Lawn Hit Covers Boft twillf..! filfc do. Lad es' faftiionable Beaver Bonnets Ditto low priced do. MONTREAL Hat Warehouse; Military Bat* No. :Ohl Marlet Place. JAEE'Z 0. t>E WITT, OST refpectfully informs the Public, 2.YJ. that he has on hand a moil extenfiv^ and complete affortment of HATS, HAT TRIMMINGS, &c. &c. Amongst 'which are. Moll fuperb Military Hats, with orm- ments complete. Gentlemen's mqfl'fajljionahle Beaver Hats. Do. Betweeos do. Do. Yeoman crowns do. do. k fuperfine green under do. Do. drab do. do. do. Do. black do. extra large brims do. Do. drab do. do. Bt!! black water proof Elk v do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do Ditto green under do. Do. drab do. Do. do. green under filk Do. ' cafcor Roram do. Plated do. Gentl's varnifhed leather Hats for travelling. Servants' ditto do. Boys' Morocco Hats of all color*. Do. do. Caps do. Mens* & Boys' fine Cordies. Do. common do. Do. Wool Hats of every defcription. Gold and liiver tinfel Cord Bands. Common do^ do. White and yellow tinfel Cord Binding. Coarfe and fine Bowftrings* Morocco of all colors fuitable for Hats. Fancy Tip Paper, do. do, Beit and common Glue. Logwood, C^ppeias, Verdigris. Aquafortis Oil of Vitriol, Clothiers' Jacks. Hart e rs'* d o. — R aiS n <x Card s. Hit BtT.fhes of all kinds in ufe. Hatter's Irons, Stampers, Runners down, Picket*, 8te, Sv:. Uv.t .heav. Hats 3c Bonnets, ' do. & children's do. PROVINCIAL PARLIAMENT OF LOWER CANADA. ■ .-------o------ * HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Monday. December 31.—r-Jofeph Munier, Efq. member for Effingham, took his feat in the houfe. The bill for applying a fur¬ ther fum of money towards the building and completing the Montreal jail, was read the third time, paffed, and ordered to the legif- lative council. A bill to continue the a<5t ratifying the provifional agreement with Up¬ per Canada, was read a fecond time, and re¬ ferred to a committee of the whole houfe, which obtained leave to fit again on Friday. —The houfe then went into committee on the bill from the legillative council relating to forging and counterfeiting, which com¬ mittee obtained.leave to lit again on Wed- nefday, to which day the houfe adjourned. IVcdntfday, January 2.—The houfe went into committee on the bill from the legisla¬ tive council for the more eafjr difcovery of buyers and receivers of Helen goods ; which committee rofe without.alking leave to fit again. The bill from the legislative coun¬ cil relating to forging, &c. was referred to a committee of five members, and the houle adjourned till Friday. Friday, 4.—The houfe went into a com¬ mittee on the bill to continue for a limited time the aft to ratify and confirm the pro¬ vifional articles of agreement entered into between the refpeftive CommifTioners of this 4 Wednejday, 9.—A mefTage was received from the legiflative council, acquainting the houfe that the council had,paffed the bill for ratifying the provifional agreement with Up¬ per Canada, without amendment. The houfe went into committee on the a- mendments reported yefterday, to the bill for erefting a houfe of induftty at Montreal, and the confideration of the lall amendment was poflponed to Saturday. The committee of the whole houfe on the bill to provide more amply for the fupport of prifoners for debt, reported, and obtained leave to fit a- gain on Friday. ,, The bills for the fupport of foundlings, &C and continuing the militia aft, were Tead a fecond time, and referred to a com¬ mittee of the whole houfe on Friday. • The fecond reading of the Montmorency bridge bill was poflponed to Friday. . . province and Upper Canada, reported the Entered, . . 635 Tonna fame with the blanks filled, which being a- New veffels built here, 26 Ditto, 1 <• • t 1 M 1 1 La dies' mojll jajhiancUi viz. White do. Maids Light lawn Drab Hair, brown Olive Purple Blue And Green do. do. d o. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. ■ do. do. do. do. do. Cephalic Swiff" ^ Be fined LJquoricei Sel Poinent Saltpetre Wind/or Soap Gold Leaf Silver do. Ivory Blach Black Lead HAT TRIMMlNGSr-viz. Pir.k Linings Green Linings Red do. White do. Change do. Blue do. [peryd. Yellow do. 1/6103/9 Hat Covers of every kind in ufe. BINDINGS. Bed military bindings for cocked hats ; Black Galloons from to/ to 30/ per Grace Church's Cough Drops Anchovies Balfam Honey Ketcoup Hooper's Female Pills Pink Rnot AnderJon's Scotch do. Court Ptajlcr James' Analeptic do. £?? I Bilious do. Coifs j Sugar Candy Flor Sulphur Gum Camph* 1 Wheaton'sjaun. Bitters Barky Sugar Imperial'Tooth powder Teeth Injlruments Lipfahe Nutmegs Cloves Btft drab do. Com. do. do. Bell black and drab Bands; Common do. do. White and black worded Loopin'g ; Common white Hat Buckles ; fteel do.- Yellow Union ditto ; white do. do. Cords and Tafielsl of all fizes & colors, for Fancy Trimmings \ Ladies' Bonnets. Extra large Cords for Ladies' Pelifies. Fafh. fancy Trimmings for do. [Bonnets. Flumes of all colors,for Ladies' & Children's All of which will be fold at the mod reduced prices, for cafh or fnort and ap¬ proved credit. Montreal, Sept. 10, 1810. ltf SHERIFF'S SALE. Midland DifiriaA t>Y virtue of a Writ to <wit. 3 JL3 of Fieri Facias, iflu- ed out of his Majeily's Court of King's Bench, and to me direfted, a gain ft the lands and tenements of James North, at the fuit of James Robins, 1 have feized and taken in execution lot number twenty-fix on Weft Bay, in the townihip of Maryfburgh, county of Prince Edward, and diftrift aforefaid, con- Crown Lancets Common do. They have likewife rented the New Store belonging to Mrs. Finkle, in Erne/town, where they are now opening a General AiTortment of DRT GOODS* GROCERIES, HARD WARE, and CROCKERT : all of which will be fold remarkably low, for prompt pay only. Cafh, Pot & Pearl Afhes,Wheat, Flour, Potk, Furs, Butter and Cheefe re- ecived in payment. 0- Conftant attendance will be given at each place ; orders from gentlemen of the faculty attended to on the (horteft no- OI rnuLC ^Uv>..v.,--------- tice ; and medicine put up in the bed order. ^ by admealurement ^Wredac^ November i* 1810. « a'ud an improvement of ^^^aeresj^e Northrop, Wolcott cif Abbe* E removed from No. 54 St. Paul Street to No. 102, one door North of Meflrs. Bellows, Gates Si Co. ▼•here they have a General Adortment ot DRY GOODS on hand, which they offer ■* fale on rcafouable terms. N. W. & ABBE. Mmtrwl, 1 &l Sept. 1 8 i o. * tf tbe highett bidder, at the gaol J°* « *5 town of Kingttoo, on the tdth cay of April Zi, * the hour of ten o'clock in the fore- noon A.danype.fonorpe.fonsv^omay £« »y cMm to L above ment.oned pr^m- rf«,eithe« by mortgage or otherw.fe, are re qilcited to make the fame known to me be far* th" day of fale. . . - CHARLES STUART, Skrtf. Shrift (&!*> Onobcr 9, 1010. 3" '^r^d to, it was ordered that the faid bill be engroffed. Mr. Papineau jun. from the Committee to whom the petition of James Struthers and Robert Gilmore, executois of the laft will of John Conrad Marfteller, had been referred, r-'ported a bill agreeable to :he prayer of (aid petition to eftabfift a houfe of induftr.y with¬ in $bt£ cVly *A ^t./i.'oviul, •»<1i.aOii (Ul'1,01 k^u received and read for the fir ft time. ' Mr. Papineau, fen. from \he committee to whom the petition of the debtors confined in the Montreal jail, was referred, reported a bill to provide more fully for the fupport of prifoners confined for debt, which faid bill Was received and rtad a fir ft time. A committee was named to examine the act to provide returning officers, and the a£t for regulating the trial of contelled elections, and to inquire and report, if any, and what amendments may be neceflaiy to the fame. Saturday, 5.—Mr. Bourdages, from a fpe- cial committee to whom was referred the en- grofled bill from the Legiflative Council, for preventing the falfifying and counterfeiting of foreign bills of exchange &c. reported the fame with feveral amendments, which were, with the bill, committed to a committee of the whole houfe ; and the houfe being re- fumed, feveral amendments were reported, which beir>g agreed to, they were ordered to be engroffed. . An engroffed bill to continue for a limited time the a& to ratify and confirm the pro¬ vifional articles of agreement, entered into be¬ tween the commiffioriers of this province and Upper Canada, relative to duties, was read a third time, paffed and ordered to the Legif¬ lative Council. It was refolved to refer to a committee of nine members, the ac\s of the legislature a- bout to expire, with power to report by bill. Monday* 7,—The houfe was occupied with clofed doors on matters relating to priv¬ ilege, and afterwards adjourned for want of a quorum. Tuefddy, 8.-—The bill to eftablxfh a houfe of induftry at Montreal, was read a fecond time, according to order, and referred to a committee of the whole, which reported, and t*ie queftion of concurrence wafc ordered to be put on the faid report to-morrow. The bill to provide mote fully for the fupport of prifoners confined for debt, was read a fecond time, and refenedto a com¬ mittee of the whole to-morrow. Mr. Papineau, fen. from the fpecial com¬ mittee on expiring laws, reported a bill for the relief of foundlings and infane perfons, which was tead for the flrft time, and order¬ ed to be read a fecond time to-morrow. Mr. Papineau, from the fame committee, alfo presented a bill to continue for a limited time, an aft for the better regulation of the militia, Sic. which was read for the fir ft time and ordered to be read a fecond time to-mor- A committee of feven members was ap pointed to enquire if any amendments are ne- ceffary to the ftatute laws of this Province which direft the proceedings in courts of ju¬ dicature. . ^ .. A bill to continue the feveral laws for the regulation of the Police, &c, was read for the firft time, and ordered to be read a fec¬ ond time on Saturday, and then the houfe adjourned till Friday. ...... - * Port of Quebec—Experts in 181 o. * * * * "Veffels cleared out, 661. Tonnage, 143,893. Men, 6,578—viz. Entered, 635 Tonnage, 138,057 , 661 I70860 Bufliels wheat Criblings ditto Barrels floor Cwt. Bifcuit Bufhels pcafc 143.89$ 40 12519 16467 18928 866 98 8584 1626 S5798 69271 ' .137 3 oats Indian corn ft&xfecd fait Pieces oak timber white pine •walnut maple 6979 Mafts 678 Bowfprits Spars Staves and headings Staves ends ; Pine planks and boards K an dfpikes Oars Pieces lathwood 130510 Weft India hoops 80000 Shingles Pieces fcantling, 2000 teet Butt Pipes Half do. Qr.caflc J [106.584 Barrels pots and pearls wg Tierces pork Bales cotton 8i8t lbs, Horfes 4 Tierces 1 4628 Barrels) 2977 .354 3887306 47515 3I2423 13623 30301 167389 r9 Is 100 5S 5497 1301 , 771 9409 228 3° 8 Mad~ria packs- 2 1 neat , e pork Barrels ) v **» jbeef Hlf. do. $ } 6 10 3 2 2 .3 64 29 1 2 4 25 47 5 21 J070 1181 422 40 £ rounds beef beef ^^r ^^^^^^^^ row. A bill for erefting a bridge o-rje river Montmorency, was read *•■»«■£, "£ ordered to be read a fecond tune to-morrow. 4 Tubs 6 c Kitts Blls. j Hlf. do. J Puncheons "J Hogilieads j Barrels 1 Hlf. do. J- falted tongue; Kegc . Puncheons I ham3 Tierce j Tiercesl hogs cheeks Kegs j B Kegs S Barrels Kegs Boxes ioap ,__ candles Firkins and kegs butte* Barrels 54 Firkins V hOg's lard 53 SelsLcil,itoni96 gallon, Tierces 1 falmon Barrels ) Calks 1 ick1 Barrels ) r Quintals dry cc Hhd«. \bcer Hlf-dd. J X faufages ^ 269 97 15 485 502 44 10 fhh

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