Kingston Gazette, January 1, 1811, p. 4

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' * ; ' 4-3-'--&■ ph)4o.3nomv,lis a&s'her" a previousqiicftjfpfl ;"■'•' ■ " ' ' ' ' ' " ' of two". AW no Lo.:i-ri; he Ganfidctithraf- \ - > .V • • y O 3 ^.-,-:•■ A' v r*«ji G'-Ti T7A. fared th t (he invC^'8-'* lI) - way 0i* the other, '■- ?;d ics her to it. turni !.<- v. i:m Si--- •.■ -.jiilic- bhn wldi complacent looks il,c f;iii»i,Td\r, " fb'ce you lb atbffc me, j*o It fh.*:j-l Lc 5 f<a: you kn&« I never f.ui aflving v<.»in advice, ii»i*t_I: l.i.- <?*otdd i rejesfi .'..— And I v.-ill fay ft, jEpiutim, yti : oevjee STILL t-'n v»'uvv> inrpen^u5 hvop« fWh.H* anyayd ttniw lm r for the hell."— S,"j tii- iW-l "■•'->■:. v- v —-'; -11- » Nor d -:s ti e ••■•. >d inn", md, after !.«-r fcav|,ijr .V :\ '■ [ '\^"J< -I -..L ndc i h« deep Curl;:: ' Un \\* in f"> m a ui.n,!. Nmv t!id mind fo fao fuc^ehVm, Gcnvkrs hope* that ;e:-!.)u futirfis, Vet uVp U'd by f ar's imprieUJuii, A&aln and vet again returns*. II irk ! the fca tic* ri"s anjunus cries, Ajam it rears-------the founds arc pa& ; Mow ii ore loud their fh itts aiu" , Home up* ii thetranlioiL uhdl. vV'.'d c!•'f-11r.y induces error, Fearful calls c< frccHve found, Lou 1, heartc cKes, inrprird by terror, Swell the dreadful cilorU;5 louad. tlu- vi.' mm, fail 1 ■ i/.'a'i.'-'j; to the coropany, ot thi: l.nlti \ \\ti-: - <>! "ins !"j:'iuii-j p:irU-.ulj--- 'iv <»{ [icr h^bitua.l rcadfnefj to bciitl to Ii is raiti.-'iii;. NEW YEAR'S LESSON. NawtliclK&tt fbr|pp jts c^re, Lyil, uoc iMe, nor i u eft fwaTi Eeafon erring co'.nt; defpair, Paints the gravg 111 d :;'i array. Then, ah then, the exiJ'd migv't O.'.jr, the r/.i.'ii misfortune knov.-s ; Death to I:i'ii no hid<ro«s ftranger Ys7ko 1-j lire bat niiiery uwes. NJo".v Ijc roll; b n nili the Ur^tr, S* e h i' iir-vv ths foam d:\idi-, Oil ihs topi.ioll IiC i.•! t iT.^rrr^ Oil its f^aninj;- fninmic ride : Day has lin k, and dim eon^bynded Rocks, -.'..A wares, and dcafti ;»■::fj;J > r.'L/ii »ht av ,!. them, wide faiwiwdci) Wreck and ruiia wait thvir ...,\-. TTIia. h(*eji .conimon for people in tin's t. intl'Vi »):1 N-vv- Year's day, to cjng-ratu- Ja each other w'th mutual wiflles ©fa hao- py pen* year ; rind tjie Monitor, taking the hint from this aucietit cidtom, ivil) ofter a i.w Hi,.! lis and Itifans of advice, which if wi-ii i/t::erv'td, will tend to reader the vcar, thnt we are be?tnahi?i a.i irapro^inata and Co' : '.«:;-i ■..-:: Iy a happy portion of our lives. Br*ijn tin; y< ar w*jlh an impartial review of" ;-..; Ii! -, a \C with a fincere and lirm rsfo- i hat railage in the Un:h chapter of the Rcve- ., jon of St. John,where lie dcieribes n itiigh-ty :v<:cl ebming down frora heaven, with a rain- , }\v on his h-:ad, a book open i;i his liand, ;.-d fetting his right foot upon the fen, and i'J.Uft foot upon the cart It. 1 am quits ar a . ,s how tii CcUcui^.te the extent of (uch a -ride : but I know it immediately lies in the . ie of voni t-ade So toll me, [sow n.any yarj.9 if cJ?»th would make n pan i«f breeches for i.l ;'ii;.-i f" Tl« t li'oi-'s ConfufjOll C >(i; I • \y be ecuiiljcd by the preeipjtaiioti of liis «treat, —>»6PfrfS.,4'd9o»>»- /' S a gentleman with h'w fervant was nd- fg through a river (.::<_• frofty morning, the ^iitleman's hprfe ihm.hi.-d and threw him »ito the water, and then fell to driiikmcf—at vhick tits fervant tau^Ia'd very heartily.___ * Sirrah, do yon laugh at rr,e •" faid t]ie fentleman. t; No ih/' faid ^hc fervant,** I ionft laugh at you, lid I faugh tr tlh-h ymr 1 rfi caiii drink without a /OAST this cold VOfiling. T wo - ROMEO WAJOSWO^TTr^ firm:f Medicines; 50 - Arnarto 2 " G;m s«mmon»f rcc - Aloe* ,T, Aeppo I-"'° * Ouhi Cjm, ho* ««o - -5 • Garitharides «^- Mr, Strachan's Annual tiwtf/rf */' Popular Le8t:res ui Natural 400 - C!oy*-S 3 ?>'15 Crp-|S',n i'«S3 lb. 'i aftaP ^^t a*v • f 1.:- Cliom.-^iit; <0 .. FoJ D'ijJMffs 5° - Cvjn Ammnnvte 1^0 - Gum Arabic Ou^Tugatanth M^nna J-'Q - Nihnegs 0.,ium P>?ru*tan Eaik Jalap powder MRhaBarfi S-ago in grain 75 " do. in powder 3 Tons Glauber Salts 750 - 50 - £t»3 - iOO - 112 - J CO - 7 - ^««A^I»tub 60■■- Tartar Imerfc lati iti tii rcctifv whatever has been unift. ' eawtftvijtuf giumas. Studenls toigfy $ if you haveliitherto been flumSwaiig hi /'" '7 *"$&** Sd-^ *f Ufp* Canada, mdoier^e,, it id now inn- to awake out of mUtM lc **$&/& onegmiica-^T'Ifkmonty ..... »frW?fM»4l to Jth purckifc tffiiati-jL ■ **£*, far the afi 0J mf, ivhoaUshdths Lee /"-.--Cor-vMii, 5rh December, 1810. 30 - Co - 30 - Vitriol Ufn 56 - Tabinca fieep ; for muut i^ to b.edone, wud the tine to do n in is *hort. If the poifr^iitius wer-ifj of vie:-' have h-.n fproutiiig up in ■>,;>■ mtn , refolve n .w to eracli aie theim If you liave 1 •_ -ii addicted ro aajnbi.j- to urofar.e tivcir- t«»g, to uftiig the ctijj of ihtempeiai ce, or to "^Hj: Ibbfcriber in- any other |>ractice liiai degrades the human fl,'m»all thofe ntVo a:v iadcl.t.d to him, that dnnKiu and vvafles the eUate, improve tl.e ' ""^ 1|,(7 li'<l^c immediate payment their J5 • Gum G^J?,oi C,.nCuaicu:n 30 - Verinacilla -8 - Ou^ rV-mb' 3^o - Vicrial Roman :. ^.V- •lumper 56 - do. Alb. ~ -> - Oun.Vr.l Lac 3000 - SafePette ~- - Quia Mnhc J PAT£A r MJ.DJC1NZS. 1 \\ ..: : and wild bine vapo*f« <■].■;.-•, Air-bortie eri a ptivlairii th^ir dv>om, Meteor glcama k.:u ;!..i'. m -,f I.»;•;..t ill-ir pail !-e ;., t!:t: tfur.h. Vain, pnor k.n..- , .'n- di&ia&io.i, l^i, \ 'lit■ t I. ^: • i\ ' > nM. i\\ • 1* V. ;. li^n r lute prej a-v- to .:V. • F.i!': |>cr »r r \.ns f-jp- ,— ■•.». 5,]j'vc, a, j f| 4, -s i?,,p 1 ; .. f-rfn;JT) Ht ",!i ;:■ liis DOE : vi;. d/'s (ircHin \" .n't- the wifhering h«i:d ».i:-.'. r'i : He comes ! He eomes J behold his minions jeering clafp the fmk'n-' eicw, See them from its frail dominions, l>r3g eaeh f^ip in ^ §>tfl to vfeu-. prefeni onpo^jiiriiy t.i break thisjjernicivU.s ij'.ll, .<! 'i to deliver yourlclf from the pic of rnnr. Ii yon fiave hitherto lived in domef- ticju'rs, Lille immediately a tivaiy of p. ace in y .lit nun bouL- ; to yomfcii and fdnu}y ilia is "\ much more importance than evtn tliG v<i.v>-.d liC'-w.t: in Huitme. pay *m and accounts will be out into the hands 0. an attorney. THOMAS COOK. z-5 The fubferib e I'^'-e to infoi r begs i 1 1 . j. • '(1 , .. ', \ w^» V«" 1 DIVERSITY. F;-am :L C0,\ n lcr 1:ut Co;.*?.\ :•;t. «tJadif fas ruLs him. &oer ferns id rrdc." c..-i" vt>ur- ehildrcn in Ituli ;» matiner as tends to !. i i'.j.n t»> the |>i*2Ctice of &w& mo:a'aj '* U .1* aver n n» «r Icaf,^1 ?nd fur the iutu.e Js: ro-ui CaUuvoic and precepts coTubi'ie i'1 * * t.a.i..'. s. them a^j ,11 the way they (iiould go. If)- . have Ik. .j carelrf* or tKiravanant in poini "f cconomv, begin a new coni'.-.- — il.n... ber thit four peticj faytd every day, \.:'A : ,:.un : to more than fix pound., at the '.-.>" • .' the yea.-. R -g;: stc yr\:\-.:-. pes ifes aecording to your income : :fthi.t be fmall, carefully ihidy e- C'.»uo!.:y, ::d let i:iduit; y fupply thcdtficien- cy 1!" \ ou are one of the Ton, or a leader cf fafliions, try, for once, to make good mor¬ als fjlhiuiiable. It you have been railed to Kave to inform the Public, that he has fcft ,...., ,.; Jai,lh:,.sfor^le? at the Store lately articles-d hY Mt- -^ ^o.j'c.v, the following mgh g^adoths, KcrfeyinereSjGoat- dmoy, ^ rJ1(J cotton Velvet, Dimity, Cer- whita a.^wanfdown and Patent-cord Veftinirs B-alfaai of H n^y Du'i'-n of Oii&ul Baternri'ii's D ops Boitccfc's l »..;.,- Bow.Jen*s WB* PlaJ/lfif Brie ft Oil Cephalic Snuft' Corn Plii.lcr CuurtfticJcirg Puipjst Daffy', El •> , Date)', CaMnhiai'ive Eari's Rt-nic.iy fo, r.a- £nrnee t. ,, " P-. I'.r.„}11>J, **»«'■ naI/ait «r »,.-:)...„ »*', do, '•' Goafrey's Coiaial tj'owi'tf.nd's Lctic-a in.'.-oer's Pil.s ja^j'^.n-ilrocic Pills do- F« verPowdet jctuti's .Oropts t- 9 «id true .Ciue d*». Ma.-keen Dye IVt'a^nc/ia Losengea 0,mrl:iik Medione Jvtri..<.d Liquorice Sceei-\ Oj>od Iqcc Stooij'hrort's Elixir Tmci- Baric, rkxhem** 'J uiln .? onN BjUjio - £uLa-.c'« ct MulU.-J I IUC£ T C 0 L 9 ?\ S. O- hakSM Cotton H"d!vfuh^ j» ; Camels' pjwr Mittu I;cc'i My Mills; ^o - i Lr^mbnc^ Gi-ng F o awy conilderable oulce, ccnudtrr tflat your '-•::- IN my whole pil«rnmas:c through ]ire, ample will tend either to punfV or to poiibn nen lia- k■.;; a j.«nr.ny ccnfidcr;»h3y ior-, th: manners of others ; and tfiat wyou let I never have met wh!i a couple wbo drew rn ill example, yon will be anivveiab.e even together rn the connubial yoke more harmo- niouily, than my mtimate friend Epi^raim Weekly and Snfan his wiil-. Ephnym, tho' a pattern of rood nature, h9 not with [land- m$9 rcmarka! ]y tenaciens cfhi) rfehts, and ft*r its lcmt.tcit coiifcqucnces. It you are rich, open your heart to d«*r dss of charily and benevolence. 'Extend a liberal hand to the children of need, that the bleffings < <i tucii as are ready to perilh may con e upon you -ta MO } •".-'V'il \ f ■ ' » I ' ' " * ;;:rxCs, u-iinky. ieneniie ana .TIT * tvires, ou$ntr, teas, •ioosee.r>, bin re, ,. ' Radius, Lhoco'ati, black andporpie Mote c„ - .; • r f, r -GO OK1U9, Ceal Gc '.-'.nkt cnv.o, b.'.oej, n "' ndei5, Oiive Oil, Sionglitpn^s bottcij, ,, J rOTj x iwlmstoiva JjaUam, jettence oi t-j .'. r)» X-einon, Derg?mot, jLeppcrmint, ___. . m St Britifh Oil, Opodeldoc', Arnatto^ ' . " or Soap, Nails e; Hardware of varioua r_,pttons. —A! so — y,'-.-. fbflo-A-Iiig BOCKS s—Mnu r ,s iviemo,,-.—Junius5 Letters—Amen- ™V.:..iv—Cl.uh-i Tu,-.lfr.h_Elizabeth Yellow OtJire P.i-Uan Blue, No. 1,2, J" Rvi; p;„fc L'" 'ecu ;:r >ne Bl^e, BJatffe Wfthc Chak Red _ art. Car/.line F-akv White :i. fi S . '■ i .0,:. 1 .. !- T ^ 1 • L>scnp buck EtT. Anchovss S .. c: Royal Civice A^otScc-'ry fta!cs a.»u Ptwr-r fyringea Cc^i.; i- / . Pencrta ,« 1 S A V C E S. Cliciokcd Siuce Incia 2oy Mulhtoorn I^etchup ?I1VIM N 1 4 i^H5 *_■ . i- ?.' e r: U- ^ p. M w tars Te-;b Bruihe-j Wafers* fujjerfine \Vu>c; leafing fu|jcrfihe -iu for Wi'ot \V,4i« IrstLet Skins ■ Pewter Caiice Mta^ures Vvmdtbl fcap ^ L S 0, ico Kegs White lead, GbocoUte I . rne ; ?md tit- n, on the lalt day of tln'o year, mou educed prices for cam. indeed Hie has told me heifelf, over and peaceful reactions will Lethe your mind ; ovei again, andm las hearing,tliat fbi whole or even M death ihould inltrvenc before the H. C. THOMSON. A- --•/';/:, Dec. t-8, 1 Sic. 13 it ^■-ANK HALF PAT BILLS, h^r * lale at the Gazette Piinthijr.Office* *" iliu|» furwVtuTe, viaUal. Mth & P.ime Pork forced, a var.rry ut'fur- P!u>j cf; PigraiI Tobacco tjtju'i initr.umsnts. Peeper, AUipke ON liAND, C,eT<-e, Loaf fagar O jr.noe/J :r, "^ T'\i^ther W'th a General Hvh.n, I AlTotcm. i»t Dyestttfi, Voacg Hyfor., (-r- ,- P?.pss 1jape»s, Tek. x"^4 T£» Hcoks, JACXS, • Ml words ; and partiv fro i? A G G I)c:lij Swift and the junior. A TAILOR, ctrown tired of hi? fhra* har»ru, where he had lone been hatch!hit f.i- V HylGAR, Hat Si Souchong, 1 &c. - . ,C3 r/^ a 0?^ g? ration board, where he had long been hatcfli««g U- -- . .„ $,, >^ .& ^ /3! i.n,-vatious, took a bold fpriag from G ^,. 5a.^ ^ ^ ^ ■^* ^ hisn-atto the pulpit, ancl&on acquired great ^ c•^I.-V::[:,Cme"t^t:.'0*f»tlen.«,rs s.J-B.*-Aw* popularity by Ioquaoious canting* Elattd with the {uecrf.i cf his harangues among- the ftvinijh tTiukhudc, he took it h\to his head to attempt the criii'verfibri of '.he Dean of St. P?tnclv3 to the faith. Swift, who was vary eaiy of acec f.:, one morning while in UU Ihkly ! ' -•'••.• a J few thro^h a glaf,<l6or ivhkh openea into J^J, "Wi ^ l"'Z^ ", Jj^'fe", "'vn '"' anti-chamlxr, Ins feoiman conducing u ;;^«v«"!i«j,,Ul!;in(; "■ rtV the tailor, who had a <yreat bible under his ai-m, and who, on being admitted, thus an- nonuced his purpoC^ : M X am com.," hud lie, ni" w'whrV. -■•.'"• -j tj m the r i.wn ct 1 *,,* Co m Mission Bur, in ess tramacted »n the ufual termo, and Cafli advanced on any kind of Produce and other property left with him. Montreal, Sept. 15, 3 S10. 1 I tf d3 TO BE SOLD, PTpHAT v na*btr ftand for .1 Merchant ovTat- .?]. r k :; -K E e P n ?. in thc row•.iliip of Irrcdefickf- burgh,borff<»iijig onitetf Lie:I?.Crude, near BradiTiaw* Miir, Th« ptoperty coafi-its in 3 neat Pweiling- b 'VIV, painted SpaniJUbrown, jfcifty-fivefact in l«"?ta and fw?at)~fiJC f-. : wi.i**,'n.ciu-tins a ^aJleiy to f<«* whu M :ur.. tftf! wiiule It.ngth dt the houf« i lh« Wj» and p»ttittno5 (tie all built «.f found burnt bridt? a gfod bncfc ci.' with two r^rr-pluces: t^*15 an: five r > ,ms on ih« ».iwwt 0, a»J one bed rtf»» on the iVc.Mi.l. L k -v/ilc, a gbo'd J«»g Core houff ««• a h .n- ft?hi^, ai'nl »n-*»»fd< of two hund.eJ ae'cs ' '"•n zjrcauEx-rr L.-iyD, u-oniicd on »h= »•* hv r-Ki I .• . t • ..1. . . .1 .. . u- ,. »«4 fide bV '■ rYl ,ni For nilaWi - r. . ^ - -^ JW li:uuu:\ iu remove rn vr pcrpu.:; '• »*' • • ' • *-* • - A ,,, ,., .-*,*--«. . .- ..-, •,, a. \.u,V£'fa*; «•«■»»*, «f«^«t'hUwy t«ft*nt/pTfc, t.r. «« ...:: '.; .■'■•■■ :...';:■. ,::ry.:: R» mower y kundall.- • • '...',!-... ..|'-';:'!V" "■ ;.'l'-«.'!> rcild i„ lWrtu,„,v-,.iUu,.!,. I"* • • !• ,,..,.,,■' l|1'!', 'i* '[fiWrnm, Hl.,M »M»*W " "' ^««^«i«^iP«k«m wi. V.-,,. '■••■■-/:.,„•■'.'.••• •:■•...,.•..•....,-.,..... • -.ll;-,-/f^ ' '.. w y . ., ^.. J itjl >t not****

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