vol, vi. no: as. CLEVELAND. O.. SEPTEMBER 18.' 1884, 12.00 Pn Auxin/ Swam Coniu J G*XTI AMVm TEE-LUKES. CLRVEUND. Tho IKo saverr-tind the plcusiino of going to tho rescue oL tho Ineflloent ciowofthe yncht Pnvis.. I Freight rutes uro firm nt 50 cent" on coal 8t)@85 and 1.00@1^)5, on ore from Escannba and Marquette respectively. The Globe Works under nn order from Col. Poo, United states Engineer, lire pro paring Iron plntlng fur u Mli'blgnn bieak- wnter. The thg" Qunyle, which Jiae been burning a great qunntlty of good quality con), bad n net of yEtna slinking grates put In this tyeek. She will herenfter burn (1.10 coal. Mr.-P. Houghton, who is publishing un agricultural paper, the Tennessee Farmer, nnd who was formerly publisher nt tlin Reg ohd, Is In- Cleveland, visiting friends. , Mr. IT. D. Root of Loralp will-soon begin building u harbor tug for Messrs. Edson and Nichols of Vermillion. Sue will be 55 leot over all 12j2' feet beam and 0 feet hold. At Qlobo drjdnok since our lust icport tho propeller R. 6. Hayes had licr bnts cfclkcd; the tug Wm.Gooi|now hud some calking nnd Blight repairs, and the steiiniynoht Cyclone got a new wheel. The mammoth schooner Davin Pows wns due nt this port last night, but up to this timejBhe has not put In an appearance. She Is to load coal at Tod. btaiiibaitgh A, Co.'s yard, ■> Thrsohooner Atmosphere, en route fiom Sandusky to Detroit with coal, went ashore on Middle Gtouild and was pulled oil by the tugs Mystic and Myi lie. She was not dam¬ aged and went on Inn (jlp On another pigo will be found a Well ex¬ ecuted out of a "dlvei " Tills, however, Is not tho kind of diver that usually enters in¬ to the marine wrecking buslne-s. with ar¬ mor on, but If any of our rendt'is want a cut with the armor they caji bo gialllltd by .the artist of the cut referred to Flie rovenuo cutter I'eiry which taiiiu Into port I'uosda), Is lying bulilml I lie bleak, water,. That probably accounts, for the fact inat tho vessels Seeking shelter al tills pint last night did not attempt to cntti iln-ru. The lower bridge tendeis, however, wero kept very busy. We think It Is snfe to say iliat no vessel can conic the dodge on, the Clevelauil break water that the jumping schoonei at Chicago did, as no one has yot 'been able to get any where near it ill a gale. It Is believed that if a vessel were headed directly for the end of tho breakwater It would be impossible in strike It, owing to tho current. Preparatory to getting away, jcsteiday the steamer Smith Mooro done, slight dam¬ age to the schooner M. S. Bacon, striking' her on the starboard bow. Captain Wu. Morse of the Arm of Morloy A Morae, this city la master of the Smith Moore. Captain Moore's land Interests at Marquette making Hie change of unifiers necessary. Captain Thomas Murphy, sub-contractor lor tho building ot tho new steamer Waldo Avoiy at Wheeler* Crane's yard, Bay City, has returned to hU home, and is now look- lug tor a good place to go Into tfio shlpbulld. lug business. While Mi. Murphy was In partneiship with Thomas Quiurlo tliqnillow- Ing gooa boats wero built iby the Him Vcionii, Ilolenn, J. B. Kitchen,* and the I'erslnn. Mr. Murphy uiMAlilsujf/niib-1011- tractor tor building the Altu" \ Mr. II D. Root, the veteran shipbuilder ol Lorain, was in tho city on Tuesday. Mr. Rnot, nfter hnvlngestablished his yard nt Lo¬ rain last fall, has been kept quite biisy,liiiv' Ing launched in the menntlir-e the ntenmer W, P. Thew nnd tho tug 8elah Chamber¬ lain. -Mr. Root has been In the shipbuild¬ ing business for twenty years and numbers ns tho result of Ids handicraft, some of the best boats on the lakes. Much repair work will bo done at Lorain during (he approach¬ ing w Inttnynnd It Is possible that tbe schoon¬ er M. Slater'u III lay up and receive atten¬ tion nt the linuds of Mr. Root before the snow flies. The Globe Iron shipyard now presents the busy aspect'contingent upon tbe laying of tl 0 keel foi a new Iron fi eight steamer, which will be to great a extent a duplicate ol the Win Chisholm just launched, that |« she will be 240 feet keel and 2113 feet over all, 87 tcct beam nnd -33 feet depth of hold. We will fui ther note the progress trom time to time. It lias been the custom of this Arm, after having secured a good gifligof men for iron shipbuilding, to keep them nt work, nnd oonsldi'i Ing that the growth and pros- parity of the country, widths promise of the demand for-lake steamers In years to come will warrant the enterprise of a llrst class boat, they do not hesitate to cutoi- upon Its construction. Tho steamer Pearl will lay by at Detroit foi a tew davs. vuLuru. Special to the Marias ltecord Williams tSrUphnm have secured the con tract fur tho Improvements to bo made to the harlioi this fall. They will commence work Immediately. The) Willi also do tho dredg¬ ing In tho harbor at Giaiul Marals niiifbu. perloi. Tho Uuliith News says they will add a<large new dredgoand several scows to their fleer, In ordei to advanii' work as speedily as possible and ghc a iinitornf depth to D11- tlitftluliith harbor. The Heiald thinks ;here Is no reason why tin' shipbuilding industry ar that poit should not > lol<l as large a profit to the capitalist as any other Investment. I'bero is plenty ol oak growing within fitly miles of Uuluth, and- the swamps are full of Tamarac tor knees Iron tould surely be secured up in this legion as cheap as an) whore else on tbe lakes. All It wants issninbody with capital alid a ceitaiu degiee ol push to Inaugurate Iliat Industry In Uuluth, and trhcrois not the slightest doubt that It would prove a pa) jug investment. illIHer & Montague arc loading the Celtic with wheal. The Arm is becoming deseiv eilly popular with lake men. The sti'fimyaclit Wauluiu, ot Vshlaiid, Cap- lain F, R Hrowor, arrived In port for the purpose ol going on the boxes to receive re¬ pairs. The Waubun runt between Ashland nnd Birjflcld and Is 11 handsome liltlo cralt. Although u comparatively small boat,she cost, when new, $27,000. ■Work has been commented on a dock at Wnslibuin, by the Omaha load, which will cover at least eleven acres. It Is estimated that it will take 5(10,000 square feet of tlin- bei fur the cousti notion ol the dock. Mujhr Allen's icport on the requirements of \\Vfsfi mid harbors In Minnesota mid Wis coiJpM which wns ixibhslied in (lie Maiiin^, RhtoiiD of August 7Ui, Isnow finding Its wn)' into the dallies. Five leutraroon wheat to Uulliilo Is draw¬ ing many vessels to this port. II. CHICAGO. Sjiecial to the Marine Record. There was a great fulling oft In the num¬ ber of lumber vessels on the market this week. * J. B. Slvcrtsoii^nuxCJilcitgo-block maker, has arrived enfe and wel] nfter a very pleas¬ ant trip to Europe, extending some four months, / Tho tug Black Ball, of the Vessel Owners' Tug Line, which collided With the steam- barge A. E. Wilds nnd sank In the river on the 10th, has been raised and taken to Miller Brothers' diydock for repairs. The stpam barge Oscoda, Captain Alex Sin¬ clair, arrived Monday with 620,000 feet of lumber iioin Au Sntiblfi. She also brought along the barge Win. Young with 320,000 feet ol lumber. At the Chicngo Diydock Company's yard tho*tug Rebel w as In drydock for n "now shoo and calking; the propeller Cuba for a new ' wheel and cnlklng; the stenmbargo Swallow for a new stern bearing; the Schooner Lotus to get n leak stopped; the steaiiibarge R. C. Brlttain for n new wheol; the schooner Os¬ trich recelvod a new main boom, and tho schooner Flcotwlhg ntiow forcgafl. Vesselnien are looking very blue In con¬ sequence of the very low freights, which are unexampled al this season of the year, nnd many of them are talking seriously of laying up their vosscls as they do not sec any chance of Improvement. At Allllei Brothers' drydock the barge Mnrlnette waj In to get a leak stopped; the tug Black Ball No. 2 Is getting six new frames and considerable new plank,, now stringers, covering board mid'rail on her staiboard side; tho schooner M. E. Packer was in for calking; the tog Prlndlvlllo lor a now shoe, the steamer Kitty O'Nell for calk¬ ing, the baige Berrien Is having her decks calked; the schooner Racine got a new main bourn, the schooners Porter and D. E. Bailey received new main topmasts, (lie stboouer Nellie Rcddlngtoii a nou llbboom, tho schooneis Coiineiiut and Canier new mainmasts, the schooner N. A. Wood a ilcw ml77enmnst The crew of the, sihooner Fimiilc Camp¬ bell, from the inptyiln down to the cook, yes¬ terday Joined In a pi tltlou to libel that vessol lor H51 wages dm tin in. 1'he schooner Ricluiid Mott, sunk In Lake Kile, w^s insured by pool companies loi $8,100 Her cargo of toal was Insured for $2,i)75 in the Western Assurance Company. The Montlcollo w as not Insured, noi was her cargo. ,' Colonel Van Boyeis, civil engineer of the life saving sei vice, Is In the city to complete arrangements loi building a new station.- He hts decided upon erecting a building 100 *200 leeTTthe west end to rest where tho east ond of tho present station stands, It lias not been decided as yet what kind 'df material will be used In the construction of the new station, but LJotitouiuit Rogers seems hope¬ ful that It wllHie brlik Freights wi Ire quit t yestoiday at 1', cents for corn and 2 cents for wheat rnjluftnlo. Chatters: 'l'n Biifialo, propeljeis II. E. Packer, corn at lJ,e; Oiiolni, Portage and Jewell, 19m. To Kingston, schooner Rhoda Emily, corn. " The tug RoboitTaiiant, after being In or¬ dinary for three weeks, will go into com- mlsson to-day. Captnlii Alec Learned will command her. I T. W. MILWAUKCK. Sfeciat to the Marine Record A Inrge qunntlty of coal Is being brought to this port and considerable delay 1» expe¬ rienced iu consequence of the poor arrange¬ ments for unloading nt some of the coal yard docks. Tho new stoambarge Waldo A. Avery nr- - rived at this port Friday with over 18,000 bairelsof suit from Bay City, where she wig bulk by Wheeler & Crane.' She hns a very One appearance and fs flttcd with every modern improvement. Her owners, Mos6r». Hawgood and Avery, wero on board, as wns also Mr. Wheeler, her builder, and they were justly proud of their very hnndspme ship: /VtWolf & Davidson's shipyard the pro¬ peller .1. I;. Hind is in drydock. She was badly hogged and has been straightened. Her hull is being strengthened by the addi¬ tion of one extra bolt In each strake and frame. Her arches and scarp arc also being refiistened with extra bolts She will also get about thirty feet of new frames and one- half of her bottom miiile new, which will make her stronger and better than she wns before going oil the reef. The scow.OJdfol- lo.w was on tho dock for calking. Soma life has at last been infused Into Mil* waukee tugmaii, and vessels will profit ac¬ cordingly. Heretofore there havo been two lines at this port, but for years there has been a compact between them that has pre - vented actlvo opposition. Now a new boat, the John Evnnsnii, has been plaeed In ser¬ vice, in opposition to the regular lines, and die lattor have concluded to put on two extra boats to do night service. It Is quite proba¬ ble that In the future the Milwaukee tugs wlll-occasloiiiilly go below North Point nf- tei tows. The schooners Joseph Paige and C. C. Tru in pit, which are temporarily laid up at Milwaukee, on aooiim of tho dullness In freights, arc at the shipyard receiving ex- .tensive repairs. Tho Pillge is receiving en¬ tire new decks and hatch combings, and the Trumpfl part new duckfs and general repairs. The cost ol the work on the Trumpfl will Ijc about |700. 11. J Hamilton has purchased the lug A. S Piper from George bpear tor $.'1,000. On account ol (he dullness In freights the schooners LIbbic Nan, Spartan, James Gar-" rett, M. L. Collins, and Supply have been stripped, and the Itasca and II. M. Scovu placed In ordlniuy. The atennibiirge D, C. Whltnoy grounded nt the Northwestern Fuel Compnny'sdock, aniriii attempting to work herself oil, un- deimined the dock, which gave away with several hundred tons of coal. The new stcambarge Jois is being rapidly got rondy., The carpenters are very busy nt her cabins nnd pilot house. J. Sheriffs hns built nnd put in her engine, which IS high pressure,, 20x24, and the bollor, 7x13, hns boon sunjHlcd-by Johnson Bros,, Ferrysburg. The Provident o> Windlass Company havo suplled her with n pinup braka windlass. W. MANITOWOC. The Bchooner Pilgrim ran into Mwilto- woc.Jeaklng badly. The schoonei James E. Gllmore, loaded with coal iindoll for Elk Rapids, ran ashore about 0110 mile north of Sand Bench, Tues¬ day forenoon. A tug nnd lighters went to her assistance and got hor afloat at 1 o'clock in tho alternoon. Tho cnptaln thinks she is uninjured. 1