THE MARINE. RECORD. to piieaonijorfl onmlng bv vobbgIs employed oxclililvely In the tnido botweon tiro porta of tlio United Stntos nnd the ports ofthu Dp minion of Ciiniidrt. or. the ports of Mexlon.. , REFBAL OF SBOTION8 8070 AND 4201), RBVI8RD 8T1TBTR8. doo. SB. TIkut scollone thirty-nine hundred nnd sevonty-s'.x nnd f6rty-two hundred and throo of the Reviled Stiitntea of the United. States, nnd nil other compulsory laws nnd. purtnof Inwa thnt obllKo American vessels to curry the mulla to nnifcfroiii the United StHtca.^nrbltrarlly, or tlrnt prevent the cluiirnnco ol vessels until they slmll hnve Hilton mail mutter on bonrd, be nnd the anme nre horoby rsponlodi but audi repent shall not Hike elTeot until the flrat diiy of. April - eighteen hundred and eighty-five. " DELIVERY OP MERCHANDISE. Sco. 24. Tlrnt section twenty-nine hun¬ dred nnd elxty-slx of the Rcvlso'il'Statutes - bo' amended by striking ojit the words "propelled In whole or fn.piirt by stemn;" so ibut sulci seotlon as amended shall rend as -follows: -: ' ' "Socr2000, When mcrchnndlso slinll be Imported Into any port of thp JJnlted Btntes Irom any foreign couutry In vessels, nnd It Bliall-nppcnr by the bills of lmllng thut tho merchandise so Imported Is to be delivered Immediately after the entry'ofthe vessel, the collector of sudh port_may. take possession of such merchandise nnd deposit the snine In bonded warehouses; nnd when It does not npponrs by the bills of lading that the mer¬ chandise so Imported Is 10 be Immediately delivered, the colleotor of the 'customs mny take possession of the same nnd deposit It In bonded warehouse, nt the request of the owner, master, or consignee of the vessel, on three dnys' notice to such collector nfter the entry of the vessel." FAY OF INSPECTORS FOR NIGHT SERVICES ON SAILING VESSELS. Sec. 25. »Thnt peetlnn twenty-eight hun¬ dred nnd seventy-two of the RevlaedStntutes be amended by adding thereto the follow¬ ing: "When the license to unload botween the setting and rising of the sup Is granted to a snillng vessel under this section, a fixed; uni¬ form, and reasonable compensation maybe allowed to the' Inspector or Inspectors for service between the setting and 'Ulng of the sun, under suxih regulations us the Secretary "oTthe Treasury may prescribe, to be received ■ by the collector .from the master, owner, or consignee of the vessel, ami to be paid bv him to.the ln6.pffctor or-liispectnrs.n ■ REFUSE 'OF FINES, ETC., COVERED INTO TREA8URY. Sec. 26. That whenever any flue, ponnlty, forfeiture, exaction, or chn'rge arising under the laws relating to vessels qr "seamen hns been paid to any collector of customs or consular officer, and application has been mnde within one yenr from such payment for tho'refundlng or remission of iho sine, the Secretary of the Treasury, II on Investiga¬ tion he finds, that such fine, penally, forfeiture, exaction, or vhnrge was-Illegally, luiproperlyAor excessively Imposed., shall have the power, cither before or nfter the same hits been covered Into the Trensunvto refund so much of such flue, peimlty.^Tor- felturp, exncilon, or chnrgS^s he mny think proper, from any moneys In the Treasury not otherwise appropriated." APPOINTMENT OF SHIPPING COMMISSIONERS- ACCOUNT OF RECEIPTS—REGULATIONS—, COMPENSATION AND EXPENSBBOF BU1PP1NG COMMISSIONERS. Sec. 27. That section forty-live hundred nnd one of the Revised Stntutig Ib hereby amended so ns to rend ns follows: "Sec. 4,601. Tho Secretary df the Treasury shall appoint n commissioner for each port of entry, which Is also a port of ocean navi¬ gation,' and which, In his Judgment, may re qniro the sauiej such commissioners to be termed a shipping commissioner, ami, may, from time to time, remove from oflice any such commissioner Whom he may have reason to bollevo does not properly per¬ forin his duty and shall then provide for the proper performance ofhU duty until another person Is duly appointed In his place: Pro. vided, That shipping commissioners now 'n oflloe shall continue to perform the duties thereof until others shall be appointed in their places'. Shipping commissioners shall monthly render a full, exact, and Itemized account of thelr.recelpts and expenditures to the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall de¬ termine their compensation, and shall from' time to time determine the number and. compensation of the clerks appointed by ' such commissioner, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, subject to the limitations now Axed by law. The Secretary of the Treasury shall regulate the mode of conducting business In the shipping •fflcos tjo be established by the shipping com¬ missioners as hereinafter provided, and fhall have full and complete control over the sumo, subject to the. provisions herein con¬ tained; and all expenditures hy shipping commissioners shall be audited und adjusted In the Treasury bepartmont In'the mode And mauuor provided for expenditures in the collection of customs. All tecs of shipping coiAnilssloiiors shall' be paid Into the Treasury pf the United Htates and shall con¬ stitute a fund which shall bo used under the . direction of the Secretary of the Treasury to pay the compensation of said commissioners nnd their clerks and such other espouses ns . *<' '■ ho may find noiossiiry to ensure the proper administration of their duties. FEBS^OR INSPECTION OF STKAH VK8BELH. Sec, 28. Before Issuing nny Inspection cer- tl(lento to any steamer the colleotor or other" older officer of customs for tho port or dis¬ trict shall demand nnd receive from the own¬ ers theroof, as a compensation for tho Inspec¬ tion and examinations mnde for the year, tho following sums, In addition to tho feps for Issuing enrollments and licenses now allowed by luw, ncoord|ng to the tonnage of the vessel: For oneh slenm vessel of one hundred tons or under, ten dollars: nnd for each antlovory tort In excess of ono hundred tons, Wo cent*; In lieu of the fees now pro¬ vided by law. " UNLOADING'AT PLACE* NOT. PORTS OF ENTRY. Seo.'2D. That section tweutv-seven hun¬ dred nnd seventy-six of. the RevlaedStntutes la hereby amended by .adding there:o the following: / "Provided, That vessels arriving ntn pott of entry In the United Stntes, laden with coal, salt, railroad Iron, and other like articles In bulk, mny prbceed to places within that' collection district to bo specially designated by tho Seoretnry of theTrensnry, by gonernl regulntlons or otherwise, under the super¬ intendence of customs officers, nt the expense of the parties Interested, for the purpose of unlading cargoes of the character, before mentioned." REPEAL PROVISIONS', Sec. 30. All laws nnd parts of laws In con¬ flict with the provisions of this act are here¬ by repealed; and this act shall take effect, nnd be In force on und nfter July first, eighteen hundred and clghty-lour. Approved! June 20,1884. The first section relieves vessels of the United States from the penal hitherto levied by virtue of seotlon 4,210, Revised Statutes, for the employment of alien officers" below the grade of master, pro¬ vided the vessel be on a foreign voyage or on a voyage between Atlantic and Fnclflo ports, and such vessel Inurbeen deprived of the ser¬ vices of such subordinate officers by pro¬ motion or oilier cause. Betore levying the tonnage tnx of fifty cents per ton in this class of cases, collectors will report tho facts to theTlopnrtment and awnltitsinstructions.- Collectors will see that every vessel of the United Slates departing to or arriving trom lirry-^relgn^orrTitlteT^hitiroireor-ibOBe enumerated In the Inst clnuse of section 11 be inspected, to see-that the requirements of that section regarding a slop-chest and Its' contents have been observed. In case those requirements have not been observed, col (-lectors will report the fact to the shipping commissioner, In order that the owner may be prosecuted, for tlie penally. If the col¬ lector hlmsely exercises the functions of a shipping commissioner, he will lilmsell take measures to enforce penalty by stilt ugnlnst llnrtnrner. -Section 14 abolishes the old 'rate,of ton¬ nage tnx on vessels of thirty cents per ton, and imposes the tax at the rates of three anil six cents per ton on entry'. Vessels arriving in the United States from ui.y foreign port of. North America nnrih of the southern terminus ol the IsthmiiB ol Darlen, or ally port In Newfoundland, the West Indian, Bahama, Bermuda pr Sandwich Island. Alii paya duty of three cents per ton on every entry; but the tnx In nny one year on entiles from'the ports specified, Is not to ex¬ ceed tll'ieen cents. The tax to bo collected on vessels making entry on arrival,from other foreign purtslsslx cents per ton on every entry; but the total tax^ollected at six cents per ton Is not to.exceed* thirty cents per ton In any one j ear. Where vessels have paid a tnx of thirty cents nl the old rate, tax Is not to he col¬ lected on either of the rates newly-fmposed until niter the expiration of thecertUlcuteof the last payment «f that tax. Any vessel making such voyages as to become liable in any one your under both rates—Hint Is, nt three cents per ton nnd six cents per ton—shall not bo held liable to im aggregate tux ol more than thiny cents per ton for any one year, reckoned from the date of the entry and payment of her III at lax atelther rate; but the threocent tnx per ton shall not bo collected on more - than live entries In any one year. Tho monthly re¬ turns ol tonnage tax will be made on the usual forms, as heretofore. For half a ton or more than half a ton.of the measurement of a vessel, collection will bo mnde at the full rales' pi three or six cents per ton; for less that naif a ton no collection will be made. Collectors will take no action under the llrst proviso of section 14 by way of suspension of collection of (ax tttl they hnve been Informed that such suspension has been authorized by a proclamation oT the President. Section 15 abolishes the niarlne-liospltul tnx on seamen, aud It will not hereafter be collected; nor will seamen's lime-books be required! Suiwjons}!) nroblblts the payment ofnd- dltlonal fees of any officer when a seaman.Is reengaged or rcshippod on a vessel making regular and stated trips between the United States and foreign countries. The same section ullowes the engagement of n seaman for a vessel In the foreign trade. fur one or more round trips, or lor a definite period, whatever Iho destination of tho vessel. Section 20 permits the similar engagement of n teamen In n foreign port upon u vesoel' eJiinday In tlife lorelgn trade, nnd wnlvos tho require¬ ment of roshtpmopt of audi seamen on her olenrnnco foreign, and also, waives the. re¬ quirement in return hlin to the United Slates. • '• Section 21 permits the hailing port of or vessel, to be either the port where she I* documented or the pluco where she was built, or where one or more of tho owners, reside, provided the place be in the district whore ahe Is documented. Collectors will not collect tho flfly-ccnt hend-nioney Imposed by the act of August 3, 1882, on account nT emigrants from Canada or Mexico brought by any vessel beginning lis Voyage In a .port of the Dominion of Canada or n port of Mexico nnd terminating It at a port of the United Stales, such col¬ lection being virtually repealed by Section .22. Section 27 transfers flie appointing nnd supervision of shipping commissioners from" the'Unlted Suites circuit court to the Sec¬ retary of the Treasury. Such supervision will of course he subject to tlio express limitations Lor provisions of the act. , Shipping com¬ missioners nre requlreimopiiy all moneys received by them as fees \uto the Treasury of the United States. This may bo done by. depositing such moneys with an Assistant Trensurer or designated depositary In the manner und nt the times specified in depart¬ ment, circulars, No. 2* of 1870, and No. 60, of 1870, relating to ibe depositor public moneys. Certificates of.the deposit of such moneys will be promptly sent by mnll to the-Soc- retnry of fhe Treasury. No expenditures mude by shipping com¬ missioners will be allowed In their accounts unlesB previously authorized by this depart¬ ment. The monthly accounts of receipts and ex¬ penditures required to be rendered by such commlBBloners'=°to the Secretary of the Treasury will be In the form of the "Unlrcd- Stntes m nccount current with the com¬ missioner," and shall exhibit on the credit side the sums received as fees nnd on the debit side the amounts deposited, the num¬ ber nnd amount of each certificate of deposit being given. When necessary, balunees will be curried forwnrd from one neeouilt- to another. The provlsons of Section 4508, Revised- Statutes, empowering officers of the customs to net ex officio ns shipping commisrfnmr. under-eertiiln Conditions, arerecognlzed-ns s,till in force/ n Section ^0- nllbws vessels, - foreign or do¬ mestic, nrrlvlng at a-port of entry 'Jn the United Slates, and laden with coal, suit, rail- rood Irom-or like articles In bulk, to proceed to any place In the district to unlnde after designation of the place by the Secretary of the Treasury When applications are made lor the privilege of unlading vessels mother places than the port of entry-, collectors will report the case by letter or telegram to the department for Instructions. If the .ap¬ plication Is made by telegram, the expense will be tiorne by the parties Interested In the vessel or cargo, Crab. J. Fqlqkr. 'm________^^__________________Seoretnry. TRAVELERS' REGISTER. LAKE SHORE 4 MICniOAN SOUTHERN, Commencing Sunday, May 11,1864, nt 13 o'clock noon the tlnio given In the figures below li the tiuw stsndnrd (Nlnetloili meridian) time, whlca U thirty-three min¬ gles slower than Cleveland Ume proper:____________ Eastward. No 4. Past LImKed Express....... No 8, N Y, B 4 A- Exprem......... ,No20, Ervrln Accommodation.... No 35, Buffalo Ac'ni via 8ajiduakv| No 38.1 oledo Accom Via Norwuli No 12, 'N Y 4 B Kail Express... No 14, SpecUl N Y i Boa Eiprrtl No 2, Night Ex via Norwaljt..., ' No 22, N(glit Ei vtoeendusky No 2u, Conuoaut)Aecon>nindatiou ~----w Arrive- | Depart. '1 10ATM2 06 a II ?6 05 a u| °7 DO A u tS 03 am .. HO 35 a ii til 'HO 35 A M;h< "1 66 I'M ' 940r"ii| t" 42J Jl ii 25 r m 10 60 a M Will •2 25 r- u SlIIPK tlU 00 p u No j^Ftm Dulled Exprooa.. Arrive. | "Deport. No 2.1,V)oh Express via Sanduak'v "- - •*■ itprcy Tl ■ - __, ___.ocoill Nouri No 2fLTqledo Ex vflTNorwilk No 3, fJllaisoi«prot» Tin No 26, Midi Aoconi Nmjralk No 21 Toledo Ex vflTNorwk,. . No 6. ot Louts Ex vla.8uodusltr. No O.CIll P ,0*1 via Sorwalk.... No 31, Klyrla acho Elyrla only... No 27. Cpunraut Acoonimixfutlon ■U1 5S'aU| "2 ISAM |0 06 A U| m'S'i'M tl2 ISru °0 00 l' M _(8 10 A M "HHiam •8 36 A M « 30am "1)111 20 l-m 40 I'D "0 »' 1" M t4 SO p * Sunday train for NottlngbHm- Depart S 30 a in. and 1.-45 p. m.; returning, leave Nottingham lit 0.06 a. m. and 3.45 p. in. Reference marka—" Pally, f dally, except Sunday, I dally, except Monday. For full information aa to trains and counei lions ap- EIj at the new city ticket otBre, corner Senecn and bt lalratrecla, Lukedhore blnrk. BEE LINE CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI i INDI. ANAl'OLIS. . Commtneinaj Hundar, June 8, 1684, Iralna of tho Bee Line—Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati & Iudlau- apolii KtUwaj— will leave and arrive at riovelaml as follows, CXNTRAL RAXDAno TIMI, 30 nllnulCS ll(W«r than Cleveland lime: No. s. Columbus, Clnoinnalt iflnd Ex No. 23, Gallon \ VV heellnn ExiiroM .. "" No, 0, Col., On., Ind 4 Su Louis Ex....... No, 5, Col. fin., Ind. £ St. Louis Express N«. 27, Oalliou & C.L 4 W. Aeo ™ No. 20, Maariilon k l'lrjcbj»lllo"Ex.V.'.'.'.'.'. No. 8, Col, Cln, lud. 4 St. Louis Exp No. 20. Ulirlcoville 4 Manlllim Ex Nu, 2, Col. Cin. 4 Imllumlpolls Expres^.....I No, 14, 81, Louis, fnd.. UnV.Vt'ol. Ex .....' No. 2J, (lallloit Aco..... r No, 20. Wlwlliiii Arcuni..'.'.'.'.'.'.'........... No.4.Col,. Oln AN. Y. Expreoi""'." Tralna marked » dally, nil other traiua daiiy'excopl isi|um 7.00 A~M « 40 A M °li 40 1' M •12 35 P M 4 00 P M 6,00 1\M Arroyo. oi.m A~M 9.00 A M 0 60 V M «1 15 P M 111 00 A M 4.-30.P M 1.15 A M New. York, Ponnsylrania ft Oliio IX KKW YORH, BOSTON AMD TOE BABT. Tlie sih«rtMt sintl Qnlekeet Bontc to PIIU- bnrs;, Waohlufton anil Baltimore . ' and. the aotHnealt. Central or Ninetieth Mi-rldlen time, 93 mlnnfea slow er than Clovcland city (Imo, Until further noUce trains will leave from tke now Central Depot, South Water street and Viaduct as fol- ° /."li (I m ATLANTIC BXPnEfB-(D«|ljr) Poll. ,3U di III. man-slccplng andi hotel ooochMfrom Leavlllstiurgh 8'85 a. m. to New York, Albany end' Boston without Chang". Arrive at Headellleal'10:40 a, m. (dinner) Franklin at 12:08 p. m, Oil City 12:80 p. a, Corry 12.85 p.m, Jamestown (Luke Chautiioqaii} 1.35 p. m . BuilaloS.JO-p^ m, RouhasUur 8.-30 p, m.i-BnnsII>- vUlo 6.-00 p m. [supper]; Coralns 7r2I p. m. QmlmliOI p m. Blnghuton 10:05 p. m., Albnny 6:00 at. m. Boatol l:46p,m.i»rrlvinBatNow York 8^5 a.m. ------- - "*' LIMITED EXPlliaiS-TlirouBb Poll- _T .__men aloeplDgeoaeh from Cleveland til ew York. Arrives at Meaoville tt 6:90 p. m , James¬ town 8:47 p. m., Salamnaoa 0:46 p. ro., New York J0.-10 a. in. * ' • TlliWi n Til NIGHT EXPHESS-fDally except HiUU Ui llli SundaylSocpIngcbach from Cleveland Horoellavllle. Arrive at Youngatown at 1:60 >. m., Meadvllle 8:25 a. in., Corry 4.60 a. m. Jamestown 6,67 a. m, Buffalo 0.-20 a. m., Rochester 12:68 p, mu Hornejls*' vlllo, ll':00n m , Corning 12:07 nm, Elimrnl2:40p. m.,' Blnghampton 2:10 p m„ New York 0:10. p. m. Arrive at Plltaburgh 8:50 a. m., without cbajlge. - -" PITTSBURGH EXPlFESS - DaUy- ""■-----u -'"— -' inge, Parlor car at» '9n Tl Itl "'I'I'BBUItUlI EXP IitjU Ui-lU, Through wllhout ohani nclied. Arrivoa at Youngitowp. 6.<K „ ..., ...•Off p m., PitUburi 8:02 p. m., Woshlnglon 7.-00 a. m., Baltimore 8:10 a. 3. 4'11 tl m MAHONING- AQMMODATION- • 11 II, 111, Slopping at all way s'.ations, arrlvlngit Younguiown 8:65 p. ni., Sharon 8:01 p. m., SharreivIUe 8:10 p. ni. I! 'Hn a jn PiTTSBnnon exprebs- duit- D i9U d. ILVTlirough without change/ Arrives at Youngatown 0.30 a. m., Sharon 10:30 a. m* Sharps- vllle 10.-40 a.m., Pittsburgh 12 46 p to., Returning, leaves Plltehmgb at 4.15 a. ra., 7;461. m., 12:58 p. m., and 8:46 p m. . PI % 0. Itl YOUNOSTOWN AND PITTSBUnOH I id d. 111. ACOMMODATION-Stopplng at ill ay atollons, arriving at Youngatown 1:44p. m.,PIUa> burgh,6.45 p.m. i-Tralna arrive at Cleveland, S.-15 a. m.,/d:S0 p. m>t 10.20 » mj 1:06 p. m., and 9:45 p. m, -" SurThis la the ohry route by which puoengen eaa reach Corry Eimlra, Blnghampton, Now York CJIy and intermediate polnta wtujout change. No chajfM to Bostoo and New England Cltlea. Baggage checked through to all points East. Through tickets and Information regarding the route can be obtained at the offlco 191 Bank street, aid at new Depot of N. Y., a, South WaterstSet and Viaduct, Cleveland, O. A. E. CLAIIK, (jen'l Pass'r Ag't.Cleveland, OJ J. &LFERBJS, Gon'l Men'gr, Cleveland, O. - M. L, FOTJTB,P.usenger Agt, 131 Bank Si. Cleveland. The Nickel Plate! NEW YORK, 1'HICAOO A BT. LOUD RAILWAY. The passenger equipment ot this New Trunk Tine is all new and Is supplied with the latest appltanaae necessary to aafe, speedy and comfortable tmvol, At Chicago, passenger trains arrive nt and. leave from the Union Depot, Van Biren street. Following is the time In eBeot'June 1, 1884, and un¬ til farther nollce; ' GOING EAST. Lv. Chicago......... 7.60 a m..........................„._ Ait. Valpailfw.. 9.44 " .............................._ " Fort Wayne. 1.80 p. in..........................,____ -" New Haven.. 2.05 ' ............................Mw " West Lelpsic. 8.50 " ............................._.. '■ Arcadia......... 4.40 " ............................„ " Fostorla.........6.00 '• ................a .....:......._ " Green Springs 8 45 "............................._ " Bellt'vue....... 8.10 " ......^........ Lv. Bcllnvue......... 8.20 " 7 6/Ta, m. Ar. Lorain........... 7.60 " 6.18 " ArrUeveJnnd....... 9.02 ' 10-.22 " Lv. Cleveland.................. 10.27 ' Ait PalnesvlUo............... 11.88 " " Asntabula...................4a> 12 25 p. m. " Connoaui....................... 12.60 " "■•Erie............................. 2.09 " " Dunkirk......................... 8.47 ". " Buffalo...........» ............... 6.20 " OOING WEST. Lv Buffalo........„ . 9.60 a. in................... AitDunklrk...........11.24 " ......... " Erie................ 123 p. m................... " Conneaut........ 2.20 " .................. " Ashtabula........ 2.61 " Paimsvllle......344 " Cleveland........4.82 Lv Cleveland.......4.67 " 8.47 a. m..........._ A>. Ixualu........... 0 12 " ■ 7.35 •' ;v ..........„, ArrBellcvue.........7 35 " 0 10 " .............. Lv Bellevue....................... 9.20 " ............... " Green Springs................ 0.44 " .........^^. •' Fostorlo..........................10 22 " ........._ •1 Arcadia.........................10 84 " _........_ '• West Lelpsic................. 11.80 " ............. " New Illiveu ........,...... 1 85'p. m.............„. 'I Fort Wuyne................. 1,80 " .............. » Valpralao....................... 6.42 " .............. '• Chicago........................ 7.60 ".............. Through tickets to nil polnta are on salo at piinclpol omreeof tliocompnny ut lowfmt iutus torauycloat oilicketi. d, aired Bugnsgectiecked to destination tor lnfi>rmation, call ou nearest agent of the Com¬ pany, or address ' B. K. HORNER, Gen'l I'aosengor Agent, LEVIS WILLIAMS, General Manager. Cteveluud, O. Aeoom. 8 63 p. m 6-06 8.03 6,30.,, Leave 8.16a. m. 6.48 '• 7 43 ' 8.65 '• •> Y. D. XICKEM0K, ■ MARINE. ARTIST* Rear of Central fug Office, Main St. Bridge, Cleveland, 0. for tbe working dun. Send ten wnti for po»* _ toite ind we will mall ynu /r<«7, a roynl, Taliu- ble Box of Mtnple goodi (bat *ill put -yok In th« way oljiilklng inoro moimy in u few tlftyi ihim yous«T« tho\jiut poulble at »nx builnen. Capital not required. Wtf will at&rt you. -Tau can work ill the Umo or Jo nparo time only. Tho work la uulvurpally adapted to both ntixt-g, young nnd old, Ynu phi. oftilfy earo from 6^1 cuols to W every uv«[.1ub That all who want work uiay tont tho busliu'sn. wit mnko this unpanilloi, oflur; Unll ftho an not well butlntU-d \v« willsond,!! to pay -for the lrouble of writing im. Full puriiculHrH, diroc- liouB, otc,. Bi'ul freu. Fortuned will bo wado by Mio«e wliogUtj tlielr whole Umo (o t^o 'work; Ureal ttuccetts utwotuti'ly omo lkm*i delay Htart now. Addftsi MInhon * Co-. rortlAntl. Malnu. A PR 1711 - ^nd ft* cents for postage, and-receive rnieUlJi frw, a costly box ot goods which wfll help yoiiio n\orv iiiojjoy right awjiy than anything else In this world. All, of idiliur sex, succeed from first hour. The brosd roml to fortune opoua before tho workuri, absolutely sure. Atouco nddrtM^TBUgAOo., Auyusta, Maine', t'- " o