THE MAPINE RECOBD. H. J. WE<B<B & CO., Ship Broken* VetstT Owner, and Agflnts. [K8TAHLMUKD IN ldJIO.] H J WKnn*Ci>,wlllcli«rlorVo>eelaforUlteTritdo. goada! utonllnn jlmn to C anarlng VmuN m the like Superior Iron Ore Truuo, both (or tho action ind •Inula trip. ARCADE BUILDING 101 8T. CLAIR ST., Cleveland, Ohio. TELEPHONE{n.iid«noe',No.' issb. ~~s~cott & vrnttiMdyT Fire and sMarine • Insuranoe Agents and Vessel .Brokers. Attention aim giron to ll(c purohaao and laale of Iron Ore, T.lephono, (To. I(K_i Office, 13U Smith Wutfr.Rt., Cl.velnnd, O. THOS. WILSON MANAGING OWNKIt Wilson's Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder. Freight ind Veuel Agent. CtgVXIiND n CAPT D M IlCCKCIt CAIT IICNKV BROCK ©. M. BECKER £ CQ.t Commeroial Brokers and Vessel Agents, VhiiIb alitrlorml, purthawd and loldi contract! mado for oonrsB and hoary freight! Laka Superior and Ewannbn Iron org charters for iId- trio tr|p or teiion aipoclalty Office, iai7K.vsa}'V Mail, o. '_________relation- No 9M____ ' MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, Mo 101 81 Hair Strait. Room 27 CLEVELAND, -' (JHIO _, PALMER & BENHAM, Vessel Owners & Agents, New Bank utilldlnff, corner of Superior and Bank Street Cleveland, Ohio. -xajifEsyrTiusF, Vessel Agent and Broker, BOX 1010, DULUTH, MINN. Lat« Gen Ag't (or Oollingwood Ling of Bteameri Speolal Attention Fttld to Chartering Veaaola. CAPT J1 W MILI.Ett CAPT It B MONTAQUL MILLER & MONTAGUE, DUTiUTH, MINN. Vessel Brokers and Marine and Tire Insuranoe Agents, and Board of Trade Welghmen Sheclul ttttentton paid to Chartering WmqIh al o weighing and Trimming curgoei of gratii CorrLajwit denco wild ted. ALEX McDOUGzlLL, VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, HD-CTLiTJTKC. Owner* and ma-tarn of Toxoid wishing to got cargoes of grain from this part will do well to confer with me Will bo glad bo furnish Information in regard to car- joei, also tn relation to dock*, depth of water, eu,, it Duluth. Arete Buy (new Iron ore port), Port Ar¬ thur, Wtuhburn, Aaliland, and all polntH noiir tho weal «nd of Lake Superior Quod Kings uf mm lur- nlihed oq abort notice forirlmmlag ci rg^oj of grain, loading and unloading nil kinds of freight KNEIP & MORRISON, PROCTORS IN ADMIRAL1Y 115 Monroe St Room H Chicago ROBERT RAE, Admiralty and Insurance Law Office, Room 87, Merollanta' bulldlug, UIICAUO II I. ATirT BARNUM^ Vessel Agent and Broker, 15 Exchange St. Buffalo, N Y. WIF YOU DO NOT RECL1VR MY MONTHLY LIST OF VE9SEL6 l"OHS\T.F. SEN") FOK IT WILLIAM FORDE, SHIP BROKER. Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N E Cur Coluratiui Aro A Water St. SANDUSKY, OHIO, BUTTS COAL CO., [I.IUITKD ] Oal37- a^lners of BUTTS CdXNEL CbtiL, aid dealora In Qua ( na\n. Nut foals ami biaim C*>al for *Ju^h, Jlngis, o c. CLARK I. BUTTS, CLByFLANI) O fiinjiiil Miiiiub"' DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. UOMLNTIC A Nri.Atl (OAL Cleveland, Oblo GLOBE SHIPBUILDING C0.f Builders of iron and Steel Ves¬ sels of every Description. Builders of the Iron Steamers Onoko and Wm. Chisholm, Steamyacht Twilight, Iron Tugs International and Record. OFFICE AND WORKS, OLD RIVER ST.. CLEVELAND, 0. Established in 1830. WM. WALL'S SONS, -------UA.NUP.ACTURKRS OW------- CORDAGE * OAKUM. Ganga of AMERICAN, RUSSIA and ITALIAN HEMP of the Terr baat qua'lty made to order AT ONE DAY'S NOTICE MANILA and SISAL BINDER TWINE, Office No. 113 WALL STREET. NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y J AM ESP, DONALDSONS CO., Ship-chandlers, Sailmakers AND DEALERS IN Mill, Railway and Manufacturers' Supplies, WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. DEAN & CO.. il- T ■* m_x jc m- M» M2 MM. SS - Patent Yawl Boats of all Lengths, Pleasure and Hunting Boats, Sail and Steam Yachts on Hand. Also, Life Boats that will pass Government Inspection, and cost less than any Life Boats in U.S.A. DrAV ,i ro. toor <>t <,t. u nr,\-sT dftmit, viru SUB-MARINE DIVER, Sub-nun me Drilling and Blasting. SThllN 1I1AIIINOS ItKl'URl I) WITHOUT OOINO TO mtlDOCK il'iecting Expeditions yj( con/pa med. Contracts Made for all Kinds of Diving ResidencMH) East Ohio St., Chicago, CAITAIN IlltlSt III I., CLKVM AND AOENTS Rj aV^ ro. o III 1 W u US ) til 1 m cc ■ ' Z3 '* r- C/olone Stiam Flue Cle\jjcr rOH_HDBIIONTAl. AND UPHI0KT BQILtRB ■" FBOIt M TO III IWCHU' PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lockport, New Yorl; are Sole Manufacturers of the Celebrated "Anchor Brand" Tackle BJpeks, ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED ou wiru si i.r-i i ititH niNO J»JL()SrJI01l IIRONZK Ji-USIIINGS. Tliiimilillii Hmo RiHWiiKa li tin ( i^jc lir ill, I I'lli <| lii r-lli mril, llui li t lu irliu. Ill till I" II.....ur!"11 l""l ' I'lKI'V* t » II In'rl il 11 tht wuu fu-n i-u. I«'bpdiii(! all oluratjln 1 r aal» liy '-Mil- ClUMM I 111 \i\nliru ASIi lOlt. "ANtlHIlt llltVHD" 1 \( KI I III IK Ks riiiatcntupauyini, i un uprn lit III ili u |iirl, ti. I a I ln>| li I Ui 111/ "vlf I iilrlialllll, llllililllk 0 llipliilo tliofonim JSn||lllid 10 I lBliuillillni. nil I and H» Inliofaa amilli I U> li in »lirun s ' IUuulriit d Oalalouui and ] net Hit malM IrLO on aj {litiill' 11 ^uni[ If nidi ra O. 8 RAND i II, B liURHBR. RAND & BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS, WITH ZDIR-S" DOCK ATT.U HED TO THE WORKS. „, » AI,90.PREPARED.iTOJDO WRECKING AND TOWING WITH THE ' Tug John Gregory. Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOC.WIS. The Neversink Cork Jacket AND IMPROVED LIFE BEbTS, Warranted Twenty-Mr Lbs. Bnoyancy AXD FULL WEIGHT OF CORK According to Keqiilrsinenta of 17 8. Inapectora, SUPERIQB^aSbALL-OTHERS------ ALSO RING BUOYS. > W ►J w to H Approved niul ndoptetl by the United State* Bonrd of Supei vielnc Itispettorn ,itlso by the principal Ocean, I.fikt' anil River Steamer Linen, aa the only Kullnble Ijifu l'reeorvcr VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED Send for Circulars. D. KAHNWEILER140,14S & ISO Worth St Near renter St.. New York FOR SALE, 3*re-w Ircn T\xg\ DlmtOBion. 78 f«0t l»aai|. 1? lout In nm II foet doen droit »12feit hiirIoii, 20i*) now alonl bollir 7 foetln dlilnctur 11 lict I iuB, utlownl I\i|oiuidastoam. Ihroo initl liroaat hooka t inrard, Mlllalon tiiilkhoud forward walor light hulklnad forward ol liollor Iron ooal bunkora water tllllit hullthead aft at limit itland with water llBht Iron deck forming the floor of after 'cabin Iron djeka, bulwark, and deck houaet; lro0 tow noita aft. Heary angle,Iron framea, with r»verae bare on i|. tornate friimca. % flato, ateel floor plates, boiler, en- glim and hearing foundation of Iron For«alochean when mnchlncr) t au bo coiuplutad by GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO. Boat washtojg and general laun¬ dry iiva few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 109 Water Street. Telephone 118. AP.ENTS '^Tfi^VT1,'""' »'"^~l"f^Sma" fllltllUO o In U 1 I hi Itrnat ll.iiit,„„,,t be.l I ikii i «il 11 r 1 >« iluu |M|C, nnr |irk, IhofaM- i"iM, i'i'm '"','1 '" \l"trl<'1 IinmuiiMiproflt, loaRonta All Inlilllgiiil |« ill want ,t Auv m, ,an I, «,,,„. jur.i«riil ajiinl l,r,u« free H*r .inr Book. Co r Mllnli'l Maine • i i KATZENSTEIN'S SUKACTINO METAL I'ACKINO 33; FOIl PISTON RODS, VALVE STEM8, Eto Adoptud and in u,o by the principal Iron Worka and at* amBlilp Oompa nlo» within tho laateight ycara/n tlilaami Torelgn countrua For full par- tlculara and referoncoa addreaa I KATZINSTIINACO 180 Chrlatopbar Bt, near Weat Slreot N Y CArT THOS WILSON, Cleveland agiflL V, 7