Marine Record, August 21, 1884, p. 6

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6 THE MARINE RECORD. ENCOURAGING TO E! .N^Sir: EERS. Whether It la owlnjc to the pereUtent np- penln of the teclinlciil press, the effect of tho societies of engineers anrliiRlng up nil over tin' country, or to the immriil InAllnut for gelf-prescrvntlon J*lileh dwellg 111 mmiklnd, we ennnot any, but It Is certtiin time serious Attention Ib belnic itlven In tlie^tntUBof ' engineer", Mid their porsoiml lltnesn for the poBt« they ocuupy. We rejoice at this, .for It enn reaiilt only In good to n class In this . country who Imvc never yet hud Justice done thenn We menu, of course, men who follow the nHMiigemeut of Bteum engines for n living. Engineers hnve not had jumlee done them' for the simple irnson thut ull have been lumped together; ,r'e (Eoad nnd the bud imvc been classed nUkc, nnd the Khortcamlnjjs of the poorest Imvc been churned upon those better Informed. Men who Hilvc x renlizing sense of the responsibility of their uhnrges luive been clnsscd with those who do not know the figures upon a steam gauge. Populnr Indltlerenco to the status of engi¬ neers is not by any menus confined to small consumers nnd ste'im users, but it extends to very high places. .Men are 10 be found occuppylng positions of trust nnd ro sp'onslblllty who can scarcely rend or write. We hnve plenty of proof ol this, nnd would, if we snw nny end to be gained by it, mention instances, but «e" have no desire to Impale Individuals, for the fault of a system. Thev exist because of the liidltietotice of employers, or Ignorance of employes, as to what an engineer should be, but the time Is rapidly coming when a man professing to bo an engineer will have to show that he i> such actually. What would be thought of u steamship company that would allow one of their vessels to go to sea with a captain who eould only write his name because lie had practiced ihnl graphic method ol Identifying hlro.6elf en paper? How, much more re¬ sponsible a post has Ijic ruptaln of a ship than the chief engineer? We answer none at all; a fact too palpable that id needs no argument to sustain It. ) We said at the bediming ol the article that a better state of things is npproachin'g, and we Bee this In the popular demand lor tho examination and classing of engineers. ^ot alone among ~ilie" men, but Irom the publlciJ!hi8Jentlmciit.isjilBOjltoviiLbyJhe_ comments of our contemporaries in other parts ol the country. They began to reallzo that an engineer- is a man of Bonie lui- poitance In the community, or,: should be, and that the safely of every one in his vicin¬ ity depepds upon how much ho knows, not upon what ho pretends to knoly.*. The day will come, sooner or later, when every city and town in this country will pave its license Bystem nnd its Inspectors of boil¬ ers, and it behooves all who can In any wny expedite Its comlne to do so.—Mechanical Engineer. LAKE HEK01NE5. . The Chicago Times Is authority for the following on heroines ofcthe lakes. It says: The "Queen of the Lumber Fleet" Is often respectfully alluded to by the lumber, deal ers, tug owners, vessel men, and others who congregnte at the exchange docks In Chicago. She Is the daughter of the captain of the schooner Scud, is remarkable for her beauty, and, though now only seventeen years of age, aided last season in saving the crew of a wrecked Vessel. Volunteers for the life¬ boat were scarce, and tho young lady Insist¬ ed that she could row, and that slie could do better tlia'n nny man who knew nothing about a bout. The necessity was great and pressing, and she was reluctantly taken along. When the boat was going through the breakers the girl proved to be the best of the party at the oars, and the rescue was successfully made. The "Mistress of Lake Michigan Is Miss McKee, daughter of Cap¬ tain McKee, the keeper of the waterworks crib, lour miles oil' Chicago harbor. On stormy nights when the seas make the. great crib rock to nnd fro, nnd tho wind Is monn- ing like a chorus of lost Bonis, the crib Is not as pleasant atplaco iib a comfortable drawing room ashore, and yet Miss McKee has bcon there alone through many a stormy night, has kept Inithful watch ol tho light, find Iiiib sounded the fog bell regularly. It has oc¬ curred sometimes that a-storm suddenly arose when Captain McKee was ashore In tho city, and It continued all through the night, making It Impossible lor him to re¬ turn. On those occasions Miss McKee has taken the night watch herselt, a nil her vigils huve kept everything right. Not long ago mysterious noises were heaid about the crib nights, which could not bo accounted-lor. One dark, stormy night an unearthly scream or shriek was heard three times,In succes¬ sion, nnd Captain McKee and his family cer¬ tainly thought It Came from a human being. Tho boat wns>lowcrcd to render assistance, If ppaslblejiut no one waa discovered. The fear wag thlat some small orufr, with women abonrd, hnu drifted out in the lake. The next day a large lake loon was found drifting about on the surface near tho crib. It was this Inol-' dent that gave currency to the talk now and then heard among sailors and tugmeu that the crib- Is haunted. Large parties oh gentle¬ men and Indies villi Captain MuKoew lonelv mansion -during tho summer .moifths, and MissMcKea's prepossessing appejrfancu and her,, natural grace and accomplishments prompted sesmen to allude to her as the worthy "mlsiresa of Lake Michigan," and she Is now generally so known. Well acquainted and a favorite 'in the host social clrolesof the city, the young lady It also an adept with, tho oar, and hns a record of saving nevon llvci.ln individual cases. A short time ago a party were returning to the city from the crib in a snll yacht.. A flerco squall swept-Btiddonly-down, upon them. The, gentlemen were "summer weather" sailors, and Miss McKee, who was on board as a guest, assuhied command. The frail little jacht weathered the squall, but all hands ngrecd that she would hnve been loet had it not been (or Mlej McKee's excellent sea¬ manship. Mrs, Prank .Perew, the wife of Prank" Perow, Esq., of Buffalo, takes a cruise now and then during the summer oh board one of her husband's steamers, generally neenm panled by a party of friends or relatives. On ono occasion she came to Chicago on the Btcamcr John B. Lyon, which also had In tow the schooners John Hutchinson, Joseph G. Masters, and Chandler J. Wells, the com¬ bined cargoes being about 0,000 tone of coal. ■Tho tow of vessels, connected by lines nearly two '.hundred leet long, presented a beautiful and Imposing sight. It was called the "grand arinndn," and Mrs. Perew wnB called "Queen of the Lukes." She is still bo called.- The lady is n Jewess. Miss Morgan, who resides at ongfof the cast shore ports on this lake, has saved, at different limes, thirty-nine lives. She often helps "man" .the life-boat when volunteers are scarce, nnd she Ib an expert at the onrs. Though not a large woman, she.Is powerful and brave nnd dnrlng. A season or two ago the government recognized Miss Morgan's services by presenting her with a gold life Saving rredel of the first class. THE RACINE FOG SIGNAL. MaBtors of steamboats arriving In port yesterday complained of tho man who runs the steam fog whistles at RaGlne, stating that -neither whistle nor any other signal was Bounded Thursday night, nlthough there was ii dense fog on the lake. The captaln-of one propeller said he left JIIlAy.nuk.ce nt midnight and the whistle at that'point Was blowing. He steered the usual course for Racine, and when his running time to tire point had ex pired he began to listen for the fog whistle. Buthohcard no-n-hiBtle-nnd~tttlnklng~he' hail made some mistake he brought hlsjboiu Established 4n( 1834. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF MARINE ENGINES « AND Cor. Detroit.& Center-Sta, CLEVELAND, 0, C. E. BENHAM, 317 Detroit Street, REEFS IN STOCK Lubricating and Lamp Oil/ of ,. .. the* Best Quality, AND A GENERAL LINE OF LAMPS, CROCK¬ ERY AND TABLE COTLErfY. OPEN DAY'AND NIGHT. TELEPHONE NO. 1MO. to a standstill, and tried again to make-out the whistle. It waB not blowing at all. As Racine and -vicinity Is one ol the most dan geronB spots nn the hikes on account-of the deadly reef of) the harbor, the steam service there Is an Important thing tor mariners. Four years ago the propeller Wlssalilckon got on Racine reef during a log because no fog whist,le was blowing at the time. luost tho Anchor Line Company, or ranker the in¬ surance companies) several thousand dollars to settle the loss on the vessel. There is no excuse for fnllnre to sound tHe steam fog slgnnf at Rncine, because tl ere are two ten- inch sirens that are run by separate machin¬ ery.—Inter Ocean. Geo. B. Carpenter & Co., Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers. Ship, Chandlery Goods of all Descriptions. MANILA ROPE OF THE VERY BESTMAKE Steel and Iron Wire Rope and all Iti 1'lttlngi. ii 80S 8ntl-WikMU CHICAGO, ILL. WM. & SON, Boat Builders, Steam and Snll Yacht*, nuntlng, Flailing mid rieaiuro .lloatf, Nhi'U HoutH, Spoon Qura. Foot of Porter Av., Buffalo, N. Y W. W. LOOMIS, Brie, H^a., SHIP AND BOAT BUILDING, Flihtng Tugs, Wrecking, Impairing and Pier Ilulldlng with Mont Improved Facilities. All Work Guaranteed. Oorreipondenoe Solicited. PRESLEY & CO., Globe Drydock Shipbuilding, Drydocking, Re¬ pairing and Spar Making. '- CLEVELAND, OHIO. New York, PennsylTania & Ohio r. r. NEW YORK, BOSTON AND .THE BANT. —T>--------1 The fehortMt nnd Qnlekeat Ront* (• Pitt,. bnrjr, Washington Mid IUItliqar* and tha Boatheaat. ---------1 '---------' Central or Ninetieth Meridian Umo.88 mlnnU. .u. •rtban Clovoland city time. »»nnws alow Until further notice Mini.will Into from tha „.- Centra] Depot, South Water street and Vlidnet asm. lows: 6,50 a, m. ^AScngTdBh^So{S»» Lssvlttahnrgh 8:3» «-. m. to New York, AlHnr »iS Boston without change-. Arrive at Meadallle at \hml m. (dlnncrl Franklin at 12:08 p. m, Oil City I2:M jTni . itNow" VirkMsVniT- Bo*U" LIMITED .tXPR&S^Ttiwugh. p„||. l:4trp. m.; arrlvln - — LI .•man ileepina-coach fromCUv.landto Arrives at MeaAvillo at 0:80 p, m .James. - Salamanca 0:48 p. «... New York EXPnh'SS-(DtUr ew York, town 8:47 p. 10:10 a. m. , 11:00 liJA^^v^si llorncllivlllc, Arrive at Youngttown at 1:10 am MeedvllleSi2Sa. nj„ Cony 4:jp a. m. Jameatowns.'oTt' m, Buffalo 0:20 a. ra., Rocheater 12:88 p, m.. Horn.n.' vlllo, 11:00 a m , Corning 12:07 p m, HmWiMO p ia pi _______ IHnpjhauipt«n 2:10 p ra./Now York 0:10 p m, at I'utftburgh 0:0O a. m , without change. Uiclied! PITTSBURGH EXl Through without ohani ' Yi J. Arrives at Parlor car at. P m.,Pltubu,, nge, --------T.......---------------._jtown ft:0O l w ruuM1u 8:02 p. m., Waihiniton 7:00 a. m , Baltimore 8:10 a m A'll n m H!A"i0NI1Jc',. acimodation- • CRUMMOND'S For Mackinac, St. Iiainrp, Cheltoygin, Alpenn, Oscodi, Port Huron, Detroit tind intern dilate lake nnd river ports. ^ieamer JLTL1NTI0, Oapt. D. NiolialBOD, Lutci CleteUnd etery Friday orenlng at 8 g'clock. During tbt wuriu weather and pleasure Be aeon tbo Steamer Atlantic Will extehd the regutir trip on to PeloBkey, Harbor pringi and Chirlevolx. CLEVELAND FORWARDING CO., Agents, Office and Dock, Foot of Sui>erlor-st.,'Cleveland. Youngstown 6-5R p. m., Sharon 8;01 p. m., 8:10 p. m. . fi'/vdO ITI PITTSBURGH EXPRESS-Dallv- 0 i3U Q. llli Through without chauge. Arrlvet at YoungitownO SO a. m., Sharon 10:80 a. m„ Shanu. villefo:40 a.m., Pituburgh 12 45 p m., BetnrniSr leaves Pltb4bmgli at 4*15 a. ra., 7;46 a. m., 12-&6 n m and 8:45 p lu r ' in 1A a m youngrtown and Pittsburgh 1U JO 0. Ill, ACOMMODATION-Stopplng at iU ivlng at Youngitown 1:40 p. m.,p|it|. iiwuiwiiTu ui uiuTui.uu, 6:16 a. m., 6:80 p m 10.20 a. ni; 1:05 p. m., and 9:46 p. ra, ' oWTbls Is the only route by which passenger, cao reach Corry Elmira, Binghnmpuin, New York City and Intermediate points without change. No chsne* to Boston and Now England cities. " Baggage checked thiough to all points East Through tickets anu Information regarding lb, route oan be obtained at the office 131 Bank street, aid at new Depot of N. Y.,P A O R R., South Water inHet and Viaduct, Cleveland, O. A E. CLAiRK, Gon'l Psas'r Ag't Cleveland. 0. J. M EEHRIS,J3en!LMaa!gr,-aovaland7o.--------------- M. L, FOUTS.Paisenger Agt.lJlBank St.Cleveland. Way Stallone, arrli burgh, B.45 p. fh. Trains arrive nt Cleveland. TRAVELERS' REGISTER. LAKE SHORE 4 MICHIGAN SOUTHERN. Commencing Sunday, May 11.1884, at 12 o'clock noon tho time given ln-the figures below Is the new standard (Ninetieth meridian) time, which la thirty-time' mln- nte. slower than Cleveland time proper: Eaitward. Not'Fast Limited Express.. No8, N Y,B4 A- Express........ No 20, Elyiie Accommodallon.... J Acrlve | Depart. •1 id •6 86 . . ._.....____..... t8 O5 A„ No 33, BulFulo Ac'm via Sandusky Ho 86 a v No 36,1 oledo Accom via N orwalk (lo 86 a u No 12, N Y A B Fast Express. No 14, Special Kl'tlloi Exprc. Night Ex via Norwalk... No 22, N|ght Lx via Sandusky No 2, :hl Ex via Korwalk, ght Lx via tiandulk, ___, No 2-8, Conneaul Accommodation in 26 l* ii 2 06 AH '7 00 a u "1 65pm 10 60 a u 10 60 an •« 26PM 6 00pm 0 40 P u tlO 00 1> m V) 42 pm..........._.. Westward._______ No I, Fast LtmliciLExpraa......... No 28,Mlch Express "Via Sandusky No 8, Chicago Express via " .. No 25, Mich Accom Uorwalk....... No 21, Toledo Ex via Norwslk... No 5. St Loul. Ex via Sundustty.. Noll.Chl P.,clx vlaijorwalk L, Arrive. | Depjtrt, No 31, ElyrU ac to i:lyrls only -------- " " • ■ ■ i(o: «11 65 a M|°12 0B»M •2 16 * m <U 35 a M JU 06 i m 6 90 a u .12 56 p [12 16 P nil 00 p Mi j t« 1(1 i I "J I3 20 Pl M 12 40 Pl No 27! CoVtSoaut Acconimodatton J8 IOamI........... Sunday train for Nottlnghnra- DuparTs 3(T~a m and 1 -ifi p m ; returning, leave Nottingham lit 0 06 n m. nuda 45 p. in. ' ItefenncB ranrka-" Daily, t dully, eWpt Sunday jdaHtly.flicopt Monday. f For full infomiaiiun ub to trniuB and/couneitioniian- ply at tlie aw city ticket oUld., cornet- Sum-cu and fit Ckiratreoip, Uke rilmro block The Nickel Plate! NEW YORK, 1'IIICAaO A RAILWAY. ST. LOCIA The passenger oqulpment of this New Trunk lit, Is ajl new anil Is supplied with the latest appllanvn necessary to safe speedy and comfortable travel, necessary At Chicago, from the Union passenger trains anlvc at and leave Depot, Van Buren street. Following Is the time In effect June 1, 1184, and un< til further notice: GOING EAST, . 7.60 a m, ..'..... 0.45 " ....... 1.80 p. m........ .2.05 • • ....... 7.65 l ' 0.18 10.22 10.27 11.88 ' Lv. Chltago....... Arr. Valpaialw.. '» Fort Wayne. " New Haven.. _ " We»t Lelpric. >ia " Arcadia.........4.40 " Foetorla.........6.00 " Green Springs 5,45 " Bellevue........ 6.10 Lv. Bellevue.........6.20 Ar. Lorain............ 7.60 Arr Cleveland....... 0.02 Lv. Cleveland........,...... Arr Palnesvllle..... ....... ____ " Ashtabula...................... 12 26 p. " Cpnnaaut.,..................... 12.50 " Erie.............................. 2.00 '• Dunkirk......................... 8.47 " Bufjhlo................„....../. 6.20 GOING WEST. Lv Buffalo.......... 0.50 a. m.........'„ Air Dunkirk...........U.24 " .... " Erle....v„........ 1.28 il. m........... " ConneauL....... 2.20 " .......... " Ashtabula....... 2.51 •' .......... " Palnesvllle...... 844 " ......... " Oevcland........4.52 " .......... Lv Cleveland....... 4.67 Ar Lorein............M 6 12 Arr Bellevue........ 7.36 ' Lv Bellevue.................. " Greea Springs....... •' Fo.torla..........................1022 1 Arcadia..........................10 84. " " West»0 " " New Haven ....-......... 1 86 p. " Fort Wayne.................. 1.50 " " Vilpralso........................ 6.42 " Chicago ........................ 7.60 ACCOm. 8.03 6.80 "Leave 6.16a. m. 6.47 i 7.86 0.10 0.20 0.44 6.4G 743 8.55 Through tickets lo all polnta aro on sale at principal Ini'en of tho company at lowest iutks for any clu. ofllckote dislreu Bnggsgoohecked to destination BEE LINE Forj|nformutiuu, onll on nearest agent of the Com¬ pany'or adtrrtu B. F. HORNER, Geo'l Passenger Agent, LEVIS) WILLIAMS, Genera! Muimgor. Cleveland, O. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI 4 INDI- ANAPOLIS. Commenting Sunday, June 8, 1884, trains of the Kee Liue— (levelaud, CoIuiuIiub Cincinnati A Indian¬ apolis liallWaj —will leave ami arrive at Cleveland a> follows, t'KNTBAl. btam.aicIi timx, 88 mlnutee slower than Clett-laui] lime: •sS: DKTROIT, MICH. FOR SALE Tug A. W. Wright. C) Under 14 by 16; holler 9 feet long, 6 feet shell and curries 1UO pnuiulerof ntesia, uud Ls In good bii.lnesH con dition. Tlicre la no butter boat of her vine ou Sitglouw Hlver. Hull 40 feut long, of Wood. Address. J. HELL. Donnelly's Tug Oillur, L'uut hjuginiiwt Mich, 1. Columbus, CUiotnnstl Alnd Ex... 23, Gallon A W hetUng Express....... No. 0, Col., On., Ind ,t-9v kouls Ex N. C. PETERSONl Boat Builders, * aiu,u. vui. tjiu,, jna. a autiiuii eixpreai PLIAIVBC aOATB AND UIL1HO and iTaUU Ticntl,., No. 27, OallioD k O.L 4 W. Ace......„..... TAWL BOATfl, 8POON OAKB, HTKE1UNO W11EELB. ETC, No. 1*0, MmwlllOO & Ulr.ChBVlUe"^.',,.., 385 Atwater si., Near Riopelle, Uopart 7.-00 AH 6:40 A M t«:40 r M No, 6t Col. Un„ Ind. 4 SI. Louis Express...|»U 88 P M No. 8, Col, Cln, Ind' A St. Louie Exp.. No. », Uhricuvijle A MsajiiUon Ex. No. 2, Col. Clu. A ludlanupolls Express" No, 14, 81, Louie. Ind.. Gin. 4 CohHx Nd. 22, GulUou Ma.............. »o, 20. Wheeling Accom.......'.".'"'.'"".'... No. 4, (iil„ flln A N. Y. Express.. iiVda"* """'"^ * aMy> oU ""*"■ ftni«» J«lly except Sunduy E. B. THOMAS,- Gcueral MslHlger. A. J. 0. B. SKINNER, Traffic Manager. SMITH, Giuerul Passenger Aaent. CUSVELANII, OHIO. " ' V. D. XICKERS0N, MARINE ARTISTE Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge, Cleveland, 0, for tbo Vorklng class, 111 ------- „ s that will pu . ol making more money In a few days than you em< '"- -'--------"-■• ■ ' CanlfalnotreiiulrW. ------------------„____ Send ten eentsforTOs- _ tage and we will mall you JVm, a royaL rains- x OTsamplo goods that will put you ra the *>7 i a few days than mltal nol allihot thought iioaslble, at any business. «..»--. .-.--■ .„ We will surt you. You can work alllho Urns or l» spare lime only.. Tbo work is universally aoupleu vj both sexes, young and old. You can easily earn from 60 cents to IS every ovenlng That all who want wqia may tc.t the business, we make this unparallou ouoi, to all who ar< not veil satisfied wo wall send H '"If/ for the Iroublo of writing us. Full p«rlloulurs,dl{oc; lions, etc., sent free. Fortunes will bo mode by «W who gite their whole lime lo the work. Ureal suk nbaolutuly buio Don't delay Start now. M^ Stinson A Co , Portland, Maine. "••ff- %^H APPT7D """d *** cents for postage, a ! ill/JlJ, froo, a cosily box of goods ' help luu to mure money right away ffiali •"'"""".Sli. .In llils world. All.of olillur sex, suttysd fro«i«f hour. The broad road to fortune opons be/"'0, r workers, aliMilulily sure. At once addre».4lll«««l^■• Augusta, Maine. ^ 6659

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