THE MARINE RECORD- [Continued from 1st Page.] DKTiiorr, Sptctal It thtNarint Record. Tlio stoamor Alberta^whloh was Ilbelpd here a few daya alnoo, save bonds on 8atur= day and la at liberty to depart whenever she Is ready, bo that for the time being honor's arc easy. Tho olalma'amounMo upward of |01,000, which aro In behalf of the Osborne and of 'n0 Pacific Her repairs are wejl nigh done The timber trade, like the rafting, 14 mov¬ ing this season more extet.slvely than any (01 mor year within my recollection, and Is being shipped from polnti on all the hikes, and more especially from Georgian,Buy. Yo6V Id ilny (Sunday) the steambarge D. D. £al- vln passed down on her second- trip of the season with large cargoes of timber laden on (our large barges, beside her own freight, (roro the Bay, aggregating J0O.000 cubic feet, dint Is 20,000 on each vi'saol. 'J he couveu- encos lor ihipplng timber from Georgian Buy aro far better than ut many oilier points, as It Is not disturbed by rough Weather as It Is on the hike shore, w here It has to be ilnatpd out to the vessel nt anchor; and In- tlio event of violent weather a vessel may be two weeks taking on n cargo. There was a greater number of craft pass¬ ing here yesterday either way than on any previous Sabbath this sensqn, notwithstand¬ ing the reports that many are In ordinary. Numerous complaints are made this sea- con of the neglect of the keepers of fog sig¬ nal stations in not paying stricter attention Co the sounding of the whistle In thick or foggy weather, the fault being more on Lake Michigan than 'elsewhere. Can it be that the beeper sleeps at his post. It would al¬ most seem so, yet It does not always do to i present judgmont-too hastily. There have also been Instances where keepers of light¬ houses have been more or less dertlecr. The propeller Delaware, bound up, laden with metchandlse,left hero on Friday night, and on reaching'the locality of the St. Clair iaiiul, got ashore about one mile to the east- unrd of the light. There is positive evi¬ dence that the light lending into the canal n.ia not lit that night and tlmt the .same neglect had occurred on- former occasions. In this Instance It entailed an expense oJJ > o\ or $.">00 before the steamer was released, be#lde a detention of thirty-six hbuis. Last evening, at the commencement ol church services, when every bend Was boned In pTFayci' and all was as quiet as It should be In u house of worship, there came three of those unearthly screeches from tlio whistle ol a propeller passing down, which startled every one in the city, in Its remotest parts, to say nothing of those in attendance upon lellglous exercises. However soothing or iiMruotlve that pandemonium may have In en to those Interested, there Is no exouso, reason or apology for it, and It Is almost of nightly ooeuripnce. Someol these whistles iry far worse tl/hn others, and are sufficient lo lift the tln/rooT from n church. The schooner George Sherman, uliich dls ill ifged a cargo of wood at this port the lut- tei part of the week, whs libelled (or claims •Wcgatlug $8,507.07 mid w as Immediately tiul up. Those claims are for supplies, re- pilrs, towing and seaman's wages, all of which is.due to residents of Cleveland. The vessel Is a three-masted schooner, was built nt Cloveland and has been twenty-two years rflout. Sho is worth about $(.,000, but If sold nt marshal's sale would not rcnlUe more than half that sum. During the week past ten cargoes ol wheat have beon shipped from hero for Oswego und Buffalo respectively. The lowest figure was 1" Biillulo, at lj8c. The propeller Cauuda bus been lying at Windsor awaiting a char¬ ier with faint prospects of securing one. Freights from here to Canadian ports are chiefly on owner's account, und aru few and fur between. . Casting my eye on the passers-by this af¬ ternoon I saw two steamers that for some time past lmvo been almost forgotten, yet In 'holr palmy days they lanked among tlio Ihiest of the fleet. One, thcS. D. Caldwell, lias been nfloat twenty-two years, and atone llmo was one of the most popular on tlio Lake Superior louto. She has survived hosts of others as well ns neaily all the mus- "rs who oncd pulled the hells. The othei, 'ho Aioxes, bus boon twenty-eight veins In turvleo, and pHed litany yenis between lluf- !"lo and Toledo. Thero are to-day upward of' -1,000,000 bushols of grain on tlio passage to Buffalo on board of vessel) to lower laks ports, the Trojfeht on which Is no better tlmt) from De¬ troit t0 same pouits.- 'he ateambargo V. II. Kolcham arrived iro on Frlday'wlth one of hor englnos bro¬ ken. The accident took pluee'on tlio passage down, but she managed to reach Buffalo and return 1 ero with one engine. The steambarge Thomas W, Palmer claims to have made (lie run from the Sault to Do- trolt with two barges In tow In thirty-three hours. And here la another. The steam- barge J. H. Farwell wlili two bargoa In towi from Detroit to Duliith and returning by way of Mffrquette, In fifteen days. It took the old steamboat Superior thirteen days to go to the Sault and return, and she went It alone In 1822. A squall the other day drove the schooner Benedict to the Canada side of the river, where she fetched up alongside of a dock unharmed. The schooner Wawanosh has beert+egu- larly employed all season in irelghtlugcoal from Luke'Erle ports to Sarnla, and is lowed osch wny by the tug Jcislo. ' The new Bteel steamers building at Wyun- dotte have nearly all their machinery In and one will be ready for launching in about u week. They are line specimens of naval architecture and of mammoth proportions. The BChooner J. C. Hill has had her name ("changed to Dan Maybee, and it isjisserted has improved her looks. As she has been some twenty five years afloat, It ought to be encouraging to her owner, and tbls-too on Lake Michigan, where all the old lower lake traps seek a new lease of life. The large steamer City of Rome U here with her engine badly broken, which hap¬ pened ofl Presque Isle, Lake Huron, on ErU day. It was a sort of an explosion doing con¬ siderable dambge to her cabin, mockery- ware, etc., etc. The large Montgomery, fprmorly the propeller of that name, arrived hero on Sun¬ day laden With Iron ore tor this pbrt, w hich the consignees refused to receive. Her cap¬ tain yesterday employed the tug Oneldu to tow him to Lake Erie, tliuiico she will gull to Cleveland and discharge. The steambarge Ogemaw upward bound, ibroke Upr machinery on Lake St. Clair Sun¬ day, and returned to this port^.for repairs. Such accidents are of dully occurrence and more frequent than InJotmcrtimes. The weather bus b,ccn**very Haini fbFsev al days, with light southwest winds. A Detroit party has in hand the raising of the tug Belle King, sunk some years since, down at Put-In-Bay. Three times she -has been raised to the surlace, mid euqh time dlsuppeniod, owing to the chains giving away. To-day they took steamer again for the scene of operations, seemingly some¬ what more hopeful of-the task The sunken vessel Is worth $3,000., Captain S. A Murphy is negotiating w Ith M. Engleuiiui, of Manistee, to raUe the pio poller Ironsides, which foundered ofl Grand Haven a Ion yours age. It Is the opinion of the ownors of the sunken pinpeller that her hull is still good. The Ironsides was at one time the finest propeller mi the likes, and was engaged In the passenger and freight trutllc between Milwaukee and Giuud Ha ven. " J W. H. main on shore and superintend the loading resembling our revolving bcucon light very of the company's scows on the west shore of imiioh. Itjsabudoifo and should bo-dls Green Bay during the remainder of the sea ami., ,fl. Freyei, a dock hand on the steamer Corona, fell from the gang-plank Monday evening and was drowned. Ho.lsialdto have a daughter In' Milwaukee. T.8ClNABi. SjMCtal to the Marine Jtetqrd, Business at the oro docks and along the harbor front continues dull, with no visible sign of Improvement. Captain Ojson, of the B. F. Bruce, reports no ow ner found as yet for tl)o yacht picked up In Luke Huron on 'Ills-last trip. He has written to parties at several of thoports near where she Was found and will doubtless re. celve Information as to her ownership und the circumstances under which he was oast away, on his return trip. On Saturday luorning lust u six years old son of Captain Hpovur, of the schooner Helvetia, playing with a companion about the deck of the ves¬ sel as she lay In the slip between' the ore docks, went oveibnard. He was hardly un¬ der water, however, before his elder brother, Chup'ln Hoover, second mate of the ship, though only 10 years oldLwas overboard and after him and had the lad aboard again In a trice none the worse for his ducking. It was u prompt and plucky action, deserving of mention, though both son and father Insist that It wasa matter of course. Why wouldn't he? It's that quick comprehension of the thing to be done and such'promptnesa In doing it that makes successful men, the stud' heroes ure made of, afloat or ashore. The barges C. N Pratt, Captain J. B Forrest left on Friday for Quebec, with a cargo of pine deals for the Liverpool market. The schooner Wlllard A. Smith, arrived Wednesday I'Olll A11IRI II Sjmtutl lo the Marino Jte\.ortL Following Is a statement of the bintlness done by Collector of Customs Joseph Nich¬ olson, at this port for the llscal year ended June 80, 1884 Canadlun Bteuiiiers. Cauudliin tiitioonom Aniorlcin uteunittrti Allllrluaii mtioonurl Total....... COHtltlgTOMoll ilon'ia-i 210,2.17, 1S,1Vi| 49,1111 ti2,85J 367,1100 40,178 r'lulLi'l 7B,1JI) H.S'JJ 41.121 11H Ttld'i, J52.iyiH Crowa STURQKON BAY. Something like one hundred and fifty men find employment on the Menominee river during tho season of navigation in the ca¬ pacity of lumber loaders. They reecho forty cents pel hour when employed. Captain Aug. Llndqiilst has rotlied'lioui the command oftlie tug Goldsmith and Cap¬ tain John Gllbiiitb—who oveililiulcd the new binge leienlly purchased hj the Two Kheis niuiiiiluttuiliig iDinpmi) liom 1)<- troll pintles—Is again jn chaige of the ci.ilt. It Is ponnlhlc that ( aptulii l.iiulipii-l wjll ic Ing coals to New Castle The Minnie M. got disabled again, When it few miles out Irom Fnyotte on Wednesday morning, some ol her machinery gave way and she was compelled to put buck and lay up for repairs The Lady Washington, finished, the tilp for her au.l will make i-cgulur trips, in. her place until she Is re¬ paired. The captain of the steambarge Progress tells about making the run fioui Cleveland to Escunubu and return In fheduys. Give us the record ot some more of tho racers. A thing never before accomplished was the loading of the Mussnsoit, from nine pocket at once, on lust Monday. There Is no other Of all the ore cm iters that can take ore through nlno spouts nt onco, several can take from eight, but it Is seldom that more than three or fotn are used. In this case fourteen pockets were full of the ore wauled. Angellne Hem utlc, und Cuptaln Shields put his ship In shape to takelt. Ouo of the eroitjOf the Blown, had his head cut open In n fragment of falling nre, TncMlay. A blgsticklng planter judicious!) applied mended his cranium. Tho Countess experienced heavy weather after leaving heie, and had to ride It out at anchor under the booth Munttou, Mich. Alarm for hor safety was felt at Chicago, but Captain Hummer took her homo when the gulc hud blown Itself out, without purling a lope-yaiu. Iron ore shipped frpm the port of Ese»- niiba, for the season up to and Including August l.l,OOII570tons. E G. I ASI11AIK I A. AjKCiallathe Marine Record There are thirty vessels In port at present The tug Red Cloud, w Idle working on the steambarge Ctimborlnnd, when on the bur last week, broke her (.rank pin, blew outlier cylinder head mid damaging hei machinery bmllv, was towed In poit by the lug Dragon and will be lepalred here. An opposition tug line Is bolngHalked of by local capitalists. The old pier at the entrance to the harbor now in the channel will be dredged out shortly. The steumhuige Cuinbeiland, oro laden loi this poit, mistook a light ashoie a nhmt dlstaiict».wt'st of licie, mid run iigiou'nd .some 200tons of oic wcie jettisoned, allot which she was pulled oil reudily,hj the sti'imbaige iJ^olii und tug Diiigoii. The light, siiu.iied al a i.iiuplug giouiiil, w.ihii inimnnh uial oi.1 toiPh With u pull nl wind it blow,, in nil) out, nuf allcr u lull.ll lies up, | ......----- .. .o „ ^flil WIIU IIIIU SlllMUU UU'UIH'^ continued, the Cumberland bclng'tho.fourUi vessel ashore at tho same plaoo in the laat fow years. The flno schooner James Mowatt, recently bullfby Wolf & Davidson, nt Milwaukee, has arrived- here with her first cargo, con¬ sisting ot l,6.Wtonsof oro from Escanaba, drawing 13 feet 4 Inchon. She la 102 feet keel, 38 feet beam, mid 13 foot lrold, and (a classed Al* for ten years. Captain D, P. Cralns, muster and part owndr, spared no ex¬ pense In fitting hor out, having a Providence patent capstan windlass,' patent halliards, and all the latest Improvements, has very finellue°, and willpiohnbly boa good.'sallar. She Is now loading coal forChlcago. 'J. P. miiwaukbk. Shippers were oil'ei Ing bu: .we on ore from Escauubu to Lake Eile poits Monday, and were not nnxloii* in secure vessels eviyi at this low rate. Two-tugs teliMiseil the steamhargoThomas Smith Irom Strawberry Island and towed her to Sturgeon Day for repulrs. The yacht Cora, lecently purchased by K. R. Rhodes, of Cleveland, will tow to Cleve¬ land witli the stcaiiibuige Oscar Townsend. Seamen's wages will remain $2 per day out 61 tills port. The union here at a special meeting Monday lefused to adopt the Chi¬ cago wages, $1,50 pur day Vessels are stripping and laying up. The tug Pacific exploded her boiler while at Ashlunil yesterday morning. The engl- neei ..Michael Du^-los, was fatally Injured. The Pud lie was built at Buffalo by tlio Union Drydock Co. in 1875, measures 42 tons classed A2 and owned by Littleton of Detroit. - When the schooner Holmes was In mlJ- moinlng from Ileu.vej Uland ^ ^ r flJW with acuigoot Are.woooVLookslike bring-[,„„„„„„,„„ )JJ[m0(le(I „„,, ,„ fl„...... instead of oil exploded and set (Ire .to tho lei, but the ll«nie< were subdued. One orTfm crew wus badly burned. kings ro.v. ptaln Bogart has resigned the command ol the new steambarge Monteagle, running on (he upper lakes, and will take charge of the propeller Scotlu which is to be flttedout for service ut Bullalo. >V The steamer Conqueror Is\ow lying at the buck of Giinn's house. It is said that It will he sold shortly. The Forwarders expect a rush next week. It is suld tlmt fully a million bushels are on tho way to-Kingston. f MU8KKUON. Sunday night the tug Arctic encountered a heavy squall oil' this port while towing the barges C. O D and Transfer from Escanaba to Grand Haven, loaded with uawt-Ure. AU-------- tor laboring in the storm for some time, siie dropped* the Transfer mid made this port w Ith the C. O. D., reaching here at 5 o'clock. Tho C. O. D. was dismasted and all her rig¬ ging curried away.' She sustained some slight damage beside. The Arctic hi all right iioii.n's I'll.11. The barge Thomas Smith went on the rocks at S'niwberry Island Sunday moiulug. She Is loaded with luinbei, is liaid on aft hut her bow Is lu three fathoms of water. The steamer Coionii, in passing, went to her assistance, but, uftei pulling on her tor a time, parting the hawser, and, being behind time, hull lo leave her Two tugs from Mtnrgeon Buy wore sent to release her. I.Ii'EIIARY NOITChS. Tlio September Aii.amic bus variety and Interest enough to satisfy the most exacting leaders. Two additional chapters are given of Dr Mitchell's excellent serial story, "In War 1'liiie," lllrhuid Grunt White conclude* his keen und very characteristic papers on "The Anatoiul/iiigofWIIIiuin Shakespeare,' I'rancls I'aikinan, the eminent historian, cnntilbutes mi essay upon "Wolfe on the Plains of Abraham;" Prof. E. P. Evans lias a curiously Interesting article on "Mcditevul and Modem Punishment;" Horbert Tuttle liasu timely- paper on "1'ho Despotism t>f Party;" E W. Sundy writes of "I'ho Vol¬ canic Eruption of Kiukutou," Eleanor Put¬ nam describes "Old Siileni Shops," Chniles E. Pasioe tolls "The Story of the English Magii/iiu's," Miss C. F. Gordon Cummliigs lelutcs "A I.egemi ol Iiivctuwc," ununoiiv- moiis wrltei descilbes the "Lakes of Upper liuly." Thcie uie pocmi by Lucy Lincoln, Mil.. .lulluC. It. Horr, mid Paul II. Ha\nc, miews ol seveuil leading new books, and the usual Miutt) ol the Coutilliulur's Club Miboiuibu loi the I!iiiii|i>,