Marine Record, August 14, 1884, p. 7

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THE MAPINE RECORD. H. J. JPE<B<B & CO., Ship Broker*, Vessel Owners and Agents. [ MTAllaWilED IN 1880.] 11 J w*nnACo,wlllchirterVa>Belaforla»oTrndo, finjiriil attention glron la G arier ng VoeseN d the iiks Superior Iron On Tr ulo, both for tho aouofi mil tlnglo trip. m ARCADE BUILDING IO" 8T. CLAIR ST., ^Cleveland, Ohio, TELtPHONEIitB.iiiinco', nil' lass. WrwcH'co., VESSEL AGENTS, General Marine Brokerage. tiraln, Or* and Lumbar flhalrtara Negotiated. Room 2, 156 Washington St., CHICAGO, ILL, SCOTT & QBWRIMAtf. Fire and Marine Insurance Agents and Vessel Brokers. Attention ol«o given ly the puroluiie mid aale of Iron nj Telephonft, No. J8. Office, 130 South Water-St., Cleveland. O. THOS. WILSON UANAOINQ OWNKR Wilson's Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder. Freight and Veuel Agent. CLUVKLANn O CAPT D M HECKEtt CAIT HLNKY CROCK ■3). M. BECKER & CO., - Commercial Brokers and Vessel Agents, VmmIi chartered, purohaaed and told, contract! mado foreoaraaand heavy freights Lake Superior and Eecannba Iron ore obartara for tin- 41. trip or aeaeon a apeclalty . Coali'lrenEi Blind'., ClBT8luD0\ 0. 1_________telephone Wo IM "I MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, Jfo. 101 Sinclair UtrMVHootnin------------- CLEVELAND, • OHIU PALMER & BENHAM, \ Vessel Owners & Agents, New Bank Building,- oorner of Superior and Bank Street Cleveland, Ohio. JAMES T. HOSE, "Vessel Agent and Broker, BOX 101*0, DITLCTH, MINN. late Gen Ag't for Oolllngvood line ofSteamm Special Attention Paid to Chartering- Veeeala, CAIT J W MILI.EB LlAIT It B MONTAGUE MILLER & MONTtiGUE, DULUTH, MINN. Vessel Brokers and Marine and Fire Insurance Agents, and Board of Trade Welghmen. Stwcial attention paid to Oliirtorlnp Veiwls, %\*b weighing and Trimming cargoes of tfrntu Corres|K>n diniu ,kolidled. ALEX tfbDOVGALL, VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, Owner* and ma ten of ve'sela wishing to net enrgots olttriin from this port •will do well to con fur with me Will bo glad to furnish information in regard to oar- apw,i]ioLn relation to docki, doptl, of Water,etc, it Doluth, Arate Bay (new Iron oro port). Port Ar¬ thur, Waihburn, A«nUm., and all point* nenr the l*M|t tnd of Lake timerlor Good ganga of men ior- niihed oq ibQrt notice forirlinuilDg oarguoi of grata, jofctllng and unloading nil klnda of freight KNEIP & MORRISON, VROCTdHS IN ADMIRALTY, 115 Monroe Ht Room M Chicago ROBERT RAE, Admiralty and Insurance Law Office; Room «7, Merehanuj' building, CHICAGO, ILL. A. M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, Jufltlo,N. Y. OTIP YOU DO NOT RECEIVE MY MONTHLY LI3T OF VESSELS ^ORmi.F. as*'* Vuli :T GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO., Builders of Iron and Steel Ves¬ sels of every Description. Builders of the Iron Steamers Onoko and Wm. Chisholm, Steamyacht Twilight, Iron Tugs International and Record. OFFICE AND WORKS, OLD RIVER ST.. CLEVELAND, 0. Established in 1830. WM. WALL'S SONS, —ii*Nuract murta or—* CORDAGE * OAKUM. Genii of AMERICAN RU3SIA and ITALIAN HESIP of th« very beat qua'lty made to onler AT ONE DAY'S NOIICE MANILA and SISAL BINDER TWINE. Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y, JAMES P, DONALDSON & CO., Ship-chandlers, Sailmakers AND DEALERS IN Mill, Railway and Manufacturers' Supplies, WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. • DEAN & CO., mm jm. tt mm rn^r xi^hk Patent Yawl Boats of all Lengths, Pleasure and Hunting Boats, Sail and Steam Yachts on Hand. .Also, Life Boats that will pass Government Inspection, and edst less than any Life Boats in U.S.A. nhAN .1 CO. tOOT Of ST AIBIS-ST VhTltOIT, Willi SUB-MARINE DIVER, Sub-nun me Drilling and Blasting. riTfcKN HEARINGS REPAIRED WITHOUT OOING TO Kin DOCK. JHccking Expeditions Accompanied. Contracts Made fcr all Kinds of Dim. Residence, 80 East Ohio St, CAI'TAIN DRIKCOLL, CLEVELAND Chicago, AGfcM H WILLIAM F0RDE, l( SHIP^ROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N.E Cor ColumbuaAre A WatorSL, ______________saSdubict, OHIO, DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. "•■MTU' * STEAM (OAL C'«*.lMX|, Ohio PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lockport, New York, are Sole Manufacturers of the Celebrated "Anchor Brand" Tackle Blocks, ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED OB WITH Our Self-hb mating PhosphorBronze Bushinqs. The metal In those Huahlngl U ttla Celebrated Phosplior-Bronie Mio licit bearing nioial In Uie market ami being perfect lubricalona they ore fast eupersediug all other atylee. For aale by sllll' CUANDI DUO orcrywhiiro ASK FOB "ANOltOB UBAND" TACKLE 11LOCKS. Illuitratid OtuloDoeand jirlaellst mailed free on at pllcailon r<um|ilB orders sopVaiu I1 AccoinlianylliKCUtranrisenta ourjiew Mora, PAT! NT1 I) N()\ HJllEIt 111, 1HH3 Cyclone Steam Fuje Cleaner rorjhorizontal and upright boilers FROM H TO IE IHOHCa CREaCENT"RfflJFACTURINRCO. >OLC MANUFAOTUHIRI * JLEVIjtAHD.. QJHLLP- O^.A. __ Q. 8. RAND II. D TlCBOEU. RAND & BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS, W±TH JDEZTT DOC?: ATTAI HBD TO THE WORKS, A LSO.PHEPA BED.iTOlDO WBECKING AND TOWING Willi THE Tug John Gregory. Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOC.WIS. The Neversink Cork Jacket AND IMPROVED LIFE BELTS, - Warranted Twenty-Mr Lin. Buoyancy AND FULL WEIGHT OF CORK According to Raiulreraenta of U. S. Inepecuira. SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS — -ALSO RWG-MffiS;-------- Vpprovcd and adapted by the United State« Board of Supervising Inspectors ;alno by the principal Oram, Lake mid River Steamer I,Jjie8, us the only Reliable Ufe Preserver, VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED. Send for Circulars I) KAHNWEILER148,148&150 Worth St Near <>nlqr St.. New York. KATZENSTEIN'S SFLr-ACTINQ METAL I'AGKINOfSB; FOR PI8TON RODS, VALVE STEMS, Eta. Adopted and Id km bj tho principal Iron Worka •and Stoaaahlp Com pi nice within the laatoiftit yearelnthlaiod Foreign countnoa >or full par. tlculara and rufereoeea addreaa I. KATZENSTLINACO W Christopher 81 near Woet Strtot N y 1 THUS WIISON, Cleveland .sent. ' CAH THUS FOR SALE. ZfcTe-w Iron T"u.g-. t'iiuenilom 78 feel long, 17 (net beam, II loot deen draft 9 1-2 feet engine 20i20, new ateel boiler 7 feet In dliiutter 11 tot long, allowed 112 pounds ateam. Ihreo iron hro«t hook, forward. oolll»lonrhuUthead forward, water light bulkhead forward of boiler, Iron aoa! bunkerj, water tbjkt bulkhead aft at ahatt-gUnd. with water light Iron dock fanning the door of after cabin Irpndeolci.bulwarkaand deck.houaea, Iron tow DoaU aft. lleary ang e Iron framea, with raierso ban oVal- tornalo frimoartiplale atetl door plates, Iwiler, en¬ gine and touring foundation of Iron I or aale cLean whtn muLhlnery t an be completed by GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO. Boat washing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 109 Water Street. Telephone 118. AlrpftTf! •/"•"I'urTlleUvoaof all the 1'roelOlinM flUiill 10 of the U 8 1 he l.rgeit, haml.oniMCbe" book enraolitfnrleaa than twice our price I'hera.u eat.wiling book In America ImmameproSIa to uanla. All lulalllgeiit people want il Any one ean become a ■uoeeatul agnut Team, tree If»» "^^ ' Torllmd, *Wn? Book Co,

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