Marine Record, August 14, 1884, p. 6

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■J' 6 THE MARINF/ RECORD. "* JOHN ERIC8SON.' New York, August 4. Editor of the Marine Record, u ■ l DEin Bin—On the lastdn/of June, eighty- onn years ngo,: tliero come Into the world nmortg tho mouiititlna artel valleysof Swollen, n child who was christened John. Ericsson, That name tins long slnee become known throughout the entire civilized world, find Inst week wo lind the ploiuure of again con- grntulatlnn the vfcternnliive'ntorof the scrow propeller Monitor, and recently, that drend- ful marine wnr engine, the torpedo bont tie- Btrojer, which la now absolutely perfect nnd complete. Though a Scandinavian by birth, thla remarkable mnn la endowed With .till the Ingenuity and enterprise wlibh Is die chief characteristic of a born Yankee, and even four score years have not been heavy enough to bend his Indomitable energy and perse¬ verance. In fact, the older he grows the younger his IdeiiB seem to-be. Not content with the lauiela he lias already won Irom land and sea, be must needs go to the ekj lor a new problem to solve. And that he hasrthe solution, of even this, may be proved by a vltit to -his back yard, where he has harnessed the sun to do tlio wind's work on a warm and calm day. Here the writer saw his latebt engineering-triumph, 'a solar mo¬ tor, pumping water in place of a wind mill or a steam engine., He still clings to the modest dwelling, No. 30 Beach street, oppo¬ site the great freight depot of the Hudson River Railroad, In this city, the same house in which he has lived for the past twenty years. His wonderful caloric engine Is manulacuired by the Delamatcr Iron Works In such numbers tint it would stem no other machine could do the same work so well and cheaply as his; and now the crowning glory of his long life 6eems to be the sun en¬ gine, which Is Intended for use mostly In tropical countries, where coal 1b dear and wind for mills scarce and uncertain; also tor ihc--beueiit_ol Bulling vessels, which may utilize this power for running their pumps, and also for storing up electricity by day to illuminate their Bide lamps In the ulghi watched G. FobTKii Howell. DANIEL COOK. To the Editor of the Marine Hicord: This brave mnn, who met his death In his etlorts to save life, deserves a monument. .Mr. Cook, of Toionto, steward of the pro¬ peller Argyle, was a pnsienger on the Al¬ berta at tho time of the-collision with the eteambarge J. M. Osborne, and with the in¬ trepidity"and coolues« of a born hero suc¬ ceeded in saving the lives ot Captain Wll- ford's ih'ree children and a lady, a friend ot Captain Wlltord's family, who was taking a pleasure trip on bomd, the steanibarge. Captain Wllford, his wile and three ot the crew ef the Osborne got aboard of the Al¬ berta, as the latter swung around, by jump¬ ing Into an open gangway, bill they left on board a lady and the captain's three children, two of whom are mere Infants. When the mother found they were still on board the fast-sinking vessel her lepra and entreaties lor their reBcire were agonizing, and moved Mr. Cook to their rescue. After having placed them safely aboard the Ajtyerta he returned to assist others who might be In the water, and In order to save the second engineer of the Osborne, who. was Blnking beneath the surface for the last lime, he .lived after him. Bringing Jiioi up, he found that the poor fellow was scalded almost to death, and unable to lend him any assistance. He bravely held him up, however, and tried to reach the bout which he had just tleovrtetl, but the cold water of Luke Superior and his previous exertions had told on his strength, and before he could rencli (he bout he sank out of light, still clinging to the man whnve life he tried to save by sacrificing his own." D. W. Burroughs of Benzonln this, (Benzie) county, claims that In 1833 he was mate of schooner ot G. S. Willis, (10 tons bur¬ den, and during the summer took on board, off the beach at Ashtabula', Ohio, a cargo of whltewood lumber which they uulouded In rafts on the beach at Milwaukee. _He claims that It was the first lumber ever'brought to that olty. . Sylvester Beckwlth now living near Forest City, Mich., was In command o( the schooner at the time. If there l» any craft that has a prior claim, let them now speak, or forever let tho Willis have the laurels so justly earned. ' Tho Rov. Peter Daugliorfi'! and throo others In a Macklrmw bont, In May 1809, Is the first reoord .of any craft In Grand Traverse bay, nnd on June 20th, sauio year H. R. Schoolcraft' of Mackinaw arrived In the bay on a small vessel, name unknown. Tho first cargo shipped from Tra verse City td'Chlcugo was timber In schooner Mnrlu Hllllard In 1852. HOWELL'S AUTOMATIC WAVE-LU BRICATING LIFE-BUOY. - Tho drcndlul loss ot life at aoa which takes place'year after year hat lately stirred up the maritime community to devise means and ways for at least decreasing. If not altogether preventing, this dreadful slaugh¬ ter which has gone on so lilng.- A-rnqog those who have made the subject a special study, was G. Foster Howell, who hairdevised and perfected a selt-acting ring life-buoy, which easts oil upon the troubled Son, and makesa smooth circle, the size of Barnum circus ring, the mordent It touched the water. This pacific oil pond stands out clear and plain In the midst of the boiling nnd raging sea which beats all around, a,nd proves a liar bor of refuge for the unfortunate catlbr who tins fallen overboard. It Is to hlin what an oasis Is to tho faint and weary, traveler, In the midst ol u burning desert scorched underfoot by the hented sand And overhead by the blnz ing sun. The most Important feature of this Invention Is that a man may be. seen, or, ather, the smooth patch of water where he Is, may be kept In sight by those on board bis vessel, even though she has run a couple ot mile?, away before being brought up Into the wind and hove to. Many men are drowned after falling over¬ board because the people on rfle ship lose sight of them before a boat can ye lowered, but this simple and Ingenious debtee proves an antidote to the turmoil going on all around, and provides an artificial mill pond, so to speak, where the mariner may float In salety until he is picked up. This effective apparatus will only add about three dollars more to the cost of tho ring buoy, and It ought to be adopted by every yachtsman, fisherman, and ship and steamer afloat. Further Information may be Ivtul by ndilres- B|ng D. Kahnweller, 1-K3 Worth street, New York, the well known Inventor of the neverslnk cork jacket and lifebelt, whoriias the sole right to manufacture and. Bell Howell's improveil--life-buoy-lnJthe-Unlted States. Established in 1834. MANUFACTURERS OFALL KINDS OF MARINE ENGINES Cor. Detroit & Center-Sts, CLEVELAND, 0. Geo. B. Carpenter & Co., Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers. Ship Chandlery Goods of all Descriptions. MANILA ROPE OF THE VERY BEST MAKE Steel and Iron Wire Hope and all III Fitting!. to 208 Sill W.tfiTl, CHICAGO, ILL. WM. & SON, Boat Builders, Steam mid Snll Yacht*, Hunting, Flililng and Plemurci llouti, Shell Doatn, Spoon Ouri. Foot of Porter Av., Buffalo* N. Y W. W. LOOMIS, Erie, 2?a-, . SHIP AND BOAT BUILDING, Flabing- Tag's, Wrecking, Repairing and Tier Building with Molt Improved Facilities. All Work Qnarantee'd. Corr>iponq>no«.8oUolt»d, N.-C PETERSON* Boat Builders, PLKAHURK BOATS AND BAILING AND STKAW TACHT^, TAWL BOATS, SPOON OARS, STEERING WHbEIJ, KTC, 385 Atwater St., Near Riopelle, DKritOIT. MICH. PRESLEY & CO., Globe Drydock Shipbuilding, Drydooking, Re- . pairing and Spar Making, CLEVELAND, OHIO. FOR.SALE Tug A. W. Vyrjght. Cyllliiler 14 by 10; boiler 9 feet long. 5 ieot she 11 and carries 100 pounds of steam, aud la In good butlneaa con dltton. There M no littler boat of her alio ou Saginaw River. Hull 40 feet long, ol wood. Address. I BELL, Donnelly's Tug Otflq/, East Sagluaw, Mich. C. E. BENHAM^ 317 Detroit Street, > KEEPS W STOCK AFollLllftefilSlifc Lubricating, and Eamp Oils of the Best Quality, ANP A GENERAL LINE OF LAMPS,'CROCK¬ ERY AND TABLE CUTLERY. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. TELEPHONE NO. 1040. CRUMMOND'S Mackinac Line, For Mackinac, Si. Ignaee, Cheboygan, Alpena, Oscoda, J'ort Huron, Detroit and intermediate like and riTci* ports. Steamer ATLANTIC, Oapt, D, NjohoiBon, Leaves Clevelnnd ctery Friday owning at*8 o'clock. During tbr witrm weather ajid pleasure season the Steamer Atlantic Will extend the regular trip on to Petoskey. Harbor prlngi and Ch •rloTofx. CLEVELAND FOIlWAKPINtt CO., Agents, Office and Dock, Foot of, BUTTS"COALTCO.7 .. _ ■ [limited,] On.137-. Seiners of BUTTS OMNEL COtfL', and dealer! in <»ns Coals, Nut Coals, and Stefnu Coal lor ffugi, fiargei, e.c, CLARK I. BUTTS, CLEVELAND. O. General Manager. TRAVELERS-REGISTER. LAKE SHORE k MICHIGAN SOUTHERN. Commencing Sunday, May 11,18W, at 12 o'clock noon the time civon In the figures below la tb» new standard (Ninetieth meridian) time, winch Is thlrty-thrvc min¬ utes slower than Clevt-land Jfme proper: ■Few Tort, FennsylTanla ft Ohio \\ NEW YORK, BOSTON ANn THE B*»T ; The fthortMt and Qnlekeat Plcu '. bar*, Waablagtsn aind BalUmar* , and tke Sonthcaaf. -------.--------------. k Central, or Ninetieth Meridian Umo.83 mlhnt.. .i er than CJovolandelty time. . m'nnte,i|0. Until further notice trains will tears from is. „. Control Depot, Bnulh Water limit and Vliduol;», i". 6.1 a? m. ^^rn^&iSisa^ L.»vlU«1urgh 8:85 •. m. lo Nnw Votlt, Albi", .,5 Boilon without chonjf. AMTeatUatdTtUau%«. 1, m. (dinner) Franklin at 12:08 p. m, OUClti'n-ffi"'• Oorrr 13.8S p. m, Jameatown (Liik» ChiuUaaml i m „' m, BuffliloJ.Mp. m. Itoehoitar 8.-30 p. rn.: n tn. Blnghanton WfO» p. m., Allmnjrfcoo i. mTjottS . l:«p.ra.;arrHlngatNoirYorliO:lJa.m. U,,**'*I0« ' n .nfl i. m LIMITED EXPllESS-TlirouBl,'Pin. IiiiUU, 111., J»an alenlBf omah from. Cleweland b> New York. Arri»e»at MoadTlllo at 0:80 p. m ji»." town 8M7 p. ra., Salamanca MS p. m., Maw York 11:00 j. i: huX)b»SS(»c,.'« HornolliVlllo. Arrlm at YounB.lown at J-M a 5° ' Mcadillli- 8:38 a. in., Oorrr 4.-50 a. m. JamMtown s'B?? m, Buffalo 0:20 a. m„ Bochoiiar 12:68 p, ro.. Hori.ii:' rlllu, 11:00 a in , Corning 12:07 n m. Elmirafc.o n m BlnoliBinpt<in 2.-10 p.m., Now York 0:l0p. a, irrlt'i ttibtirgli 0:00 a. m., without change, rrlt. _ *w a. >m>. ni.uujJb VI1AIIRB. Z.ZU J.ffl. Through without chanm, Parlor car,u tachad. Airlroaat Younmlown ni-00 p m.,PittahnV. 8:02 p. ra., Waihlngion T.-00 a. ra , BalUoora8:l( , «' j|*11 H 1TI "SI-AHONINQ AO,IMODATrON-n- Jill lli 111. Slopping- at all way a'anoni, artlrlniii Youngmown O.-rVS p. ra., Shaion 8:01 p. rn., 6rarr«i?|[|, R '/in 8 m "TTSBUBOH EXPRESS - D,„. _ 0 iOU 0. Ill, Through without change. ArrlT«,I YoungiiownO..S0 a.m., Sharon 10:80a" m.. Shani. tUIoI0.-,0 a. m., I'linburjh'n^p m.. lietiirrilJvT leareallitabuigh at 4,05a. m., 7|lsa. m„ £""?' and 3:tfl p in " ' KIQAO m YOUNOSTOWN AND P1TT8BUB8B 111 JO fl ID, ACOMMODATION-Stoppln. at ,U Way itailons, arrlrlng at YoungMown 1:<0 p. ra..Pliti- bargh, 8.45 p. m. • r . ' " Train! arrire at Cleveland, 0.-15a. m.,n:IIOn m 1020b mj 1:05 p. m., andI):45,p. ro, ' ■tar-ThlB la the only route bt which pauengen tin reach Corry Elmlra, Blnghaniptun, New York citr and lnlormedhue polnta without chanird. No chinn to Bosloo and New England ritiee. . »• Buggage checked through to all polnta Eait Through tiokoia and Jnfonnatlon retardlni Ike route can be obtained at tlus office 181 Bank itraet and atnew Depot ol S.Y,pTlO It R.. South Wat!"it™, and Viaduct, Clereland, O. ' ' "»'»"«WI A. K. CLABK, Oen'l Parn'r Ag't Clereland. O J. M FERRIS, Oen'l Mta'gr, Clereland, O. M. L, FODTB.Pqinenger Agt, 131 Bank 8t. Clerelind. The Nickel Plate! Eastward. I Arrive | Depart. "1 "10*1tS*12 06 i m <■! 00 a M No 4. Fait IJuiltcd Kiprou.V h o 8, N Y, B 4 A- Eiprm.....>r=R6 35 No 2<>, Elyria Accommodation..... fX 05 a u No 35, Bulfalo Ac'ra via Sandusky 110*35 x u No 35, '1 uk'do Accom via Nu> walk flO 35 a u No 12, N Y 4 B Far* Eipre»„... °1 65 P u No 14, bprcUl N Y 4 Boa Eiprca......„...... No2, Nfolit Ex via Norwalk..... 0 40 P u No 22, Night Ex vliiraudliBky.. fo 42 l-u No 2C, Conpeaut Acc(imnn»datlon t4 28 p u tip 50ah +10 50 A u °i 25PU 6 00P-M tlU 00 1- VI _________W eat ward._______ No l.Fast IHmltcd Expresa......... No 2-1,alich ExnrefaB via Sandusky No 3, Chlcngo Eaprcfs via " ., No 25, Mich Accoru Norwalk.. .. Nj 21, Toledo Ei via Norwalk... NifS, St Loula Ex via Sundusky.. No 9,Clil P,,c Fx via Norwalk.... No 31, Elyria ac to Elyria only... No 27. Connraut Accommodation | Arrive. | Dt-nart. •11 55 a 11 •2 16AV (0 05 am t'l2"Jo'p'ii fl2 16 p u •fl'06 p u '12 06ah. •8 86 am 6 80a u tn 10 a u }3 20 p it H 40 pB vfi 3i. p if t4 80 r n _ ___ta_io a u bunrlay train lor Nottingham- Depart~8 30 a ~ni and 1.45 p. ra.; reluming, leave Nottingham at 0 06 a m, and 3 45 p. m. Haferenco marka-" Daily, f daily, except Sunday, (dally, except Monday, t For lull informailon aa to trains and counectlona tit- plj at the now city tkki-t offlco, corner Seneca and bt. Clair streets, Lake Short blnrk BEE LINE bLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI 4 INDI- ^4, ^NAI'OLIB.. Commenting: Sunday, Junes, 1884, trains ol the Bob Line—Cleveland, Columbus (Inclnnatl A Indian¬ apolis Kallwai —will Icaie and arrlvc*ul Clevelan I as IOUO,WS, CKNTIIAI. BTAMJAIll) TIMB, it nilnules slower than'Cletelaud lime: tio. 1. Columhin, Clnclnnall 4 Ind Ex No. 23, Uallon 4 V> heeling Expre»i... No. 0, Col., Cln., Ind 4 Su Louis Ex . ■ " No, 5 Col On.. Ind, 4 St. L.uls Elpreas... K«i. 27. C.alllnn 4 OL 4 W. Aco. ... ...... No.jw, M"»lllon 4 Ul Ichsvllle Ex . No. 8, t'ol. Cln, Iij.I ,k St. Louis Exu No. 20, Uhrlcovlllo 4 Massllkm Ex . ..... No. 2, Col. Clu 4 Indlannpolls Eanreas...... No, 14, St. 1-ouia, Ind. Un. 4 Col/Kx '" No. 22, OalUon Ace........ No. 2'j.WkooUiig Accoan No^ 4 Col., Otn A N, Y. "ExjireaV~"."'"" \-^ gj™" ■»•*«- "Jail J, -.Horner trains dallyTicel), E. B. t«0MAS. 0. B. SKINNER, GtnereJ Vanagw. Trafflo Uanfger. A. J. SMITH CLEV^AN^orHIO.M0°8C"A'en,• NEW YORK. CHICAGO * BT. LOUM RAILWAY. „ The paucnger equipment ol this New Trunk Line la all new and Is supplied with the latest appllancas necessary to sale speedy and comfortable travel, At Chicago, passenger trains anlvc at and luvi from the Union Depot, Van Buren street. Following la the lime lo effect June 1. 1884, and un¬ til furthor notlce: .GOING EAST. Lv. Chicago.........7.50 a w. ..................-........ Arr. "Valiwalv. 0.45 " ................. " Fort Wayne. ISO p. m,............................... " New Huven.. 2.05 ' ......... " West Leipilc 3M • "........................ " Arcadia.........4.40 " .............. ..... " Foatorla.........5.00 " ...................".!"'!... " Green Springs 5.46 " .................. '."""1".,'I 11 Bellevne........ 6,10 " .............. ..... '■'" Lv. Bellovue........: 0.20 '• 7 55 a. m. ""'"".'.™ Ar. Lorain............ 7.60 ■" i.K '• Areo'm. "• An-Cleveland....... 0.02 . ' 10.22 " Lv. Cleveland.................. 10.27 ' 852 p. ra Arr Paiueavtlle............... 11.38 " 505 " Aalitnbula..................... 12 25 p.m. 0.03 " Conneaut....................... 12.50 " 6.80 „ "Erie.............................. 2.09. •• ............ '• Dunkirk^....................... 8.47 '* ' ............. " Buffalo..................., *.... 5.20 " ' .......... GOING WEST. Lv Buffalo.......:... 9.50 a. tu......»., '..... Ajr Dunkirk....,.....11.24 " ........ ......... " Erie............... 1.23 i). m................'„, Leave "-Conneauu......'2 20 " .......... 815a.ra. . " Ashtabula........2.61 •' .................. 0.411 « " I'alncsvllle......8 44 " ................. 7 43' " Cleveland........4.52 " ......... 8 65 '• Lv Cleveland........4.67 " 6.47 a. in. ...'.......~ Ar Lorain..............6 12 •' 7 35 ■' .......,__ ArrBellevue.........7 35 " 8.10 " .......... Ly Bellovue....................... 0.201-" .............,. " Green Springs............. 0.44 *' .........„' •' Foatorla..........................10.22 " .............. 1 Arcadia.......................... 10 84 » ..........~ " West Leipslc................. 11.80 " .......... " New Haven................. I 85 p. m............. " Fort Wayne.................. 160 " ........... " Valpralso....................... 6.42 " ........... '• Chicago......................... 7.6O " .......... Through tlcketa to nil polnta are on sale at pilncl|>al otllccs ofthe company at lowest naTKa for any clus, of llckeu, dt-slred. Buggagochecked lo destination For information, call on ncareat agent of the Com* pauy, or address B. F. HORNER, Gen'l Passenger Agent, LEVIS WILLIAMS, General .Manager. Clereland, O. V. D. NICKERSON, MARINE ARTIST* Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge, Cleveland, 0. ...... for the working rlaas. fiend ten cents for |*i' UllU I age and we wll) mall ynu /rw, a royal, valvu¬ le box of sample goods that will put you In the wiy of making uiortTOoney In a law daya than you «v« thought poasiblo ut any business, lanital not requlr*'- Wo will start you. You can woS all the Unto or in spare lime only. The work ia uulveraallr adapt™ "> bnl,h aexes, young and old. Ynu fan easily earn Iron 6l>x«nia to J5 every evening That all who want won may test the business, wo make tula unpafalled oner, lo all who an noi well eutlslled wo wHl send II to I *1 forthe Iroubloof writlngua. p'ull porileularn.ajf-": tlous, etc., scut free. Fortunes will bo made »r "V™ who give their whole lime to tMe work. Great iu{«" ubaoluloly suio "Don't delay SUrt now. Actarf" Stmsoh 4 C» , l'ortland, Maine. ___, A PRIZE. .r.r«tuTlfoWo^« help you to mora money right away lion anythlaH"" In thla world. All, of oillioraex, suiceed from "j» hour. The broad road to fortune ope»s befo™ ■°" workers, alisolulrly sure. Atonce addieas^Tauia L"-> Augusts, M-lne. 4456

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