8 ■^r THE MARINE RECORD. PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND, Griginal and only builders of the "Providence" Steam and Hand-Windlasses, Steam Capstans, Crahi Capstans and4 Power Capstans for Steam and Sailing Vessels, Yanhts, Tug Boats, Wrecking Boats, Elevators, Dry Docks, Etc. '• ' The Providence Patent Steam Capstan Windlass; New Style. i \_ i urn iiimiiiiiii v..............in.) The Providence, Patent Power Capstan, ».,.\ The Providence Patent Capstan Windlass. The Providenoe Patent Pump Brake Windlass. The Providenoe Patent Steam Capstan. ", NV SELL.NC AGENTS ON THE LAKES. The Providence Patent Or'ank Capstan, BUFFALO, N. Yi I JAMES P.. DONALDSON'& CO. CLEVELAND, 0. DUNHAM & HOIT. TOLEDO njftjf norths *. m,---------^^_ DETROIT; MICH "MILWAUKEE WIS :'■".■; THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. • GENERAL FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS, BLACKSMITHS, BOILER MAKERS; AND IRON .SHIPBUILDERS; Office and Works, Corner of Elm and Spruce Sts., Cleveland, 0. - > Wi treprtpirod to furnish on! abort notice biallonary oi^Uarl tie/either Illgh Freuiire, Loir Preiiuro, Con- denilng or Coui pound jEngiiiM, HorlEonj^l o Vtrtical, wllh or without graduating cut off. Vertical Engines Kept in Stock. fl c keep altylxea of vertical ;eogtae»|ip slock, which we/are prepared to tell at respective prices, HUtiou- -ary engine includes Governor,-Throttle, Cylinder, and Oller.'Oll Cup, and Waste Cocke. Marine Engine Includes Llnkand Reverse Motion, Circular Throttle Cylinder, Oiler, Oil Cupi and Wane Cooks, same m stationary,—no governor or fly wheel. ■ Noa. 7, 8,0 and. ' 10, bavealngle cranka, with separate Journal when used with xtatlunary englnea. . They are provided with good braai boiea in both endi of connecting rod and cross head, with heat possi¬ ble provision mado for taking up the wear. TheCyl- Inder, fiteajn. Chest and lower head are cast In one, piejo and the framo, slldce, and Journal! In- one piece,. thereby lessening llablHty of derangement and lint coil > and Inturlng a durable niathlnir. The. Cylinders are ueatly covered with cast Iron laning. Slide-valve with lar.e jwrts. 1'lslon filled with good metitlllc packing. Material and worknianalijp guaranteed, "" "■• I. . . ■ HlSIXItfJIlIliOiKM., •TanoiiiitV, ■»*»«** -H aving provided our new toiler works with the most approved tools fur riveting by steam, plan¬ ing ihe edges, instead of chirping,' drilling, punching, shearing and bending by steam power, w« feel. warranted in saying we can furnish the best work for the least money in the following kinds ot boilers, which we can build of either Iron or Steel: Return flue Marine.Bollers, Tubular Boilers, eithe; hor- iiontal or vertical, Iocon otive Boilers, Cylinder Boiltrs, Flue Boilers, Smoke Stacks and general plate Iron work. ' suBuEnoED -runs , >-DW . kui.i. u'na joilbh. TUBULAR • -t. Ship Chandler's List. BOILER. m.-i Jeleofated Chain Sheave Windlass;witfi Ama-^,u n. * in- ji • ~------------— . tee? Beam. t\\B LOItimOn rateni vtmm$.Glrt)eIron Worts Pafevf Skam Windlass 5994