8 THE MARINE KECpKD. PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND, Original and only, builders of the" PrbvidenceT Steam and Hand Windlasses, Steam Capstans, Crank Capstans and Power Capstans for Steam anjkjailing Vessels, Yachts, Tug Boats, Wrecking Boats, Elevators, Dry Docks, Etc. mm The Providence Patent Steam Capstan Windlass, * New Style. The Providence Patent Steam Capstan. The Providence Patent Capstan Windlass.. The Providence Patent Power Capstan, The Providence Patent Pump Brake Windlass. The Providence Patent Crank Capstan. SELLING AGENTS ON THE LAKES. D S AX hi IN A (O UPSON, WAT ION & CO. M I \\\UO\ BUFFAJO, N Y UAMEb P DONALDSON & CO. CLEVELAND, 0. DUNHAM & .HOI'l, TOLEDO, 0. | G. D V0RR1S & CO. DETROIT, MICH CHICAGO, ILL MILWAUKEE, Wh THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. v GENERAL FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS, BLACKSMITHS, BOILER MAKERS, AND IRON SHIPBUILDERS. Office and Works, Corner of Elm and Spruce Sts., Cleveland, 0. nraKi».3M: iw«i.M:nfcrjE:ss. mrpd to furnish ni^ohort notice hialionnry uLjAlnritiL, f-ither High Frotunre Low Pressure Con¬ or I.oiii|h undjl nglues Horizontal o Tirtical, with or without graduating tut oil. Vertical Engines Kept in Stock. *Ve liPi|i nllJdlroB of urthal £ei>|,tiiet|iu etock, which wc art prepared toatllut rcapiotlvo prices btution- nry englut Includes Govurnur, Throttle, Cylinder, and Oilur Oil Cups mid \\ unto Cotks Marine 1 u^lne luchuka Link and Ueterse Motion Circulai ThrotUo (j Under Oikr, Oil Cups and Waste Cocks, name m Matli iinn —no go\ornor or B) wIill! Nu*t 7 H, timid lit liu\u»lngU trunks with m.puratq, journal when uv.d with Mat! »iinr> uiglncs* TIkj nrtl provided with good brass Imulh In Ipoih tndrnf unmet tint* iod uml crona ln,nd With best pons! hlu) ruslalon niudu for taking up iIil wtwr llietyl fiuler Httiuu Clit*t and 1 wtr huid un taut In one jlciLnnd the frame, slldm, and Jiurnulsln onepion,, then l)j lo&tonltig liability of dtrui gtnn.nl and tlrot coni and Insuring u durablo uiitthliii lhi (> limit rs nro ninth covered with cost Iron liibiliiL, Mile valve with Ur e 11 rt» 1 imou liliid «Hti guod mtiiilllc lucking Mutirlal mul norkmuiiilil) feuarantftd II av ing provided our new boilt r works with the most approved tools fur riveting by steam, plin ing the edges, instead of chipping, dril ing, punching, shearing and bending by steam power, we feel warranted in sajing we con furnish the best work for the least money in the following kinds ol boders which we can bin Id of cither Ironoi Steel Return flue Marine Boilers, Tubular Boilers, eithe he izonla) or vertical 1 ocon olive Boilers, Cylinder Bailirs, Flue Boilen, bmoke Stacks and genera plate Iron work ULUMEKOKl) TUDK ft ' FULL TUDB BOILER maium- lb STATIONARY *KOI»f» \ Shio Chandler's List. -TUBULAR BOILER. KWwl Celebrated Chain Sheave Windlass, with Ama-~ - ft .... d_________ ten Beam. ■ fie Common Patent mMBN&,&lo6e lion //<v<h Pat""! Meant Windla*