Marine Record, July 10, 1884, p. 6

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6 THE MARINE, RECOPD. ■•"N J ' THE sClEN'UFIC I'RlNClVLES OF SAFETY. . LocKroitT, June 80. To tht Editor nf the Marine Record: Your cclltorliil commcntBon my iirllolc tin the Mny mimberbfthe Amcrlciin Aquatic' '• Miigazlne, fire lo tlic point, but do'not rover the whole ground,.ns the Inference nifty bo ilrnwn, thnt It would cost more to build Irom euieiitltlo principles of eiifety, thnt It coats to build others'ns now tiu-d; ' or, In other words, thnt It would on 11 for ii Kiicrlflee'to ndd milety. But such Is not the case. .Science Is the fountain head of safely aindeconomyiwhleli U proved by nil Inborsnv- liiK muchlno, tho works of science. Tht mifCJ.v fillip will be one of the hlgtiOBt older, and-be pofesscd of the jrieiitesc den-rco ol ■ economy, ever in u ship. In fact one hall of the power now used for propulsion will give a ureal"' decree ol speed. The principles to do this work will be loiind In tliecoluiiiiifc ot the intiire numbers ol the Aniclcan Arjuntlc Maga/.lne, begtnlnj; Willi the Augu't number. The question now Is^whiit Is the kmdol work ualleil lor? The loss ol tlicCan- nilian brig Sherwood, reported a short lime n,»o, throws much lighi on Ihis subject. She went down In mid ocean, only one survivor. Jt Is conceded or claimed that this dlsnstei was caused from luck of stability. I quote liom an nrllcle in tins New York Herald' ■Vi-pfeBSor Elgnr, of tlieiLoiiduiiJlustiiution ol Naval Aivhiii'etilie, recently stated thai v evidence nt the board of trade inquiries Inlo shipwrecks, is constantly pointing to in- siabllityaf- cause ol loss." As vessels are now built and loaned, how Is stability attained? There is no point bt-tier known by nautical men than thai it is attained by ballast, loading ^ '1 his brig was loaded Willi coal, good bfilliml, i,nd must have had all tiles' ability possible to" frjve her. The cause ill the dUasier must be looked lor Irom some oilier cause, as il Is slated that she did nut capsize. The tact is clearly pointed out thai she had encountered - a severe gale, as thousands of others have done, ana had become unmanageable, a li.-lpless uiaBB, and Was destroyed fioni bei own liiorlln; and had her stability been ol Hi Ii a degree that II in still water her masts ■would have been broken oil' before she could have been hauled down to her scuppers by them, It would not have helped her In the least, her stability would have been ol no account, created as It was by counteipoisu. Two more helpless things than an uu- • manageable ship and rolling waves du'iiol ' exist. The wavii has no eontiol over lis o»|i motion; It uiust roll onniird by the power ihal Impels It, and Is (hiveil on to lis mm destruction w hen II meets any tliinir tlmt it can not resist; an uumaniigeaiile ship, as now loimed, can not icsltt the motion ol the wave. Bui science gives the satety ship a loim io meet the motion ot the. wave and subdues or quiets it. Also powers to help h.'isell under all clicumslauces against the motion of the waves. Her power ol motion will be sieiiin, andaiixlllaiv sail. Ikr power loi pioiectloii will be rightly located buuy- ancv, and stability, not derived from conn- tei poise. In fact hei stability will be at Its acme when she lias no load, nsU Is deilved troin buoyancy only. Aglanceilt theShei- wouU's loiui will make tills clear. Ab she canii' Iiiiiii the hands ol the builder light mid buoyant sue had nostabilltt. Tonlvehei '.Itilillllvshe must be ballasted, loaded; this in ist bent her bottom; in doing It a portion ol her buoyancy has been destroyed, driven up llnoiigli her hutches, ami when loaded with an eye to stability, she then has no buoyancy below tbe^surlnco ol the wnler, none thai mugli wnrer can net upon to keep her sale; In fact it can only lencli It at her full exlieiiiulcs abo\e walii, anil In lining bo causes her buoj aucy lobe tho agent ol her dci-truclloii. Mich was llio condition ol tho sliei-uotd, a helpless mass in the [roughs of the waves. >M! sale!y ship Is on principles the direct oppo-lte ol the shei hwuI, hei buoyancy Is such as to remain In tact at nil times, loaded oi liglil, and is bcnealh the lurlacc, uiul Above It In position to always meet nil motions ol the waves, In sajely, mid the wave can never mount it, norsiinlu It. In fact alio Is clothed with buoyancy.. Uni¬ form Is such llinl the wave can nut come ng.iilist hcrasll does iigiiliist n rock, or the side ol a ship. Un lliecoi|irni'y,as It reaches thu ship she gently disposes of Ii nni| cms off its crown with her uuder 'water plough of btioyni cy, and her above water wings ol buoyancy cause It to recede from Jier to .the liollows ol the waves; or, in other words, to Its level. Tills is now no longer a inyili to be talked about, no longer ii mooted qiii'Sllon; science has now settled II practi¬ cally, nud a ship can now be built indo- Etrucllblcagainst the forces of nature. And In point ol cost less than sldpsas now built cost, mid lie run at greatly reduced cost, irom what ther now ore run. In them will be found the acme'of speed with equal power, and equal displacement, yours; Truly, JllSKI'll \V. XtlllCIIOSM. Established in 1834. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF MARINE ENGINES AND Cor. Detroit & Center-'Stfj, CLEVELAND, 0. Geo. B, Carpenter & Co., Ship Chandlers arid Sail Makers. Ship Chandlery Goods of all 'Descriptions. MANILA B0B5 OF THE VERY BEST MAKE Steel and Irp4i Wire Rope nnd all Its Fittings. to 208 Sol Wall, CHICAGO, ILL. 8 South Water-si Cleveland Agents for Akron Eubber Oo.'s Valves, Hose, Packing, etc. MUM. HINGSTON & SON, Boat Builders, Steam hihI Bull YuuhtH, Bunting;, Flailing utitl Pletmur* Bouts, Shell IlauN, Njioon Oar*. Foot of Porter Av., Buffalo.N. Y W. W. LOOM IS, Brie, .Fa., SHIP AND BOAT BUILDING, FIhIiIiik TutfH, Wrecking, IN*) miring »ml Tier IliiHt.liifr with MciMt Impro.mlFnciHU.'if. All Work Guaranteed. Correipondenoe Solicited. N. C. PETERSON Boat Builders, 1M.KASITHI HOATH AM) HAII-IAO ANI> HTKAH YACHTS)' YAWL HOATS, HE'OON OAltH, HTKI.JH\fi WHl.KI.B, ETC. 385 Atwater St., Near Riopelle, DKTIIOIT, MICH. BUTTS COAL CO., [I.IMIII I),] Onl3r Hsvf inexs of BUTTS CtiXXEL COM, antl tlt-alem In (ma Coal*, Nut Coals, and Strum ('out for Tun", IliiHffl, v c. CLARK I. BUTTS, CLEVELAND. O. Iltiiu-riil Miiimgrr. TOR SALE, One-half Interest in a New Steam Yacnt, To nn KNtilNEKI, who will give hln own n-mlcea For full particulars address, DEVLIN'A (0., Murine Conv«yiinc«Tr, ]66 WiudiluKlon-st Chicago. FOR SALE, At THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. SECOND HAND TUBULAR IIOILI It, 41 Inche* dl- ameter.-4.l tubus 8 Inrluti duiinoter a tut l^fewt long, iUmim drum itOinchru diumotcr, 40 Inchua tilub; Iruuj grates, fittings and brecelilugi; good order. SECOND HANDMATIINK BOILEK, In «ooil order; Shell. 7-10 Inch Iron plttie: dlumuter.U leet 6 Incites length, 18 (et!t; 120 tutu* 4 inches In diameter, 11 feet 4 Inches long,' turvt) fluea 18 lnobw diameter; two tint* 16 Indian dlumoiur, two Hum 101*2 Inchua dlaniiler: lire box, 6 fttotlont, 4 feet high; itoam chimney, 7/e«t lilgh SECOND HAND MMUNE JWH1.KR four Smi wtdr, 6 1-2 'cot long, 6 fact high, alxly-four 2 \-'i inch tubta 00 luchea long, eait irbn breechng, good aa new. SECOND HANDMAIUNK ENGINE; double direct- acting Bx9 Inch cylinder, shaft and wheel lor yacht or tug* good" M new C E. RENHAM, 317 Detroit Street, KEEPfl IN STOCK A Fill Lie of Vessel into; Lubricating and Lamp Oils of the ■Best Quality, AND A GENERAL LINE OF LAMPS, CROCK¬ ERY AND TABLE CUTLERY. • ~ OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. TELKPIIONK NO. 1540. ' From 10 to 25 per cent Saved IIY MUVINO 8BPPI.IKS AT JOHN SCHEUFLER'S Cash Grocery, OPPOSITE FltKD OJIOCll'S COAL. OFFICII. SANDUSKY, OHIO. MARI-HE'SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. ' STEADY STARBOARD . AND, STOP AT Capt. bah Ike's ON E PRICE BOOT AND SHOE STORE And Exnmlne a Flint Llnfe of Spring Goodi nt Very I-ow Prices. 297 PearUst., ClevelandT0. CRUMMOND'S Mackinac Line, For Mnokinar, S'. Igimcc, Cheboygnn. Alnunii, Oscoda, port Huron, Detroit find inti'hiie.liato luko nnd river ports. Steamer ATLANTIC, Oapt. D. NioholBOD, Lcbycm C!c**Hund every Friday evening ut 8 o'clficlt. During the warm wc.ither ui\d plemiire Season the Steamer Atlantic WUlcxiondtlio rcgulur trip on to Joioakey, Harbor priugi and Cb rlcvolx. CLEVELAM) I'OnWARIiINti CO., Agents, Office and Dock, Foot of Superlo^st.^Olpvclaml. • DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. DOMESTIC ■* HTBAM COAL Olevalonit, Ohio TRAVELERS REGISTER. LAKE SHORE k MICHIGAN SOUTHERN. Coiiimuncll)g»iiiidiiy,Muy 11,1864, at 12 o'clock noon Ibu time un en In the ligurcrt below In th( nt'iv Htnndnrd (Kincllt'ih meridian) time, which l» thirty-thrco mln- uiew alowijr thmi Cluvclanil tlmo proper; , Kuatward. _ _ No 4. Fast Limited Expreu......, AuH, NY, BAA Expmw........ No 20, Elyrlit Acconimwlailon.... No lift, Bull'itlo Ac'iiixiaBunduHky t; No.tfj. 'lulcdo Acc'oui via Norwalk \\ No 12. N Y A. B Kiwi KxprciiH..... No 14, biirclal N Y it Bos Bxpre No 2, Night Ex via Noiwulk..... 0 40 r w "No •>•>, Night Ex \iii .-tnuiiiHky . p 42 v u No lb. Coniicaut AumiuiKJilutlou f 25r si., LArrivoJ Dep.iri ■>1 10 A Wl*l2 (IS A M *fi !I5 A Ml *7 00 ' M +8 05 A Mi ......... l0 Uf)AM|10 50A M io ;t5 *l 65 P « 10 5ttA 3| *2 25 i' u 5 00 v M tlO 00 I' M ________Weatvvurd. _______________ No I.FiihiLiiulied Lxpruos........."^U flft* M No 2^,Mieh Exprewn viu Sandusky; "2 15 a m " ..... ■' ' gll 05 AM | Arrive. \_ Depart, 12 (ft A M (i :iA a 10 tl 110 AM 1(1 10 a M {» 20 !• u 12 40 r u wfi 3 ' V M t4 ao i' it 12 55 i' » 12 15 i' M '•'tl 00 1' M Nn .1. Cliicngo Exprt^a vlu Noi"), Mich Aeeom Norwalk..... Nj 21. Toledo 1.x %hi Norwulk., N<> 5, St Lotiln l.x viu Sand unity No 'i.Chl I*'f Fx vlu Norwalk-.. No 31, I.lyrlu lie to Eiyrln only. No 27. tonneiMit Aetonimodution J6 10 a"h biuiiluy iruffTfor Nottingbam- Depart 8.:to u. in, ami 1 45 p uj^; returning, leave Nottingham ut 0.05 u. m. ami it 45 p. m\" iletereuco urnrkn—0 Tilly, t daily, except Sundny, (dully, except Monday. Foi full Inforiinilloii na to triiiiH antl ooiincitltMip lip¬ id) nt tin- new cllj ilvk* t ntlkr, cornur Senecil and M ('luirntreeiH, IJtktsShtin- lilnrk BEE LINE CLE-Vlil.AND, COLUMHU8, CINCINNATI 4 INI1I. ANAI'OLIH. Comiui'UclnR Bun.Uy, JupcK, 1K84, train, of lliu IUtu Line—i luvelnml, uiUiiuIiuh, Cliicltiuutl .V Indian. »l>oli. Iiu 11»ii^ —will Uavr uiul mihi' ut I'luvvhin-i a. follow*. : icnthai, hTAMiAliu 1IMU, Id minute, nlowur than C ItMcliinil lliili': No, H. roliiuiliiiA, Clmlnnull .V Inil Kx..,. No, 2H, 1 julinn 'A W lictfllng Kxpru^........ No. !l, Col., Cln., Inil AHlLouuEx... . No, n, Col Cln., Inil. ,t Si. Umli Expreu. Nn. at, Uilllon 4 CI. A.W. Aco............... No. 20, MumIHoo It UI,lclii«Ulu Ex........ No. 8, Col, Clu, Inil. & 81. Loul. tin.. No. % UlirlCbVillr &. Maulllon Y.x....... No, 2, Col, Cln. iV lnillanHpoll. Kxprvu,, No, H, 81,», Ind.. Cln. A Col. Hx..., No. '22, Qalllon Acu............................. No, m. Wliocllng Accnin.................. No. *fC<tl., i'ln A.N. Y. ExprcM Ufpurl 7.00"a M O.'W A M °<M0 1' M •.2 11* P M i00 T M t.oorM ^Arrive. *fi.-40 A~lil U.-00 A M 8:60 I' M «l.-45 I' M 10.00 A M '.'iio r m 1.16 A M »■/•_______,______^______________________ rruln. marked » dally, tilltitlicr truini iliill. oxcupl Bnndajr E. B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, l.t-iit*rul Mtnuger. Truffle Manager. A. J. SMITH, tnneral Fniiimgcr Agent. OLEVFLAND, OHIO. New Tort, PBDDiylTaniaR'Ohio h, r, NKW YORK. nOSTON AND THE EANT The Nhortmt nnd Qnlekcat B«nt« to ruu. hart, WuihluBlan and Baltlmare , . and the Sonthfut. Central or Nlnollolh Merldlen tlmo. 83 mlnntn. .Ia. or than llovrhnd olty time. - «™.iow Until farther nntloe train, will lean Irom tie »•. Contral Depot, Uoulh Wator ilreot end Viaduct u f™. Jowm liiJltWW-°:M »• "• to New Vork, Albanr?nd llonton witlioui cliingn. Arrive nt Sloodvilleai ln-ui. n. (dinner) Fronklln nt 12:08 n. in, Oil City 13:80 iTm Carry p. in, Jumeitown (tnlto Chautauqut) 1 33 l), DufJtlloo.nOp, in Kooli»«ter 6.-2I) p^m.f Ho ' lllo e.-OOp m.'--------■■■ "—'— "-■ "*«-1- icr]', Corninii 7:25 p. i _ p m. Blnghnnton "10:05 p. in., Albnny A:0Qi». al'SHSSl i:« p\ m.; arriving «t Now York 6:WVm. ° fl .nn r, m HSllTEI) EXPBESg-Ttirongh m. L M lli 111. n»« uleenlnj concli from Clovelanil L Now York. Arrlvei at Mendvlllo at 0.-.10 p. ra Jnmn. town 8:47 p. in., Halniuunea 0:48 p, m., New York J0.-I0 a. in. Illjin T| m NIOHT EXI'IfESS-fDall, ,IC,pl 11?UU lli,llli Sunday) Seeping conch from Cleveland lloriiellavlllo. Arrtvo nt YoungntowTi nt 1:50 t m Mcadvllle 11:25 a. m., Corry 4:o(l a.m. Jaineeto'wn fi's71' ra.UulTalo0/30a. in., Ilochca-or 12*8 p, in., HornelU rrlve vlllu, 11:00 » m,, Cornloit 12:07 n m. Elimra 12:40 p. m Blngbampt'in 2.10 p m„ Now York U:]0 p. ni. Arrli at PlitfllMirgh 0:A01 in , without ohunao. 0>0n tl m PITTSBUnUH EXPlfESB ~ Dally - 6i6U 11,111, Through without change, Parlor carat. Mclied. Arrives at Youngatown fi.dO p m., PltMuri 8:02 p.m., Wnihlngton 7.-0II a. ta , Baltimore 8:19 a. m Jill n m MA1IONINO AOuMODATION- 4,11 II. HI, Hlopplng atoll way a'ntioni, arrlvlmu Youngatown O.-oTi p. in., Shaion 8:01 p, m., SharreiTlll. 8:10 p. in, G 'All 0 m PITTSBURGH EXPRESS - Dallv a. 0 i3U Q. llli Through without change. Arrive, it Youngiiowno W a.m., Sharon 10:80a. m„ 8hirr* vllle 10:40 «. m., Pltiahnrg^ 12 45 p m., Rotnniuii lcavci I*litiihu>g)i at 4.15 a m., 7;45>a. m., 12^5p. o' and 3:45 p in in or Q. m younohtown and Pittsburgh JU (JD-d-ffli-ACOMMODATlON-SWppIng it ,|l Wa) itniloha, arriving at Youngatown 1:40 p, ro..Pliti. burgb,S.45 p. m. Trains arrlvr at Cleveland, 0.-15 a, m., 6:80 p. ni. 10.20 n m; 1:01 p, m„ and 0:45 p. m, •VThlBlitheonlv route bv which paaiengeri c.n reach Oorry Elmlra, Blnghampton, New York City and lntarmedlnte point, without chango. No ch.DS. to-BoBlon and New Enirland Citlra, Baggage chocked through to all pointa Eaat Through tickets .anil Information regarding the route can be obtained at the. offlcu nil Bank street, and at new Depot ol N. Y„ P ,t O K R., South WaUralrent and Viaduct', Cleveland, Q, - .A. E. CLARK, Gen'l PobsS Ag't Cleveland, O. J. JI-FE1IHI8, Oon'l MnnV, Cleveland, O. hi. L, FOUTh,IM«w!ngor Agt, 13) Bank SI. Cleveland. The Nickel Plate! NEW YORK, CHICAGO A ST. LOUIS IIAIIAVAY. The poMi'iiucr equl|>nu-ntof this New Trunk LIdi is ull new «tiA U supplied with tho latest tpplltnced neccBHdry to sfltc Kpccdy und comfortable travel, At Clncngo, piiri**nncr trains anlvc at ind leire Jmm tlic Union 1 to pot, Vm Buren street. Follof In« in t^tj-tinw In efleet Julo 1, \tB4, and un¬ til further uotioe: ^ GOING EAST. Lv. Chicago ....... 7.50 s ni. Ait. Vul|iurttt«n.. 0.45 " " Fort W«y:ie. 1.30 p. in. ' New Haven.. 2.05* • :.\=: Went l^Jpalc. 3.511 dUJIt... 4.4 T::::r hv, 7.55 a. in. 0.W '• 10.22 10.27 11.118 Accom. 8 52~p. m 5-05 11.03 0.80 „ Araulu.m... 4.40 Fostollo......... 6.00 Green Spiing. 5.45 lltlh'vuo..... 6.10 llcllovno......... 0.20 Ar. Lorain ........., 7.60 Arr Uovelnml....... 0.02 Lv, Cleveland............ Arr. Palni'svlllo.......... " Aanwliula...................... 12 23p, " Cohneuut....................... 12.50 " Eflc.............................. ■ 2 0ft " ........... '• Dunkirk..............,......... 3.47 " ......... " Buffalo......................... 6.20 " ......... ■ (10INU WEST. Lv Buffalo........O.ftOn. in................................ AJr Dunkirk...........11.24 " ......... .......... "Erie............... 1.23 p. in...................• Leavi' " Conneiflil........ 2 20 " .................. 6.15a, n. " AHhlolmlo....... '2.51 •' ................. 0.46 •' " Pnlncsvlllo......341 " ................. 7 43' " C'lovelnnd...... 4.5.' " ........:......... 8.55 '• Lv Clevelund........ 4.57 " 0.47 u. m.......... Ar Lorum..........1,12 " 7 35 •' Air llellcvui'......... 735 ■' il.lO " ........ Lv Bellcvue.........'............ 0.20 " ........ " Ur.ell Springs............ 9.44- " ........... ■' Fobtorlu.........................10 22 " .......,. i Arcadia........................10 IM " .............. 11 West Ulpalc............'..... 11.H0 " ........ " Sew Haven .............. 1 85 p. iu......... " Kprt Wuyuu......i.......... l.»0 " ......... " Vnlpmlwi....................... 5.42 " ........ '• Chicago......................... 7.60 " .......... Through llek<>ta In all iMiints are ,ki hule ut pi in*- il^al ollirii* of tlu' coiupuny at uuvkhi ua'u h Tor any clu" nfllt-kuu il-elrul lluKgaK*> clieckcil- lu lU-Hllnalion Fur information, cull ou nenrwit iigonl of the Com¬ pany, or add res. B. I'. IrlillKEII, (len'l Piuwcngpr Agenl, * LEVIS WH.I.IAMH, tlt'm'ral.Miinugfi;. Cluvelnntl, o. P flT n '"r l'lu working rliiort. Send ten cent, for no** UUilU Mho mid we will ma!) you free, u royal, rulU"" hie boxWaumplo gooda tluil will hut you In tho way of making uioru money in a low duya thun you «ver thought posnlblo ut any bualnuan. Capital not requlra!. Wo will atait you. ynu can work all the lime or In nparu linn, only. Tho work Is universally udupled t» lioth noxe», young and old. You rim eiially care from 5Ucentflto$oevery evening That ull who want work may test tho uubIuohb, we iiio,Wl' this unpanilluil "Her 4o nil who an not noil hatlsOed wo will send 81 In l,nT for lliu iroublu of writing us. Full piirlli'uhirH.dln-'c- tlona, e,to,, sent free. Fortunes will be mndo by thew who give their whule Urue lo t*e work Oreat aucce.* ahaolutoly suio Don't delay titart now. Addrto 8T1NS0.1 A Co , Pojtlsnd, Maine. ADDI7P Send six cents for postage, and receivs rlUiJlJ-- I"*, u costly box of goods which will help yuu lo more money rlghl uwuy than anything ei»* In this world. All, of .olilier sex, succeed from or" hour. Tho hroml nuul lo fortune opens before Ihe workers, alnolut, lysine. Atonoe addrcsa„TllUK«W'. Augusta, M»lne.________________________________ WILLIAM F0RDE, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N. E. Cor. Columbus Av«. A Waler gt., • - SANDUSK.Y, OHIO, 47 297081 54

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