Marine Record, July 10, 1884, p. 1

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.' ». ABOUjYT) jtee lakes. , CLEVBMND. The Board of Tmilo nt Its last regular meeting appointed Geo. W. Gardner, R. T. Lyoh and Captain W. B. Giles a committee to confer with Engineer Overman relative to extending the bieakwater eastward of the river. 'Late charteis weie the schoouei Ellen Spry, ore from Eseanaba to Lake Erie ports, •lOc; schooner Read t,'ase, coal from ABhta- hula to Chicago, 80c, and schooner G. W. Wesley, coal from Cleveland to Bay City, 1' <• The following telegram trom Washington tells of thn ilnal disposition of the tax bilk "X'ho Semite has panned the bill abolishing [he fee for the roporting of vessols and re- dnelng that for clearing to 10 cents. This bill was passed by the House some time ago, and now awaits the Piesldent'a signature to to become law." At the Globe drydock since our l»st report the M. R. Wainer received some new plai.k in hei bottom and had her buts calked' and homo general lepiflfs. The tug American Eagle had her bottom overhauled and calked. The Chauncy Hurlburt came down from ABhtabirtarecwntlyj-arrlvlng heie ab'ont six o'cloeS, making the run nine miles per hour, to go into drydock to havo herstern bearings fixed and bottom calked. The schooner Cataraot, Captain W. Bafrott which went ashoie at Wlieatly on the 14th ult, nirived atthls poitort Monday in tow of the tug Bob Hackett, »hich releasei1 her with the assistant ofjackscrowB, etc. The Cataract Is not damaged much but will go on Smith's boxes, wheie she will be ex¬ amined and probably receive a through talking. The Cataract is classed 111 and valued at (5,000! her owners being Messrs., Simuel Shepheid, \\. Arhle, and the Cap- iuId Bairett above mentioned, allot whom are of Port Stanley, bho has curried coal between the lattei port and Cleveland lor bi veral years. It. L. Polk & Co., of lJetiolt, ha\e lit last got their Directory of the lakes afloat. It made its appearance in this city jcsteiilny .mi] is quite all that was claimed lot It. We havo heretofore given veiy extended notices "I It. In nddlllm. n> a complete list ol ves "' 1 on the lakes, It contains a notice ol 'very port and thefr connecting il\cis,a i iasiirted diicctorv ol Interests connected utth lake navigation; the location ol light¬ houses; lotei national code of signals, llfi- sivlng dlsti lets; synopsis of Jnnrine Ian, tnniiage rates on the Detroit and St. Claii livers; table of distances, etc. Tliu Direc¬ tory will be for sale by ship chandlers at *5. DUicm. •V< ial to Ihi Marine Record •'. J. Hlbbard's new sldowheel leny will be completed in a short time and will be nut on the routo between tliijs city uml Suporloi. The tug Tom Dowllug left lor Amiilcon «»n the 7th for a raft of logs for the Diilulh Lumber1 Co. • . The Grace Giuminoid Is laid up loi ic- I'drs tonbiokeii orimk pin. Captain E. Na¬ pier hue resigned the command of llie steam- ci and her owner, Mt. O'Conner, Is here looking after her management. She will eontluuo to rim on the Two Harbors route - Captain Thomas Wilson, of Cleveland, Is at this port on business. The Ocean »lll depart Irom this poi t leg- ularlyeu'iy Ihuisday at 0 p. in. B. CHICAGO. Special to the Marine JieconL Rosel Downer, submarine diver, succeeded on the 3d of July in cutting u plank out of thesteambarge Inter Ocean's wheel. ■ J. P. Devlin nnd George E. Karlle have formed u partnership under the firm name of Devlin & -Co. 'I hey will do a general marine brokerage' business and negotiate charters for gialn, ore, lumber and nierohan- dlse of every deserjutlon. Their orlleo Is'at 150 Washington atrew, wliere subseilbers of the Mahink Kkcoud, will llnd the papers heretofore addressed In cine of the Chicago Custom house. As the tug Win. L. Eulng was towing tlie schooner Australia to tills port on Mon-' 'day, the big flue pi hei boiler burst. Foi in¬ nately no one was Injured. Sales on the lumber marker havo been very dull and charters not at all, easy to ob¬ tain. Vesaelinen at this port aie anxious to know the result of the run down to Buflalo ol the steamships II. J Jewett and Phila¬ delphia, and opinions are about evenly di¬ vided. The tug Protection, wiccked last fall oft ■Saugatnck, has been rebuilt and will "com¬ mence running this week completion -and will shortly be swinging again. , At the Chicago Drydock Co.'a dock the schooner John Kelderhouse went in Mon¬ day to hate her bottom calked, the schuoner Jessie L. Boy ce got her bottom calked and painted, the schooner Christine Nilsson got a new topmast; the schooner Ellen Spry a new cathead aqd crosstlees; the schooner the chance of getting a cargo, but it Is not known that any charter was mnc,e (or her, Tho rate was nominally 05c per ton to Lake Erie ports. The sieambaige H. J. Jewett made the run from Milwaukee to Chicago in 5 hours and 37 minutes, which Is an average speed of fourteen nrjles an hour. It Is the fastest time ever made between this city aiw Mil¬ waukee, and deserves »pccial mention. The Jewett was" loaded with 1,000 tons of mefi chaudise, and she loll 700 tons In Milwau¬ kee, Last fall th« schooner David Vance ami Moonlight made the run with n liesh noiiluveBteily gale In 5 hours and 24 miu- utes. Both vessels were light.—Intci Oman- The tug Thomas SpcarB lias suffered an¬ other aggravating delay by something giving but in her boiler. She arrived here Filday and has been tNsre ever since repnhlng the dome of hei boiler. An examination of the schooner John Kclderliouso's bottom has developed the fact that she will not need moio than a general lecalklng. The sharp rocks of Hog Island reef did not do.the amount ot damage an¬ ticipated, and the planks of her bottom are not hurt at all. She n 111 be out of dock In a few days, and will be ready to loud grain. The big ark A. R. Kellogg struck the ecu Rush stioet bridge Is drawing toward.) tor"b|n 0flhe Twenty-second street bridgo while being towed up tho i lver early Sunday morning, and did some damage to hei self an/1 flio bridge. Several spring piles were broken and a hole knocked In the Kellogg's bow. She will be repaired In Ludlngtoii. The accident does not effect tho swinging of the bridge at all, and will not be a costly one in the matter of repairs. The members of the Chicago yacht club Bertha Barnes a new foremast; the stea.neis I nro actively enK,,gc(1 ln milklllK ,)re|)nr,lt|on8 City ot Duluth and Peerless, some repairs. The steamer Armenia was In diydock on the -1 tli and got a new key to her wheel and hei butts calked. The steamer Loi a, of the Graham & Moi- tou line, having had considerable repairs and additions to hti machinery, done at Grand Haven by H. Bloecker it Co., com¬ menced running on the 5th between Chi cago and Bt-i ton Harbor. The steamer Cltj of hi Joseph, ol the Bum" line, mils be¬ tween Chic igo and St. Joseph. Both steam¬ ers iniike dally tups and the lure lorthe ioniid trip, Including berth, Is only $1. U Miller Brothels' drydock the schooner Lady Dilllerlii Is gettlug some new plank In her bottom, new rail nil mound, some new sti infers and stanchions and a thorough o\ei hauling. The sand boat Imperial Is having the lion taken oil her fides and bot¬ tom to llnd where she was leaking. The leak v 111 be stopped and her houses lixed up, I'lieTChooiier Slam F Int got a new piece of kvel and new deck frames and deck, the srliouuer George L Wren got a leak stopped and her milder tlxed; the schooner Orkney Lass had a leak stopped. There was a fair demand for vessol room yesterday, which was surprising considering the small quantity of grain stored In the elevators here. Theie were practically no local intes ol lielght though, us vessel agents found It more prolliahle to accept through rates to Montreal and Now Yoik The, nominal into to Buffalo was 2 cents lor wheat and 1% cents lor com. The rate to J Kingston was 3?,' cents for wheat and 3}-i DnitoiT. Special to the MarlM Jieforil ., Julv 8—Murine intelligence hi this Imme¬ diate locality is dcoidcdly at a discount, nnd there Is nothing of special moment to inter¬ est the readers of the Rkcord. During the latter part of the neck a strong wind sprung up from the southwest which did not extend beyond a whole sail biee/e, apd not siitlfilcnttodetera well titled vessel from working to'windward on any of the hikes, ret, si range to sny, there were not a lew w, ho cho«e to show'the whlto'feather and hunt a len. On Sunday it had veered to noi lliwest, and was of about the same force us the day previous, but it Is gradually weal Ing away. Tlie schooner Cntaiact, which has been ashore the past (luce weeks below Rom) Eau, was released on Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, by the tugs Admiral Porter, Bob Hackett and Kittle Hnight, and mis taken by the Hackett to Cleveland fo) lepairs. This is tlie tenth vessel the Hackett lias aid¬ ed in getting off tills season. , Tifeilay (Monday) there aie but two vos gels atlhls port, both discharging ore and cedar posts lespectlvely, bin} nothing for shipment save one cargo of staves. Lumber and ore cargoes continue passing this port in considerable quantities, but not as freely as tho week previous. Tho few craft that were laid up at Bay City are again on the move, with possibly one oi two exceptions. Tile tug ( rusadcr, while coming irp the river the latter part of the week with a tow of vessels, broke hei shaft and lost her wheel, near the Lime Jviln crossing. Tlie tug Sweepstakes went to tlie rescue and brought the disabled steamer and hei low to this port, tor their tenth annual regatta, which takes ' .she has since completed hei lcpnlrsand pto- placo next Saturday. In addition to the I"-1 vleded on with her vessels to Lake Micbl- ber ot yachts I rom othei cities will partici¬ pate in tlie tegatta. Invitations will he is¬ sued to about 400 frloiicbj of the tluti. A stcamei will leave the Goodrich dock at 11 15 a. m. with Invited guests. The steamer Welcome will lonvcy the Judges, legatta eoniiiilttee and meinbeis ot the pre«s, leav¬ ing the breakwntei at the foot ol Van Itineu street at the same houi The com he for schooucis, sloops and cutlers ol the Hist, second add third classes will he a Li [angu¬ lar one ot eighteen iiauthal miles. The "'aclils will stalL at tho opening oil Van Bu- len street, sail over a'eouiheast comae ol six miles mound a buoy with white Hag and red etilpe, Ihenco north six miles around a buoy with white ling and two »trlpos and re¬ turn o\ era south west com so to place ol stint¬ ing. Yachts ol the fouith class will sail the same cuursu as far as the Hist slake, and lelurii to the opening. Tho stalling line, from which time will be taken, will be an Imaginary Hue drawn limn the led beacon light on the south end ol the not lb plei to a point on the north end ol the south pier, thence around the flag stakes. T. W. 1IIKNION. The Escnnaba & Lake Michigan Trans* poi latlon Company's new Bteambarge Shoda Emily iviu launched a few days ago at John Cialg's slilpjard at Trenton, and was towed to Detroit by the lug Cnshlng. Her dl. mentions areas follows Length of keel, 105 leet; over all. 180 feet; beam, 32 leot; depth ot hold, 18. lee^. She Is single decked ' Iron strapped, and built In the most " __ ' ". , . i ami nun Mriiiiiicu, cents loi com, shippers paying the canal 8UU8,linliNl ,ll,„lim.'ri Ih., t.,1|t,ne w||| be lulls. lion ore freights were also dull. The I uulll by tlie Rlveisldo lion woik* and her schoouei Michigan was smt to Escanaba on bollei by the MeUregor bollct works. gun. The steam >acht Wlnnifrod, ol Cleveland, arilved here op Saturdaj mni nlng with an excursion pint} on board, took on a supply of coal and again took her departure. The new sieambaige Sii Leonard Tilley, built by Shlikaluiia last winter at St Cath¬ arines, passed up on Saturday, making a hilcl call at Windsor She Is of the medium ki/e, and Is dctldcdl) the best speilmcnnf that class of Canadian vessel", hoi h In model and get up, thai has e\el passed this wa\ She was laden with steel rails di stlned for Port Aitliur, Lake Superior. Wieeklng business has somewhat subsided hereabout, and tugs chiefly engagid In that occupation arc turning their attention to rafting. Tlie,tug Champion, of Gruinmond's line, Juts been quite snccoBSlul In releasing ves¬ sels tills season, her lust achievement being Hie rescue of the .1 Kelderhouse from tho Whale's Back, in Gicen Bay, and Inking her to Chicago. The tug International, nee W. II. Pringle, which Hat on board new wrecking arrange¬ ments, has1 been dispatched to Peninsula Harbor, Lake Superior, lo releaso the pro¬ peller Geoigian, which has been In bail shape therefor some days pas) IIiIkiii- compllshcd, she will make an ellort to raise the bteambarge J. < . Seavems, sunk llieie early In the season Tlie machinery 4or the new sieambarge building at Bay C'lty was shipped Mom here on Saturday. [ C'oalaiud i nm/e.

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