Marine Record, June 26, 1884, p. 6

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6 THE- MARINE RECOPD. INTERNATIONAL SIGNALS. Cnpmln 3, 0. Klih, Superintendent of tho life Buying notions on Lukes Huron nnd Su¬ perior I* enduiivorliiK to hnvo Inko cmfi mlopt the Inlonintionnl coilo oidlRnftlt which will bo ol gront vuluo to vessel men. For Instance, If a Biciimer Is pneslrig Middle I sin ml nnd hor uiuchlnery brciiks down, ih6 may bn ten to /~ ■ rlfteen miles out nnd no tug In eight. The ^ wny they do now In such n'ense ll to slgmil the llfc-snvlng cre«'. They row out to her. And out wlmt she wnnts, row UvAlpoim and then send a tug to her or telegraph for one. This takes a great dcnl of time, and n few hours nro Very vnlunble in such onsen. Now if I hut stcnmvr carried the signals she could let tho life siivcis know what is wanted nt . , once and their trip of thirty or forty miles out to her and buck would bo saved. Or If a vessel wnntg to be reported td her owners ' while pussing Sand Bench ur some Luke Su¬ perior Btntlon all she Hub to do Ib to use her signals nnd in telegram! will nt once be sent • to her owner* wli bout cost, except for the telegraphing. ,A gii'ucdenl ol vnlunble lime • could often he.snved II tho crow of tlie station knew beloro stinting out cxnctly what the vessel in <ll«tre>» wanted, Another nisi) In which the signals would be ol great value Is that of tugs towing rnlts. While passing Sand Beach or Ottnwii I'olnt the tug could signal for the uentlier report and those nt the station could give theln the indicailons at once. As it l» they niiro(ten formPto go ashore to inquire about the weather. All the life saving Million* on the lakes are pro¬ vided With the (dgnnl HagB, and are ie- gulnrly drilled lit their'tise, but unlets vessel" do likewise they will beol no value. Captain Kiah hue been talking the matter up with Dome owners and mine ol them have ex¬ pressed their inteiiilnn of providing their steamers with the ting)-. There is little doubt about tho value ol these signals, as that ha* been thoroughly tested In salt wntvr. At present the neanier Pearl nnd the steamship Algonin, Alhnbutkii and Alberta carry the signals. - SAFJJTY BULKHKAloS. The steam yacht Npnrmahnr, building by the Ilnrlun & Holllngsworth Co., at Wil¬ mington, Del., Is the only jirivjite vessel we know ol Willi longitudinal bulkheads, so that, in the event of her being punctured amid¬ ships, she would be secure nnd float. Beside having \yntertight bulkheads between the engines and boilers', she has these longitudi mil ones, whirh give her-lour coipplete wa¬ tertight compartments on eacli side, and quite Independent ol the two containing, re¬ spectively, the engine and the boilers.' 1Mb upon tliis bulkhead eyetem that'all steamers should be built, and more especially flrst- eluSa passenger steamers. The Pilgrim, with Her cellular bottom, showed very plainly the value of that syBtem'as a preventative of sinking the bottom was severely rup¬ tured and torn. As yet, we.hitve had no example of the value of longitudinal bulk- hending, but we do know from nil the laws ol nnvnl science, Hint the tore mid aft bulk¬ heads nre the "one tiling needful" to bring thu6hipol theprccont day up'to the rcqured MiiiKhud of snlcty, and the only thing that stnndB in the way of Its general adoption Is the Increased cost. We congratulate Mr. ABto'r in having so safe a vessel, nnd while »e never wish to see Imrm come to her, yet If It must be In the decrees of fate that she should be run into, wo trust the blow will be delivered amidships, to thnt we niny have - an emlnently-practlcal demonstration of ihe value of the longitudinal bulkhead system, ns devised by her designer, Mr. Gustnve Mi¬ lium, nnd we will gliaruitteg, unless she is struck by one of the monster occun steam¬ ers, b!ic will come out of the accident with only a scar, nnd not it dentil wound. The time is coming when tho public demand for an absolutely safe ship will compel ship¬ owners to have them built so as to be lion- blnkrtble unless cut In, twain 'and lihen crushed Into frngments.—Xautiail Gazette. A NKW BKllJGli bCHhiME. There Is a scheme afloat in aldcrmanlc elides.which it Is believed will In n large measure help to reduce the present nulmnce, If It enn bo adopted. It is to place nil the bi id ire tenders under the charge ol the har¬ bor master and make them personally re- i.|>oiisib'le to him lor the maimer ol doing' the work. By doing this some syatenrin the matter of swinging bridges can be obtuiued, and a great deal of tho Inconvenience to the Chnppe, an need flshorninn, who for eomo yours pnst has mwlo his home nt Bayfield. Tho body was lying on n comfortnblo bod, and In the hnuie wns n great quantity of pro¬ visions, showing Hint dentil was not caused by starvation, but by sickness, for which ho could sccuro no treatment. In n pan upon a table was a lot ol cooked pons, covered with mould, of course, but showing that one spoonful had been taken from the dish, which, was nfterwnrd left untouched, ns though tho mn'n wns too. ill to cnt. All the surroundings Indicate thnt dentil occurred In the wlntor or early spring, tho ice with which the Island bus becu^iirrnunded until a few weiiksngo,servingtg keep the remains In lile-llko lorm. Mr. Chappo left- Duluth for his Inland home lute Inst full with the Intention of win¬ tering tllero. During the winter, Keeper Mnlone, of the IIdingerle Island lighthouse, left two ilngs. with him, but nothing was seen of them by the boat's crew. Two fnm- i|ice wintered on the opposite end of the iBlnnd and were found almost starved when Ihe Isle Royiile nmde her first trip this spring. Mr. Clinppo's body wns left In'the hut ns It Wlis louiul..—ZMuf/t Tribune.' C. E. BENHAM, 317. Detroit Street, KEErft IN STOCK Lubricating and Lamp Oils of the Best Quality, • AND A GENERAL J.INE OF LAMPS, CROCK¬ ERY AND TABLE CUTLERY'. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. TELEPHONE NO. 1M0. public mid shipping can be done away with. As the matter stands now each bridge tender is the judge of his our coun-c, and to my thnt n majority of them exercise I heir brief authority to the fullest extent would be D.iipertluous. If lhey could be put under tome praotlcnl man's charge arrangement* could be.umde by which the^cxlstlug ten- inliiutes ordinance could be curried out to the'letter. It Is not beHeved that the mutter will be broached tide Benson, ns there seems to be n (tTsposltlon to allow all further .dis¬ cussion of bridge matters to rest for a time. ' Alderman Bond seems to favor the new proposition, and hails It ns tho only key to the existing nuisance—Inte.r Ocean. THE MXliUUt OP S1SK1W1T. i Recently the propeller Isle Royule run In¬ fo Slskiwlt Bay, Isle Koynle. and there, In his lone fisherman's hut at the head of the bay and near an old deserted mine, Ihe ntll- oeri of the boat found the remains, of John XKW GBAIN ELEVATORS. Duluth, the prosperous olty nt the head ol lake navigation, expects, and with reason, ns the following.details of preparation, Irom the Tribune,' testifies, much from the pres¬ ent season's crops: ' . ■ The most Important building operations now going on here Is the construction ol the two large elevators at Rice's Point by the Luke Superior Elevator Company. ■ The- work on the foundations or the one just west of elevator C is already advanced, and It is expected thnt work on the superstructure will begin booh. The one near ihe blast fut mice Is about one mouth behind, but both will be finished In lime to handle tills sen- son's crop. The foundations of <_' consist of stone piers Inld upon piling, and Is a very substantial piece of work. The base for the smokestack stands n Utile apart nt the enn end of the building. The stuck will be 150 feet high. A great many have been heard l.o remark that trade wns fur from being us brisk here ns It was u yenr sgo, but nalde from the nat¬ ural depression incident "to the presidential yenr, there is little cause for complain The building of these elevators alone will put over $500,000 in clrculntlon In this com munity, ns Messrs. Gruves & Munger have with commendable public spirit, purchnsed the muterlnls of construction in Duluth, when possible, Thus, 7,000,000 feet of lutn ber has been contracted for with Slmonfls& Little, Peyton, Kimbidl & Barber and other firms. The construction of eighteen large watertight tanks of boiler iron for receiving the grain fiotn the cars » ns awarded Wnlsh, and Costello has the making of tile elevator buckets. In addition to tide ecvernl .hun¬ dred piles have been purchnsed nnd driven, and a large force of men has been kept con- stnutly employed. Fourpf Williams & Up- linm's'drflfge* ure at work on the channel to the elevator docks,-and thus another gang of men nro keptut work who would other- wise be out of employment, the government contracts not yet being let, A drlvewny for wngens is now being built on piles i-o that teams can come directly onto the elevator dock. Tho N. P. railroad will also soon commence tho building of additional tracks to accommodate the business these elevators will bring, of over a mile and a half In length, fur the most part supported on pil¬ ing, the contract for driving which has al¬ ready been let. The details of all this vast lindei'tnking nre directly under the charge ol the architect, J. T. Moulton, juul In no cuse has utility and strength been sacrificed In nn attempt to save a little money. These Immense granaries are u little out of town, but a vlst to them will well repay any one who thinks improvements here ure coming to n standstill, While lying at Erie last week Captain Shannon, of tho propeller Nyaek, put his crew through the lire drill. The alarm, was sounded nnd In less than u minute a stream of water was playing on I lie hurricane deck, and the.bonts were lowered and lendy Itye celve passengers in less than three minutes, the grent energy .displayed by the crew caused a rumor of fire aboard the ^e^sel, und "specials" were sent out to that ellVei by Krle reporters. It Is C'liplnin ShnnnoiiV duty to talk to these reporters, as such smlo inenis nre liubJe to Injure the passenger busi¬ ness on tho lakes. Geo. B. Carpenter & Co., Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers. Ship Chandlery Goods of all Descriptions. ^ MANILA ROPE OF THE VERY BEST MAKE Sterl and Iron Wirt! Hope luid all Hi FltUugi. 202 to 208 Sol.WONt, CHICAGO, ILL. | From 10 to 25 per tent Saved , I1Y 11UYING SUITLIES AT JOHN SCHEUFLEll'S Cash Grocery, OPPOSITE FRED ajlOCJVS COAL OFFICE. ' SANDUSKY, OHIO. MARINE SUPPLIES. A SPECIALTY. STEADY STARBOARD AND STOI" AT_ Capt. Dah Ike's ONE PRICE BOOT AND SHOE STORE Anil Kxlimine n Finn Line of Spring Good* at Very Low Frloei. 297 Pearl-st., Cleveland,0. CRUMMOND'S Mackinac Line, For Mncklnnc, St. I«once, Cheboygan, Alponn, Oscoda, port Huron, Petroll anu Intermediate hike and river ports. j, Steamer ATLANTIC, Oapt. D, NioMstra, Leave* CltvelanU every Friday evening al S'o'cloct. • During the warm wcillier ami pleumre wnbon ihe , Steamer Atlantic WilUvPnd tlie regular trip on to PetWey, Harbor pringi\nd Chtrlevois. ' s CEEVELAMi FORWARDING CO., Agents, Office aud Dock, FoototSii|>erior-st., Cleveland; DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. DOMESTIC * NTEAJI COAL .Cleveland, Ohio TRAVELERS' REGISTER. LAKE SUOHE k J^CHIQAN 80UTUERN. CommenctnB Sunday, May U, 188-1, at 12 o'clock noon -the ttmeirlvtm In the tlgures bclovls tli« nrv standard (NinefinOi meridian) time, wbtcti Is tlilrty.llme mln- utw alower than Cloveland time proper: Eastward. I Arrite | Depart. *1 IO*Mfl2'(l6i« "1 00 i M No 4. Fiut Llmlli'd Kxpreu.. No 8, N Y, D A A'Eiprws....,..... "0 !B k M No2ti, Elyrk Accomtnodalion..... in 05 a u NollS, lluflalo Ae'm via Sandusky tlO 35 A M M0 SO a M No 8&. '1 oledo Actum via Norwalk flO 35 A u flO Ml A si No 12, N Y A B 1'usl Eipress...... "1 65-1' M "^ 25 1' II No Ut .Siim lit N Y k Uos Expsv*........„-,„ 6 00 PII No2, Nfiilit Ex via Norwalk..... 9 40P SI flO 001'u No22,Nlght Ex riiicanduBky ft* -12 I' si............... No 2fl, Counoaut An'ommodnHoii 1*1 25 I' si.............. Westward. No I.EaHt I.imilod Express.....^^ No 2<>iMIl'Ii Kxnrehs via 6andtiBky No 3, Chicago Express via " .. No 25, Midi Accom Norwalk...... Nj 21, Toledo Ex via Norwalk... No 5, 8t Louis Ex via Sandusky.. No U.Clii P»c Ex via Norwalk.... No 31, Elyria ac to Etyrla only... No27- ConncHul Accommodation I Arrive. | Depart. "11 ISia "' 15 A SI 115 A M t!2 55 P si tl2 15 PM "0 00 p u 18 10 j "12 05 A si "1 H5 a H 6 80 A II H 10 A H +3 20 v II 12 40 P u •H) Si' P SI 14 80 p n Sunday Iraln lor Nottingham- Depart 8 110 ,u. m, and V45 p. ra-; returning, leave Nottingham nt'o.05 a. m. and 3 45 p. m- Ite/ereuco marks—"Dally, t dally, except Sunday, gdally, except Monday. l-'or full information ub to trains and couueUlonsap- pl> nl the new city ticket office, comer Seneca ond 6tr" Clal^gtreets, Luke Shore block. BEE LINE CLEVELAND, COLUMIJUB, CINCINNATI & INDI¬ AN A poua Qoimnencinif Sunday, Juno 8," 1884, tralm of the Itee Line—Clevelund, Oilumbuu, Cincinnati A Indian- ■pollt Uullwni —will U'i.vp mid arrive at Clevelmi'l as follows, CENT IIA I. HTANI>Altl) T1UK, \i',\ UllllUteb llOWLT than Clflvelund tluiu. No ' rohnnbiiH, rinrftntutl A Intl I.x..., No. W, liblioii A W luwllne Expruw....... No. It, Ool.,Cin.,Ind A Bu Louih Ex... . No, 6, Cut (. in.. Ind, .fc til. Louli Expreu. A C.L A W. Xcc............... No. '}$, Muwllloo & Ulrlchivllle Ex........ No. 8, Uil, Cln, Intl, A Ht. Loula Exp .. No. 'JO, miricuville A Mn^illon Ex .... .. No, 2. Col. Cln. A linHtKiinxjHs Expvou,. No\ 14, Bi. IaiuIm, Intl.. Cln. A C<H. Ek.... No. 52, Oulllon A(i!............................. No, l!ti. Wheuttntt Accoia............w,...... No. VCol., (In A N. Y. Expri^*^ ■■■-.. vvrs., . iss ■». it. ». yA|l|lo......... l-lo n m Trnlm uiarltetl •■'dully, nil other trama JtUly excebt Sunday E. B. THOMAS; 0. B. SKINNER, • General Manager. Tmtnc Manager. A. J. SMITH, tU-nural I'aueager Asent. clkvi:lani>, ohio. New Toft, Pennsylvania & Ohio R, r, NEW YORK, BOSTON AND TUB BAST. The Nbortiwst aiiil Ctnlekeat Ront« to plttav bnrtt, W»»hliie«'on mill lUltlmor* ■ and the BouihuuBt. t —'------------'——- Centra] ol-'NIncllcilli Merldlon time. 89 mlnntu slow er than Clovctiinil city time ™ '"'w Until further notlco trains will leava from Ua new Control Depot, South Wator slroot and Viaduct aifol lows: • • D.Ol) 81 llli miin sleeping 'and. hoSSTcoMn'oitrom LeavltUMirgli S-.85 a. a. to Now Kork Albany and Boston without change. ArrivontMeadvlllaat 10-40 « m. (dinner) FranWin nt 12:08 p. m, OH OtT 12:80 n. m-' Oorry 12.S5 p. m, Jaraoitown(Lnte Cbautanqna) iSs n' ra . Biinalo5:50 p. m. Doehoatcr 8.20 p. m.f Bornall,- vtlle 6.i» p. ra. [anpncrl; Coralnp; »:2J p. m. Elmlra 805 ,nei ____ p m.Dinghanton"10:05p.m., Altainy n:00». m/Boitofc' l:tS p.m.; arrlvina nt Now YorkCilt a.n. • LIMITED EXPRESS-Tbrorigh Pull. _____,. — man sleeping coneli from Clevolandto New 1 ork. Arrives nt Mondvillo at 0:80 p. ra , James- town 8:47 {i, ra., Salamnnea 0:45 p. m., New York 10:10 a. lu. DP. B. m. Buffalo 0:20 a. n,., Rochester 12:68 p, in., Hornalls'* Tillo, 11:00am, Corning 12:07 pin, ElrairBl2:40p. m ' Dlngbainptnn 2:10 p m„ New York 0:10 p. u. ArrlVe at PTltsburffhU.-no a. in., without change O'Qll 11 Ttl I'lTTSBUIttill EXPIffiSS - Dally - 6,6U PilU, Through without change, I'arlorcar at. tnehed. 'Arrlvea at Youmnitown B.-flo p m., Plttsbure. 8:02 p. m., Wiuhlnglon r.flll a. ra , BnltlraoFo 8:10 a. m Jl'11 H Ttl MAHONING AOuMOllATION- • 1,11 II. Ill, Slopping it nil war stations, arriving at Youngmown 0.W p. m., Sharon 8:01 p. m., Bbarrenille 8:10 p.m. fi.'SflQ IB PITTSBURGH EXPRE8S - Dally- U ,3U Ui Ill, Through without change. Arrives at Youngstown !l„30 a. in., Sharon 10:80 a. ra„ Sharns. ville 10.-40 o. nj., I'ltiBbnrgh 12 45 p m., Uetnrnlng leaves Pitb>biii|b nt 4:15 a. ra., 7]45 a. m., 12*5 n. m and 8:40 p. in . * ' 1 (I If, Q HI YOUNORTOWN-ANIT PITTSBURGH 1U 03 d, 111, ACOMMODATION-Stopplng at a-11 Way stations, arriving at Youngstown 1:40 p. m.,Pills, burgh. 0.15 p. in. Trains arrive at Cleveland, 6:15 n. m.,6:80l) in 10.20 n. m; 1:05 p. m., and 0:46 p. ra, ejarThls is the only .route by winch passengers can ranch Corry Elmlra, Blnghamptun, New Yorli City and intermediate points without change. No channs to BobIod and New England Cttlea. . . Baggage checked through to all point! Eaat Through liokeia and Information- regarding the mute can be obtained at The office 131 Bank street, and at new Depot of N. Y., P 4 0 B It., South Wateritreel and Viaduct, Cleveland, O. _!A.-E. CLARK, Uen'l Paaa'r Ag't Cloveland, O. J. M FERRIS, Gen'l Man'gr, Cleveland, O. . M. L, FOUTS,P<sseuger Agl, 181 Bank St. Cleveland. The Nickel Plate! NEW YORK, CHICAGO A ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. The pnMcriper equipment ol thla New Trunk Lin* la all new nnn la supplied with the latest appUinwi necejaary to unfe, Bpefedy »nd comfortable travel, At Cli.cagn, pasaeniicr train* unItv at and Unit, from the Unlun Depot, Vim Burefl street. Following ib the time in effect Julc 1. 1684, and un¬ til further notice: GOING EAST. Lt. Chicago......... 7.S0 a. tn. „......................„,„>.., Arr. Valpmaiwo.. 9.-15, " ................................ " Fort Wgyne, 3,80 p. to............................"".". " NeMf Haven.. 'J.QH •> West I*lpiic. 8.50 ' " Arcndli.........4.J0 ' " Fostorla.........6.tio ' " Qri'eo Spiinga 5 45 ' I.v. Belletue......... 6.20 ' 7 65 B. m. i'.ld " 10.22 " Lv. Cleveland............... ... 10S7 ' ' 8^2 p. ra Arr l'ainesvllle............... 11.83 " 5'OS 0.03 .,. 12.50 " 8.80 „ OOINO WEST. . 0.50 a. in. .11.24 " . 1.23 p. ra. . 2.20 " . 2.51 •' Lv Buflalo........ Aar Dunkirk....... " Erie................ 1.2H p. ra................... Leave " Conneaui........ 2.20 " ................. 6.15a. ra. " Ashtabula........ 2.51 •'................. 0.40 " " ralnesvllle...... 844 '" "................. 7.43 ' •" Cleveland.......4.52 » .................. 8.55 '• Lv .Cloveland........4.57 " , fl.47 n. in.............. Ar. Lorain..............f, 12 •' 7.35 " .............. Arr Bellevue......... 7.115 •' 9.10 " ...,.,...... Lv Bellevue.....'...„_............. 0.30 " ............... " <lreen hprlngs.'.......,....... 0.44 " ' ......... •' FosUirla.................i........1022 " .............. t Arcadia..........................10 34 " „.........._ " \Vest Lcipslc................. 11.80 " ............. *' Now Haven.................. 1 an n. in................ " Fori Wuyno.................. 1.50 " ............ »' Valpralso..........."„...^...... 5.42 " .......... '• Chicago.......................... 7.50 " ............. Through tickets lo all points aro on salo at piinclpsl ottlccs of the curapauy at i-owryiT itATU* for auy class ofilekeU drslred Baggage checked to destination For information, cull on nearest agent of the Com¬ pany, or address * ■ ■ B. F. HORNEI(, (fou'l l'nsstuiger Agent, LEVIS W1I.1.1AMN, Ueneral Manager. Cleveland, O. ftflT ft for tho Working elasa. Send ten centB for pns. UUilll laae and we will uiiil ynu freet a royal, valua¬ ble hoi ol sample goods that will put you In tho wuy of making more money In it few daya than you e^er thought possible ut any business. Capital not required. We will start you. You ran work all tho tlmo or in snaro lime only. The Work is universally udapted to Iwith sexes, young und old. You etui euslly euro from 60 coula to IS every evening That all who want work may tost the business, we make this unparallod uffer, to all who art not a ell satlslled we will send tl to pur for the Irouole of writing us. Full purttoulanl,dlree- tkras, etc., sent free. Fortunes will bo raudo by those wtio give their whole time 10 tue work. Great suocess absolutely sui'o Don't delay Start now, Address STHunx A Co , Portland, Malno, APBI7r 8eilli "'» cents forNkntage, and receive inillUi free, a costly box ofNioods wblch-wlll help you to mure moiICy right away tlilrrninythiuB else In thla world. All, of .elilicr sex, succeed from tlr»' hour. The broad road u» fortnnu opens iR'foro tho workers,absolutely sure. Atoucoadd'regsjTlttJilACo., Augusta, Maine.________ WILLIAM F0RDE, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. ■ N. E. Cor. Columbus Ave. A Water St., I -V SANDUSKY, OHIO, ^

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