Marine Record, June 26, 1884, p. 5

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THE MARINE RECORD. OKICA0.O. , Repairs hnve been completed on the tug protection nnd she Is receiving hor mfij'n' clilnery. The missing schooner El Tempo has ar¬ rived. The itcambarge vvllllnm Edwiirda, Pap- tnln Mallory, and her tow, the schooner Foster and bnrge Golden Ago, got away for Buffalo yestorday carrying the Jarges't con¬ signment o'f grain ever taken out of this port, ■212,000 bushols of wheat, corn, oats, ant) ive. Operations were continued Monday on tho sand boat Imperial, which Is sunk at Division street b'rldgc. Most of hor cargo of sand had been pumped out, and Captain Downer, tho diver, Is preparing to run chains about her hull, with a view to raWng her. The opera¬ tion Is watched with Interestby tugmen and steamboat men who say that as tho Imperial lies at present she U In the way of passing vessels, and llublo to be badlytiijured. It Is claimed now that her sinking Vas due to some craft kocklug a hole In her side dm lug the night her orew was absent. Captain Short, ot the schooner Bavaila, was accldently killed on hoard his vessel last week, outside, and the leinalushavoarilved .it St. Ignace on their way 10 the bereaved luuilly. The deceased was well known and esteemed on the lakes. Kirk Brothers have succeeded In planking over and taking possesion of their new dock loom In the rlvei. Twenty barrels of flour, the large carved «igle, and the pilot w heel of the wrecked piopeller Manistee were found at Union Bay, south shoie, some days ago. The fact that the wheel was found lashed gives rise to the theory that the boat sprung a leak and went down with all hands at woik at the pumps I'h&tug Thomas Spears came out of dry dock yesterday, aftci receiving lather ex¬ tensive lepolrs to her boiler attthbull. she immediately departed for Gieenj BW, tow¬ ing two large scows. \ ^. 'J lie propeller Win. Edwards also left tho drydock where alio lecolved some repairs. 'I he steamship Onoko arrived at Chicago Irom Buffalo Sunday with a Largo ol 3,000 tons of coal, the largest cargo e>ei carried by i Like ciafu H L Holland, receiver lor the Chicago oc Leland Stone Company, has libeled the steambarge Muiy til oh for damages sus¬ tained by the tanalbi|at Charles Walker, which was run Into and sunk by the Groh while passing down the l Ivor about u month, ago The Groh was not tied ug, as her own¬ ers gave notice that they would give bonds •iii.l contest the suit. TIil complainant claims damages to the amount of *1,100 Tiic pleasure steamer Biett Ilarte was In tlu. Chioago drydock and got her bottom calked. 1 lie steamburgu Daisy Dm , Captain John .Vmlcusoii, is getting hei boiler taken out ind leplaced by n larger one, 11 feet long. 0 Icet 1 inches in diamelei, of steel. Her pilot house will be placed forward and hoi cabin will be refltted '1 he steamship Annie L. Young, of tin Anchor Line, arrived Monday Irom Butlalo I Ills Is l>cr llrst trip tills season. Captain I). Conghlan has resigned the com¬ mand ol the Anchor Lino propeller Lehigh, and Captain G L Hogg, formerly ol the < onestogn, has succeeded him C iptaln I* ltlley, formerly mate of tl o Lycoming takos command of the Conestoga. There U a row of large dimensions in the Chicago and Ogdeusburg Hue, which is owned by the Ogdeusburg & Lake Cham- plain or Vermont Central Hallway. Tho steamship D. M. Wilson and her largo barges, the Chestor B Jones and Manito¬ woc, and the new steamship Monteagle and the three "star" schoonors were oliartoied by the railway company for the season, each steamer and low to receive $0,000 a trip. The company have brought out three large new propellers of their own, the Walter L. Frost, Averlll and Haskell, and they have dllllculty in obtaining caigoos In Chicago >or such an Inimensellne. As a consequence 'he company now want to break their con- Tacts with the chartered tows, but M08818. Lane & Cuinmlngs will not stand It. Iheplensuie steamer Twilight, of Pull- •nan, went out of Miller Brothers' drydock kutitrda), having had alterations converting her irom u sldowheel steamer Into a propel¬ ler. Tho Scotch j acht Verve was In drydock getting hor rudtlor fixed and hor bottom cleaned. Tho steamship William Edwards " ad her bottom calked, J. 8. Dunham's new tug Is nearly completed and will bo lamiphod Saturday. Tho tug Tarrant got a nejwhbcl ;• tho schooner Conncauf, bottom wfcu; the Sam Flint Is getting a new fore. ^naWrnow decks, and forefoot and colling calked, The sloop yaoht Enterprise, which has boon rebuilt, was launched last Tours- day. The steambarge Colin Campbell towed over from Pontwator to Mlllor Brothers' shipyard thlrty-ono largo spars and sovonty- live small ones. The longest measures 105 foot.. T. W. ' nUFI'AI.O. SpKM to the Marine Jlteord. The steamer Oceanlca wont Into dock at the Union yard, Thursday, for a new wheel. The BuDa'o breakwater has been extended 850 fcot by cribs to tho water level. Two red lights, one above the other, nnd about twenty-live feet above tho water level, are displayed at night in the ci lbs, and by day a buoy Is anchored off tire ond of tho cribs. Tho steamship Onoko took on a cargo of 3,000 tons of coal Irom Buffalo for Chicago This Is the largest oorjfn over oarrled by a lake vessel. Coal freights continue quiet. There Is an active demand for tonnage for Lake Michi¬ gan ports, but vessels are In very Binall supply. The steamer Lycoming was ongnged for Chicago at 80 cents, and the barges Mariner, Hong, and Nor 1 Is to Saginaw at 30 cents, Sandlego and Aleona to Superior City 7^ cents, and the Worthlngton and con¬ sort Shawnee to Port Arthur at private terms. The libel against the schooner Scotia for supplies haB been settled. Tho extensive repairs on tho Michigan have been completed by R. Mills & Co., and she loads coal for Chicago. She reoelved new planksheer, rails, stanchions, forecastle deck and breasthooks, keel box, malnboom, foreboom and jibboom, and considerable minor repairs. Her entire upper works are now In the best condition. Tho work was done under tho supervision of Captain Dan Kodgors. the well-known vessel agent, and to his entire satisfaction. This is good evi¬ dence of its excellence. The amount. In¬ volved is close to $7,000. The repairs oiftt^i E A. Nicholson will be flnlshed next week. ASHTABULA Captain John C Kulnano has been ap¬ pointed harbor master. Ho is a popular man among the mariners, and will undoubted!) prove an efficient officer and worthy suc¬ cessor to Captain George Field, who has filled tho position so satisfactorily lor the past live or six years. MtMTOWOC. Captain GeorgoMcLcod has Inspected tho siJioonerC.II Burton, now owned by L. Dlmick and others. She has been rated A2 with valuation of $20,000 The Bui ton, which had long been aslioie on I'lBlieriiiiin's Shonl, at the entrance to Giieu Bay, was thoionghl) rebuilt lastudntei at Manitowoc by Bandit Burget, undoi the siipeiviai°n nl Captain Michael G ilvin, at a cost of $7,000 Shels now In excellent condition, without 11 pinllcle of lotten timber in her 'llic Bur¬ ton was built at Sbebnjgan Ly blokes in 1807 and relmllt lir 1873 the new schooner on the stocks at Hand &, lturger'B shipyard for Bovio, ol Muske¬ gon, will ho launched Juh 4 she will beu Hue ei ill iSAll.MA The steamer United Empire, of the North¬ west 'I ransportatlon Company, 111 lived here on the 21st, with 10,500 barrels of Hour and a lull list of paBsengorc Sho made tho round trip to Duluth and return In seven days and sixteen hours, and the distance be¬ tween Port Arthur and here In lorty-llvo and n half hours. Tills is the fastest tlmo yet lliadc, and the largest load ever brought Into this port. ASHLAND. The propeller Fountain City of the Transit Line, ran ashore at Plko's Bay, near Bay- Held Sunday morning in a fog She has been reloabed. Kllll . First Mate Ed. Ball, of tho Philadelphia, has been tinnsforicd to the propellei Ly¬ coming, vice Mate Pat Kllcj, piotnotcd to Liiptain of the Conestoga. Second Mate Welsh was promoted to llrat mate ol the Philadelphia. ntjl.uxii. Stucial to the Marine Rrmi • _ Tho Baylleld schooner Allco Craig went Into drydook«Hroro last week lor general ro- pairs, A pile ol rock from a scow wrcoked last summer at tho foot of -Morse street In the harbor, and which has been very troublesome to the cralt having business In thai vicinity, has now been removed by the dredges. The terrible and somewhat> lingular fate ol tho propeller Manistee, of whloh nothing is known since last fall, except that sho wont down with all on board, yet continues Id be a frequent sublect ol conversation among nil classes of peoplo with whom Captain MoKay and Mr. Seaton, the clerk, were great and old time favorites. Many stories have been advanced as to the cause of so complete and sudden a destruction as must hnve over¬ taken them, of which one, that through some breakage in the machinery her boilers had burst and Mown out her sides, seems to have taken the lead the following item however clipped from the Duluth Herald doeB not coincide with this view and is otherwise Interestingasthronlngsome light on the subject. Tho ciew of the propeller City of Fremont report that twenty barrels ol flour, the large eagle which occupied a position on the pilot house and the pilot wheel of the ill-fated propeller Manistee weie picked up at Union Bay, south shore, last week. The wheel was lashed, which leads Captain Smitr| to think that the boat sprung a leak and all hands were called to work the pumps and throw the lrelght overboard. While engaged in tl Is task the Manistee foundered and all hands Were lost. This seems to be the most plausible reason yet ad¬ vanced, and we have no doubt that it Is the coTPoct one The old stone lighthouse at the extremity of Minnesota Point,opposite Superior entry, Is to he sbandnued and a new one erected on the outer, end ot the Wisconsin pier. A fog whistle Is to be placed at the enhance to Duluth harbor. A complaint has been made* that the Grace Grummond, Captain Napier, is running without n license for excursions. The Mar quette steamboat inspectors, and revenue agent John Douglass, are here to Investigate tho matter There was no meeting of the Chamber of Commorie last Friday and matters Im portant to murine interests, which should have gone before that body, are delayed. B. 1 nun sill im. Special to the Marine Record Johnson Brothers, boiler makeis, are building a steel holler 7x12 lor the new steamer Thomas I'rlant, launched on Widncsdaj hist at Duuiiin Robertson's ship¬ yard, Grand Haven 1 hey aie building 11 sieel boilui lor a new steauibnige being built b) I apiain Biltain at Saugatuck. I he} built a bollci 8\ln for tho tug Wiilcome, of the Milwaukee 'lug Line, also u bollci I feet ti inches by i) feet8 Inchon fop Captain Harm's new tug at Ontonagon, 'lliev arc building 11 boilei 5\'J for Captain Samuel Moore's new steam yacht, building at bang atuck. 1 In j built the boilei, 3}j\10, fur the lug Duncan Itobertson, recent) hiuiulied at Grand Haven '1 HAL-INf Fishing Smacks from Hacinc picked up large quantities ot cedar ties about eight miles In the lake and brought them to Ra¬ cine. Their clews report that the lake where their nets were set was black with ties, Indicating tliatsolne craft had mot with a serious mishap. In all probability there was 11 collision between two vessels, and one of (hem lost her deckload. siunorOM ua\. A new steamboat Hue has been established between Chicago, and Manlslhjuo, Mich., and the steamer Messenger is now pl)lng on this line I'lio bout* stops at Ballet's Harboi and Washington Harbor, .which places those ports In communication with the outside world once more. Captain J. J. Lobdlll Is npt likely to rise from Ills lad alive again This announce- ineniwill hi icccived with miiiow hj his inane friends Captain ltoheit Lamle's now wow, built in this clt) this spring, under the supenl- slonof Allrul \nderson, was launched Inst Siiliuda) shu is a Mauuch-Arafl, and will bo about the thing lor the biislut »s -lie Is to be tiuplojcd In—htonu can } lug MIMI AUKKK, Captain Lawtnn- owner of tho schooner Glpsey, wrecked last fall on the south point of North bay, ariivod here 10 make arrnng- moms to hava a tug go to the vessel. Cap¬ tain Lawton lias been at work on tlio wreck since the lea disappeared. Be removed all of her cargo, and has placed seven tiers of ties In her hold to float her If sho Is got off hor bottom belng-cntlrely out of hor. He has a derrlok rigged over her and a large anchor out, and-has succeeded In moving her two feet. Ho procured the tug Jessie Spalding last week from Sturgecn Bay, but hei haweors were not lilted for tho work. Cap¬ tain Lawtotf believes that tho vessel can he easily got off., Whon ihe steambiuge II. B.Tuttle passed Whisky Buy, the propeller Pacific was ashore and a foot out at the lower end of the buy. Tho tng Swain was at work on her. .Repairs on the wrecked schooner Three Brothers were completed Monday at a Cost of about $1,500. Her owners, who abandoned her when alio was on the locks, have again accepted tier fiom the underwriters. The schooner Nortli Capo, wheat laclon, from Chicago to Sandusky, and the schooner Ahlni Cobb, coal laden, from Cleveland for this port,In tow of the steambargo Chlsholm, collided In the fog at 3 o'clock Mondajcafter- noon oil the North Manltou Island. The North Cape arrived here at a bite hourTues- cluy in tow of tho Chlsholm. Sho Is leaking some, her starboard side being damaged. Her mainmast is sprung and her mizzen sail and rigging gone. The Cobb lost her jib- boom. The North Cape Is owned by her master, Captain Peterson, and Jacobson, of Chicago. The United States Maishal attempted to «l?e the schooner Th.ree Brothers, Hie own¬ ers having accepted \ier from the under¬ waters, but lie arrived nt the dock just as _ she waB towing away, the libel was fljed b) Wnlfand Davidson, and amounts to about $800, for the wrecked lug Leviathan and the shipyard bill, (1,500. Freight rates are firm and tonnage in good demand at 2'jO on wheat to Buffalo and $1.00 for ore to Ohio ports. The cargo of guiln Is to be taken out ol the schooner Nnith Cape, which collided with the Ahlra Cobb, and she will recehe new spars. The police are guarding the non union i essi Is here. L nlon sailors visited the North Cape to-night, but were driven oft. '1 lie wrecked steambargo Oscar Town- send and barge Monltoi are Ho arrive'here to morrow 1 Ho new schooner James Mowatt, on tho stocks at Wolf tt Davidson's main yard, is to be launched 011 Saturday. Ml CIMIFNS. \teciafto the Mat me Lecotd 'I he new steambargeC'ty of Mt Clomens. which made her first trip, May 1, 188-1, lias been a successful one she lias made ten round tiips from Lake Huron to Detroit, and a round hip from Port Austin to De-~~ unit willi .100 tons of molding sand foi the Luke Superior Copper Works In forty-eight houiK Captain Gilbert Lacroj, owner of the Mt • h meiib, made a contract to carrj two million feet of lumber Irom Tawas to Port Union for J Jenklnsou lor $1.25 pel thousand fiet. G MISKEGON SjMtal to the Marine Retard Porter Hiickloy, aged 8"yoars. of the firm of G II Ilaikley & Co, lumber merchants, died suddenh of heart disease, at I p. in ot tho 2l8t"of Jtnysl_ 'lie had been a resident of Muskegon since 1850. '1 lio funeral took place from Ids brother's residence on the attui noon of Sunday, tho 22d Instant, and was attended by a large number of his old friends. 1'lie vessel men arriving at Muskegon aro very thankful to Captain Win Drum, ol the tug Kittle Smoke, for bringing her to this port to compote witli the Muskegon tug line, us they are now enabled to get towed from a considerable distance -out on Lake Michigan, Instead of being forced to stay at the piers burning their signals for a tug. 'Ihu liimhei mills aie In full liu/z, soiuool them working both day and night W FOR SALE, One-half Interest in a New Steam Yaclit, Totu I NGINF1R who will give liht own minicei, I or lull pirtlculiirs addrotu Ol \I IN ,fc CO. Marino lonYejauceri, 15C \\ u«h lug ton-it Chicago

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