THE MARINE RECORD. NAUTICAt, N6'i'E8. AdfcdKohneBuooeedcd In ratnovlnRiionriy nil tlio rock from the loot of Morso itrofit, pululh. Tlio'scpw Englo Wing Tina boon sold by Daniel Guhlstoot, of Detroit, to F. D. King, of Detroit, for *1B0. ' Tlio umlprwriters will lono about f28 000 on tlio wrecked Citnitflliin propeller Cali¬ fornia and her cargo. James Lyons, a young man who shipped on the Sarah E. Sheldon, jumped overboard noar the Detour and was iliowned. The steambnrge J. H. Shrlglcy nm hard on at Lincoln Park, Chicago, on '1'hursday, the 10th. She was loleueecV by the tugs . Crawloril and Wolf, ' > On account of the rivalry1 between the flint & I'ere Miirquetto and Goodrich 'IVans- mirtation Companies, all dockage charges at Ludlngton mid Maplsieeaie nbollshed. The yacht Verve, which arrived In Chl- cngoqjt the 10th, had an overhauling In drjr dock and has taken her place In the yacht llect, She will contest lor the pennant. The appropriation being pxhausted. the work ol Improving Saginaw river has stopped It will ho«e\or be resumed a- soon us the new appropilatlon comes to IiiiiiiI. The schooner J. S. Richards, < nptnln Lock wood, was In port with alcaigo of ore I net week, making her sixth cargo tin the season with $1,400 on the right side of tlio sheet >,|io takes coal and powder to 1'ortagc. The International Wrecking ( pmpnny Biiuiided in leleneing the, schooner J N. Gnitcr, which wns eliandcd about a mile (.outli of Kincardine *>hp is apparently in Kood condition, and will lie docked at Port Huron tor tepalrs. \Vn|sh Bins., Diilutli, have tnkon the con tract for building a boilurtoi the gteiunbarge Uimlaon and aro now at woik on It. An effort is being made to entei the Morrison as Canadian boat and change ho name. Her name will probably be the "^illor Boy." The propeller Philadelphia seems destined to become one of the fast boats of the lower like fleet ns soon as her new engines >m<l boileis get In tunning ordei She made the run from Detroit to Chicago In forty.elght hours on her last trip up, and wns compelled to run under check a part of the time be¬ cause ot fog. The Philadelphia was built at Buffalo by David Bell in 18117, Is1 1 407 new tons burden, classed A\},,, hails from Erie and Is owned by the Anchor Line. Captain TjioiniiRMiiytha'r's new tug built by O'Grady and Malier whs launched hist week, She Is named the John Kclderhouse Her length Is 70 feet, beam 1 ">'« feet, and hold (Treat, iferengine Is 18 bj '21 Inches and was built by Sutton Brothers. She has the heaviest boiler ever p.ut Into a tug, there being hull-Inch steel \i teetlong and 6 feet 8 inches in diameter. Her model is hand¬ some and her equipment and construction denote great strength and power. The boileis were furnished .by Riter. Captain William Walte, who has been identified, with marine Inteiests here and elsewhere for the. past forlv years, died '1 ues- day e\enlng (it the Alexian Brothers, Hospital At one time he was a prominent mini in marine cli cles He owned the schoon¬ ers hllns Buchaiil andReelptoclty and sailed the latter for years. In filer, the last sailing Jie did was In her. After he retired fiom ictivo service he opened a shipping office which he had to close when the teaman's Union was formed. Ills face was one ol the most familiar about the liuubei market — Inter Ocean. Alex ^IcMaster, of Buffalo, the newly ap¬ point! d local Inspector ol'hollers, has re' celved his paper from Washington, and entered on the discharge ol Ills duties The appointment Is an excellaul one, and gives mineral satisfaction Insptcinr McMastcr was for eleven years superintendent of the hhepard Iron WorkB, under the late John 1) Shepard, and aflei wands for a iiuinbci ol yuus was chief engineer ol the Commercial line ol Bltanfois He Is rftiw serving his Mcond term as ahlcnnan of the Ninth ward Ho Is thoroughly pi in ileal and cxptrlcmc I, mid will no doubt make a most clllcicnt In¬ spector 1 ho sailing j acht Vt>ip, pin chased iccent lyby E W bawver, ot C lilcnfeo.ln Scotland, "Hived In the harbor in tow ol a Htuiinjiiclit Irom Prcscott fills lauioiis ym!ht. «hl< h was takon In ilmrgo bj Captain S 1' hand, of Chicago, at Monti onl, has ntver yet been beaten, and Is cited as u convincing uigu- inent m the controvtrsj leganllug tlio bh- iwloilty ot cuttet yachts ovei the light draft cra|t Shu was brought over to this louuiry by stunner, and after being lauded at Mon¬ treal, was towed up to Prescott by a propel¬ ler, from whence she was t-ikeu b\ the steam viioht to this port. 'Though but ton tons burden she ineiiBiires"forty feet on deck, seven feet ten Inches beam, and seven feet "Ight Inches dcop Her cabin Is nentl) tlt- Hil upand nlUirilsall the necessary coniloits- Her bottom has u i oppci lining, anil alio is viilned at *5,000 Blie left foi Chicago In the hands of three Chicago sallois—Captain S I' Sand, J. Thompson and 1 Ulcon — hintjston News A bVVAKM OF bJURKv While the Piultlc bteam Nifvlgatlnn » oui, luiny's steamship ( hula, liiptaln UnRK now In thl» port, was leaving Bahla one of tho cookn, who waa nalcep on tho rail, fell overnoard,. An alarm wns Immediately given, tho ship wa! stopped and hacked, life¬ buoys wero thrown overboard and with ama?lng rapidity a boat wns in the water and In cluirgo of Mr. Kelllck, tlio«Jlrst officer, pulling htrd In tho direction of tho mini, who was a splendid iwlmmcr and who made good progress In the direction Of the boat. Suddenly, howovor, the place became alive with sharks, and It at onco became apparent the unfortuVmte man was doomod, Once lie threw himself alimVt completely out of the water In an effort to oscapo the Jaws of ono of tho monsters, but a few socopdiuiftcrwnrd he was evidently seized and dragged tinder, ) as nothing more was si en of him Other (harks, apparently .disappointed In their hopes of prey, wero then «b»ervcd rushing through the water In all dlreitlnns and even appeared to meditate an nttack on the boar, which nttoi an ineffectual search, pulled back to the ship '1 he shaiks were ap¬ parently ravenous and the rapidity with which they swarmed around the unfortunate man amasred all who wltnesnod this striking proof of the voraciousness of these denizens of th? deep'.—Panama Star anil JleialtU Established in 1834. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF MARINE ENCINES AND Cor. Detroit & Center Sts, CLEVELAND, 0 8 South Water-st Cleveland I Agents for Akron Rubber Co.'s Valves, Hose, Packing, etc. WM. HINGtTON & SON, Boat Builders, Sti am ihhI full Ifivlitn, Hunting, I lulling imtl ritiiHiitd llontH Hl.tll IloutM Kjioun Ours. Footof Porter Av., Buffalo, N.Y W. W. LOOMIS, Brie, Pa,, SHIP AND BOAT BUILDING, ritthliiR Turk, "\Vr*ckInp IlepulrluK nml Tier Iliiiltlliig with Moat Iinnrn\ rd It ucillth * All Work Guaranteed Correspondence Solicited "NJC7PETERSON' Boat Builders, PLKA8UIW BOATS AND BAILING XSV HTEAM YlOHTB YAWL U0AT8 8POON OARS STEHUMl \\ UKLUt ETC 385 Atwater St., Near Riopelle, DETROIT, MIOn Snnit for catalogue SIGNAL LAMPS, —win i- Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. GET THEBKS?&AV0IDCOLLISIONS. Thme I iuii|» a-lu o nmrc lirlllanl light ilmn nny Signal Ijiniji now In u»c Tlioyl.ntolmn mtoptnl l>> tlio- principal Ocean ami I ulio sunmora ami Veuala, and am for anlp In the | rlnUpul porta on I lie Atlantlecon»t anil laki*. French Wrought Iron Ranges and B oilers for Steam¬ ers and Hotels, Manufactured by Felthousen & Russell, 1 10 <t 141 WAIVST., BUFFALO N. Y.' THE /ETNA GRATE. This Improved Shaking Grate EspeciallyAdapt- ed'to Burning Slack. Glotie Iron WorKs, Majiufac's., Olfiro anil rminilrj tonmr of Uni iinil { bpruto-81, LLLVKLAMJ, O ST. MARYS OHIO MONTPtLItR OHIO OdR FACTORIES. HKtCKLNRIDGE, MICH CARROLLTON, MICH DE GRAUWp AYMAR & CO., MANffACTlRKIlS AM> IMIOIITHIS (if Cordage, Oakum and Anchors, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, Marine Hardware and S/up-c/iandle/s.' Goods Gcn&ally. 34 and 35 South-st, New York. T. E. WILSON, of Water Worl BONE PROMPTLY TO ORDER HrAtlQUAJtTEW, Upson £ Walton's, 'River Street, Or, 137 Hermann-St, Cleveland, 0. FOR SAI^E. Quarter Iatcrest lnthelarae Tng Samson, One of the id on I powerful Inns on tho Igkis blie wan liutlt at St tittlicrfiiLS h) Sliicklmm rebuilt In 1881 and nicomirea 181 [titw} t6nna«6 blie 1h etrai^lit A. with luHuruuce v liintluiiof Slij.OOO una c«n bo inaurul for SU W U ill sell i|uart< r for 8a Mi purt (Ush, bill itiico on tut j tiruiH, Add rim Maujnk Heioiuj BUTTS COAL CO Onl^r Is^Einers of BUTTS (JtiXXEL CU?1L, and dealers IiHiub ( o»lii Nut Com In ami Menu, Ctal (or Tith1* HirgLB, < c, CLARK I. BUTTS, FOR SALE, AT THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. SECOND HAND TUDULAK BOaHU-tlnolieacli. anieur 41 tiili"' J innliiu dlaiuctw and IJIwit lung, Blium iruui 10 Inches (UuiueUr, «l Incln* lilull, front jrulia ltttli)^4 an<l tirt.ectkin|{» kooiI irilur -bl COM) HAND MAItlNI- 110(1,1 II In «o»l orlir JTill, 7-10 Inch Iran plulc. ill iiuctvr if" I Oliiclio* IcinirA l»'<-lt 1-J tulM -llmliL. ludlanuUr II fail * iicrKalniiii tun.«fluiaIBlMli«i dlmu.lir, >«o IIuctIO lnch«illnuiit«r lw„ llun 101 2 Innln. <lluiiiil«r. Ilw l»x, afoul Ions 4 loullilKli aiouuicUlnin«)i, 7 f«it lilitn ShOONII HAND MA1HNI 110111 It tour foul wldo 0 1 ■ f. ot I "\h 5 feat llWi, nllly fo|ir 2 1 t mill wlna 60 lucllia Ioiik ant iron lirttchnp, K«od us no» SECOND HAM1MA11IM' hNGINt ilanbledipicl. aclliiK XxH Inoli c> lludur, uliult uoil wheel lor yacul or Hit good as nevr For Saleor Exchange, Tug »Annie Robertson. Lciig!)i-OM ■ ulltffl 3 111 l,M lirtwlth H tlOftotuiul dtpth of U lil (>iel lr i»i» r>1 j ft* t uf wmir im iiurm j.lllHMnivr) t m ml IK J* 100 old Hulll In IHS0 ml rebuilt this b] rlnn lit w Uck Irnimn and uitln and inaclilnt-r\ tin n uglily >\Lrhauli-<l 1 ugl" '■ >u 14x1-1 I m!er 8'a ftttlu gand 4h J- In tliauiottr U ur riinttd In Nu 1 ct million un I biiljw t to iimjuilon, I'rlte 83 KM' Addnni Maiunk Hi (oiin On-ici FOR SALE Her loiiM" in lTfi kel U»ui Jf feat nnd liultl 10 ket KilncliL« IhtlUr 1" f* 11 long 7 fi*t dliunutur llrfoo Hues two Itl Itkh mid onu 17 hnKUiu Xxtt, Currka^tiOtioftun! hinilur 8| owl II ml Ion ll(,ht, nntl 5 l-i loadii], lunuruncu valuation U^son Ad* dreuMimNicHucuiti) Office, No 144, biij>erlor street, Clovuland O FOR SALE. A Fine Harbor Tug. Dimensions < f Hull 15 IcntiVLr nil If (f 11 \hmu.B foul hold, mid mi aauris-M tons with 7 ft »t draft inti 1h) imdoOfut draft IhutUKimi, l^x.u, In in llmtnO***- condition »lth ullmw 1 rtiwu, new rttii,s 1h lyllndor and turima nix foot wlictl wlikh «na now last musou Iho boilor la »me y* ir nld Is lnr^i uumgli to bwi Mood or coal un I !■ ulbntd liHJ ihuiihIb tit Hiiani. 1'rko 84 7u> und mum 11 wild inside of thirty daj s 4,d\kwti ^AJUJ4t KbCUUD OKIILIC Ph<snix Paint Co., MANCTACTIREIIS OF ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. ornn vNDiAcroitY 36 St.. CLEVELAND, OHIO. r 1) XICKERSON, MARiNE ARTIST Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge, Cleveland, 0. Vesselmen ' hiiori i) have OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, (ontftinlng all points .J MAKING LAW u tliy luriulned by Hie United stutia ( ouru , B«amen, Owners, Fvelcbti. Ch«rt«», Towage, n«|hi(ry. Colllsloni, KnroUmvuti, □«ner»l Average, Common CwrrUr*. Ditilei of 8«mn«n, Mnnt«ri & Owoorii, lllll of LmUnK, Wiitfitn, &c Hit Tolmun it) haodKHialy 11 un 1 In at Iff Board covers, and lino hnnlleh doth llnditi(t Secit to my ttddrt^H |M)ittnt,« pnitl for H (K) rhCC a week at home J5 00 mitnt lr«« Vmj atutdutf ly iJlUUsnre No risk. Capital not requited lit ader if you want buHluttn at whiih pintontiof eitharmn, voun«oroId tun make trout jay all tho thiw titer work with abriolulocfrlaluty wiitc for partlfulan ot 11 lUiif^r \.i.u lurilaaJ Maine, 028035 40 290081 1 7217