THE MAPINE RECOBD. H. J. WE<B<B & C0n Ship Broktrt, Vsml Owners and Aoenti. [ KftTAHMSUBO IN 1800.] H J WKnnACo,wllloh»rior VaiyilatorUMeTnM, -SmcUI »ti«nilor, »l»ou la Oirturlnii Vamul' n Uib lik» Sutiortor Iron Ore Trail*, both (or Iho iouoii mil dnglo trip, ARCADE BUILOJNO 101 ST. CLAIR ST., , Plev«l»nd, Ohio. •»rl rDUfUdC/0"1"*' No. sun. TELbrnUnttHcaldenoii, No. 1338. ~~SC0TT & ®M®iMstijrr Fire and Marine Insurance Agents and Vessel Brokers. Attention also g veil to tli? purohou and inlo of Iron On', T«l«plione, No. 18. Offloe, 1.10 Hon^li Watar-St, Cleveland, O. GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO., THOS. WILSON »H\A(ll\n OUVKK Wilson's Transit Line. Gen. Forwiinler. Freight and Vessel Agent, CI.KVKI awij o * CAPT D M MLCKCn GAIT IirVl^ BROCK ' q), M. BECKER & CO., Commoroia! Brokers and Vessel Agents, V*aelBclinrtnrod, ptirrlm-wt anil noId contracla imulu (or onsrnf) and lit aw freight* Lako Superior und Ewmmlni iron oro rlint ten for, alii* trie trip or Mason a ipncltilty .ffllvs.^Ui. crereland, 0. ' rolnphoiii. No OU MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agejits, No \l\ SI n»lr Htiwt, liooia27 U bVbLANO OHIO - PALMER & BENHAM, Vessel Owners & Agents, Now IlnnU Ilulldlnit, Superior mid Bund Street Cleveland Ohio. MORGAN & RICE, Vessel Brokers, Marine and Fire Insurance Agents, Room 20, Chamber of Commerce, DETROIT, MICH. Special attention paid to Chartering Vessels, CAIT J W MII.I EK I'AII It II MONTAGUE MILLER £ MONTAGUE, DULUTII, MINN. VesserBrokers and Marine and Fire Insurance Agents, and Board of Trade Welghmen. SoocIhI attention paid to Chartering leue-la p1 o weighing and Trimming enrgoes of gjain Correalmjii dance Hollcitotf. ALEX McDOUGtiLL, VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, Owner* and ma ton of vo-wl* wishing to got cargood of grain from thlapnit will do well to eon fur with ixje Will baglad to furnish mformatlou in regard to car- ffoea, alaoln relation f> i|ock«, depth of Water, etc , at Dnluth, A (fat* liny (now Iron ore port), Port Ar¬ thur*, AVmtfiburn, Aanluiirt, and »U points no*r the west 'ml of I uko & h erlor Good gungfc of men tur- nlilied on short notice for rimming o»rgjtH of grafn, loading and iinl<mdlrjar nil kinds of freight J4MES T. ROSE, Vessel Agent and Broker, HOY 1010, miLlTTH, MINN. Uta Gen Ag t for Oolljngwood Lino of Bteimeri Spwlnl Attention Puld-to Chartering VisnneL. ATKINS & BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents 1J7 LiSnllB Strum — CHUM (10, » ILI HIBBARD& VANCE, Vessel Agents H« mitl S68 Hrotuiwav IH UtjilloSlro t. MII'WAUKI r WIS CHICAGO. ILL KNEIP & MORRISON, PtfOCTOIW IN ADMIRAL! Y _____115 fifonroy 8t Rouen M Chicago ROBERT RAE, Win'ralty and Insurance Law Office, ^°I»jI7i Morolmoln1 ImildlDg, CHICAGO, ILI a. iOarnum7 Vessel Agent and Broker, ISExchange ht. JulTalo, N V. . OriF YOU DO NOT KLCEIVE {ft MONTHLY I,ur Or \ l.i?fc»EI b Builders of Iron and Steel Ves¬ sels of every Description. Builders qf the Iron Steamer Onoco, Yacht Twilight, and,Iron Tugs International and Record. OFFICE AND1/0RKS, OLD RIVER ST., CLEVELAND, 0. Established in 1830. WM. WALL'S SONS, -MANUFACTUBtRi Qf, CORDAGE * OAKUM. DA^rN'oIa^'^f^VLl'Si^A'E'BPA^irTi!.^ °'"" "" """ "'"'"^ ""* '" °«« * °"E No. 113 WALL STREET. NEW YORK/ Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y. . JAMES P, DONALDSON & CO., Ship-chandlers, Saitmakers AND DEALERS IN Mill, Railway and Manufacturers' Supplies, WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. DEAN & CO., -. mm j*. tt :m3t «_r ______________ Patent .Yawl Boats of all Lengths, Pleasure and Hunting Boats, Sail and "Steam Yachts on Hand. " Also. Life Boats that will pass Government Inspection, and cost less than any Life Boats in-U.S.A DEAN d CO. iOOT Of SJ" ilBf\-ST DhTROlT, V1L11 torn dows, SUB-MARINE DIVER, Sub-ma, me Drilling and Blasting. STl UN III AK1NGS ltKl'AIUhl) 1VI1IIOUT JiOING TO DKlDOtK. Jl'icding Expeditions ?Jirompanied. Contracts lade fir all Kinds of Diving. Residence, 73 West Ohio St., Chicago, AKMIt i Dltr-iCOI.I.. CI.H I.I.AM) Atll-NTS PEMFIELD BLOCK CO, Loclyort, New } 'orl\ are Sole Maniijartin ers of the Celebrated "Anchor Brand" Tackle Blocks, ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED OK WITH Oup-Self-lubncating Phosphor Bronze Bushinqs. The mewl In th»*» BiuIiIiikh Is til. IVIrtnilod Pliaiplior-Braniii Hi* liost IiuiiIiik mmal lo II » luwkiii, »"il lieluir i orloct luliritulora thoy uro lasi ni|«»r»nliii|! all u lur style, tirtalu liy -IIII' UUNDII It-i mr) ASK KOIl VVOIIOH IIUlNIl" TAtKLK .IILOOKS. IlliulrtiUd Qiliit )gu*» »l"l [infills! iimlh-d frwionn |liiiiln ^i niillMmUraso I I, I Ac,(mu'«ui|iii.ait«cjir,» nls our n « Hurl, I'AII Ml IINOM-Mlil It 1.1, ISNI Cyclone Stiam Fuue cleaner for horizontal ano uphioht boilers fHOM H TO Ifl INCHtS CRESCENT MANUFACTURING-CO. 301C M ANUHCruB C US CLEVELAND, OHIO II S A.. 0. S. BAND II, a IiUBOBB. RANP& BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS, ' WITH 33 IB "2" DOCK ATTAI mjD TO THE WOItKS. Xr,80 PREPARED TO. DO WEEOHNG AND TOWING WITH THE Tug John Gregory. Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOCWIS. The Neversink Cork Jacket AND IMPROVED LIFE BELTS, Warranted Twenty-font Lbs. Bnoyancf AND FULL WKI«nT 01' COKK, Acronllng to ItoqulHiiiiuDtii of II S. Irmpoctorj. SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. ALSO RING BUOYS. > w CO \|ipinvi'il iiihI alloptctl by tlie Unlr«l Stub's Bimnl of Supci vIhIiie Iimpoctom ;nl«o by the iniii('l|)ul Oicuii, I.iiki! mid River Steamer Lines, as the only Reliable Life Preserver VESStfl.h AND TRADK SUPPLIED lend lor ( In nlurs D. KA1IV WEI LER140,148 & 150 Worth St Ni-iir < cnre> St.. Ne« York. KATZENSTEIN'S SfeLF-ACTING METAL TAOKINO rOH PISTON KODS, VALVK 8TBMS, Kto. AtlupUiU and In um by tlm principal Iron Work* aud sttamship Qompt tin a within tho last eight yuaraln thli and Forslgn countrtM Fur full par¬ ticulars and reference* addrca 1 KATZLNSTfcIN A CO 1(19 Clirlstoiilier St, near West Strom N. Y CA,n iuos tuiilior St, WII bON, Clovuluad dgtnt. FOR SALE, ITeT^r Iron. IinnuiHioiiri 7H fool long, 17 fuut Imhiu, 11 Tout deon iruftvl' 1 1 fti*i, oiiKlno, AixJfU imw Hiool lioilur 1 fiwt in (UniiLtur, 11 Mt long, 11 lowed HJioiindMHloim ihnu irnti brtu-Ht liookit furwarll oillinicin bulklioitd fonrard. wuti r tight hulktiinil l>rrfBnl of bollui, iron ooul bunkorH, water tight Imlkhoitd ad at iliaft-gland, with wutur light Iron deck forming the Hoar or alter cabin Iron docks, bulwarks and dock hoiim.1, Iron tow poati ■aft. Heavy onglo Iron frainen, with revema ban oa il« Utrnuto fr.mai.'>iplulu attwl floor platan, holler, ou- glnu and bo n ring foil mint Ion of Iron Tor solo cheap wlun uiuclilmtrv < an buconiplttifil by GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO. Boat washing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 109 Water Street. Telephone 118. ipPUipQ wintwl lor Hid I|VI!«0( KlltllU 1 rt'Slll. N!« UULlfllO <il tho U S Tho liirgMt, litnilaulual 1«.| book oTer Hold fir lu.n thun tw lew our nrlco I tu lual. Ml hlIIIdk buolcln Imtirlrii Iiiiiuoiuo|>roflti to uguiiu All IiiIoIIIkkhI puijilo wuut It Any o|it onii bcconio a siirtwwrul ni,oil( ItiriiH Ire JUiikii Bikiic ( . nl l V1 1 if u , I i i U 7645