Marine Record, February 7, 1884, p. 7

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THE MAPINE RECOBD. Tiie Merenttk Cork: Jacket ri - Tuoilty per ipnt. mnro buoynnoythnrt »ny other IJIu I'lt'scrvur In the inurket. Is the fl* FES I mill only RELIABLE LIlpB pBEsMSBifKR In EXISTENCE, its proved ol t'io late \\|BLk mi tin- 1'iicillo Const, ni tht Pncltlc Mail Steiimxlilp, "City of Sin Frnm-oW RI\G IUOYS ANE" FENDERS. tn CO > « 05 Approved iiikI mlnptul l>\ tin Unl'i tl siiitcs Board of Siipci Wring Iimpeitiiiii,iiNu hv the principal Ocean, Lake and Hlvei stunner Lines, as the onlj Udlahlt Illo l'n-i ntr VESSELS AND lRAPE sUI'l'HED. Send for Clruilnis D KAHNWEILER HO, 148 & K>0 Woi tli Si Nc ar < eniei St New Yen h. PALMER & BENHAM, succeflnors to J H PALMER & SON, Vessel Owners & Agents, IS o 130 Water Street, Itoonn 0 4 7 UrVllAND - OHIO SCOTT & <BEWLIMAN. Fire and Marine Insurance Agents and Vessel Brokers. Attention aim gtrqn to the purchase and inlo of Iron Ora, telephone, No 18 Ofllco, 110 South Wuter.St, Cl«eltind, O MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, No 121 St Hair StreaLHoom27 Cl.hVILAND - OHHl THOS. WILSON MANAGING OWNKR Wilson's Transit Line. Gen Forwarder. Freight and Vessel Agent -* UKlKIANt) O HIBBARD& VANCE, Vessel Agents^ 66 add m Broadway MILWAUKEE., WIS 114 Ln Halle Strait.________( HIP AGO ILL DAVISON and HOLMES, Vessel Owners & Agents, U2 So Water Street . UIICAUJ._______ILLINOIS ATKINS & BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents 127 LiSalle Sth CHllAOO - ILL, A.M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, 15 Exchange bt. HitHalo, N Y. liriF you do Nor receive MY MONTHLY LI3T OF VESSELS . ORMI r SKV> H>h I ROBERT RAE, Admiralty and Insurance Law Office, Room 37 Merchant* building ______________CHICAGO, II t________________ WILLIAM FORDE, SHIP BROKER. Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N E Cor ColumlHisAvn A Water St, •________SANDUSKY. OHIO_____________. RICHARD HAMMOND, •JOHN-COON. f'+m&> STATIONARY -T . Paper Mill BloichtTre & RofariM. Gasometers, Salt Paivs Gmto Staete, ~M ail bids of Heavy Hale iSlartWYHc Office & Works, _„ 844.246.248 250 252 Ar.4.254. b "■Willi Jill ^'"'"ln. * Po*.w Sk To.?oa6oBbl> OIL STILLS 8c AGITATORS. Bipairmg Rtanptly Attended tfo. Perry Sb. TASKS. PATENT METALLIC LIFE RAFT, H. 0,& J. H.' Calkin, CoDDer4t|*ln(l Men StoJrprtftid Gnu Klttli|g, GALLEY STOVES. SJflO & 357 Wont St., Cor, Lalglit NEWYOEKl CircnluiK Hent upnn npplleatlon. ESTABLISHED 1830. L -MANDPACTUnHnB OF- CORDAGE * OAKUM. Ganwaof AMERICAN RUSSIA and ITALIAV HEMP of tbe Terr beat qua'ity made to order AT Otffi DAY'8N0lTOE MANILA and SISAL BINDER TWINL Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. ________Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y,________ JAMES P. DONALDSON & CO., Ship-chandlers, Sailmakers AND DEALERS IN> Mill, Railway and Manufacturers' Supplies, WOODWARD AVE^rDETROlTTMICHr i^Ma^ SMITH'6 PaTLNT METALLIC LIFE BOAi'S, TECH IBZISV AND OXZXIja.Z>Z>S>r. SEND FOR PltlOEft TO SMITH'S BOAT "WORKS, 159 South Street, TJew York MONTPELIER, OHIO OtfR FACTORIES. BRECKENRIDGE, MICH CARROLLTON MICH BECKER & KELLY, Vessel Agents, Vuuli chartered, purchased and sold, contwet• roado for coarse and heavy freights Lake Superior nnd Lscanuba iron or,o ihurters for sin- Office, ale trip or leason a specialty imi iVaUr 8t Room 14 ■ — , Coal A iron Ei Build'g, uiuiuiuuui relephont No 953 Mail, KNEIP & MORRISON, PEOCTOES IN ADMIRALTY, 115 Monroe St Boom 54 Chicago DE GRAUW, AYMAR & CO, MANUKACTUBKR8 AND IM1 OUTERS OF Cordage, Oakum and Anchors, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, Marine Hardware and Ship-chandlen' Goods Geimally. 34 and 35 South-st, New York. THE NEW PULSOMETER cheapest, Strongest, most simple, compact, durable, effective l economical 8team pump in the market, for railing liquid* ulitlui mihI up to 100 foot. No Miiohliinri No OH, No. Speolnl tiitre. lun bowotkrd nuhiioihImI h^nnliulu Will puns grlii nihil, sunri, nulli, etc , without Injury to Its p trtH N, tMl„ onlj iiNttitin pin* from boiler to run It Prion 000 irrilluns per hour *"Hii l.uoo il • 7ni 3.01)0 do •100; fl Oilll do •llli, 111 000 do (Ml IHimHI.. •JUS) 115,000 do. ••J7SI 45 (100 do 841111! 1)11 II 0 do »auOi 1J0 OuO do. • 1,000. C< iup»ro tl(la vrltli liny olhur rump I l.t Wrltu for Illustrated dou.rl|)lh •Imokwl '\ l >llui mini* A Mulled frrt PULSOMETKKSlKAMrUMPCO., 8 J John Bt , Now YorkClt), CsA KATZENSTEIN'S SELr-ACTINO MbTAI/ PACKING FOR piston nous, % AJA B STEJIfl, Kto. AdoptHd and In uio br the principal Iron Workj nnil tftoaaiahlp Corapa nira within tho loitoljlit yoinln thliandPoreljit countnea For fulL par, tloulan and roforoncoa addron , L 1CATEENBTEIN4C0 lMChriitoplmrSt near Woat Street N. Y. I.01ID, BOWLER it CO, Aijsnla (or Cleroland. 0 B RAND II B IlURQER RAND & BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS, jFITH 3DI5"2" DOCK AXTA4 WED TO TJIC W ORKS. t ■_____ ALSO PREPARED '10 DO WBEOBUSTG AND TOWING Willi 'HIE Tug John Gregory. Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOCWIS. CANFIELD Wrecking & Towing Line, Tugs, Hawsers, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, Uc., To be had on-short notice, by mall or telegraph A. O. WHEELER, _ 0HA8 GNEWUCH MantKor. Wrecking Mailer FOR SALE, AT THE E S, SECOND HAND TUI1UI Alt IIOIII It, 44 Incline,11. amoter 43 tuhoa 1 IiiiIiih llniutiter and ii((etlon« Bteaiiidriim 10 liu lien dlnnitlt r 41) Indus hl«h Iront gratia fltlhiKH und I rcvelilnga kooiI order SI COM) 1IAM>MUUM. IIOII 1 It lnBoolordor fshcll 7 111 Inch Irmplmo dl nnutcr i tict (I Inches loimtli 111 hit l-Mi|li» 4 In, IichIii illuincltr liifc 14 liiUiraluiK time llu ■ililnehin II in tir 'nollnMli, Inclm lliinitcr two II in III 1 < Incl 11 lliimetir, lira hoi OhitloiiK 4 tecthl|,lL,»touuichliiiii j 7 ( ot IiIkIi SIUIVDHAM) MAItIM Holt 1 It |,llr f,„t whlo 0 1 2 fi ot li ii|t 5 (nt hl«h nlxtjr fuir 2 1 . inch tubei (111 i ilIiuh Jong cunt lion 1 rttilniK kijdiI an now 8LC0ND HANDMARINfc LNOLNt. d.ubledirect- acting 818 Inch cvllndor, .halt and wheel for jacht or tug, good as now 'l| Phffinix Paint Co MANUFACTURERS OF ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. OFFICE AND FACTORY 36 Mlcbican St, CLEVELAND, OHIO, s 42 4915

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