Marine Record, February 7, 1884, p. 3

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—T~ r" THE MARINE RECORD. to BultiK iinublo to turn tit Stony 1'iilnt, both nnchors wero let go in eight »nd n hnlf Intliom*, wlili'li hold liflr from i until lip. in., when licrciiblcs parted nnd she stranded In ten loot of wnter. Slio lind on boinl twenty-two pnpRongera w^l, norewot jlx At grent linzard it ninn succeeded Jn rench- lug the shore, d'stnnt eight rods, when with tlio nkl of people on shore it line was extend¬ ed from the bout to the land, nnd nil on board safely iImiwii on shore In ii three bushel bas¬ ket, rlggetl upon llie Hue with n Dutch hnr- iiewr-Optnln Vnughiin wns the lust to leave the wreck, wliloh went to piece's dnrlifir the day. The stemnei was owned by b. &I, UoiidIhom, of Sncketl's Harbor. , Ashnll Rob crU uns the ship carpenter and builder of the steamer Ontario and oiliui cialt In those days. The steamer bophln uns also built at SnekeU'n Harbor In 1818. 0'iiptuln Rhode washei llrst commander. In 18J0 the steam¬ er Browntllle, built' at Urounville, ami nailed by Ciiptalu Ezra 0. Uudd, niiHinil tons burden. Mie was burned ninoiig the I'lioiir-iinit Ishinds, and suhsequeutlv lebulll and again cntiiiiilsuloni'tl miller the nainu ol the Win. Avcrj, and sailed bv Oaptaln Win Vaii|;hai>. I'M' sleiinier fa HI 1'iy uameoiil in 1810, and the Bteamei Charles Carroll. Captain 0. Howe, built at ta token's Uarliin, '00 tons burden, in Her name was af terward changed in America. Tills sketch takes iih tol8J.>, us legmils American sieaiu- cison Lake Ontario. On the Canadian side of Lake Ontario, nf tcr the Fiouteuae, the sienniei Charlotte was built at Kingston in 1818, and was 150 ton's burden, blie plied between 1'rescott and the Gay of Qiiinte. '1 lie steamer Dalllousli. wns the third Canadian steamer built on that lake and came out in 18111. All of the Ifne- going Ililtlsli bonlt, neie built by Hum y (jllderslteve, ship uiiiirntei. '1 lie Caiollne, in 1825, and the loronto, same year, oi 200 [mis bin den, weiu built at Kingston also Captain Mcintosh commanded the last named. The steamer Canada commenced plying in 1820, under command of Captain Hugh Riihauiiwii, and wun 250 tons billilen. •5he was wieckedneai Oswego.' llie loicgoiug Is a hj nopsls of the enily period ol vessel and steamboat navigation on Lake Ontnilo up to a peiiod of which inaiij now llvlnjf, hint a ivcolkellun We ' |iiu'|inse giving at a liitine lime in iiu i I elat¬ ing to shipbuilding and cniiiuieiie, soJul ne may be nl Interest to llie leading nulillc ol tlie pieeeiit em J. Vt II I.UjIUJ'JINOTES.. llie Hiltish Caiiadlnn Lumbering and limber Company made an assignment Illeg¬ ibly, uiili liabilities exceeding f 1,(IIIU,IIUH The retail luuihei c'ealciH "ot UiBicru l'uimsjlviiiilti, Olilo, and Wist Virginia ellcclcd all orgaiiUiitiini at I'iltsbuig, tin object ol which Is to pu>tu:c theli Inn rests igaiust the eucioacliiiiunt ol the wliulii-ale dialei 1'he dcteiinitiation ol lumbermen In the Kininieiicement ol niutei to laigely contiol the log crop tills season Is apparently not being muled out, judging Iiotn the npou ol those aelivcliHiiigaged in the wuik. Within tlio recolli ctlou ol the oldest loggei llieie has never been a smson so [iiopltloiib lot iioik In llie plneiies as the present , Tliu i-iiow coiers a hiinVtiintlal liiiiiidatliin, tlie tempeialiire tins been ciNpv, loads sin^e tlie middle ol Dceeinbei ncvej beitei foi liaiiliug licavj loads, mil cieritliipg m i his to iioik to the .advantage ot the loggLis, and [lie luturu outlook wan ntver mine favorable llieie Is uotlil'ig I loin no v\ loniaid to pre vi'ul about is lingo an output of logs as last season, The mills are undei going n through overhauling, nnd everything looks like big business with tliuon neis [liecomingsensop, It is eiitlmated that tlie timber along the noi tliein lakes at the picent nite ol tutting uill be. exluiustcd in about ten jonm from I Iiu present time and that a resort to tlie tlm- !»'[ IniidH ol the south, which mi: iniicli moie < \tensivu than Is gencially supposed, must soon lollow About one hall ol Kentucky is covered with valuable llmliei and a number of huge mills have recently been erected at dllforont points In tlio state. In weatorn Noith Carolina are extensive forest* of "like pine, auu* In the uiHtt ru part of that state Ih llie eelebialcd long li ul pine, mid In ^oiuli taiollna valuable km Ms ol nine and ivpross 'I heie'ieui'iiuihi In Sinth Carolina 10,000 M]uaru miles of validible lorests Ol tin 02 varitlt's of thntiei found east of llie Kocky moujitaliu}, Xoitb Caioliua has in gieat abundant c 13 variatlis ol the most ^valuable. Tills laigeaieaol liuibei In \ortli Carolina, as large iih the state ol Ohio, added to the limbers ol Kii"tern kt mucky, honth- wtst Vliginln, and Knst Tenut m-i i, ulil prtl- bnbly for yenrs furnish profitable iiniispor tatlon to railways penetrating solitliward trom the Ohio rlvtr, and bring great wealth to the Southern states. THE /ETNA GRATE. This.lmproved Shaking Grate EspeciallyAdapt- ed to Burning Slack. Globe Iron Works, Mannfac's., Office and Foundry corner nf Kim and ff' Sprunr.HU , CLEVELAND, O. ^ T. E; WILSON, All Kinds'of' Water Work *D0NEPR0MPTL YT0 ORDER Jfew York, PBimsylvama & Ohio H. R. NEW YOnii. nOHTON AND THE'BART. Tlie Nhortraf anil «tnlf>Uo»t Ronte to Pltty- 1 burit. Wm>hlil|rlon nml lUIUmore rrml tlie NouHiomt. . HEADQUAUri lt», Upson £ Walton's, River Street, •^z^ Or, 137 Hermann-St, Cleveland, 0. PENFIELD BLOCK CO, • Lockport, Keiv York, are Sole Manufacturers of the 'Celebrated "Anchor Brand" Tackle Blocks, ALL STEEL, ROLLER BUSHED OU WITH Our Self-lubricating Phosphor Bronze Bushh/as. Tlio inttiil In tliLio Hiialilnn3 1m tliu Colilirutwl PlioHiilibr-Ilronzo, Mil l,u.nlnK mrtnl In tlio ninrkol unit lull 1/ |i«*»t lubrkiitnrs tin) iiro taat niiiuimilint all mine stylo, lurhiilii by allll" 11HNUII 111 LViryalitr, ASK I OK, " ANOIIOK I1UAND" TACKI K III.OCKS, PATI.NTI II NO\ i:3Jlll.H 1.1, IKK I. Illii'-trntiil Ciilalotfueiinul prlci IW uinllpd Ircooniii iillciiiiun HinnplB iirilirnsollciu 1 TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH Une U10 Mnyiition AppliuucoGu a Magnetic Lung Protector PRICE OXLY 85 Tlioy nTt prktUiM to i adii s uhsfi i^iii n ami i nil DKl'N Wiril WKAK IUM1S tio O D Ol lShUMDSI^ i\n tuotii' in uvt r iii iwn wlicit! ^anut nta am v urn. Hi y aha privuit ami curu iikai i dikhc \i\ ui-i CO I US UHKIMAIISM NKIKAIU1A, IIIKOaI IIIOIIHUH DIIT1IKKIA CA1AIUIII, AM) All MMMUU UHI AHI S ~WT]] wbaii Miy florvlco for tiiiiff"! katit^ Atd \ orn ovtir the mirier clothing pAT A pptl ^ IsiitLdlotsio lutcrilio tlioijniptt mi uillulinui of thii nauseous (lipase tlmt 1«mi|iiiIiij{ tlio lilt) 11 (id i^ruiKlli of (Mil) too miuiv uf the funM and beat of both ntxii Ijiltor it inly ami rtt un h ill Aimricu, I mood and Utsti rn lu< dn. Imvti n'siillcd in the Magnetic Muhk lrolulor, a Ho ru lug Liir« (or Va tnrrh, u nunxly which toiitaiiix So Dituui isn ot iiik bYiffm ami with tin. * ontlmi mih stronn of Muj,im tlniu poruuatlnt'thr mi^Ii tliH aftllLtcd ordain mum itiMiud- 1IIUM 10 A HIi-AI lllY A( riOS W K I UA< h Ol K 1 UK I for thin Amilluiice at lmi than ono lutntntliof t'ui Crice aaliiu l>y olhuis for rttiK-tlici upon which you iku all 1I111 diuiicca and \\r kmiluaiiy immti-iIiu pHtronani of thu MANY l KILSONS Mho liiivt tried mtuo tn*t\ Till lit HIOMAClia WITHOUT KtKHl MTfl flDTAiU Tllla Appllaiiit Or, to jour 1U Udliiin dniKKlHt and m>k (or Hum. U avi) not got ttium write to iht proprittorti. on cloaliiB tlio priti In letter uto r rink and tin y w(ll bu Btnt to you at onto by mail potl paid Send (ttampfor tlio New Departure in Mulical lreatmunt wiruour mhucink' with tliumitiidw of tcathuonluls 1111 AJAt.Nl U)N AITIIAMI C» J'rt Mnto blrui t Chicago 111 Notk—^tntl ouadollur In iioHta^i *tiliu 8 or i urrt n e> , In letti rat our rl k wltli nizu o[ hU >u usually worn and try a pall nt our Mti^netlc I undo an I bo con vlucul of the )x)wer rrnltlint! In our Mn^iiotlc Apjill iliew Positively no tulitmfcct tihere thty art uwn, or i money refunded V. D. NICKERSON, MARINE ARTIST Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge, Cleveland, 0. Boatwashing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 33 St. Clair Street. Telephone 118. DEAN & CO., TRAVELERS' REGISTER. LUvL snout a MiuuuYNsoininim (on)tii mluRbiimlii} NincrnttrlS nt 12 o Hoek noon tin litiK L'ivtn In iht UtturiN I tlinr N th( in \\ Htumlard (Mnctittlti imridlnu) thiH whit n it thirl>thr>t niln- uiut Hlower tbun ( lovi I mil iltiu pnptr and twtntr- (itjlit intnuIth »lo»t r thiin the tiiuu lureloiore in use (Loluii)tuiH linn ) b> tht,hi ron(is | ArrUe J Depart Ui7 A M °1 22 A M fi 1" A Ml 7 OJ A M to ill AJl1_______ tlO 17 A »! \10 17AU.110 12 A M M 57 p M 1 11 I M M 17 ] H I \ 22 a SI » 41 I M| . M> 12 I M fit) 07 I M | Arrbu | Dtpnrl "ll i^TTl M (ttTsi ^ u a m| -J r a m fgli 1)7 A M li U A M ffi 12 A \f i ant ward fust Nuw "lork I xprewi N V IIU lxpnii I liriii Alcuuiiiiu lutiou I'ort Clinton Ateoniniodulloii BufiVo Aceoinuiodiitlon N 1 Alt lMHt I XprtHB Cln & bu I^iiiIh Isxpnni Louueuut Acioinniodatlon NollhiKliaui [lunda) onl>] Nltjhl I xpiwH Ccnlrnl or Nlnptlot)i Mfrldlin time, 83 minntei ilov or than (leuluod city time / Until further noiiro trains will lenve from the new Contrnl Wpot, ^outh Wnter mrttt and Viaduct u fol- lottii , l U.JU Qi Jlii man HlttpiiiK and hotel com he* from- UavltiH'iuifrh H Ui a in to hvw York, Albany ancML Honton without c ha tig Arrhv At Mcadville at 10 id a. 1» m (dlnmr) I rank"" " " no^* - M "-------- lorry 12'<5p n^I UUniUII HIIIIIHII Vltllllg AIT!......-.VHUfMIVII II m (dinnir)f ranklinat 12 08% m.OiHity I2 80p ra, Corry 12 '<& p nw Tameitowii'(l<aAu Chautauqua) 1 M m . liuffalo^ 50ji in Jtothestir VgO p m , Hornet.. vllle fl-OOp m faiippcrl, Coralne 7 76 p m ElinlraflOS n tn ntnirhanlniiiniHin ... »Ti------f™. «... Z Weitwurd 1 list I iuilltd ^cpit i Midi IxprtstTOi handtisky ( itleiiK" Txprti-H viu Mleh Atcom, Norwalk (<MUitaut Aeiommoiluilou Nottingham [Sunday only 1 ,11)1 do bxhrihH \iu Noiwattt Si l^ouU I x vlu buuduMky C 1 1 x *ia Norwalji I'ort (Hutou Atcuniinodatloii _ | t* '2 a M ' "T 1' M 1 17 1 M 12 r>2 I M |1 Hi 1 M | 1 02 I M *1 2i I M | tn C2 1 Ml f 12 I M I I f I 82i M HtfLreiico'tiiiirkit— <• Dally f dull) oxeipt fsuuduj I laily except Monday BEE LINE Cltvehnd, Columbus, Cineinnili and Indian njiolis Kailwny ..... UWV|. ... t-i.|.i.i *i, volume i to p m £.|inirattu6 p tn BinRhanton 10 03 p m , AlUmy ft 00 a in BoltOB 1 Vt p m , aiTii Inn nt Si w ) -irk 6 IS a in 0 >6\) lit ill. man *ki tilnir n< tirh from Cleveland to NiuVirk AimcH nl Mtadvlllt at fi 30 p nt , Janina- toun H -17 p in, iSiil«inaucn 9 4ri p m., New York 10 Kin in U'fin n m M<»HT rXPKISS^fDally 'except ilfU J J r Hit Himduj) sup iifcioacli from Cleveland Hon tlhtviilp Arrhi at ^ oung-tonn at M0 a in, MeiuhUI. U'mi in , Corry I 5» ii in Jamestown5,87 a m, Uuflalo't 2(la m ItoiUttt'tr kJ'iH p, m Ilnruella villi, 11 00 a m , toruiiiK 12 07 n m I'limraU 10 p m , l(iiitfhaui|i.ui2 l'ip m , New Wkyio p m Arrive nt 1 lltnlmmli "t 1(Ja m villioul r liann' ijiOn n rn 1 ll'sm IK II I MMtr>S- Dally - 6iuU JJ• Jii• II wlthpul ei aitL.e, l'arlor cur at¬ tached Airnotat ^ iniii>,fltowii 'on (> m , 1'lttal urff HU2 p ni U'iwhln«ion 7 [\>n in Uallhuoiefl Hi u iill ti m MAIIOMM. \0 iMOUATIOS - *Ml JJ • 111. Siiij pliifl nt all «aj n ationn arriving at \oiiri(,^town B 1r)|i in , Shan n •* ol p m , bliaricnlllo S 10 p in C.£fln m I'lirslJl I MfolAb - Dally - U tJU fli Ul* liH>iiL,li without cliaigo Arrives at \mii>Kiiiowi! 'J 10 a in , blia on 10 30 a m , bliarpt- vlllt 10 40 a ui , JMualiurfeli 1J |1 p m , Rotiirulnf, Int\(H hit burgh nt 4 15 a ni , 7 r n in , 12 55 p m, and 1 -II p m KIM a ni ^ou\(.^oun ami pittsbuhgii 1U 00 £1 111. ACOMMODATION-Mopping at all Wtij nations, Arriving at \yungi)iown 140p m ,Pltt«- hurgli fi h p in Trains arrive nt Oltvelaml, Olio, m,630p m, 10 20 U tn, 1 05 p ui , and > <ri p m, ttBTlils in theonly route by which paifwngprb can rench Corry I Imlra, BlnRlinmpttm, Now York City nod Interimilliiio point** without change No change to Bout on and New !• upland CHlea BaRgiiKe t heckul tliroutfli to all poliita Fifst riimuKh Uckets and Information regarding the route can he obtained ai the ofneo 111 Bank street, nnd at n. w Di pot of N. Y , P \ O it -it, South Water street and Viaduct ( U vtlatid, O A E CLABK (.in'l I'niw'r Ag'trioveland O T M I I H1IIS (iLti'I Mnn'Kr, thveland.O M I !,OUls1|,iM0ii(,ir Agi 1 H Bank til Cleveland. The Nickel Plate! MU lOItH. < 1IK U.U .1 ST I.OCIM ItAlLVAY. rim |m«Hi.;ipii i qul| iiu nti I thin Vw Trunk IiDt In ill lifw lilnl In nilp| Ikd tilth (lit hitmt uvpH>nMS iiiitHnntj tnhiilL n| inly aiul Liiinforluhlu IriTel At 1 hicii(,<i | hm iikir Inilnn iiilTi ul and ]#aTe In in tin Unli n l»0|ol \nit Huron ttrci I. 1 oil iwliif, !•> llie llluu ill eOiLl Nuv ltl X883 and ua- tll further luitiiL (|OIS(, I AS! I\. ( hk iyi___u 7J7 i\ jil — — ,-. . Arr. VnliniiuSci II f! ' ., I ort U ii) in I (II) p in 1 V\v Ifmen 1 l.ri , " Hint Ui|»k Si') ' VnulU III I mint la 4 17 (in i u springs *i 14 . , 11.11 \u. . « IJ I i Hi Hi >iii Arr I loi hind I v OliiIiiiiiI Air Piiliiintllli AHlitjilnilu •l 0J (oiimiiiit lirl, liiiilUik Bull ilo U2 «. Ill JJ 10.7 II 13 U II p 1 1)7 .iij ■ U7 (uom ■n. p Equipment New and Comprising all Modern Improvements JSri'iikuls hj iIiIm |»i|iiiliii loutuloi cule nt nil rejjuljir Tckt't Ollltw. E.B THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, (j un ml Maungor Irulllc Manager A J.SMITH, tlumral 1'anHenger Ai,eiit CLK\F LAND. OHIO. CILALLAND, COMJftBUiJ ClNClNNAU I INDI¬ ANA POLLS. Commonc)n« Sunday, Movombor 18th trains o( thu r)cn Line—t lovulaud, Columlms, llmlunutl A, Indian- apolla Hallwm —will It ave and iirrivu at CJuvuiau I un follows CINrilAI N1ANUAUI) 1IMK, 11 IIlillllteH liloWer tliuu Cluvtlaud (line HUM HUH DMUS DM KOI I, biUAl I wauttd for llto I hi* of all tho l'n hMouIh ilUJjn 1U oMhf US lliu larntst, Imndhounat tn*t Uiok «vi r »ol I f< r li's than twlct mir prlti i lin fuit- tnt a 111"K 1m,u^ '" ^uicrica IituuouioprollU to aKiuitnH All IvielHhiiit iMoplnwaut it Any mm tan In tomo a Miai i Nihil iu,"" lunii-i fnu lUm rr IfaHiK (o, it -.1.....1 M.lm. I'orilaitd, Malno A^>"DT7D t,L,lt' M'x col,t»f,,r IhwImri atidj-ixrivu iul/liJi (ri0' u c"Hl1/ l,1,x "r t*0"*'" wlll(1) w11' liftlp >ou loui'irn miiiity ifhhiaway tliHii miyUiliii, elito tn this * rlil Ml o( elih r mix, HUiuttl trom IIrut hour lhu hi on) road to fortuuo opt un Uftro tlio workirn, ahitilukly iuro Atoneo addrttd Itun i < » Auguatu, Maine. Nil t < Imlimul! (. < olumhua I xpn»M No 11, Iuillaiiapolls <. W Iim linK I xj.rt^s No 17 BpotliilColiluihuiA Chiiliinalt I x No 1, Sptiehil Ind A SL fount I xpriim No fi. Col (In Ind A St buds 1 xpreas N" 7 (lallluii A. C LA W Ate No 2 <«)] k Chi \ Ind I XpllrW No H, (lalllou C( I &,\V Ati No IJ, 81, I mils A lu llaiinpolli ' xpnn No ti, (ol (hi A Iuilianii|H>lh 1 xpni-. No -I, (olumliutA (liiiluiiuti I xpittn N<> 10, WhuilniK' 1 xpriHH . No II, t ol i tn ANY 1-iiMt I In l»i pirl 7 III V\I II 4(1 \ M 1 -II 1 M 1 in I'M u 111 r M 1 III I' M Ann. "ti lu A M ' i0 A M .' .0 I' M '» ro V M 1 Jil V M (. 4. V M I Ml A M f'ii nmrlitil ' ilai j 11 nai u i na iliily exetpl Sun day v ; (.(HN(. WIS1 I v linilnIn i r a in Air Dunkirk 11'24 1 rlw 1 Jf j in "i 1¥( (.oiiiitiim J 17 flam Anhtatnila 1 *>» ,1, 1 laiuti\llli 141 7li Uiul ind 4 5J Hr)- 1 \ (It \t land 4 '7 I 47 tt. m Am Dellcuu 7 i- it.17 1* Hi Hi \ in -i_j • (>rti n sprllin-i j ^ i lunula 1(1 j 1 Areailia 10 il ' \^l^t blpsk IMil l • N»w Him ii 1 1. I mu 1 rt \\ iyut , \ 1 1 \alpmlso ' fl " 1 Clikiiyi '7 5J ' 1 ruins run I \ 11 * Mnolit th Mirldlnn I line »lij h ig nine rulnulea tilowir th in < lilea^o lime twenty t it lit iiiliiutiH^diiwir th in ( iIiiiuIiiih tlnu thirly tbrtt inln- uttwBlower th»n tit Miami tune furl) four nil mi rem Hlowerthan Buffalo time mil «iih mliiLtia slowtr than llie*Si\tu(|Hllftl) Miridltii linn J or Inf iruiatlm tall on munal agent of thu Com¬ pany oradtlr\m B 1 IIOItNIR, Oca 11'uaeengor Asant. IH'ISWIIIIAMU, ' (tinerul Maunder Cleveland, O Kmk\ Itlvun \teonimodatiou Uu| urti ul ti fc0'a m and J IS p ui Luelld Acconimodatlon departs at 7 30 a m and 10 IJ p ui All (rultaadnih exet pi Suniiny PflT H ^or tnU worklnu oIubh Hand ten cents for iioi- llUliU hue and wo will mail ynu /W*-a lojat wdiia- bh b ix ofnauiph KIM**lstlial will out \ n in tin wuy < ( iiiuklnnj,! >r> in ui« l in i hit 1i\hiI n \ i evt-r tboilKllt | in* Ibl nt sih I u i'ltn.n ( uplt il in t rtipilrod Wu will start >ou \ m i m \\tit k till tlit tltue or la snan time onh I In worl 1^ miImi alls mhlptetl to loth n x ■* >oiiu^ a"d nl<i ^ ii i un i /inil\ iam from r)Oi tuts to !f.i» v. rj tVLiiliiK 1 toil all who want work unit ti-Utlit Imi-Iii<m< ui uiik thin uu]mrillt I utltr, tunlL\\ho4r.....i wit) NithUlitl w* uillMinUl ! > | iiy r< r tlit irouhh "f »imiui,iih I nil p mil ulnrs illrec- tions <u mih fit * I riiiins uill 1 o math b) ibo&o who hhe Hit ir whuio linn in t e work dieat fiittt^a ub olutrlj Nil i Itiiiit tit lu\ ^tarl nuw Ad Irffli siiNMiv \ I ii 11 rtl mil \fuln fhPC a wtt k al In nun ;>(X> inn til hit I uy ub»i lutoly vpDDnuri Norlsu. ( up lal n t rrtpilrtd Kiailer, if j on want InsluoH nt «i tilth pt ri-ontt of v ithor hi, voun^oi ol I tun uiakc kit it |u\ all thu tlmo tiny woik will) ub i lull > r ' nt\ \\ \u for partkulara to H Hah li \ ( ' 1 iriluil Malno C$D 15

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