Marine Record, January 10, 1884, p. 7

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THE-, M-APINE RECOBD. • 11 ■ i ......ii ii.. •'M THOMufiUMorUa*! - , • twefntv per tfertt. more, buoyancy th»n »ny othor Life-Preserver tn tho market. - la the SAFEST nnd only RELIABLE LIFE -TRESERVKR In EXISTENCE, as jroyed of t'io Into wreck- on tho. Fitclfl6 Consll nf the Pnoinc Mnll Stoftittslilp, "City of Snn rraslflisco." • RING BUOYS AND FENDER8. a «• w > u ~\- tn > w en ri Approved find adopted by the United States Board of Supervising Inspectors ;nlso by the principal Ocean, Lake nnd River Steamer Lines, its the only Reliable Life Preserver. VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED- Send for Circulars. D. KAHNWEILER140,148 & 150 Worth St. Nonr Center St.. Now York. 1 PALMER & BENHAM, successor! to J. H. PALMER Sl SON, Vessel Owners & Agents, No. 130 Water Street, Booms 0 4 7. CLEVELAND. - OHIO. . MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers andigents, 'V •3 So, 121 St. Clair 8treet, Itoom27. CI7EV ELAND. """' OHIO. TH0S. WILSON UANAOING ownrr Wilson's Transit Line. Oen. Forwnrder. Freight nnd Vessel Agent. -______CLEVELAND, O. SIOrMRO HAMMOND. JOHN CO OH. . ~rrr Paper Mill Bloicto&RrtArios. GBomotos,SaltRms SinoteStacks. WaJlMsofHtfr^Fkte&.SIiootlron'Wbrlc Office fie Works, M4.2'r6i.Z48.250.252.Ar.a.254. "? Perry St, OIL STILLS 8c A&ITATOR9. Eapaking .ftranptly Attendod to TAHKS. • ' CALKIN'S PATENT METALLIC LIFE RAFT, H. 0.& J. H.'Calkin, Coiersmls and Plnmtcrs. Stcnm nnd Qns Fitting, ftALLEf STOWS- ' SHO it SB7 West St., Cor, Laljht NEWYOEK^ Clrculnrs sent upon nppllentlon. BSTADLiajCED 1830. -UAKDrAoroains of- HIBBARD& VANCE, Vessel Agents «6 and 888 Broadway ULUSalle Street. MILWAUKEE, WIS CHICAGO. ILL. ^rzflffl^Nqnnl^oaillESr^ Vessel Owners & Agents, 240 So. Water Street, ■ _________CUICAOO, - ILLINOIS.________' ATKINS & BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents 127 LsSallo Street. CHICAOU. ■ ILL. A. M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, it Exchnnge tot. Buffalo, N. Y. ISriF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE MY MONTHLY LI3T OK VESSELS ,'OKs.vl.K. SHN!) KdK :T ROBERT RAE, ilty and Insurance Law Office, Room 37, Morolmnta' building, CHICAGO, ILL. . CORDACE & OAKUM. Gams of AMEBICAN, BU8SIA and ITALIAN HEMP ohbe rerj beat o,u«'ity made to order AT dNE DAV'8 NOTICE. MANILA and SISAL BINDER TWINE. Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y, ST. MARY'S OHIO. /WZ> FvJ/>7'/,v TIPQ URECKEN RIDGE, MICH MDNTPEMER OHIO. l/JfJl f JUj 1 VKl&O. CARROLLTON MICH MONTPELIER, OHIO. CARROLLTON, MICH DEGRAUWJ UANUFAOTURERS AND IMFOIITER8 OF Cordage, Oakum and Anchors, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA B0LT-R0PE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, Marine Hardware and Ship-chandlers' Goods Geneially. 34 and 35 South-st, New York. SMITH'S PATENT METALLIC LIFE BOATS, TUB BBST ja.KTX> OEEJDja-FJnST. WILLIAM F0RDE, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N. E, Cor. Columbus Ave. A Water St., __________BANDU8KY, OHIO,______________ BECKER & Vessel KE Vessels charlored, purchased nml sold; contracts mado lor ooarae and heavy frelghta, Lake Superior nnd Escanubn Iron ore abuitersfor aln- Ggle trip or season a specialty. 130 Water SI. Boom U. nintfol'inil . Coal 4 Ir.....a Build'K, LIBVCitlUU. 1 rolephono No. OM. & MORRISON, PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY, 115 Monroo Ht Room 04 CIiIcrko, V. D. NICKERSON, MARINE ARTIST Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge, Cleveland, 0. "Improved Anchor" Snatch Bloclu PENFIELD BLOCK Lookpoft, N,.Y. BOLE MANUPiCTUnKtlB OV TBI ., \ CELEBRATED "ANCHOR BRAND" Tackle Blocks* ALLflSTEEL ROLLER) bushed or ymgovn SELF-LUBEICATINff PHOBPHOBBROKZB BUSHINGS. The metal in these Bush¬ ings lathe celebrated Phot- phor Bronze, the beat bear¬ ing metal in market and being perfect «elf:lubrica- ton they are fait supersed¬ ing all othctTffttth-** For aale by Ship Chand¬ ler! everywhere. ASK-FOR "ANCHOR BRAND" BLOCK8. UlHItrated Catnloguea and Price Lints mailed free upon application. Patented November 13, 1883. Lniea't improvement. Saranit ordera solieited Q. 8. BAND. II, H. BURGER. RAND & BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS. WITH DET DOCK ATTAUIED TO THE! WOKKS. ALSO PREPARED TO DO WRECKING AND TOWING WITH THE tn—Gregeiy,- Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOC.WIS. CANFIELD Wrecking & Towing Line, SEND FOR PRICES TO SMITH'S BOAT WORKS. 169 South Street, New York. IHE NEW PULSOMETER CHEAPEST STR0,13C.;T, inST SIMPLE, COMPACT, DUH»"LE, EFFECTIVE & ECONOMICAL , STEAM PUMP IN THE MARKET, for rnlalnir liquids unilor Hint Uji to 100 foot. No Miiohtnorv, Nrf Oil, No Hlieolnl Cure. Cull too wiirkeil sh^puliilt'il l)v n cliiiln. Will |>»»» itrll. mull, ■ttml, piilii, etc , without lAJury to lia |i»rt«. Nfeila mil} u ati.....> pliio fr..ia liullor tu rim It. Hi'loo. tlOO uitllnna |mr hour. M.'.O; l/.'OU <l . *75t :i,(iiii> do. uiooi fl.iiiio do. «ii/i'>i <««■- iji;«! ih.hui <i<>. ss'jani ua.ouu ilo. m■i^t^■, .i» ninn: nii.ti- o d». »»uOi lao.ouo ■to •l.linn, C) nipitri' |lil» nlth »n> "llni 1 .nnp l.l»t. Vrni' r«rlllinirin<ilil'"<ii|»ii' I,.,.' « i i.-nn..i n Ir Ai Mnllnl net I'Ul.Sl)MKTI'.lth. i:.VM I'll lift ().,l..lJ.illiiM., N.» lmk<:ll>, I .S.A THE MARINE LAW BOOK -IS NOW RKADY. SEND YOUR ORDERS TOj THE MARINE RECORD. Tugs, Hawsers, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, To tw had on abort notice, by mall or tolcgnpli. .A. O. WIIEKLKR, CIIA8. ONEWUCH. 'Munisor. WruakliiR Afistcr. I i i he, ran, AND Vessel Brokers, DULUTII, AUJiN. 0648 0 21

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