THE MAPINE RECOPD. TueNevcrsmk.CorUacta. Twenty per cent, morn liunynnuy limn any other Ule-PrCHehor In the iiiniltet. Is Ihe SAFI'jhI' nml only KKI.IAI1I.K LIFE I'KESMIVKR tn liXlSI'ENrE, iw pioveil ot^'ie lute wieek nn the I'ndlie Const, nt . thr I'uullle llnil titeiiinslilp, "C'ltj ot Su . PriinelHcu." I RING BUOYS AN1> FENDEHS. O a w > w w ►J- <fi > W -5 Approved mill mlopteil hv the Unlteil Stnteu Board of Supervising Iiwpeetor«;ul«o hy4he principal Oielm, I.iike anil River Steamer" (JncH, as the only Reliable Life 1'ienerver. VESSELS ANP TRADE SUPPLIED. Semi for Clreulars. D. KAHN WEILER 14(1, US & 1130 Worth St. Near * enior St.. New York. MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, No 121 SI n,lr Street, Room 27 CI l-VLI.ANP - OHIO__________ TH0S. WILSON SIANAUIM3 OWNK1I Wilson's Transit Line. Ocn. Forwarder. . Freight and Yessel Agent. ^_^_^^^^ CLH\ KLANDO____________________ HIBBARD& VANCE, Vessel Agents WnndSuS Broadway MILWAUKEE, WIS 114 U Sulla Stro. I________I HirAdO. ILL. DAVISON and HOLMES, > Vessel Owners & Agents, IU) ^a Wulur Siroot CHICAt. )________ILMrfOl**________ ATKINS &BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents 1.7 InSnlli Slrifl IttllAl.ii II L A.M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, 15 Exchange ot. . JulTato, N V. WIF YUU I)U NOI RECEIVE MY MONTHLY lll'l' Of Vh«f M fa UK -VI I- "-fN > Fi'K I ROBERT RAE, ilty and Insurance Law Office, Itouni,!? MiilIiuiiii' liulllhiB, I I llll U,o III. WILLIAM FORDE, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N 1 (or Liillllill in Av I Halir'*! BANDUskY (IIIII) PALMER & BENHAM, HiirietHHorn to J If I'ALMI H V SON Vessel Owners & Agents, \ , 110 Wutor Slrn I Rmiui» II t 7 ("LI VI I.ANH. "Ilvii____________ 6ECKER & KELLY, Vessel Agents, \. uh i hull ml purclin.itl uml until, roniraili mnili " riortii uinl lna\> Inlulili [on tuku Soimlor on.l I t* mini 11 irn i Imilu.for nln Bli irlpiir ii ii.....i»|imUU) !»,te..,,&,l. CleveM 0, luli-ili"'"* N" '3^ KNEIP & MORRISON, PROCTOttli IN ADMIIIAI.'ir,' 111 Mnnr i si Homo T4 ( |iliuho V. D. MICKERSON, M-ARINE ARTIST Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge, Cleveland, 0. atOHARD HAMMOND. JOHN COON. :Efii3ififi* STATIONARY. cre&Hoto____ Gasometers,Salt Pans Smoke Stacks, And all kinds of Heaiy Hate 1 Sheet IronVnrk. PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Loekpoi-t, N, Y. HOIK MAMIPACItllllllH OF INK ' ciiLi:iiiuTi:i> **rite^ ^uut-umuiivt. ^' .Repairing PiroinptlyAttendodto. Office & Works Ht!§5Sesi3?f$§S "T"^' TAHK1 Perry St. CALKIN'S PUT Cln nlnrn xciit nnnn iinpllentloii. 1 CoDiersmillis and Plumbers Stenirrnnd G»« Kitting, GALLEY STOVES- iillO it 3*17 Went St., Cor, Lol|[lil NEW YORK "ANCHOR- BRAND" Tackle Blocks. "Improved Anchor" III CTTCI Snatch Dloclm. ALL O I UUL ROLLER BUSHED'; OK WITH OUR ^-*J SELF-LDBRICATIN& PH09PHOEBBONZE BUSHINGS. The metal in these Buih. ings is the celebrated Phos- phor Bronse, the best,bear. ing metal in market and being perfect stlflubrica- tors they are fast supersed¬ ing all other styles For sale by Ship Chand¬ lers everywhere, ASK FOR "ANCHOR BRAND" BLOCK'S. Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists mailed free upon application. Patented November, 13, 1883. Ulml IronroTO. onl Sninolc orders nohcitra G 8 HAM) SMITH'S PATF-NT METALLIC LIFE BOATS, TS-H BUST A.SHH 0-BCBlA.*E»EST. SEND FOR PRICES TO SMITH'S- BOAT WOTRKS, 159 South Street, New York Imp ved S\u ui Ik Clat*n i I iK STAR BRAND TACKLE BLOCKS, HAGNALL & LOUD, Boston, Mass. Hole MuuufuoturtirH In U. S. A ul our C<*l«lniilocI Metaline & Sleeve Roller Bush' Tackle Blocks, improved Snatch Blocks, Gaff Topsail lni|>nivi <l SSA1CII BlOLK Clasp Openi'd CLEATS, r.TC -^ HE NEW PULSOMETER cheapest, strongest, md3t simple, compact, durate, effective i tconomical stea;.i pump in the market, for rjilnln(f lUjultlH Hinlm »ii<l ii|> to 100 f«»i ^«> AIiu IiIih t t,-Nn Oil \<i Hpeclul Oitrt L11O lu u->ik<<l H(iH|M*ti<i4 d \t\ 11 ohulu, mil jmni* «rli, mini, Hiind. piilp, *jt*t , «H lioiit lnjiii) to Mm i» *rlM Nft)«l-> mil} it xli nm pii> t ft'»ni hul lor lo ion U l'ri(i) OOO1 ytllonrt poi hour Will l^oul win. .i.oixmlo nmio oono do ftir.'. 10,000 <io tun,-, ik.o.i.'. »2is5 iio I**:::., 4B (too do rtmo, »o o< o <io ».wu, 1 :n i. u do »1 OOO ( inpitii Uiln »U)i inn olhcr I'niiip I l»t \\ nit for IIIiik r i l ' -iilpln I <■ >l \ i li h-lim n i If A t/ »*/■- / tire lILtOMU! Us » V U )'ir\U*tO Hldnli \b{, V \\ \oiktlf,, I v h>TAIIMSHKI> IH30. '4-U'J -M\M I-AH I It hltB OK- CORDAGE «c OAKUM. OiiM-inf AMI Itlf \N UINMA nml II Al UN III MI'of llu lor) IkM qua'ity modo to-oriler Al OM t>A*k's Mllll I MAM I * mnl-.|-.\ I HIM'I » MMM Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. _________Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y,________ THE MARINE LAW BOOK -I-. M>\\ H1.A1>\ SEND YOUR ORDERS TO THE MARINE RECORD. ii ji nuitotn RAND & BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS, WITH 13 K "2" .DOCK ATTA< IIFD TO* THh WllltKS. ALIO I'ltr.I'AKhl) I'O DO WREOKINfi AND TOWING "im ihi: X Tug John Gregory. Vessels Docked- and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOCWIS. CANFULD Wrecking & Towing Line, Tugs, Hawsers. Lighters, SteamPumps, Lifting Screws, &c.t lo lii'luitl on hlioil iintki, bj ni ill ur tikgrnph \ O.UII1.1LIU, CIIAS (.NJWUCII M uiuktr U r«okt|ik Mantt r Hooker,. CriMen l Go,, in, CiirJDD, AM) Vessel Brokers, DLI.U'lll. MINN. •^ 9248 88 50 8977 64