Marine Record, November 29, 1883, p. 6

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6 THE MARINE ^REflORD. 8TKAMSUU*BU1I,01NG AND MARINE I connrmillion oMIiln statement wo think it KNGlNEEIUNG. It Ib beyond 11 ijoubt tlilit one of the miwt nmowortiiy imil nppri'uliililo bem tU» which line necrueil In ilicHoimneie'o mill wull-Iiultin; o( tlilB mid other coiiiurloa In^Jiit pioillgitMAi, in|il() Inureime of »teiinii>lilpii In our iheieitn- tile uiivy, mill tin: coiifiC(]iiuiit niiituiliU ml- Viincement ol niiirlnu oiigliiqurjnj; in ^1 lis blHiuiliCB. The subject of thtfyfcnlufp, lil- though not mi} tiling like fully ^HaoiiHuod iiceorillllK to lu inci It?, hits littnieteil luueli nttonlioii by piill.leo-eeonotiilMR, join nuHnln, the mercantile community geiiiiullyi iiliti other cliimi'H, In iitlililinn to tliose ui-pecliuly intercflteil In It, nnU solim Impoiliuit f.icls lmvo veiy rcti'iitl) been noted lij iIiuSiIuib- ninn nnd the llnily Telcjlrupli uihillng to eiieh. A tow ol tlic nioio iweniliil points ot theai-, to^etkti wlt,h boiiio miiterliil Inloriim- tion which wv luive Knlli'cii;d. Mom oilier sources, will, wu thhik, be lutcicntlni; to our render*. , ^—<* According to n pnper rend before the In- Btttuteof Nnviil AiehiiectH limt jein by Mr. l)unn,ol the Adiniinliy, "On the git'iil uil- MUieea iiimlc In our niuicnntlle iiinrlne lu ie- cent yearn," itnp|ciiiH tlini In 1831) only 12 per cent ol tin! tllcctivc eimying powei ol our nicichant navj was stcutii lonmiuo. 'Hits propoiiiiui hud iNi'n to llj pel m t in 188(1 Willie Hie cumiug ponei of oui i-nlliii^ venseln Inui iiieiuii.e'il less tliiiu (10 percent the uiujint; |ioh< i ot our meaincrs Inui In cleaned no \em llian 1,710 pel cent I'licau iimii/.liiC pinpoiiioiiH have al»o hi en fin ilu-r' module 1 limine; the Inst tnu inui » halt yeau in the siune dliccllnn All cl ihfen ol tiUiiij; \u»uIb ha\e dimin¬ ished lu uiiiuburiHiuie 1850, except J he vci v huge ones, and ol Mich limn 1 100 lo 2,000 [ons, ilieii'Jiax bem an incrciiM as it is thought that Mich liiigc tenceta limy be well mid economically Usui lor long voyages lui beveral venrs. Accoidiii^lo Kiln (is which uu obtained fiom the staUnlkal ilcpni uncut ol the Bom il of Trade, the lutnl iiunihei of ships icg- istorcd at the i nil ol 1882 lur tin United KinHdoiu lie 18 .1118 »ailiii){ vessels with n tonnage ol .1 ,i"h,7.V> Ol these only ti\i nt\- thrceaic nbmv 2 000 lous rcgism, llnee above 2 500 mil one .1,000 tons In 1871 llieic were onl\ (iiiiteeu Hiltn-h rtglstered snllliij; vesst Is of 2,000 t ins unci above, ont ol 21,817 ol such ships. flic ratio at which sticl Instead ol wootl- i u ships lias been consti ucled din lug the lasi lew jcius is veiy consldeiable Only 20> pei'cent of the tonnage built in the Ltiiplre In 1880 was wood, and less than b pel cent ol that built wllhin (lie United Ivlugdom, but In the tollonlng yuii double; the amount of steel tonnage was built com¬ pared with that of 187') The total value of British shipping is now estimated lo app|Hoicli two liuudrul mill ions Mulling, and while dining Ihe period ^Jioni 1810 to 1880 the cm lying powei ol the ships ol loiilgu nations lias lui leased abinil 250 pci cent, oms bad pingictscd about. 18U perctijLi wlljeb an intigiiillttul prupniiluus In the List India tl nil, while liiiclgu »llip» eitriy about as ninny caigoo as I he) did a quitllci ol accntiiiy igo, tlictiadcol I!ilii«li ships is stvcu times glealci lhau ll was it that til ie, and this inn ease in oui sliipplng trade 1b likely lo continue Again in oui .hipping Uncle with the Unlitil Mates, it ap¬ pears Unit while two till! ds ol Miili wait (lout lu Ameile.An ships Wtuieii 1810 and 18l>2-( in 1880 only one lotirtti'iitli ol It'was done in the ships ot the new woild, sc\cu ninths ol ll being lu British ships, while the total trade in I lie latter pcilod is llnee linns as much as in llie linmti. '1 here are some \ery iuipoiianttacls woiili mentioning fiom the return ol the iiumliu of t,bios wliich have hcin built upi u the Clyde Up to the end ol ^epiemhci loi the present year 220 ships have belli launched, lopicseutlng 21)2,000 tons, In log *i\tcen more'vesbcls alid 21 OOOuioie Ions than wcic built dining the same pcilod last )eni,jiiiil marly 100,000 In exi(ss Ojftluise lu tin \ci\ prosptioi's yum el 1871 1 lie tollowing is mi account ot the tonnage nnd ninnbci ol ships launched lu llie Cljih. In tlic llisl nine months id ihc j/ais 187') 1SS I null 1871, as litis will gl\< a goml lilinol the uiliiial shipbuilding III lliUl lilted Kingdnm exupi lhat piohahly at Uellni-1 opportune to quote n few wortls on the sub¬ ject by the Enrl of Rnveimvorth, n« presi¬ dent of tlic Nortll-East Coast Exhibition, nt' its Innitgiirallon, on the lith of'hcpleniber nf lastyeiir, I Us lordship milil as Ibllowp, vl7,: "1 will only stale that great iibIiiis been the linpiovementselrcetod In recent ycjus in oui tjpes ol ships, that Improvement Is small In comparison will) the prtigiess and Impinve- uioni Unit have been malic in murine engi¬ neering. It.wns only at the close ol tile Inst contuiy that that great idoiieei ol steam poviel, Jnmes Watt, una content to conduct lil|.» lullllll||( —e> -12 UK) -ill .71 and 1-1 .u uua 1ST 1.1 (XKJ 117 12ti ooo HJ I'll (DO 1-SI , 1SSI Issci IS7I 1H74 fhe tonnage laiiucliid lids jeat (says the bcolsmau,, by the- end ol <lii|y, compaud witti the llist sivcu Uhiiittis n| It^st ytai, showed an increase ol .10,000, and timeline an Increment cd 21,00(1 ions, as is Indicated by the tola! tonnage lor the nine uioniltr- above uuutloncd A gieat deal ul die acllMiy of theslilp- bullilingtradft, and much of tile work still In hand, Is due to foreign thins 'Hulling lhat will) their no a 11 veaselij they could not do it piolltable business, especially in com- pitlllon willi Kngllsli owners. | liej haw haste mil in dime Into the iniukil tn buy hogeslinuii is,attic, w i h the la|ist luipiovt- nit nts lu null Idm i v, built ts^aml so loith, to perioral woik quickly and tluaply One of l|ie most liupiiiiaul biaiichts of Lu elustiy Is inaiine tngiuitiing, and Urn pro- giess wliiih ban bei n made In it is t v.ecd> inglv gnat, and lai unito noKwoiihy iluin tliat made iiuitcauii laaml slilpbullding hlshivaluable cxpeilinents with a presBiiro hi lllteen pounds on the square Inch, Now a piessuteofelglity pounds, and even ninety pounds, and more than lhat In to be foetid til connection )\itli out iiiereanjlle steainurs. Uenr liiuiiindw lull this inoiins: 'Ibis vast ac¬ quisition of power has been obtained nt a gieiit economy of f(iel, and when you re- niembci how universally ateatn has taken, ami Is iakng,tho place of sail, even in the moat distant ocean voyages; when you re member the cost of coaling at different pot is, and the delay connected n Itli coaling; when you rcmombet, fuilher lhat the more vim ecinomlso your coal space, the moie space you will have loi no go, nnd the greatei "will he the profit entiled by llie ship. When you leineinbei all these tilings yoii will appreci¬ ate lu some dt'giee the debt we owe to the inai hie engineer. • * * The marine ctr- giucei has not only annihilated time, but lie lias ut lied, distance, and biought the most disiant pint ol the world within the limits ol a lew days or weeks." 1 lie 'numhel of new Inventions for tlip linpitrtemcnt of mm hie engineering inn- chinuiy, their extensive ailopllon, and die lecent exhibitions Of such, have given a gi cat iinpilus to this taplill) advancing science nnd imluslty. It also ones ninth ol its pro¬ gress to the better special nnd elll- i lentj ul those engaged in connection with it 'llie lendingrefmmsIII thenuieantlle ma- liue ale thegiadiial increase in the size and sin ngtb and speed of sleumshlps, and espe¬ cially since the opening ol the hue/, canal Seveial of these have ranged froln^ abontH 1,000 to 8,500 Ions. These lai,ge shlps'are re- qiilrtd on iiccouutof their capacity to lake iargot's Willi but little additional consump¬ tion of coal. ' Hie substitution of flrst-clam Lompound engines for the old type of low pressure en¬ gine lias not only eatiscil nu Immense saving of fuel for propelling ships but has enabled steanrers to inn tor very much longer peri oils than pteviously without reicoall"g, and there are now a few ol theBo steamers which toiild carry enough coal todti\i> them round thewoilA al about lllteen knots an houi without ciillingnl any'port to replenish, anil olht'in of diis tlnss me now being consti not¬ ed 'Ihc hoik is also of these compound en¬ gines tan bit used about twice die length ol time they m roused with the low-piesstue engines without the suiface tondensti. Be l«een 1875 anil die plcscnt time tin uiiuibci ol sloauiers having octal) speed ol thlnttn kutjls anil upwiuds bus Incienst'd liiim ulioiit tweulj live tosc\enty The higir- e>t spud secnmcd iji 1875 was^llieeu knots, while there me at plcscnt s \ liavlug a speed ot seventeen knots, and a lew more llian this 1 In pew Onion steamer Oicgon has been cniMim ted in excell all otbet Atlaulli hiiauisliips I he engines areof glealci dri\- Ingpowii llian an\ yet placid on a steamei Cue li ol die nine boll is made cmiielv ol slid, has within ll i Ight tiunigalcd liuuaces — loin attach t ml—width pet mil Ihc use til innipiualivi lytbln uiilal between the flame and llie wain in iht Intilt i, and thus In¬ ui asclhi liiiusnds-liin ol lit at and die liciitv iuiisiuliii and t minimis* lucl f licsc e\- iclh ut buileu nit iiilendtd 'o hear the i;noi- iiiimis w diking pi i -nine ol 110 poll nils to the sqiuiic iut li, which Is fat in cxttss of lhat id wliich tilt ht«i stciuishlp bollcin used Iwo wi llnee j tins ago No sluing ale the Oie gou tiinliis that they have been leslid to die I'xtcul ot 220 pounds to the squaie inch 1 his iiiiigullltcnt (iiilou Unit wan tiled on tlic ( lyi!i- on the Ncptembei with c\u Ih lit icsulls lilt sltniulug on this tlnle and on die two piuitillig tiatis sliuWiil siiitiinphl spud as hasiit\ci htcu pie\l- oush alltiiiiid lu oitnn going steamships On Iht lOiliul .hat iiienilh she was piopelled toi s^;^ell itintinuousliouis,nntl In n dislnncc ol 21)<a knots limn Ailsk I i ilg n> die l inn him lit ads, Willi a part ol die tide against |u i,'she stinmi'd tills in an houi and tw inly - >r\cn minutes, and Ibus inn at a speed ol ovti Iweulv knits oi mote lhau lwent>- lliiit knols nu houi llu engines aie 12- linisi' powcl, biing .1,000 mole lhau the Alaska, ollin tailed Ihc ' (jiiyholiuil ot llie Atlantic " 1 lie ii'Milutliins nl hei engines wi ie nlxly-twn.pci minute, anil Ihc pussuu ut steam Usui 110 pounils to die squaie incli Fin the high spud at which tills great Unci is intended to run will be no less than 210 ions per t\\ont(-loin hours, but I he tainlng powei of the ship will be greatly In i leased hj slioltinlug the time lu steaming niiosnilii Atlantic Mi Pi arte, ed llie Hi in nl Musis John I'.lili l il ( o, who hull! llu' On gnu stiiltel tliat In wnujil not bi snllsliul In hue t.hal III in e mild t oust! net a nhip wliich would sttaui hum this counlry to Ann; it a in live days, tyud uuj«^\e leason to liilh m lhat tills taiplie t VVhVjiwt may be said tout tilling die de tliiit In oui sliipbuildlug, ItlsopH loo pi.ob able that n» wo are vlrliuilly the ahlpbnllil- crs of the world, nnd nu nn Immense numbei ofexlstlng ships of the old tylpu require lft- llltlng with new nppllanccs, wo may confi¬ dently expect ti continued nctlvo prosncilty hotli In our shlpyiirils nnd marine ongincei- Ing woikg.—Vmfni Englneir, Umdun. j, ,-----------------m ■ '----------------■ (JAl'fAIN LANGAN. It »a« hoped lhat the people of Kingston and Vicinity would eKcnpo berenveinent by the loss of dear ones In tlic ten Ible gales that swept the lakes during the past week. But this hope has been dispelled. A telegiiim announces that Daniel l.nngau, of VVoHo Island, went down with the sohoonoi E. Kltzgctnld near Port Rowan, Thiiifldny. The vessel was then en route from Detroit to HullaUi, and iliiiliig'n terrific snowstorm was beached alow nrlloir west of the WeBt End lighthouse. Long Point. I'liellfe-snv- Ing crew fiom Port Rowan went nt once to the icsuue, but Caplaln Woodward reports that some ten minutes after striking the crew ot the schooner launched the yawl and seven or eight men were seen to inter heV. I'he yawl swamped In a second atfer leaving the ship,'and one by one the men went down until tbt) last sailor succumbed to the iindei low when almost w'ltllln rtmcli of the slioie.' If the trew could linve weatheied the storm in the ilgglug the lifeboat would base altempteil a lesene, but they took the Miwl before the lifeboat i cached the beach. Many willing hands watched their move¬ ments, but could do nothing, The dame of the schooiici could not he ascertained foi some lime, owing to the blow and tile (act that she viae coveted with Ice. ll was oulv a few weeks since Hint die schooner was in poit with a cargo ol grain. Captain laingan was about tldityrOto years ol age and ol a sea fat Ing InmiH , two nf his brothc'g being, like himself, captains ol vessels. Tlic whlo,\ed mother and tlic sister ol dt'ceasid live at Maiysvlllc, and only Isst evening received ajctver hum the captain, in which lie thanked God for the piescrva tion ol Ids life in the leu ible gales through wlih It lie had just passed, lie told ol the hind wotk he had had, lhat lie wascom- pletely died of sailing and tliat tills was Ills last ti ip. Poot fellow ' he little knew how piophetie wcie the wqids. The captain was genial and iudiistilmis, and ills death in such a sail way will carry-»sorrow to many hearts. There were rumors that James LoftiiB, of this cltv, was mate of the ill tated or if!, hoi such was not the case lie Is at present In Kingston nnd was mot bv a Whig icportcr. lie said he left die schooncpnt Detroit on Saturday, lie left her because whenever the schooner euteted a port Ids wages were stopped Cnptiiiii I.iuignn tiiitj have hail another Kiilgstonlan loi male, as be told Lolius beloro die latter left thai he intended to KTiegraph loi Geoige Riley. Whclliet Kiley accepted is not lyjow n. William Abe, of Bullalo, was a hand before die mast, ami ondol the Scotchmen who came out several Vessel men • SrlOUIiD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK. Contntiilmc nil pnlnlH of MAUINIC LAW ni do- tormina! by the United Htates Court* Konmeiit Fraifflit*. Tnwnfffii CollUlonn, General Aver&ffe, Dntlet of ftenmen, Own em, Clinrt4irn, ««irlfttry. KnrnUinontit, Common Cnrrlcm, Mimteri A Owners, I|lll of Ludlnir, Wnffeii, *c. Tlin vol ninn In hamlaonuly >iouml In BllO* Hoard coTtira, mid 'Ino nniclUh cloth binding 'Hookf of tln» kinilgcnorally oontS3 00 1mt wo will wnd It to otir ■uldraflH, |w«tn«o paid for 91,00, or with tho MARINE RECOHD for one ycqr, both tor only M00 Aildrond Marimb ItkCflBD. Clovftlund O ,' FOR SALE, AT THE GLOBE IRON IRKS, ^ HITOND HAND TUnULAlt IlQ!L'R,44tnchc^(ll. nmgter, 4t tutn'H I HhIhb dinnutor nnd l'^ieet loupt, ntcdlm arum tttlmhPH dlamclop, 40 Inchrn hluh, front Kratti, fluitiKH nnd linccliingH, B od order HLCOM) HAND MARINE BOIU It, In «ood ordi r Shell, 7-1(1 Inch iron^lutc, dlniiiuter, U fiiLt H Inches Ionntli, IH dot, lit) tubes t iut hca indlnmolor, 11 fntt (J IncbcHlong, thrnt llntK 18 Inchon dlinn tur. *wo fluoa 14 iiiLhefl tlliiiuiler, two flniui 101-J inclieu tlnuiiotor. IIrt liox fi fcut lon^i -1 tu 11tl^li, Hluam chimney, 7 foot nigh. HI CON I) HAND MAUIN1 IMIII III four ftot wide ti l 2 f' et loiiffi fi 'w-t nlfib, Hlxly-foor 2 1*2 Inch titUM (VI inches lniK c*»t4ion liritchng, K""'l as now HLC 'ND HAM»MAHINL I NOIN1., doublediroU- i-acilnt{8x8 Inch i) Under, Hhnft nnd whed for yacht or tiiH, K"0ll ^ IILW i_______________________________ , N. C. PETERSON, Boat Builder, irPAHUIU' HOATH AM> HAIIINO AND HTKAM YA£iITfl YAW I 110A1H, Si OON OAHJJ, HTKICIUNfl WHKKI^, KTC. 385 Atwater St., Near-ftiopelle, DICrltOlT, MICH. FOR SALE, \eard ngo to mini Garden Island vessels llor luaiitli ii 115 fetit t tain Jfl tunt, unif hold 10 fcot liilticbus Bttllcr 17 Icot Iouk 7 tint illiHimltr, tlirco Huts, tvro HI Inch anil onu 17-fncli 1 nKino '22x42. Carrie» 410 0UO foot nl |umhe r Hpitel, Jl mllm Unlit, and ll 1-7 Imieltil. Inniirance] valtiallon SI'S BllO Ael- ilrciH Maiiivu RicuniiOlllcc, Ne> J Seieitli WaternlrciI Uivtland O Hie cook nasii lltitlalo wouiati. 'I he Hi v l'r. Bpiatt received a telegram also anununcln|r llie calamlt\ The decea>ed had been one of Fi ^pratl's purlslilort'rs and an active woikei In llie luteiest of all benevolent, tharitiiblo, and church schemes, Mi. l.iiiiKiin Intelolhci uariowescapesbefoie, hut he was nlniiynpluiky and biavc,aud, on the water as well as on the hind, did pot lllncli liom the pel lortnce ol a duty, lie was a member ol dillercni societies; but tilth tempi imice »ork uim piiitlculiiily lilenilllcd. Attlclcs rccovcrtd in the wiecked sclioon- iti E ril/jjeri.ld, to ldent\ the clew A toast pilot, »illi llie name ot 1'. Mctiay, Kay Cltv schooni r Ida Ilornlnj.', of Last Sngliuu , hoi of Icltcis mil a stent il plate ot I'tank li. Illnghaiu, wile and child living near l.timiliiL'lnn, Out , sister living at Blandlmd Mullein, Out , a small leathei purse ba)r, loutidulng a miiilne hospital mcmbei's cctlltlcalt, lliirlalo, to Hubert hie- vens, steamei lamina, ( anadiau, aged ill, height 5 feet 0 Indus, ejes dark, signed 1' A I.asalle, niituc piullj oblileuitcd, iiUn a (ind ul llie Detroit ot llu ( ldcngo Sen men V Union, badge 111, dattd Dmioli, \ei\eiuliti 1 Itli. tluet bags nf nnium's tlothiog no luiiiii in any , an Kugllsli tai- thlng in a pal is pen kit I.iliillilli s an iiNn id it tit iiir*\udii» 11 igiisnu, ol .Si lliinii a I ht> mi n ini buiet lug foi llieliodlt" Nt n hn\e \iit lit'en loiind — lum/stun Aeiri lu "^- A sIKOMj AKM MKNT. 1 Dai Is no dlsiasi," exi hiimed aeoloicd oralor, "dm am hall so had as inlcnipt unite, It am di liasls ol phUlkel 111* and de souite nl all »li kiduisi " Uni culmcd luulliiils ilgiil in lioili casts, Inn hu espci I illy th'slic In upon trl-n minks upon llie llisl. lilt mull who thinks uinil pay liu ll inniiilU, physically and llniinclnlly lie ma\ he able to stand (lie dialii tniou his moials and tluances, but phydcally lie cauiiot. Dys¬ pepsia, livel and kidney troubles, coMlve- uess, sick lieiulache, and man) utlrer a|lce- lions will beset him. and unless lie takes switMii V pills, lit may dtgeneiati' Into a t liionit linalid DISEASE CURED With..ut Modiolus A lnlmtlU 7>ttkOtfn/for mpplyimj >UujnrliaM to thf JIm~ nilh ^i/ilrin 11 ill icily and Wtuinrtum uHUtrd is in irr /fl/ire/wr Ilrilmj llie SicA THI MAL-NFIONAPPIANCECO'S Magnetic Kidney Belt VOll MKN IS WARRANTED TO CDRESilKlfi'SK WltllllUt 111 ml 11 lllUI—I AlN IV TIIK HACK Mil S, UKaI) ok IIMIIH M<H\()1!H 1)1 II]] 11\, 1 1 MltAOO, (il M HAI IlKtllL- II \ KIIKI'^AII.SM I AHA I Yt*IN SI 1 ItAJWlA IK IAT|< A IHHIASISIII HIKKIDNIVb SIISaT IHfl ASKd TlUllIl* iivkk (lout, Humlniil KmiiiiiloiiH, Imp6t«ntiy, AHtlunu, Huurt DUtiiHU, I>>Hi>o|iHlii, Cmmtlpn Uon, KrynliM)lnH, Inditri'MtliHi, llvrnlu or Kup Uure, i uturrji, IMIdh, 1 plliijiMy, I>mtib Akiic, «U- Whin mi) d.bllll) of ilm <.I.NlJtATI\l: Oil- <»ANS oct,iir« Lout Vltitllty, Luck of Ntsrvo I oror uuil Vljgor, WiintliiK UixiknttnH, inui nil iIiuho 1>Ih- (ttKHHoIa |)trrMiiinl imliin. from wlmkvi r i aunt), tlic Ldtitlnuouti ntntiim ol Mit^m limn pi imiaiinn throuKli tin pmlrt iiuihi n-ntori tliLiu Ui ii hiallhy ulIIoii 1 hi rr It no mhUikt iilHuil tlilH oj)j)lliiiiLi Tfl fPUI? T AT1TUQ » *' yon are nHlli toil wlUi 1U lllD uiUJluU.*1"! mini Hu<k, Wcitkmm* oftlioHphio, 1 ullliitf oftho Wonth, l^nuorrtui a, Chroiilt InHjinmiutloii nnd Ulcunitlon nf the Womb Iiit'ltlmttul II«)iiHitTliit|;o or 1 IooiUiik. rulnfiil, Hupprimiw il and Irrttunliu* MfliiHtrnu- tlon, ItiirreniioMH jiihI Cluuiifu of l,itt\ tliiit U tlui ltoiit App1luii'VfP»n<l Ciirutho Avont known. I «ir nil firms of I i imiln lllllli ullli n UlniuiHiir imHswl hv nnjlliiiiL. Iniiir«i Invt n"\L hhih im u Liimtlvi n^i ul mill Unit a ink of pnwur nn rVtliill/iiloii, l>rki »/1 Until 11 It with Ui^nati |iim>i<k Ski rt i t Uj otpntwr (> I' uiil 'iiiiiiiiiitlim iilluwid, or U\ until on im ijit of |»rkt Ju otilirln^ m ml iimumn if « nint mitt ril/t of nliiH Hi mlltiim t mi In) mmlr In (iirnmrt ^ nt In let lur ut oiu rink llu I\l tintluii (inriiii nti iiru luhtptiHl t> nil bk<h nr<- worn n\ r llit nnilir il itlilnir not next to thin body llkt tin nuin\ ((iiUimli mid 1 Uitrli llumbyir* U4l\itrtlrtMl ho i xt< iiHfvolv, rimUlioitld tnilakiifiirr i dIkIu llj.'y lu'hl UiLlr-1'oW 1 It luUl mid nru ttnrn ul n\\ wiirwiiiHof tin j i ur ^^ ^-——- , rtrinl Hiiimplor ihn Ni w Uinuitiuu lu Mwlltnl tn I uitiil Without Modlclne," #ilh thvtitiimh if tihtl MIL MA»l>l"l »N AU'I1\N( I CO -M.H HUiUt Htr«<d, (Mill iiJCn, 111 Noil —Niiloiu ilnlhr III ((irtliiKti ntuninHur curn t> i y In h Ui i ut imij- rink wltli nl/i i f hIidi Oku illy w< m iilnltrj mt Mukiiuifu liiKolui uli I Ih coiuiiRo i of th« now r nailing In our otliBr Mugmilc A|ij)]liiin i * Wotihivilj imutlil fu t whin fht.) nn K[lil|iir<l uni worn or uinuny FORJALE. An Innyailii ti fui ljin« \iry liililh lluiahul mu Mruldhid, Drull1l-J Jlwi rjnirt Vory taut, i miuliuof 1) 1', >Ulcirt»ou i llnrkuctt* HI *k I in.ll<t AvLtMuUoii PATENTS MTTNN k CO, nf th(i BrirNTino AMrmrAN, «>n- tlmni to iiit uhHiIUUi i-h fur I utintH ( ivi ul». Tnido Murk-* LtipjrlwIitH for tliu Hultuil HUtttn, Cuumln. KuulunA 1 rn'iti tJi nniu y tin. fluiul llnok ul out l'dtintH iitmt fiin I li I rt > hi vi n yi ir** i x|n rli mi Putt iitHi.liIiiliii <1 tlir iulIi MUNN \ t t) urn m'tlu it Jn thoH( li wmi) Amhih^n tim In wmt lost nnU lin nt \\\ U h iln nlutiil mUiillllfjmuir >^clUiipvnr ' \\iiklv Hiilinillil <tfanivjni.ri urni lnh rSiHiimr >ti- iiiriiinti m H|n Hinm i.o py»f UioHrh ml lit *imr- IrniiMt ni in i AililrtuHKn iNMd r^ iLMimi AMKllltVN tilllco J»l llromlwuy, Ni w \ urli \

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