Marine Record, November 8, 1883, p. 6

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\ THE, MARINE RECORD. i AN AGK OF CANALS. This 1b nn ngb of ciinnln ns woll nn rut 1- rbnilt<. In thisuomitry pliuiiomoiml netlvlty ■ 'in rnllwny building lot »time public attention nwny from ouiiiiIh and ilnslr I'n- Eortnnco, but fn the phi world there Iiiib een us much iiRltntlon in the mutter of on mil Improvement uh In the matter of rnll¬ wny extension, mid nut fop a >n>biiiunt hiix the liiipoitiinoo ol' water uotiiiniiiiiuallon been lont Hi^lit of. The mime Ih true of Can ndii, where both government anil peop u keep ruiitttnntly In mind BuhimuM lor tlf" control of the Northwestern #rnlii tinde. It In only In the United Mates that ihi'iu Is In- dlHurenee or hostility to the iippioveiuunt or water lines of transportation, and In most caaoB tills pnrelyjimaltor of loen| jealnusy or sclllsh '.nteiestT" ■------------------------ When the Hennepin Canal project• was pusheil to the fr»nt two or throe jraifi ngu St. Louis and the'Southwesc oppose I It on the theory that a eaual euniit'cdne; Luke Mlchlftau and the Mhslsslppl ilver, would turn the irraln trade eastward, to the' great advantage of New York and Chicago. At the same time New York and the Easturn States opposed the construction ol the canal' on the theory that It would turn the gndii trade southwaid through the Mlnsisi-lppi, to iTie advantage ol St. Louis and Ne» Ol H'iiiik. On no belter theories than these opposition was kept up En«t and West, and the people were blinded to the leal Importance ot the work. Within the last two years there lias been, East, South, and Wesi, a noticeable change 111 public sentiment on this (iuesiion_^ 1)11 nois lias voted to transfer the Illinois and Michigan canal to the United Mates in lite interest of the uew canal, and the people ol New Yoik have votid to make the I.rle ca¬ nal free, UoUi of these are steps in making a tree untcr channel fioiu the Mississippi to the Atlantic. Hint the people ol Ion nine asstiongl) In favor of the oanal as they were yeais ago is shown by the altitude of public men In tint Slate. Al the conleience meeting ,it the Grand I'niille, Iowa has taken the inltl nive. As lown Is in the lead, Illinois and ( hliagu must be follow, but I'hey cannot .lllott Iowa to du all the work, or claiin all the credit. The object of the meeting i^asto di-di-s matters pertaining to organization I >i the new cunipulgh 1 he suriey ot the canal was made too late loi the icport to be pre- si ntod at the lat-t session ot Congress, but ihe report of the Secretin y ot War on the ■.uivuy will piobably be made early in Ihe eoiniug scsbIoh. -Xhcn will ho the oppor¬ tunity of the friends of the cajnil, and they sliouhl be prepared to take udvuiunee ol it. The question now is wtiethej ihAIlcnifcc- pin cimnl shall be coiisti noted oi w/i, turf it li not a question ol nluit 1-0010 sliall be se lcdeil. Ou'the n*ain tjueBllor all the fi lends ol Lliu canal should pull loin ilii-i, leaving, seionilai) |)oiuts toheLsiillMl uheu llu main point has been gained. On llu- main (piesiloii there Is nou open irlendlloess In ih< South and Wet, and ceilalnly less bos I lilt.) in Ihe Enst than I lien, was lin-t year The- puhliL and business men of lowu me taking more luleiest In the project Hum are the business men of Chicago, 11 ue are to judge by the initiative steps in the new cum. palgn. Tlie battle Is to bo fought in the coming session of congiess, and eo much depends on the question being Healed as a national one that the matter ol combinations nnd alli¬ ances must be considered at the eai Host pos¬ sible moment. All sections ol the country me interested in the construction of a canal lrom the great lakes to the Mississippi, and while Canada Is formulating a national poll cy on the subject of vvatei transportation, it Js high time thai local piejiidlces In tills country be suboiiliuated to the interests of the countty at laigi' While European gov er iiuents and capltahMh ale spending htm- diedsof uilllloiis ot dollais at 1'iiiiaina and Sue/ and on the Congo In Afrlia 10 fuiwiinl the Interests ol Liiiopeau trade, there Is 110 good lensou why the United States Govern¬ ment should not spend IHe ot six million* to advance the luteiestsoi American com¬ merce. While Canada is making lort to steal the irade ol the Northwest the United Stales will be excuse d loi making some elloit to retain It —Intri-Oirttu. Ilregmau, the < levelaud illvn, tells the following story . "Once 1 went up to ruin Lakes to dive for lhe*bod) ol a man w ho hail gone In swimming with two com|fHu!oiis. 1 found an Immense concourse ol people on the shore. The grief stricken mother had erected a stand, and was doing an Immense business In sandwiches and circus lemonade A collection ol $100 for bor and her sou's* children had been taken up, and part ol It had been set apart to pay me and loot the burial expenses. 1 searched several hours but found nobody. Months attei wards I met a man lrom that region, and ho said: 'Say, mister, do you know why you couldn't llnil that body.' I gave It up. 'Why, the lellou was up In the pineries of Michigan. When lie sank he swam to tliu other shoi'e, wheie he had another suit ol clothes hid. He wanted to get away lrom Ids wile, and that's the way he did li.' " "The Tlnn s says Hie harboi had a lively up J pearunce Mondaj morning as , huge Imi lev1 licet -111(1 scveial luuibei ciall weic li . COLOKHLINDNESS. Much oxcltihenl was created throe or four yeais ago by Investigations into the subject of color bllndnesB. It was found to be inupli mill c prevalent than Wis genei ally supposed. This In Itself would only have attracted pas¬ sing notice and Ihe matter would IniVo troubled the public no longer than liny io- port upon some physical defect which spcclalUts claim Is the icsult of our civilisa¬ tion. Jiut attention was urroHtcil by the statement I hut color blindness was found to prevail hugely among railway men, pilots and sailors. This most unpleasant dlscoveiy created considerable" alarm. An element of danger, not hitherto suspected, was added to the known perils lor the tiuvelllng piililit. The dlscoveiy was, however, a most tfJrtutin e one. It revealed a ujtngci, It Is tiuo, but it also found out that it wan 0110 -w hlch. should not exist and which tinder stringent ri3Rii!H. tlons could be absolutely prevented." The railway companies set nhout this task Imme¬ diately and as liu as wo-knowevciy care Is taken by* them to exclude fiom thulr employ men who arc a(Jlictcd with colorblindness. The steamboat men next took tliu mallei in '-lUiiil, but not with that thoroughness which u)ill lusiiic absolute piot'ctlon to the public against diiugcisiuUiug lrom this cause, And as far as concerns the work of excluding eu- 111 fly from positions 011 shipboard men idllic(t'd with coloi blindness In 1111 element ol danger which will be found largely In our ineiclumt set vice. It Is possible that w lieu sniluisine engaged tlley -ire questioned In legartl to their ability to distinguish the port liom the starbo'iul light, but It is uot at "ill probable, They ale taken without much discrimination in regaid to their phys¬ ical condition. Dr. J fillies. In his lecture upon color blindness last week at iho mec - lug ill this eily ot the National Boaid ol ileum Navigation, pointed out, qnlleapllj, Hie icsults_ytjiich fo'low from such caic- lessiiess i 11 tliu fact that coloi blindness in its vaiions forms would exph in much ol the "tall swearing" done In cases of collision on Iho water. He said also that llieie Is al picB- eutone captain so blind dial hecaunouuunt a person's lingers at a distance o| ten led, and jet he sails bis ship at night with a little col¬ ored hoy beside him as a lookout. It is about time that this skippei retiied iron, the sen He may be capable In all other particulars, but his scnil blindness makes him wholly Incompetent lo Mil a position wheie good and sound eyesight is a preiequislte, ol fit¬ ness, lint II Ibis happens In the case ol the master, how much oltenei will It occur when the man occupies 11 subordinate pos¬ ition, say mute or seaman I Thoie Is cer¬ tainly too much liberty in regard to this mat ter and it is time that 11 thorough system olln- Bpectlon ol the men of the merchants service should be made Uy far the laigest niimhei ol casualties illIso from wholly pieventable cauecs.Wloog- which color blindnest holds ncf doubt a prominent place. Given, 1111 element u'l danger so easily removed, It si ems almost criminal on the part of the Govern- uieiit nol to provide such measines as will prevent men afflicted with coloi blindness hum being employed asolllceis and sailois ol the •ncuhiiiilseivhe. itisl.lghh luipio- bftble Unit ship owuels will as a 1 lass adopi such proteillve muasiiies tbeiusihcs. Thev wilh be able to make objections enough to such a course. Bui the salety of all those on board a vessel demande some sideguaid and as such diverse Interests are concerned that the mattci Is one wlihh leally Interests the public and il becumes the (hit v ol the Gov¬ ernment, theieloie, to provide the necessary protection against the cmpla) incut ol color blind sailors.— Vunlime Itujmlei. P01 tlons ol the Edith Sewell are still be¬ ing washed ashore at Ihe head of Wolfe Island. ' The propeller Fiost, laden with wheat ran aground whilst enteilnglhe whaif at the Ogdensbnig elevator, 1'iescott, 011 Saturday last, owing to Ihe low walei. Three barges lif the Jug t harlotto's dow n- ward hound low, wldih leli Ciiiiiwii'J Nov 2Slli, arc hind aground tli'ie uilles~oelow Cornwall They are lepofled not leaking but will have to he light, red. "hell na\ncs aie William Mem 11 mid Link. I'hev are owTlcd by the Montieal 1 orwaullng Com¬ pany. The schooner Augusta run asboieutSnake Island Friday. Mr. Fallen, in (oinmand of the Cbieflaln, Calvin it Son's wrecker, pulled her oil. Ilei eaigo was timber, 2D pieces ol which was lightered Into the schooner T. It. Mcrritt, at Snake Island. The Augusta Is lying at Garden island.— iMinjnttm .Vuos WHAT ENQLANO J.ILY& IN AMEKICA. Although the British Einplte in India ex¬ tendi oiver a territory as large .as the conti¬ nent of Europe, without KiibhIii, having an area of MHO.'IIU square miles, and a popu¬ lation ol 210,000,0(10, Its (Ivlll/cd rcsoureis tire so ]lml,te<l that the people aic Lompclhd to send all Ihe way to this lountiy loi Swayue'b ointment lor lulling piles and skin (lionises! "li's an ill wind that blows nobody gpod" lor the people aic cuicd of all loi infilling lulling", and l)i. Sway no ptos- pei.8. Cheapest and Best Book of Its Class Published. A$rBaok'fbT$£BOI BmoodlM thB leading SoUlli to J!0O T»d«« I Calculsllmis, Is-ipil Jlnm* imn lliislnesayornis, ltuli>a,ftr„ of iiAnunmint aUIlt/ , MnrlinnlrThuwr, »nil llmlniw ««n nirmfilllo*. :, nivmllln. 1'Unlni, MIIH. S«w nilnir, Hne, d of WliooU, III nllwit |jiml«irlnii, B«»mlll», 1'lwilmr Mills. Snw Mint, Hne; d of Wli lIlrvH. i,nimii,i,liTiil(irS»w»,Wo«il OnUiad alitrwaeclH rl'inui iHiwitr of fHrafltnii, l'«wnr of 8t,«m,.wlnil,olo t Tei f Stronnw, rnwor or HH«m,.wina,0101 iunaiiu, ■ Ton,lo,ial, nml (IniMlilnff mnmiith of Mnt,<rlAls I Koajumlnir of TlmlsT (191 ' i,|ill,HlHereMnilrl«lnu,J.ilml»r>f«iwiroinLnbanu I________ i.iiniiloui l)fllAllif(ir('otl4in, Woollen,anil Putl* ^■MflBAC Inir mil Mm lilm rjri il„ fur ilour. Ontmiiil,shlntjo, l'n|>or,uid WWU KIllK, 77^. r.-OII. Mallile.nnifltnlllnirMlllii, Illut Kurnnoul, (liw-wurlifl, Wntflrworks. ItalnraHct;, ittf. 1.....-.....................^>nUtnIniroTnrM«,OOI)CaluulialonNi full drtullitforconitraotlnir. ilnirHt.. _ wojwi, Uwirlnij,' o;t ;;rHi||i|plli • vnyutie Tnlilii * full mill....... Mia Mm lilm 7.1.ife fn. lmii™~> rtrlotj for niu, Hlonm, rim, nnu «iuiinir Knmnwin, vuihiuiu, uw lomioij, MiiWInnritu. Aiimjiini l1umliii*(«,llniuiia,Cop|ior"inltli«,limiaor^Mt'M Indif Tllojlfuroll porroww (1M lilnUnk. Oili l'ro.pocllno;,Mlulnir, FtoawMotaoldar in.Tooln nn, ko- Flilnir. nnlnif ou<,ynlUtlwiroolln^bVrewcnliTn£"ac^ eompbund"iiit'hp, Turning, liorini UnlAliiit.rk.»olinia™,sliiiflTni,nolllni.tHotlii- -—'-■■'■'— "---------'-- ------■■— -.....'■•-■....... Inn t« Btool, Tompnrlnir MqnliTa, MeUMo Toini (li»onimm.H10,ll0i>TniirH!rlnKSnTiit. TorankJCutttnir, BrillIntr. and Borlnit Tu,il», 9c m»«, B» Fllii.tniorr Wlioota. IMmsni, Lold Ohlnli, Hon* Iprlnin otall lundf. Mill nicks, StonoiiitUn,' Tooln. Cnusrr, Ikmtol ana Biinti™! lnilniinonta, ota Itoina for Iron. Brass, llronao, •tjfo.f.urootyw, anil Bill rounilin, Iflwrn tinkers. tie I)I»dx, Olr, and Amia of C'lrflcs, 1'lu n of WliooH, SiictUln OniYfltoi fxponsliin of M;ui».Smiiltlnp'of Motale, Reducing or Oililos, Maklnirof C'rtolliloj,Woljht of Molal", CaimclUosotTimtaCUlllrni, Itolli,™, Wolililof Walor lltatlngof llulldlnin.JolnflniotllnKs.rtd ToCnmpuuirowcrof Steam Bplfcrs Bninn lilpci,Uniasra, Jairnns, etc (H8 kin*) UrponliT, Dlafrranili of lto,fs.Tonn«iO!Tablos/fiUiwnirii In Shi™, McslUllnir ol v™Hi, SlilrHnillillno, Navliratlon, Hnlld Contorts of Iloim, lilies, BWniM. ItarraK Tlniber, Frillllits liy lull *d Walor. Tonnasu lutes, bflmateii, Tables, uto., for Ma«on«. nridilayorn, Tla»toror», lloofon", Sue,™ Workura On Art wortHlciiorallon.l'.tfnUiil.BlmWrlllm (MOIioms). UlasaStaliilniionitollillnir.I'Wiwraiiliy, liortorlnit Old ranthiirs, ou in <ums tar Wat, I niakirs. ^ - --------- -------"-«fnrI'rliiuirs1AiitlinM,aniI imb Aersi lOOIIinttlifietns. Details for MerolianW on .■■.ms. foreenuuros,eto 100lucelpufor(Iroeyrs, c"onr«tluiicini, tip.i Mffllrtolnts... „ .... —-—--- Srt-—- J*j»r,, Pulp Colon, etcillio for Trapimni. Tanners, Cnrrlors, Itoot, Blioo and Harness Makers. r ID OMTrado Boorota and Bclontllle 1 Vu Tlnsmands of dutalls fof ►'armoni I Land, Oraln. I Cattl; Mcaliiro- monts, CintenU of aranarlos, Corn I'rlba, iU-lH nolnir, I'lotlitlillilf. I'lnptlntr, Boed, aad llreodlrik Tulilt«, tYod and Valium Values, 11 frrtllliars, llorm, aiul Cattlo, luin;odlo«. alV kliij » To Dnak, Train, and Bhno Honns. RiWIonofOropa.tJmlll^nl'iistalKursJI.M^^ ot Uams, nutter and chooso MaUlnir, ettl* a™,, ftnna, a I k In, Is. JxJiral It.,,,». hikm-JbI Ijivrsi i,r » States. TerrllorBs, and Provlnoi'sUn Hi" U aVandOaiioila) rslatlngto tlio Collootlm, of UsMs, Eiom itlons hsiim Sue, Mi i luinles' Lion, the Jurisdiction™ Cwuls, Transfer ut Ileal Estato, IUbIiu ol Harried Womtn.IHWrejt, anl silrj Laws, I. mltatlnn of Actions, sto. ' ^ .,. ' . _^.j •_ __,. , _j »„h «r__,__,sl„ "Isa refortinooinirarr In Itself "-AMr. Omssr. "Anample rtnd7fm«wno!awlnt>r"-MnW«niImm*- ■ T'orma oosklileto treatises on tliu Tarluus sflbtetts."—Bflf ^m. " TtiLi may bo calli-d a Ixink of wonders, for It has a comnllatlon of Information from all avunuus of knowlulfro. Nowhtro else can sin li n mine of Intellectual wealth be fonndi It should Iw In arory household, certainly In estry offloo and workshop"—Ann. Ctt\l rimes, "There turn, been many attomou to nut a library into omf volunio, and oortalnly no iii-orlouii au,<mi4 has been sosnrooMfulas thisono.i'-rai, MrlMUl "a n-iraUr oundonnvd IJKlvi nsAJ.fcsotcun kiiia "i-.M/r. andilMr, ,' The assistant Istho most uomiili I. and Toluahlo of any work nf Its kind we hare over BHin.' -sis, Jfnchfnlff. CountlBiroostof nnsliictlnn, llu \ssihtast Is the oheaiiesb work of Itstlass pulillshid. ItconU nsMlftpsiros, Is a marsiiUoua roniirtocy of vnlualilo Informatlcin, and worth Its wolirhl In &old toany Met lianlo, rarmer,or lliHlnnsa Man, 1 vol. Umo Insi by mall to any kdilrtisn, In best En|fllsUt.lutlj,fur92tDOl 111loottwr,library Stylo, letturog baolr nnd marblod odgos, for g3,gQ. Addrvn all orders to Address H. N. KNEELAND, 150 Nassau Street, N. Y. FOR SALE, AT THE GLOBE IN IRKS, SKfOND HAND TI HULAH DOIIJ R,-H Incliendl muoler -tl tub' h 1 hi. lictt dliinultr nnd )J fct t long, ntcaiu dniiii .m fialicH ilimuati r, K> tnclici liiuh, front KnitLB,_tUttiiKH unil lirtt-dilng*, «i oil order SI (OM) HANI> MAIUNh, In Rood order hhell 7-l« inch iron jilnto. dliynttor 'ilul fi Inchon luiiutl), 1H fttt li'i lulitH A liu Iili In dlumi tor, II ftut (i inch*s long, tlirn llu<s 18 iucliii dhmutor, 'no Uuefl 14 ilicinidtiimi ter l\vo lluct 11)1 J inchit illaiiiLtir, lire lioxi Gfeut Iihij,, 4 teut)ii(jli,r.l«iimchhniie),7 ftut IiIkIi S[ COIfi> II \NI> MA HIM IIOII I H four ft a wltlc, 6 1.-.!(iet Ioiik .1 fi-ct hin'i, ^Xl^-four 3 1-^ Inch lubes 60 tin liu lon^. cunt iron bn.ii.luiK, hikk! nn nov SIC >NI) HANDMAHINI I NdIM , double dlrect- iiLtitiK Hx& lncli i> Under, «haft mid whtcl fur )ac).tor t"Bi RIK«1 tw "l w - DISEASE; CURED Without Medicine. 1 ialunllt DiiLOfCiijfor siipphjiuj Vitjri'-liim ft tl, Ifu luanSt/itmi hfn/iili/i/ anil Vajmlum utilized ** <M nriTr bejwe /vr Jlenlunj the S.cA ^HLMACiNblONAriUANCL UJ.'b Magnetic Kidney Belt - FOR MEN IS WARRANTED TO CDHESS^a^^a^I^i,; wltlwul inwili me —Iain rs tiik hai k iuis luc^ixtit I1MIH, M ll\(JUB !»*■ lilt lU, I I MlUf.U III N| Jt II l» II1L- ITV IllimiMATlHM l'A»AL\hl'* Nt;tltlMi|A S* IAT|i I IIIMIHISOI TIIKKIIIM^S SUVA! I>|S1 ANKS Tllltl 111 in Kit Gont, Rttinliiul, Iinputenc), AHthniu, Hciirt Dlitt'iii^, 1>>h])«|ihIu, CutiHllpii- tlon, KryHliiiTliiH. InellireMtliin, IIurn!u or Hup- turu. C'liturrli, 1'tleH, K])1Iu|ih>, Duiuli Akii«, «l» Wl.uiiinj ill l)illl> <>f ih" OENLKATHK OIl- <>ANH oiiurn Lout Vltulih, Luck i>f^«rt^ l'orco unci \T(for, WuitttiiK Woukrti »h, anil all thoie IHh- oiiKUHottt pi rMiniil natun. fruni wliaitvirt anno, tliu coiitliuioiiH Nlrtam of MukmliImih |Hn nuui in^ IbruiiKli llu purti iiutHi rtttlun tut in to a luullliy atllfiii 4 hurt lr> uu uiUtxki kIhuiI thin upiillaiiLi of tlio Splnii. I nllliiK <>(* llu* \\ imili, l.uu< orrhu ti, Clironli lntliii!iiiiulloii;Hit(l llkttrutlon of tliu Wonili, lm Idouttil Heini.rrliUtfi* or I IoimIIiik. 1', HuppniKHml unit Iirt^iilur Mimntrun- tlon, Hiirreniit nh mill < huntji' ol\ tliltt Ih th«i ItvHt AppHitilti' mid Lumtni* A^tnit known, 1«>T all furini of 1 cumin I>Hu« ulticn it in iitimir jikkhciI liv iuiylliiiir{ I* (>>r< |n<uih ^IoiIiiim n uirutl\i aKoiit nnd an i tnuici »f )«i»- r ntid viinli/uiloii 1'rin of iltliei b«h «nii MiiLtnilli ItiwiUs SlO -nit liy tx]irtw( U l>, and < iiiiniiKlioti alluwt d, or li\ mail on intijit iif jlrltu In unliriii), -tnil uioanun ol »umt and nlzu of rihoe Id mill uu i> tun liu mmlti In cum \u\ m nl In Ut it r id our rNIt llu \i inut-loii (liiruit'iilr. are ada|itnl to all ii^ih arc worlui.Lr ili« iilidir dotliliiK, not urxl to the Itoily like tlio llmny <ti.lviinl< unil Llntrli llumliu^it a*lvrrtlfifH. no cii,<*u».i»i'lv, and nlioiild lm Uikui n|T at ulf[hi lluty lidd tin tr hi\\ lit 1 Oltl \ KH, anil nru worn al ill mihiohm vt tin )uir Send niunip lor tlio Nkw Dtpaituru In Midltal in m- inmit Without MihIIoIiiv." wllh IhounaiiUn <■( lintl UllU.ill r> 1 lit MAtiM 11N Al'l'l JAM L CO «1H Mtutc Htroct, ChluiKO, 11). Nol h _N ml om doll ii In |mii|uki' ntuuipn or curn n ly in It tli r lit out link witli niu of nltouitmu||) worn uutlln our Miihiitllt In no I tit and In) coin Iiilu l of tliu oovvii rtildhiK In our otlior Mnnncillc A)i]iltani.i,a roriillvih iiotoltl fitl ivliuii tiny urn wornv or money id inuli d It V. B0EGMAN, Proprietor. The Madison, (fUllUKKLY 1IKVKHK lltlUHK) Detroit, Mich. SJOHl i l>lltflllly l.1M'Jtl<Ml Stri'i't (inn piihs Ilic tlooi owry low iiilnuii'.'i in DcpiitH nml nil |miU ol tint CltV. Tlllld II1111111 •'*H Hlllk to 1- b iSi M S, U A M, nml WiiIiiikIi IKpnls Haton (ISO, to 12.00.por day TUB Neversiiik Cork Jacket Twenty per Cent, more buoyancy tbnn nny oilier Lllo-Preserver in (lie market. Is t(ie SAFEST find only REUAW.E EIFE I'RESERVEK In KXIhTEVI E, as pnncil nl the late «rc«k nn the I'liulle < (m-t, ot the Paellle Mail Steiunslilp, "Citj of >a i Fr.meiBco " RING BUOYS A>ID FENDERS. O a a >. -3 r^:! t«i fVfTprovi'il nml ailopteil by the I'ulteil States Boanl of hiipervlslnc lnspeetois.also by the principal Ocean, Lake and River btoamer Lines, iih tile only Rellahlo Life I'leseruT. VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED. Semi tor Circulars. D. KAHNWEILER 14u\ 148 &, 150 Worth bt. • Nnai ( entei St.. New Yolk. u s I1AMI 11 11 nuiiiirn. RAND& BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS, WITJI AlTA<lli:i) TO Tllli MOKKS. ALSO PIUCPAREI) TO DO WRECKING AND TOWING WITH 'HIE Tug John Gregory. Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOC,WIS.

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