J ■J =E Xi THE MARINE RECORD. Tho damages sustained nro Stated to'bo $30,- 000. She'was built fit Niagara In 180-1 and \yas 015 tons burden.' In her dny she mm •onoof-tho flnoflt>sldowhool steamers on Lake Ontario, ypt being so far ajotig In years -it Is probable Iter reconstruction will be abandoned. - , ' . False missive's arc tigain being revived by the finding, near Chicago, of a bottle, sup^j posed to-be from the Ill-fated aohnonor Wolls ' Burt, which foundered In that locality oarly in tho season, but emanating from some worthless follow who wished to create a son- •ntlon In that lino. Tho crow of that un-J "Toftunnto ornft had-olhor mutters to attend to during that dark and tempestuous night. Captain W. B. Campbell, an old pioneer sailor and for many yoars master and owner of tho schooner Morning 8tnr, fell yesterday :lvo feet Into the hold of hit vessel and was instantly killed at Menominee, Mich. He tiad been Identified with lake history for up¬ wards 6f forty years, and nt tho'tlmo of his sudden decease was about 00 years of ngc iind well known throughout tie lake region, Tho steamer Japan', which arrived "down' ironi Lake Superior on Thursday, reports the barge J. II. Rutter In fair condition for lost by storms. Several woro captured by tho British during tho war of 1312 and, burned, so that nt thOfOloeo-Of tho wnr but fow vessels wore on tho lakes. ' KBOANAn*. 8p*£lfll to Ihe Marine Itetord • Tho Woeokowlmd to lay hero nil tho wceltj for repairs on account ot breaking lior crank pin. The Lovlathnn wont from Cheboygan to the assistance of the Keweenawj nBhoro In tho St-. Mary1? rlvor.. ' < Tho H. A. Kent stove a hold In her bottom October 28th on Point nu Pino, She was flnUeii by a tug to Dnnoan City, patched up, and continued to plnce of destination, The Richard Wimlow went^ ashoro on Bols Blanc Island, on the night of October 28th. ' Shipments of Iron ore, trotn Escnnnba, for the wiiok ending October !)!> 45,750 tons. From now on until theioVwrof navigation, ore shlprnoiits to lower lake' ports will be •light; tjio Monomlnco Mining Company's (loot has niado Its Inst trip, nnd as soon as the ore freezes In cars, shipments will stop. The schooner Julln Wlllnrd, with coiil for Milwaukee ran In hero with three lect of water In her hold/and her crew worn out at recovery nnd the ^iweckers making good „..„,, , . , . . About one more trip to Lake SuJthe PumPB' Tho R,lbo Rldl"r,U t0W8 "°r w progress perlov will wind up the movements of all bonis on that route. Ond of Ward's boats will leave on the 15»li Inst., on her last trip for the season. The weather Is taking n rest for the.tlme being, the series of gales so long prevalent haying subsided at all points. The schooner Siberia, laden with oak tim¬ ber from' Toledo,, was beached oir Long Point Wednesday laBt. ' When halfway dis¬ tant down the lako she sprung a bad leak; and despite every exertion at the pumps, it was found Impossible to keep her atlont, and-l she wna nccordlngly nfn ashore one mile west of Alie lighthouse, wherc'abe lies Im- • heflded On the sand with eleven feetof water. ShcCjMft) built at GardeikTslaiid In 1874, and 'U 100 tons burden. She Is valued at $18,000. The crew sull'ered severely during the time sjf the-dlaaBtcr^mdJinjd^wtMrig^o eat for \ r twenty-tour hours. A wgman cook shared the perils of the storm, The BUlowh'col steamer Spin tan, so long awaiting her departure tioin here since her repairs were completed, Is likely to luwo her tliinoultlos aolved In' » few days. • To this end the Detroit Drydock Company have had her seised for the amount pf her repairs, $:il,000. Cnptajn S. B. Gmiiimond has also riled a wrecking claim amounting to $7,000 more. It is doubtful if under the bamiuor jho above claims will be more than realized. It appears that after tho completion of the work the insuraneo companies objected to pay the. duty on said repairs, that Bhq was wrecked in Canadian wilters, nnd afterwards towed past sovoral Ctmadlan ports where ■uich work could have beon done. The duty on her repairs Is twenty per cent., the payment of which Is rojouted. Shipbuilding at this point so' fnr as at present known will not beenriied on very uWenaivoly tho coming winter although Itis lint too late yet for contracts 'to be eutcied iuto. Apropos of iIiIk fact It (nay he fthitWI- thnt Erie, or Presque Isle, aa'lt wns known In early times, la probably ihe oldest ship¬ building point above Nhigaia Kails. It was theie that Commodore l'eiijy'swar licet . were all constructed lu 1812, laud after Ins victory, September 10, 18111, all returned with the vosels he captured and wore there sunk. It is recorded Ihal PeWy's fleet was built and equipped In tinny days after the tlmberB Were cut down. Ill 1817-1811) the schooner tieorge Washington, Ihe llrst mer¬ chant vessel, was built, and lu thu two latter' years the Franklin, Diligence, jTominodoro Perry, Superior and Perseverance, varying in size froui Into 00 tons, the Washington being the largest. shipbuilding on Lake Ontario, to far as the lecoi'ds show,, commenced In 17811, and the llrst milt was the Jemima, built by Kll (iranger'at llaulord's Landing, three miles below Rochester, of thirty tons burden. The next American craft waa the Fair American Ml! 1808-U, and anions the vessels employeik| ■about that time was the Geueaseo Packet 1)1 ana, Collector, ICxpei'lineut.'Cliaulcs Ann" 'and Dolphin. These vessels were respec¬ tively couimnnded liyH'aptiilns Obed Maytj, A. Montgomery, Augustus Ford, Samuel Dixon, Charles Hounes. ------Peiu-e, and 1 Win. Vaiighan. Many of these vessels weie Milwaukee. Tho following vessels clonred ore laden: November 2,^-Propellor Lolnnd, Robert Walnce, schooners I.oonanl, Hnnnnh, Thomas Gawn. November 4 — Stenmer W. L, Brown;- schooners Ada Medora, Our S6n, C. C. Barnes, J". B. Kitchen, Floni,- Havnnn. Novembor 5.—Steamers Wocoken, Min¬ nesota, Mn'ssttsolt. November 0.—Steamers Fred Kelly, Monn)iansett,'Rubc Richards; schooners 11, Richard, May Richards, Z. A. Chandler, Golden West, Sweethenrt, Metncotnet.'M.R. Warner, T.om. Ellsworth, Corn. November 7.—Stonmera W. L. Brown, Ohio, Mnssi&rmeeita; BchooncrsT. [lowland, C. N. Ryan, J. T.- Johnson, J. B. Kltchem Cheney Ames, C. A. King. ^^ lwrTArr.o.-------------------------- SptQUll lo the Murine Record. ■• Coal freights are Inactive. The propeller Heulit was taken at $1.30, Buftnlo to Dulutli. At a meeting ol the seaman's union, largely attended, tbe rato of wages was llxed at $4.00 per dny from the 4th November until further notice. PropOBnls for the hull, engines, and boilers of the propeller James Davidson, us ilu-y now lie on Thunder Hay Islarlil reel. Lake Huron; also' sepaiate ptoposals for her om- IH, rescued and stored at'Alrlbua, Midi., con¬ sisting of anchors, chains, entire coll of now nine-inch hawser, win (Musses, pumps, run¬ ning rigging, new this season, sails a year and a hull old, compasses and other nrliclesi will be received up to November 20, by'l' 11. White,. 02 Ln Salle street, Chicago. On the morning of the 4lh Inst, the propell¬ er Mayflower was run on Point Albino and will probably prove a total wreck. Cnptuln Cramer and the crew made their way to the shoro at 1) o'clock and were brought here by tbt* lug B. F. Itiuco, Captain Cramer says tliht the Mayflower had lu tow the barges Llllle May, F. M. Dickinson, Kmerald, and Colorado. They were nil lumber loaded.from Bay C|ty, the Inst named for Sandusky, oil which port she wna drop'ped, and tlie otker lour.lor Touawandii. The wind was strong from the southwest and a big sea was rollng. Just above Krle the tudder of the Llllle *Muy, which was llrst behind the propeller wna carried away, and she soon after became waterlogged and uniuaiiageable. 'When oil' Dunkirk the Mayflower waa found to be leaking fusu Captain Cramer ordered the last two barges to let go, alld heading'tlie steamer to the sea he Intended to hold the May up lilldayllght, lu the meantime work- lug bis own pumps, lie loiind t,hc watSr gilihlug, however, and was obliged to*dro|)^ the barge. Her luinlici will he lighlered oil as soon as the wciilicr penults, nud most iq it will be saved, Tho Ma) flower Is one ol the old-timers, nut! in her eat'lcv days waa a favorite pasaongur botvt of^ the Western Transportation Line. She wus'oullt here lu 1S.VJ by F. X. Jones and measured 4l."i Inns. She Is owned by Captain Harry lllanchaid. ol'Del roll, was north about ifl8,00(l, and he-' lug out ol class was mil Insured. Captain Blauchurd also owns the lour barges named. 'IhebiligcB DIcUuu and Kmerald sailed down and wore towed behind tho break¬ water. Captain llii7.cn, of tho Dickson, wont up, with-the tug G. R. Hnnt). In com¬ mand of Cnptnln Austin Hnnd, to look'after the waterlogged barge. Captain Unzen re¬ turned from Dunkirk by' ralL. Ho snys thoy found the May nt anchor about five miles below Dunkirk. Her woman cook had been taken oil by propeller Toledo,' which passed down In tho afternoon and saw the barge's distress. The reBt of the crow preferred to remain aboard, Cnptnln ijlcott, of the Toledo, ran n gcent risk In going alongside the May In the henvy sen, , MII.WAUKKK. Speciat'tothti-Marlnr llttont. The Akeloy was uground In- the harbor on the (Ith lust. The stciunbiirge A. Kelley was' rolonscd yesterday. Her tuc bills wero $300. Tho wrecked tug covlnthnn went to-day to the schooner Ketohutn, nsliore at GUI's pier. , ' ' The scow Banner, (If this port, was driven nghpre at Sturgeon Bay .Nov. 5, and together witli her cargo Is n total loss. Her crew woro rcsouod. . Harry Lee, engineer of the G. L. Bur¬ roughs, died to-night from Injuries received by being struck by a capstifn bar while weighing nnclion, .. Captain Campbell, of the schooner Morn¬ ing Star, which was loading Iron at Menomi¬ nee, fell Into the.hold, striking on Ida head. He received fatal Injuries, dying soon after. He lived at Depere. i The scow Marin, of this port. Is nBhoro nt Hedgobog Harbor, near Death'a'Doo'r. Sho Ib on the rocks, toll of water, and may prove a total loss.. She had a full cargo ol wood. John Saveland.nnd Joseph dishing, of Mil- wuukee, are owners. The achooner GuldlngStnrconl laden from OeWogo for this port, went on the rocks be- ■rowFox Polnt,^IVthe night of November 5th. She filled soon after going on. Her crew remained on board all night and suf¬ fered considerable hardship. Captain Grllllm with two of his metr, got ashoqe In tbe yawl. ThlB morning—when-returning-iho yawl went to pieces after capsizing, but tho two men In It were rescued. Cnptuln Grlflln came to this city, and procured tho tug Welcome, which took the life savlug crow to the wreck. TJuHUte men Veinalning on tho wreck were takcnotTby the life saving crew, and brought here. Unless she goes to pieces an expedition will go to her as soon ns the weather permits. 'She bason board 540 tons of c >al; her owner 's W. J. Ciimudngs, of Uawego. Both vessel and cargo arc insuicd.. » QIIAND HAVEN. ^jmintlo Ihe Marine Record. • \ The Bohoonor C. II. Alhrccht, Cnptnln Chnrlca Baker, tins hnd n pnrtlnl rebuild con¬ sisting of new deck frnmoa nnd deck atrinch- lons, fltrlngorp^wll and shelf pieces fore nnd aft nnd somernew , planking. Sho has also hnd nn oxtm mast put Into her, thereby con¬ verting her Into a twd-and-nflor Instead of n foro-n'nd-nfter. ciikhoyoan. ^V, ' The Lucy J. Clnrk Is nshoro Kb Cross Villngd, nnd full of wnter. Sho is exposed - to northerly winds nnd llnblo to prove a totnl loss If winds blow hard from tho north- wost.- pout nunoN. . The stonmbnrgo J. M. Osborne went ashore on Port SanUao-roef during tho thick, wonthor November"4, It whs blowlnghftrS-from tho f south nt tho time. Somo forty laborers wero: sent from shore, and the stenmer wna light¬ ered off. She Is not leaking, and,from all ap¬ pearances Is In grod shape. Neither of her consorts struck tho roof. SAUOATUCK. Work on Rogers & Bird's, now atenmer Is • progressing rapidly, the planking being well - under way. - »n." At Mnrtel's yard things aro moving along ns ever, James Elliott Is working on a new model for a steamer. The tugs Jennie King, Shrlver Bros., Clarn A, Elliott and (lunges are in the flailing busi¬ ness nt present. It is rumored that the steamer Douglas will bo hauled ofl" the Chlcngo route on her return to this port lor the Benson, caused by her late mishap by getting on tho bnr here, and that the-Btenmor J. S. Seavorns will till the plnce. " - 1LPK.NA. The fishing, schooner Detroit upset oil' North Point November 4, during n heavy gale. The crew were rescued by the life sav¬ ing crow No 0, of Thunder Bay Island. The schooner Alaska, while ofl* Middle Island, was struck by a heavy northeaster gnle, widen-completely 'stripped her of her canvas, except one-half of a mainsail, with which she managed to wqrk back into Thunder Bav> She Is now in port waiting for a tug. _S|ie was from'Cleveland foi St. Ignnce, louded with Mllrond Iron. - cai'i: viNon.M. The wrecking tug Conqueror struck the snnie rock as the propeller (Jnchl.n, near Rock Island Light, Thousand Island Park and sunk, hiie inn on tbe shoal Inst spiiug and had only a short lime ago been lalsed and 1 repaired at large cosl. The tug Mile with a steam pump left here to attempt tho release ot the schooner Lucy J. Clark, ashore at Cross Village, The Chirk Is valued at {10,000. She Is insured In the Boston Marina and Slioe and Leather for *8,400. CroBs Village Is an Indian settle¬ ment in tho northern part of .Mloljlgnn,' nnd near ihe ciitruiioe Irom Luke Michigan Into tho Straits ol Mackinaw. It Is a few mile's south of Sklllagalee icefrnud abounds with dangerous TockB^ The underwriters here ordered tl e-Milwaiikee tug Cob to proceed at oncoiohoriiajdalimee wlthatcnip pump, haw¬ ser, and other wrecking apparatus, stopping nt Charlevoix for a lighter. -The schooner.la. commanded by Cnptnln Louis Johnson, and Is owned by James A. Purlugton, at pre-ent residing in Denver. She wan built III Port Huron 111 18(W, and was formerly a brig. She was repaired lu 1871,. 1870, 1881, nnd 18811. She measures 301) tons, rates A2, and Is valued at IfD.OOO. Hei cargo Is iusttrcd loi $800 In the Stale of Pennsylvania. MUShKUON. O.HW 1.1,11, The Ariel has got a new yilwl from Nnvagb's boat bouse. The yacht club met alt the Hamilton House on Monday night to Inark a campaign fo: next Benson find coirnt the victories of tin- present. There has bceioho change lu the longshore¬ man blockade nnd tbe matter Is becoming a llttlo inoiiotonbus. The inllltlu have been \%i duty but ihepitdl authorities took contiol TTrfysdayr irKuchviLi.fc. Another drSnalroii* chapter ln,Mr. Merr>. man's history of tbe sunken Sam Cook, has been recorded. Tbe vessel suddenly, canted over on her slde'and put a stop to I'urthei work lot the lime being. She now lies wllh her spars testing on the barge\lougslde and her broadside clear out of water. Two ol Ihe pumps have been Mint back t0 Kingston, us It has been practically demonstratcd'thai one pump will only be required to keep hi'i clear of wnter. It Is thought, however,<J,e will hue lo again he let down.and then The ateunibnrge Michael Groh lu Double j on the east shore. HersteeilUg geiu broke j raised by means ol Ihe jack screws, outside in Ibe storm nnd she went ashore alld In full ot water. The Boston Marino Insurance Company Was about to send a tug i n ihum. The steuinbarge Manitoba was burned In the watei's edge about 11 o'clock Sundni umrpuiiip when It wna learned by whe that I nlglil. She was about live miles down il die master had let acuntraet lo Capluln heth Lee to deliver Ihe steamer in Muskegon tor fi.nllO. ll'Captidn Lee lulls lo delliei the eralt lit Muakcguu ho receives nothing, on matter how much work he docs at her. "• The Groh Is owned by S, K. Mat tin, of Chicago, and has been verv successful. S|ie measures. 21)11 Ions, and was built al Cleveland lu 1KII7. Sic was icbiilll In ISV, ujul ruled AJ, with a valuation ot $25,0110. As ini'liculed, she Is Insured, but not ncuily up to her value, ^she luihacnigo ol lumber on hoard, consigned lo Js. K. M nil I ii. She will no duuhi he 'rescued. pWcrVwli' uiigln of the lire is unknown, Inn is supponei'rtii have caught, friliu the smoki- stuck,. Tlie lluat.is.liisiired. ", JUM.SION. The Itnthe's'iy H-UI probably be hauled out at Power*' sldriyii/d oij Saturday. . One hiV|t^)( thif atennHhip'Artliubasca was lu the licauharuols Canuhnnil the ot'..er hall hi the Lilehlue Canal, on Saturday. (argoiusiiiauce.it Chicago him been ..ad* vanced lo fl.,10 pel 100 bushels lo llulhilo, $l."."i to Lake (lutaiio pints, and $2,25 to Moutieal, without rehalq. ' ^