Wino, tionship in', kitehen, the dink. bedreem."' TUCSON, Ariz -- To sta Christmas shopping in snow. Tucson, operators of .a_ shopping centre had several thousand pounds of ice ground to powdery snow and jiled on the parking area. Hidden through the pile were several hund- red prizes, The kids showed up and Started tossing snowballs. Two policemen could not break up the batile. It was an hour before police- men, reinforced by shopping centre employees, recaptured the suow mound, ; MOSCOW -- Soviet space dog Strelka -has given "birth to four healthy puppies, cher. second litter since her 18 circuits of the earth in August, 1960, the newspaper Soviet Russia reported. "This news confirms that cosmic flight does not 'have 'negative ef- feets on the health of animals or » their -vital functions,' 'the :news- paper said. Strelka's-firstuitter was Six puppies, 'She and another dog, 'Belka -- along with mice, plants and*insects -- 'travelled 437,500 smiles around the earth 200 miles uup'in a Soviet spaceship 'before 'being 'brought wack to earth, SERRE HAUTE, Ind. -- An -80- Year-old man who said, "I just ceuldn't fake it any -more," .shot itis 77-year-old -wife to death while she slept, police said. 'Emanuel Brooks signed a statement «saying. ihe and his wife Sarahthadn't gotten along -for years, they .said. Mrs, Brooks .was killed with a 12-gauge, shotgun, TORONTO -- The 'Ontario gov- ernment will not*levy the sdles'tax en 'Indian reserves, a'treasury te- patiment official said. The government 'has decided to follow 'the practice 'in 'Quebec of not charging tax on items- bought by Indians from "Indians on -re- serves, The decision was' made af-' - ter consultation with the Indian Af- fairs Branch at Ottawa. LONDON -- A:group of Conserv- ative members. of Parliament -sug- ested 'grouse shops" be. establish- @d at shopping centres, where thonsewifes dissatisfied with their 6 a. ings by Very Rev. a. pray in the right deyeo tion. No immediate takers: . reported. BRIGUS, Nfld. -- Hector eee fon has harvested 140 pounds. of 'grapes from-two vines planted sev- eral years ago by his father, the late Rev. Ezra Broughton. This year's crop was the largest the family ever obtained. _A veteran army officer recently credited newspaper advertising for 100 per cent success at Kingston in national survival corps recruit- ing. 'We reached our objective," said Major W. A. Brennen of the "Newspaper advertising produced these excellent results," PORT STANLEY -- A fuel oil order, filled two 200-gallon tanks in the basement of a Port Stanley home. : There were complications. There was only one 200-gallon tank in the house -- it had been filled that morning. Today oil -company-workers are decontaminating the house with solvents and 'fans. "The occupants thad to evacuate. It was the wrong house. STRATFORD-ON-AVON, Eng. -- '|Steeplechase jockey Terry Biddle- combe, with dhe foot caught in a stirrup, was dragged 200 yards by a runaway fans. . Biddlecombe- finally. got his foot clear, trotted back tothe weighing room, vaulting. over a railing on: route, apparently without a scratch. Trainer-Fred Rimellsaid:."'That, was 'the 'luckiest escape I've ever. seen at a race track."' WORSLEY, Eng. -- Boys at a pyouth club in 'Laneashire 'town horse past pap sania Halfway finished; complications' ifeet 'long. Sympathetic council :of- sreeetas fila rose Mg AS occasion sce Princess of Wales Own Regiment. |. delivery driver, responding to an é a runaway-horse past horrified fans | started 'to 'build a '15=foot canoe.|" arose. The workshop is only 'ten'| QTS, Uvex. bulk candy, an. wide selection of tasty Christmas candies. Prior to her marriage she wors- ed in several Cobalt stores, and Vue, has lived in the silver 'town all her |. life. She is being assisted in run- |; ning the store by Mrs. Nettie Wall- " man of Cobalt. Successful Drive For UNICEF Fund COBALT -- The meeting of the Cobalt Coleman Home and School Association was held Nov. 20th. /D. McGugan, principal of the school reported that the UNICEF Fund was $101.79 richer following the Halloween collection by grade 8 pupils. : A large and varied collection of articles "at the school were dis- played in thethall so parents could 'claim any '"lost and found" items. 'Harry Whitman introduced . the guest speaker for the evening. J. W. Cram, general manager of the Cobalt Refinery and gave one up- 'to-date-picture of their accomplish- | ments and aims for the future. _ Mr. Beattie thanked Mr.' Cram. Mrs. Nettie 'Walman will be in]! 'charge of- the -skate -shop. This -is |} -to-aid parents. in-- -obtaining -and |. selling their children's . ae Shes nae ski, boots. .:_.. soil THE TRI-TOWN'S NEWEST 'iia BIGGEST CANDY STORE COBALT | CENTER | "Candy tastes better from a candy store"