AONED tourenee ales rorcast for New Year -Some. Ontario. car drivers 'wri rates. be' government-controlled. - 'have to pay up to 15 per_cent more for auto insurance next year. The 1962 auto-rate manual for Ontario of the Canadian Underwrit- ers ~Association shows public lia- bility insurance will be up 15 per -gent:over 1961 for the largest cate- gory, -- drivers over 25, accident- free for at least three years, who drive for pleasure. For. $100,000 coverage ona: single accident the rate is raised to $48 from $42. A spokesman. for a local insur- ance} broker said that the changes in rates will be:applicable,; hére and, that on some cars it will be| (as much as 15 per cent. Increases will apply to policies is- sued 'or renewed in 1962 by associa- tion t About half the auto. er ae insurance Ontario. belong}. to Canadian underwriters. One of the largest outside the association said Friday it plans no dan. 1 increase*but, like-most: firms, it adjusts its rates each year. Disclosure ofthe planned in: grease: ture's elect committee "on car in- surance, : which recommended that -$100,000 coverage $66- next year, follows' an. interim report ae this week of the Onfario legisla- Association members will charge the over -- 25 Toronto driver who has been accident-free- for' tl jot what is today a thriving industry years, drives for business and seeks 14-per cent: boost- over. this year's $58. Single male daivaes under 25. with, | a no-accident record 'will pay $178 for $100,000 coverage -- a 14-per cent increase from $156. In Hamilton, the increase in the largest category will be to $44 from $42; for the business category. to | $60 from $58, and for the under-25 group to $163 from $156. For Lon- don, the first category rise would be to $40 from $37, the second: to $54 from $49, and the third to. $147 from' $134. Hursl areas will see few _rate changes. Collision' rates are generally un- changed or lower in areas outside Toronto, -but. some Toronto. rates "-have gone Bie as much. as 22: Bert "cent. - P + The zoel eda atch the increases were forced in thé Toronto area by4 thé inereasing numberof accidents and ping ene amounts: claimed... "Thank you for your support on December 4th: - I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Joyeux Noel, Merci a tout pour support decembre 4 A.M. Deraic le Bonne Annee. | ed often makes pointed suggestions its appearance. The God of Fog, in' particular, We. | was notorious for 'his consumption} # Te such delicacies "and, whatever}me: ~~ eat a A3th waing of that: nun lab6ring- in'}- when produced - what aimed to be the world's: yer cake. _resumably -because of its ori- gin, this cake: acquired a religious significance, and was soon-the re- -quired-- thing --at--such" events. christenings, Se ee : she "fun: erals. "It' also 'appeared in Various. forms: on' Holy Days' = at Christmas> for instance, moulded 'ins the: form "of a nianger, ~and~ decorated with spices and fruits to" represent 'the "peats of the Wise men.~ © ~~~ -This~ Christmas "cake was 'prob: ably the first. "'special- occasion" 'cake, the 13th century forerunner The "'special occasion' "cake -as itis produced: today coukt very well @|be called'the 'every occasion' cake} 'because the list of occasions. for been growing «steadily ever ~since the -- ancient' -Chinese of the gods. Today's '"'specials" are designed and fashioned by experts who have perfected their art over along per- iod of training and experience. Birthday cakes make up the bulk industry: _The majority of. them are made to mark 'the anniversaries of children -- and the one to be-honor- as to the exact number of icing- fashioned cowboys and Indians who: surface. of the: =eake, £ ese "special occasion' expert were: less sexactin; His iocipat fune=, tion: owas 'to fashion: ry in' the "shape: "of shuman- exes -asy 'had: been: the case in- 'China: before: '| the "special occassion' cake made the results of 'the: change from: pro- improvement in. the lot of. those per. of fog-shrouded China rivers. - bination of white flour'i in a leavened rhoney. and: flavoured with . Spices. 'The Romans are: in fact generally | credited: with: caiginatings the. wed. | : }ding Cake? 3 The "special 'ockas oe eater also' Naina ats day in England; where in| @ which one of 'these is made-has | fashioned |f{} -/ special pastry to-appease the anger |[} i are to bein full gallop in-that;area |- rof the Wild West represented Dby- the : ~'The.demands;on the: ancient Chin=] } tein to-pastry, it was an "admitted: ~ who 'would otherwise have been | ee cast upon. the waters of any num-|% _ The .early. Romans, 'Greeks. and |@ - Egyptians: were others who' pre-|% | pared offerings in the form of spec=} i J} ial. cakes for: their gods, with. 'the } | Egyptain deities" preferring 'a-com-} dough - that was sweetened 'with }' Hrietrneess Night or. Christmas cake was con- sidéred a social necessity at family gatherings: gris! ats - Evidence at hand SSecoe it -was) aene that the art of cake-icing be- gan to flower, with the status | | seekers of the times vying with one'|. another in the fashioning of the figures of men, animals and. plants, castles andthe like. from: what the. chroniclers: of the day. described - <as| "snow-white confectionery"? ih a -. One of. the -many- oa <Cus= toms---related. to- the: Twelfth Night cake. involved: the 'baking of a-pea' anda bean-in each cake: The man: who found the pea and. the- wonian | -whose. piece. of: cake -contained-they bean were acclaimed: the: King-and: Queen. of- Pweltth iporaesd _ daca Rethies thie -A soalee contac hive pipes WEES ms "the job: ee: on™ nate are gaeaetone: eset Tas enatal- mest decorated' with oy 4. 'minjatures in icing of all company: vel : products, anda range; of other 2, Me ritemis « as~-wide and varied as the : Leustomer'simagination..-~ Many-of the-icing: artists working: » nah 2 eS "| in Canada recived their training ih iby ~~ < "Europe.: To seo them jah work is cove | to witness th intheevo- 4 - Hution "of < "AMMAN Gh party was on.- he 2 TUESDAY, "$160.00 on. LEGION seiiaais 8pm. "A a he _OF $10.00: blackout - 5 ecobites at Medieval -times~a - huge tween! Seg a ee