ss Z | e Tod WAKE UP!. DONT SLEEP ! % ?, % s, Don’t Doubt ! Don’t Dream ! Don’t Hesitate ! Don't Wonder ! y Dollars away “nosing” among ry stocks of “fake” sales of other small fry dealers ‘Ten years ago we told you in the matter of Clothing, Gents’ Furnihings, Hats & Caps, Ordered Clothing, we came to build up a big business on the ruins of high price dealers. How far have we succeeded ? Tle magnificient clothing stock of which we could only give you a faint idea; the piles of goods sold tell the best tale. We Have Painted the Cointry Red with Bargains. We sell Ready-Made Clothing miles below the small fry. Time will tell, and time has been telling you right alongin our favor. We have now thousands of solid bargainr to scatter. Men's Overcoats, worth $12, A 505 |. Boy’ Gaize on our $4 Suits. A. R. SMITH, Brussels, Ontario, Owing to unfavorable accounts of Manitoba I have abandonel the idea of giving up business in Brussels. My many friends and Custom ers wish me to still continue business in Brussels. I have made uj my mind to stay right with you. A.R.SMITH, . ~~ a Brussels, Ont. +SUBSCRIBE+ nia THE ATMOOD BEE ~ONLY— PERTH COUNTY. eoroee er ne 15 Sogbies the ‘oe ibe patora Sawn /91 In Advance. Good, Live, Energetic CORRESPONDENTS WANTED EVERY WHERE. Tidy toa ih uns oo a we | Saar ng Se Sar cnories ‘Canes Deter yl be bold sb 7 das. that 10 Ste drone sme who he i ol ‘Te esting of the Stare folders of tbe Walinn Chose Bathe Mitacorog Ozspeny wilt held factory, oo Saterday, Jan: 1th, Hand in the Local and District happenings. Consider neater line, Blanbar ‘Yourself one of our Local Reporters. Recommend Tur Sepese ee capes | aie ee a, vey si, ian Zosie: | Bex to your Neighbors and Friends. crnry : Taman sights ieee nt aa ehaanrsptetenlaen mrHe Th B SES ntcanee : ih | quent ple ints fm os WH 0 = ee C Eo Sera le SS & Pe ‘rate poe nme ps Ncnretine op Banas diet Feeder, of Bentio, was in| P’irantford Coarier ‘Haron and irgnch Enea ona Sr seats IS GOMPLETE. Sa ee | ees ped £ il _ Sea BRIE CHASE |. mmuaqn aoa |New Presses. New Type. Gem Me Bm ga | ih tamara reat tee | tac ‘et ser ia nts pee te cee | ine owas Shee Mek | Meta ‘the Reoveabip on the ground that the | street. - i Se Saar | hoe mete, ta New Designs. Poole, clerk for Mr. Walker. apknow: | Pt = SN Ios ali ie fe We as: =e aoe mitareay pues, | BU ced few toe as Auction Sale Bills, EE eee ries Ome | aber ra eta tae : Bodeses Siegler, Me Renee, “If all, menied mee were es Circulars, Dodgers, Sochag AE ve | Sa te : . 5 poniaeed ‘eins i wold be ach enter te sve i sad Set oper eyo. Pal | Eni pig asi Sus ns Billheads, Letterheads, Seiad cs Talay 0 wit | The Qube re opened oo ee Saltire at ns te ‘eely | Porgy tins nek Tim te, Envelopes, Invitations, oe Bee > raga ne Shi ei | Hite Rare fren Gr bade = = ee eet | eerie ees oes And All Kinds of BST Eis‘ Fane ala in | Pee Teen rept tne aa soi ete | peo em te = Ps Card work turned. out = 1 danghters. — p Beas ° moter ot Neatly, Cheaply, and Expeditiously. Orders by. Mail vot Blassbard ; Mra. ‘Ballantyne, br Promptly Executed. ‘wile of the member of the Legialetare The flowing gmaiaeen, compen, the - Estate oad hac war uate | 92* rari r Bigs Water Merny Rein ae | BF ca Sean wg sae F Sats Sk, eae | eel oe ee Give Us a Trial. inert ee fae R. S. PELTON, ; ‘secle and father-in law of Thomas Dal. Weebter, 1. Wil: Seti ake ‘ae Picataes | Some Sethe = Be Green 3 | ot Bee Publishing House, ae aaah sedate | ear sca ir soridomea at fj ee treed 1 Het"k sekee| Saeeel papal pet ent me s Atwood, Ontario. Strand abcd fess yest Tic Sees | ten ; 2