: CURRENT TOPICS. em older leaders of the woman suf- frage movement hed to suffer many disappointments, but Ne _ ber of women than of men have voted. Last year in mania women tion, It is also SiegNsS appesst What they have aroused the n thew sense of their ei pies duty.” In the Danish co! colony of Iceland widows and spinsters who are hou: holders or who maintain a family or id boards and visitors and are eligible for election to all the offices for which they inland women have the and the _office-holding rights of men, including the right to it in parliament. Norway women who pay laxes on ly to the yalue of $7 in the eountri> and $110 in the cities were ad- the municipal franchise ‘n Taade ae fo serve in the counejls. Later the parila- ae franchise was granted to who pay taxes on an income of $84 in the country and. $115 in the cities, “Wives can vote on the husband's in- come, and even domestic servants will haye an income Jarge enough to entitle them to vote.” It is expected thal the ecncessions alres made will soon result in the abolition of the properly qualification and the admission o! men to the polls on the same terms with men. In Sweden bdacaea and single women and married wor pay taxes on their own pro} ew the sae franchise on sam term men, Some form of ey sareg is enjoyed in all the provinces ‘of Canada, and in Great Britain women have the right to participate in local elections, ally Boer eae but it does not fully indicate the progress of the movement, since Me Fea is being carried on with great vigor in the chief sen tries of the world and is making ¥ cruits rapidly. peed Sher Blectricity’s day is only dawning. Mr. inks that within the next ten ec developmeniéiss during the last fifty. Before long, he predicts, science will enable the farmer lo enrich his lands by means of nitrogen from the ‘air, He expects to sce at an early date. {he direct generation of electricity from ca) by a cheap process. Locomotives will then be thrown lo the sci heap, all trains will be run by electricity, 10 longer will coal be transported labori- ‘ously to cities, but there will be great of mines, from which electricity he sent out over the country by wire. ‘There will be no horses in the streets, no aaa no flies; wagons w! pelled electricity, houses pee Mates by electricity, fe it p that It can be used t driven by ‘They will cross the Atlantic in three days with electricity as their mo- tor power. At the present time nine- tenths of the power obtained from coal is lost by the use of boilers, wheels. and dynamos. With the direct gen- eration of the electric current, fore, the world will have ten times mere energy than now. a THE KING'S GRAPE VINE. Nis acre Interested in the Welfare Vine at it Windsor aq fulbaueh it has been bearing luscious uit for the Sovereigns oa England for y 150 years, the mberland Lodae, poling forth fi condition. at ie ‘present done for many years. ‘Windsor, S much as four or five pounds each, Marked. Improvement in the strength of the vine is probably due to the fact that a new glasshouse, giving] 1 more room and light, n erected it by the King’s sepetial dnsttuc- ‘The Daily Mail ery yesterday learnt many ate me anete compra it duty it is to Tea arenes “lor King a ward's lable. fany improvements have been ef- fected in the lighting and heating ar- branches of chains sya to leather loops jouse is ive yo house js 138 fect Yong and 25 feet w id contains about 4,800. square feet of gluss, Extra heating pipes now run through’ tho whole length of perature’ th of the vinery dey jut 900 bunches oH black F Hamburg grapes are now han, rom the roof, bul in one year, pene the eer os the A xy Me ran perpen red. fae oad es ‘siders ory ao ae et the number has since never excecded 1 6 vinery, which may be viewed source oe by sat interest on bige the royal schools where the oul} there tumbered the men at every polling i 9 | from “the neighboring vity ‘This isa statement of results actu- t bunches this year weigh E th fre- | m t visits fo the hollow petween the 5444444444 FHt +++ ttt+ py + § iberately Jae! not orous speech of the prosecuting at- torney to sie sranvene to that effect. Th e evidence, being briefly gummed Up, ran as fonows: Robert, or, as he w familiarly called, Bob. Sullivan, hed, while in a state of eS quar- relied with and Jost his la: st cent to Jack Wilder, a professional sh ereakwite ening the morning after nie gebation to worn in to get sirelch of the road with @ Knife sticking in his heart, Sullivan had been obliged that he had met his enemy “nes! this spol, and that they hod a stormy inter ‘maintained that they” parted without blows, as ‘Allder to restore his_ mor lille of eireunstantial evidenos wanting fo confirm the. appearance. of Sullivan's ey for the do- fo admit of “not guilt ‘The large, pompous man, severe an tocratic manner, busied and did not was, rea ved, a watering oh oy tradespeople and gree Her ere the keen fa a lawyer or ‘that of a stranger stood dut boldly from the sea of-honest vacuity which surroun it. e prisoner sat with his face buried in his hangs, which had los’ their former lan, and were pale and trembling. Near him was his Gite ugging a sickly baby to her breast, and showing in her wild eyes, twitehin, mouth, and | every line her meagre, stoopin e dead- ly terror which weld her A is pieh: even the baby had wailing and the entangled in a ppider's daw, was, the only sound that broke the ness, ine minutes passed, stil! the jury hed of impatience ten, twenty, and not come; began to be hea fa him and, whispering a few saw hind depict same door which had a lowed up the jurors. is way through several gloomy pas- sages into a large, light room, where the jury were assembled, and wi e in- quired of the foremen if they were yet ag words il 2 “No, we ain't!" gruffly responded that functionary. “There's ¢ ell stay with us till king- was sibly on eree itsel! taind wi free melied aati of the oountry. be deep Jus a at wi aisconcerted Hy the wrathful:rapatienes his associaes; but pushing at ee fint further back’ on his head, {ling himself more comfortably’ in is wwgoden cary he said, slowly — No, ‘ou ae r get me to ond over a mon to the gallows on such evidence as that, an’ qlee ain bo. ape: cussin’ ee it, for it won't i EO blam . but that’s Lie “aralled foolish- n broke in’ one of the group. “jJere’s all this evidence, that no man in his senses could doubt, a-going to preve that Bob Sullivan killed Jack wie, and here you sit like a bump on Jog and, won't listen 10 none of it "that's fust it," replied Conway. wi think that ev widence like that orter m; bub if you'd seen as much that sort of thing works as 1 have, you'd think disferent. 1 ain't much if Sone tell it—you'll’see why I hang a young fellow I've known nearly all his life for somethin’ that very likely 't do. SEE now how, when 1 wasn’t rsy-ale though. iat ise bis out like me io make his forbine. took te each other from the first, pretty soon we were mo than a good many of the real article I've seen since. a while Jim fo} me he, was to get married, an’ a few weeks Tater he brought home the retest thing you' y's ride. Sh lots that was alvays jum. her shoulders, an’ like a wild bid: see yellow hair " dow! nm over but it wasn’t long before 2 pone see te was a clear case of misfit all roun bi was lots of excuse Ce her; for, of , it was a bare life, cares ‘an’ pretly things, a have the money to ae ‘el though he worked early and late, and did his level jee make somethin’ see how | was wrong, for he liked the fellow first- body was gone, he ge promise Bie felsity and absurdity of iis ellent’s po t judge, a having mere the jury in his most} ™m a - |me IN die that way, so I'll gi a eect a ree secre the ahi saw mye he hadn't eyes for nothin’ else, an’ she bein’ a woman was might- ony aS a city man would set such noe by “He mst so pleasant an’ so eae at None tha’ begged him to stay all night, un ‘long about Re o’olock ded e een for a minute na t anythi: rate, an’ wouldn’t no more have Teva ot foube may than he would the Lord that “one. ee he came in late, tired on und his wife—his wife that he loved—had left hin Y goné away with the eae Tine he tho! th wae his friend! He wil while. It seemed to him Tike ie thing se black around him, an’ “nero spin ches of bloed before his eves, ee wuld hear voices that “kept ey ughin’ at ‘im an’ callin’ him a’ fool, ’ the only cone he held fast to was he must follow ‘em to the world’s ena an’ kill the fan et had took away ali he had. So ‘em, here now there, bu it ine always dou- bled on a till at last, see ie money e lost ‘em alto; “Then he come to ware a ce an’ aut e a that one day jould give him his revenge. He TIO ey_al years afterward, when he w ettin’ on in life, his time He was ridin’ along, not thinkin’ anythin’ in particular, when he ere, omnia’ They nee each other ir eyes met, an’ the’ fellow got white us chalk an’ pulled his horse clean back on his haunches, tryin’ to turn ‘raid tan’ your fiendish heart out! Sad a fellow glared back at a Ue ES a trap, and eat i now Niwas weshe's dead: she was took iit when fo New York, an’ 1 left her, an’ she aie | in a weel “4 orter kill you like a snake, always lived square, an’ the but I've ord a helpin’ even chance. Get out ence kn an’ remember that oné of us has , an’ they went nly. match y. part of the story 1 want you all {o take for, a warnin so quick to find any man thal palars, youd: nal thin’ but circumstantial evi- found one who hi gle to kill ane couldn't prove no. alibi. him, an’ the first Jim. pee summonsed on the him. Jim had ae done it. “He didn't see that it was any sa ne betwee in cen ohent be Was aumninoneel jidn’t have any notion b soner pan be cleared when 1 things some, an’ he mad mind not to say nothin’ if he help it. “But sie hed could he got there evi went - ead against the ‘prison if he hadn't knowed he'd done the ili himself, hed have thought sure he was * dazed al last, an’ he man that he knowed was inno- Then he come to his senses ani i ‘em, an’ when they aske he told ‘em the story hong t cen ou. stopped and gazed teadily. into, the eyes ‘of his gathered around him til! they im on every s ae tints die hey. dorset asked the ec at last. don’ ” he ans swered, slowly. #1, ain't deci ed’ yeh, for Jack’ Wilder was he man that run off with Milly, an” jl was me “that killed him. 2 SENTENCE SERMONS. 1 Pain is iis Bae mt of Self-co1 is the child of seltdecdh, Mav rah ine aves No marks on tin The proof of love is loving the un- lov ‘Truth never is found by twisting the facts Wer impart Wings “come not fo those who refuse to walk. An ideal usually is what we want the other man to be. here is no some self-respect You cannot Tt men to the divine by wling in the du i 3 ss no knowledge unlil we righleousness without he no time to wrile es. ue piel; HRS SrORReAy of the Satorait things in a man. ‘The best way to say “don’t” to a child is 46 nite him something to do. business. with religion} * anti a have some religion in you yaa man who would trie a first- clans Tights . wasling his life try- to be a foghorn. sen a man ‘inks of nothing but his d {gilures he will have nothing aes ie 6 think 0 ils of le who {alk ¢f their li as blue are conty ets blind; they ‘clver are green or Many a man is waibiig for an inspira- eS es great vine is situated, sci sig would find success aianee if © not afraid of a little perspira- ee a orked | it. audience, | ¢ Gia eheponiees About the House: +t tte, ‘TOOTHSOME DISHES. Peanut Bulag 1] roasted pea- eh till you have one teacupful. Lay elise an and yolks of two with a pinch oh salt, Feces Rea a Arete Su P| Add this mites es pie thickened milk after it is slight- uttered Be uddin g ie twenty or thirly minute: whites of two eggs stiffly, adding tablespoons sugar 4 the sifled Paes Spread over Pusat a sprinkle on the twelv nely fia Brown deli- eat Ber apa 2 Soc verre, ict Paspbesis a pint, and one and on ake of flour, ene fenepotntul ee Ants one Polcaante aspoontuls ing powdei and one pint st milk. Sift wate flour, sugar, fate and baking powder, © ix into a batter. as $00) Avartes berries, tore on each side to complete the hak- ng Elaborate Dutch Salad.—Wash, split, bone a dozen anchovies and roll likewise, and one ‘cucum! always in into dice, beet roots, Pi Id potatoes least mes as much pota- some hard olled eggs, minced separ. da dozen stoned oliv . the ingredients well together, ions ing the olives and anchovies 0" orna- ‘ment the top of the bo SD th reine ‘oil and tarragon vinegar with White pepper and French mustard to pes ur this oy lad and “To Serve Cottage Cheese.—Lay tuce leaf-on a plate, In the eats hard holled eg penn sof crough to bold the form at 8 teaspoon. With the teaspoon lay 1 white petals around the yellow eater This forms a dainty daisy 4 Sheesectoth, All harmless, and afler 4 little practice one s quite expert and can have many dainty elfec h Beans in Winter r, mm dhe winler are easily obtains! Alter cleaning fresh beans | yellow) in the usual way, halt a ‘THINGS WORTH KNOWING. Prevent Spatiering—Have per- ral ad covers for the frying pan, os e grease Wi i ot spatter on the stove. low the steam to escape, food from be perforated pan ae heles in’ it with a nail or ice pick and sy Way to Clean Pans.—If a gra- nite or el a pan is burned, don't scrape it, vering the blackened te vith, concentrated lye and “dani: with water, lel it ver the scorches * off, jeaving the pan like new and without the ugly seratches that @ ‘knife makes, nick Way stove a ve eg ng sig fo 25 Tomatoes.—Have Ahi | three-fourths full of boiling water. “Put the tomatoes in wire basket; immerse them in the toiling water nd let them remain three cee vin e out and will skin quickly and easily, and 1 the to- Thales “whole To Enlarge’ Holes: of Salt, Shaker.— When the holes of a salt shaker are Yoo small take a sharp pointed Me and This ean be done quiic to Your Homa ahonld keep ore sen i a good supply of tin cans or: aa s jal wih tight covers, and labe ‘AS your gifoceries ate ait empty each atlicle into. its can. In this way everything is free from dus! retains its “flavor, ‘and to oe cupbo: ern, and cornmeal 2 vept in sin boxes, as fie things aes ‘mice. allowing papers to a mulate ay our se aAelaey nt and attic, Ase words, do uild a heme for mic ave Wish Potatoes with Whisk Broom. Ful the potatoes in a n-over with water a whish ved. large pan, cov and brash them Lroom. All dirt then quickly with will be veny Se First put t cr the a much as n Stir it-until Ate Base ring ibis way aste 80 “Make Cover for Irons.—Haye the tin- take a piece ‘igh and twenty inches ‘with asbestos. he coffee will not curdle or ut are cut right ‘etwo. seca and irons ¢an be on same urner. tus Won't Seold—Wwhen you peas or beans and they hap- stri Gee, and in quantity according to taste, 4) the ‘and surgeons nothing have to » do this most * | conseq Fresh beuns |! ‘add vi 85. Andrew vast but London's ted by ple” that re lines, In is. it are only to boast MS son! —m DISTINGU An. so ante e : a fac! for ne th | commended. b: butes to t can receiv ‘een anit ent is fo peop! ye alpend the rich LG ah “not haps $2,00 a London oie ae S52 i certain wa donsion lows the tients lor ho: spit ernor to meetings, two days at Londo) ‘on the fir: generausly help the s 000 in this m ing tributio what { pital fun fund: that 1.000. <f this: fu 53 his fu ad ten ine “tbpoea i ae ue hl of sheetiron four inches } pri ince pales) e family of We} ish butas the by will, pen to burn, as they the biggest the mos n}temarkable of their kind ‘in the world. stitutions would hav Ii is owing e latter are opera ist Re vegaraed praction wo quences. “| peverty is beyond ausstion find ready ond immediate acces As a general rule ondon ho some ‘such INDU! order to allan lists which entitle cot. donor to name three or (eae ital deen contribu! ciudes the privile ge of being a tile pov four out-patients r hing tow da. Pa itions of their AIDED BY Panted bospiass, d the ¢ known a8 King ‘TEdwand's fei is ee this teac ajeslia en more, often do. just Saturday—Potatoes bo their jackets. rio Sy ae LONDON PUBLIC MUST CONTRIBUTE 000,000 EVERY YEAR. Century Old Hospitals Conducted on a Plan Strange to Foreign Observers. Carnegie’s recent gift of needy snattntians, which are and perhaps hospitals are entirely “sup- voluntary contributions,” and lo to the fact that “the peo- the great London: hospitals as rather astonishin; the first place no one bul a nahered to rigidly, but exceptions to comparatively rare. after. and are made elaborate explanations, ‘The garded us they” among their sven ve of the grealest rac al and surgical—in The wore: ISHED Peace S eee man, woman, can “Tondn hospital, nd ibe at- ing’s own, phystcians— s Barlow, Sir Frederick nd others—absolutely free <f Operations which in_privata ould) Anvolve' nds < are cae “th hat be safeguarded. In order wospitals have ne. system of, requiring letters who secks any treat- 2 ava eran course, those whose ft the and their Trealment costs o- © who contri- he hos sital funds before they ve treatment of every mspic spilal is po: 10 P treat ted a 001 mig Tet Taok te r the “poor only." ple who ean afford to pay to Jed privately, Naturally if n regulation were not ee would flock 10 the hospitals fo ee ae ould not object London shospital, being cS 2 oii private 00 or more could be hospital for nothing. TS TO DONORS. encourage the general {ale an interest in the hosp are_ mentioned give For instant, on 5,000 to a London ho Seen tile ented 4 named alles, htm: white a “ot $5,000 entitles one to em en paymen SHOE. cost him pe done in c privilages, =e) ou for treatment at the particu- fa which the money ee The sum of $150 i a to attend. annual ind. fo'vreoommend tepals and one in-patient a elaborate system of donation hospitals are kept going are s nis aiipphse ed ards the care of the e Hospital turday. All st named da; colle 1 on Hospital Sa de in the s sick. Sunday ee the chure! give the ialor the hos- turday cal: “bulfering Poors “Upwards. at nas been collected i lanner. ROYAL FUND. income to ni which also plu nlary con- uy id for ndon, ial Last oe the nd avas &: funds a by ago, most ere denbex Le lbe rf contribute: ng to en daw to the ite prin- neice Of royal subsérib- s Edward giv lexand?a, S125; the p ineess Victoria, en hi: Molat 105 ome nd was year King Ed- and is one of his able. hobl Royal fn Zs Princess" <f Prince The total Prince ach give England draws from the abo $2,500, 000, pte and the Prince of Wales sonal service to hos; Recently Mrs. Lewis-Hill, wife in one year] © ism and pover! tentment, me In. GREAT PALAGES OF PAIN ee edged |i B <oUy self rabmegating not to alloy, ‘nis ne sti ala L on what | €!lY- {that the public does not wear; ta oe eek er Be) fai MI Ba ia tei fe an on Lo $l. wa tr have overmuch confidence in| — “ we ex pr thei strut ire mi on su) de he tu an ho an na by Hi feet et $100, a fhe eS Rateorig ti Col has Gene charitable city on e “voluntary contributions” of the sibgie check. rms almos' ts the oldest hos place going 3 require vnothse ob Lendbds gras Guy. $5 anually ireats every year 5 ment they afford, Fr varied ee kind resent da: that of any other nation befor oa ‘our own times, the febri- too ene “the arid has ever seen, ant refined oratory, .. mistres eee level tori means. of utilizing the ‘mighty ‘forces eee in need ccep! great gift of salvation. throw ed. vane for sa bi the famous Londen pawnbroker, died a left $1, to the fund; ‘2 a et Hae dd Rie Beh fey esau adver: gilt- st mentioned. ontribution of foo,t00" omg ed ait the Ssdminiearation of dering ‘the extraordinary man- 4 in which these ‘aised, uite a mi i ions yale It be able to keep going Living as the naspitats do on the ot not surprising to see ildin gs fe arly hich ae. ‘Practically ngth of time. not come nfo. individual £5 y manages to open’ up he to found wl uch neede GIANT ees OF PAIN.” It is diMcult for the reader to con. the ext London hor riholomew’s hospital, for instance, small village itself. ve of Going back more considel MW. in ee omnes are a town, number of cases treated a year is ns for the sick, known the world er, is “Guy's.” the great hospital the poor, founded in 1 “the The upkeep of Guy's of and. the nospilal bi ree 15,000 a2 000 at "The London cepital ‘in Whitechapel ’ patient id about 15,000. in patients, inary income is $350,000 a year. To p Guy's, Be ticlontew'a; and the ndon hospital alone going requires 190.000 n yepr, and a the King Ba <d fund only ‘supplies $554.77 buted among al Lon will be seen that the hospitals de- snd entire be. ests left by private indivi estimated that an annual 5,000,000 to p them going a ),000 receive the penelit of the treat- —_* ‘THE PASSING OF EMPIRES. ya Bank, rom time to time, in the long and of the world, epochs have nd gone W riod, more find first in order the Egy ently the pioneers of civilization, ‘who elled ull other races down even to the y» in the massive grande and B88 ir buildings, temples fe Jews, clure Greece, whose statuary by far excelled ico re or since, rfect architec- dt the most tly nie: whose the hasis of the laws Ar archy and. vi ¢ the place of con- Taweand ete And Abe ensued « long, murky per- k ages when a missma of ‘ul © cea up by’ a egattion sifted Z mued science as nesy, and svoulld even ne horrors of the rack the yidimentary elements at Ani continited, pen aad iiterocy bee ve ay pie cunlia'y,-on, the allow knowledge, crnauleg demoralization uuntil-at length by: s "9 light and pr 5 darken rizon. ever. gaining Wgmented v a justre, until, with the glorious Vic n age, knowledge, cepectally of An cd aes as nd a ‘a few decades the subjuga- @ forces, and ine area to to our fire, feeds wwrotght for us ras: is from this fact that Lan the great institu- | P 1 enough fo Who or 14 ya may within the more mal inst visit shoul scenes at ver’ a c } letter of thanks, te intend of isle. Anat across the A the bride's which clerk, org man, and tio among. 0 cluded the auels, and m and u: wey ah Wi issued by ind Mrs. with M St Paul's afterwards a’ In the ¢ be wo Das! Jones’ the bride tations to to maids, Ss the will Lat lew “s Ue rh ‘ erneenber longed. ho ‘That can it Built it Build i hiss don’ is San all ae and stay Sitio any doubi ertain lasting Inheritance, in his own pt now to move at a quit er rate, seems a smal. eo he ie to his in these ti alliwen much carriage in ‘wfc fee man varies from $2, aw, to $25, the average being $5. Ali such doles ai jer the eerenany by the best man, RE seem to cause some perple: should run as follow oe tae pitts if pleasure ae tiaeiage ae Biniv, on Tuesday, the 2 i ‘act te ‘brides The aN naan should oe % be costumes, a retinue: of abet’ ould be enol e maids W ites wit lays or drawbacks and aaeehs! veveey alts os fa wimay. et a ast! th} “Actions pucet louder quoted the “Yes,” mat the demoralizer, Changes Creep In Which Mark a Depar ture From Traditions) of ao ; ~ the. 4 ed space of a short three Several sean can be given for these al s] chieftest of all, trousseaux are the ge ig ae Adit a his cher aheuld he and this ie shoul aia with the LEAST POSSIBLE DELAY. In lances when pe two families — ere not known to ther, | uld be raubrial with marl promptitude. an Sane souks ba chaperone aj balls, races, and other places Hy of public amusement resent t arrives, entails a nO le is mére often written. by like everything else, 2 Iew of evolution, following, the bi ee custom: that nls t Bi S FoR Le parent the carriage the conveys the ride aa her fat! s brid frem the church, and also that in mich choristers, and clergy- floral decora- anist, A fee to ths re paid either before or should bride's and bridesta: presents aod gilts to best man, by ms wd bea teehee af the ‘bride Dane. the, entire cost onthe wedding receplior Be INVITATIONS When the parents of the, Wide. they “Me, and Mrs. tr. r Hay's company at the Ate con giles Detaty, + at chureh, at two o'clock, and oy ee ase of a Sepriower it should ed thus: “ rs. Joh Jones request. the eeu ot Mr. and h's company at the rmarriago of daughter Joan, he other hand’ the beige fs bas no bere alive, the ne i wi ould be issued in the father’s name cht return. ie the eubjecl of brides- brid ne of < or eousins of the bridegroom ener as a sea com- e family of tor. >) itd s is uch the same dresses of Ih a “hile tule: veil and s much 7-9 = Trecome things wee’ ‘Kk ¢ this atten over-rated solitude thal 0 id Ouida’s cle “A Rainy her oe neymoon ? ee CHARAC We aré building every day'in a good or evi And the structure tt il way aie graws will our imost self SC, an and line all our ings shine, grand oF a wreak a k ‘vba buliding is that can noth, pain and po both dark ant Tair? Las s-name is Charact Build it well wht He you Build it straight an: a sito Hh eis high and clean a it for the eye of —- + ——- ACTIONS VS., WORDS. than -words,”, “ih 4 speak so often by 8 who! 4 No jimall J8 more, blind than he Sie ces tho world bud aster: oa cart Mhought ~