BeaverToo (Oakville), 9 Aug 2024, p. 1

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| Ye = . 4 MONKTON, ONT., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1907. Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher Millinery Opening Friday and Saturday Oct. 4th and 5th. We have spared“neither time nor expense to make this showing compare with any of the larger places. Space does not permit a description of all the beautiful hats we are show- ing for autumn wear. You are cordially invited to come and see the goods for yourself. Our quality and prices speak for themselves. You can- not afford to mis this opening, if you are thinking of getting a fall hat. Miss Ross, milliner, is in charge and will be pleset to show you the kats whether you buy or not. NEW FALL GOODS After a busy week's buying in the wholesale and unpack- ing New Fall Goods, we are now ready with a well assorted stock for a big fall trade. We are right to the front with Ladies’ Fall and Winter Coats A big range ready for your inspection. We Call in and see them. are sole agents for the Ideal Skirt Supporter. It is not what you pay, but what you get that is the best of values. Bring us your produce, we pay the highest market prices. Weber & Bettger Monkton’s : Popular : Store}: J. E. ERSKINE: GENERAL MERCHANT The time has now arrived to prepare for the cold weather and we are ready for it with a full line of Underwear, Sweaters, Blanke Nox, lite. Ladies’ Hygeian Vests While in the city we purchased a job line of these. * 800. Special value at... Gents’ Furnishings Our gents’ furnishing department is complete. New Shirts, Ties, Collars, Hats, Braces, Hie, ' Gents’ Gravenette Raineoats at $9 Other Raincoats from $2.75 up New Crockery See our line of Table Sets at. Toilet Sets at.. Granby Rubbers We handle nothing but the Granby, which always holds the trade. i] Highest Prices Paid for Produce We are agents for the Celebrated Kmas Globe. ' Order now and be sure of a copy. Price 50 cents. Oppose Sovereign Bank | J. H. ERSKINE DR. A. F. McKENZIE Physician and Surgeon Office hours: So far as possible, from 1 to 3p, m, and in evenings. R. J, SHINE, Veterinary Surgeon, Monkton, Ont. Honor ‘Graduate, Ontario Veter- inary College, ae all diseases of Horse denti ene a eabecal it: Calls by telephone or otherwise promptly attended to. Office at residence. A. CHALMERS MONKTON, ONT. Notary Public, Conveyancer, Issuer of ses, J. P. for the County DR. R. LEDERMAN DENTIST Dental Surgery and of Dental ate of Licenti: m, an m, Ottice above he Sor. ereign pani Milverton, The Monkton Times BP EVERY PRIDAY MORNING ar. HED Monkton, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION RATES 50 cents ; Shhh hhh hhh by LOCAL NEWS REEEEEEEEE EER It is estimated that Huron’s apple crop will rin 300,000 bar (Phe Misses Irwin were “At “Home” to a few friends on Monday evening. and Mrs. John Gerth sonia with Mr, Chas. Wolfe, Logan. spent of Mrs. Wm. this sae to join her husband Hillsbur nry Cleaver and daughter, of "eit spent Monday with Mus. John Gerth. Mr. Mrs. John Ullner Bunasy at Ata Wace es of Diebold, Mrs. Wm. Bettger is spending a ew weeks with ace Peper, Mrs. Ea Reitzel, of Ber! G.and Millinery Ses ngs at Monk- sata Sonia pie: pe and Sat- and 5th spent Mr. F. Mrs, Weir and son, James, spent Tuesday in Seaforth iting the sis- ter of the former, Mrs. Roany. Jas, Erskine and daughter, Edythe, and Mrs. B, Robertson spent Sunday with fiends in Atwood, Miss Lizzie Broughton and Gussi Tewin’ ave: thi wesk attending the Epworth Leag ntion at Lis- el. Miss Minnie is at present mother, Mrs. Henry 17th concession. Manton, of Chicago, visiting her grand- Manton, of the A considerable quanti been pressed in this. y shiped to the S00. da y of hay has icinity and Three loads were ay. nt out on Tue: Two of the employees of the Monk- $1.00 ; six months, cents ir otions not so paid, $ CONTRACT ADVERTISING | ight cents per line fo: insertion and four cents per line foreach subseanent insertion will be charged for all tr advertisemes | Adverti tions will charged a ments without rec- til forbidden and | | ALCOLM. ae TH, ‘| Publisher and Proprietor || . Wm. Bannerman took a busi- ness trip to Hai milton last week. Pallerton is impr ving enting his cella Peter Healey, of ee Sunday under the pare Mr. and Mr G. Uliot, of St. Mi spent last week at the home of M ce Sateraan, Bains from’ near Mr. Mitchell spent home nern of Mr, A sday at the ne . Dallin eye ps fun- al his cousin, Mr. ompson, of Seaforth, Mond. Mrs hos, Scott has secured a jot in P, R. round house, Toronto, and muna leaving for there short Rev. Mr. Penhall and family are | day or two this week with ina Craig ofoeords | is re ported: that section men re the v: vethe teach ets a to be a ue one, | Alex. Bie i Mavebt} tewart and Miss Ade- a8 nded the funera 1 Mr. line St of their ioe: at Mitchell on soa dee la will be Children’ omer ehurslies Mie ohldeen of the Sunday Schools of Monkton, the 16th west and St. Paul’s will take part, Mr. R. B. Sund: Hamilton, of Linwood, ‘onducted the icesof the Metho- dist chureh on Sunda ilton’s efforts are always apr by Monkton friends. Hog. Glee. By :Grahiim, - the new Minister of Railways and Canal vie Hon. Wm. aye y, the new Mine ister of Publ lentil d by Reclaiaetiod in Brockville and St, Johns on Wednesday Pas With nearly 159 acres lands per head of population Tannda| sisi Canada, with a litle over 9 acres per apita, Sweden with about the same, the United States wat seven acres, | h6, and Russia with about i acres, ‘An Estevan policeman sw a little boy os the street and told hi him he must, go home or be pat " ful. ‘All right” said ¢ go to jail.” “But why done oe go Shae asked the officer. “I don’t want to,” re- plied the boy. “Dad’s at 1 ‘one to uchre party, Bud’s ow walking with his girl, and sis is at the theatre with her beau. ‘They left me and the dog at home, I'll |Davis with hint 3 a Logan man | [ha t | Slate Ba antiel Bake: ae ton hotel were Ree gee to Mitchell on Friday lst charg P.M. Cue merchants of snes are a carload of arrive rly next Tene iy should gbatiec than tecauge annie light on the subject. Mus rigk, work on: Knox shu nox f completed and ‘will likely ne finished in the course of he next two weeks if the weather continues favorable J, D, Fergusson occupied the pulpit of the Granton Presbyieri: Shureh’ on Sunday awhile Rey. brey spnduated anniversary — ser- {vices in St. Paul’s church, Logan. Mrs Boe who has been visii- ie f jher home in Siidcyastascnnpa ied by |who will spend a few days in Classic City. recently ) at MeN rich. A meeting of ae members of Court Rosewood, N er Mo! ‘called ee Saturday has Sept. th to org: Roe soviety for the winter, A large ndanec is requested, J. T. Gill, ue. S. Mines ovently sold to Mr “*Aikkenbrae” colt sealtits, nsgodd one antl worth the money. Mr. Mines rable in horse desl ing: and. gone" tineiantinals bave pa ed through his hands, Mr, John Gerth, our enterprising harness maker, has always shown considerable enterprise in business adopting the most up-to-date move has been methods. His latest to instal a sewing machine capable of sewing the heaviest tug or the ee strap and the work done by jit e superior to hand work My Gerth swilisniow: be" able: to keep {up to orders, @he Weekly Sun. pays especial at- this ince during the months of Se ptember and October at all e- is mado abundant a aire on shine were aM ncaa r, ‘But af- ter the end of December indications point to the probability of re running below demand, A physician was recently called to his telephone by a colored woman formerly in the service of his wife. In great agitation the darkey advi: ed ins physician that her youngest was in a bad . ‘hat seems $00 be te trouble as e done. swallowed idle ott ‘of i Tl eh MEP EEKEE Mig nORANe: Deve wou dons anything for kert™ “I dono gib ree pieces o’ blottin’ paper, Lor said the negress doubtful: Goderich: where people with c . Duncan and ‘family leave Mi. H. Bettger spent Sunday with friends at Willow Grove geen MCAD Geiger eanoote Hamburg, are visiting ai Mr. Gi cen Weber's. Do not ful to attend: the Mil'inery openings of Weber & Bettae Mr. aoe MeNanzht has returned be Bene ae nants a week ends in this looalit: to oe mucl ah man is liable not_ you didn’t hab much of either.” As high as $18 per 2,000 Ibs. is now being Bexediter bay 61 ne mar- ket, a price which this season of the year is the highest price paid, in many years, and indicate lerilae pela hehe ghathereror is reaped.—Guelph Mercury PP. Norte 6 mesting of the liber members of the Ontario Legisla- ture held at Toronto on Friday was appointed Jeader of the Opppsi- Mr. <ay accepted pending thes tification of the riding associa tions. Me Listowel Cheose Board at their last esti. passed tending their coagr. tatulations ieeathe Misses Morrison of the Newry cheese faciory for winning the Silver Tank- ard ‘rophy given by th ational Exhibition, the thus bee ‘oming Agents wanted at once. The Thos. Ww. ae wiman Son Co , Ridge nt. Mr. and Mrs. “prt. Reid, of Gote- ich, while on honeymoon “trip were killed in a hes by a G. train while crossing Waterloo near Hespeler on Friday. The crossing is a very dangeruous until them. whistle did not b almost upon that the rain was Lord Russell, a famous jurist once went to Scotland to help the Libe - als in a campaign. gan his apeech with a few sentences bad Scoich, and then fe ontenied caused by the blun r was applause, a young man he ha Mae he listening to y. friend leaned Russell, for big- inelays” was in the last seventeen aye carried on their Ontario cmethig time until the late e accider Caledon: Mountai never had a single passenger killed nm a passenger train. This is a re- cord whieh fev aan) in the world can show, and is lattering to the Cc. P. R. even ment. Acci- dents in, that time on the division have ed by fhe: soore, but the dilige by the officals, the apo roadbed, c pridges, and substantially bui until the ate accident prevented "any. pagsen- ger being killed Mr. Wm. Coston, uitenen, has been every -wptortunsts during his life! omias ad ES legs brok ena number of besides iajus- ing soe lt oes Frid fou had ache: hai being killed. ie John Gaftn Creek, to abutments, quantity h me W or cement when a large both mi waists. e lox th aud roll- d against their sexes plsehic them fast. There four other k- men on ths job, and it took them fi teen minutes to dig Coston and Gaft- . Although neit one of ad any bones bi ‘oken, there lepa were very be some ay poeta badly bruised, and will hi sbla-tp xetupsito bee will bs The three Lancaster jaro William and. Wal who pleaded guilty of x Wiarton the ‘Central p sizes last we con! the Wal ecto When all the fists mu a thought to the seriolisness of the rdventure into a performance serve a t CM Bid id fe ch sentenced in re Tt that three men among thir eauially guilty, sho ald iM se d Pp One of the popolar society women announced a | “elephant party” Every guest al to bring something ae could not find any use for, still too good to throw ara’ party wend have been A Game Warden out [West walking pbrost the other diy ahen he met a hunter with a gun. ‘he |ottiver suggested that it arent to re good country for hunting. * nly is,” said the aie Bae ly. I killed one of the fines! s yes- Bair anche Seatac I do you Bao who you ari tof” Bei sured Chae he did not, thé efticer paid Chief aoe Warden | on this section,” The iy taken back for Sut taling tof” ‘Phe warden .did not Know. “Well, sir,” said the hu apEareitiy much relieved, "you're igges Oe ont rrhen it liar In epee Ont setion™ Pane. z “And do you enon is you ite ne ness education, inter this success but for the unlooked Tort egatoecne which broke it up. |Eleven of , the > nineteen women brought their husbands. It is well that young men should \begin at the beginning and the mos: subordinate positions. Many h -|of the leading business men of the i gant had a seriou: |troduced to the | first hours of their Pustanae |sweeping out the 3 {janitors ae Moultresses. now in ces, and our young men thfortunate iy miss that salutary brai But, it it by chance he Seeotoaaioe) janitor is absent any mises jing, the boy who has the genius of the future partner in him will not he sitate to try his hand at the broom. Avdrew, Carnegie, lives ha ve | raiher rude manner. out and mad» to suffer for the w te avin Mrs. Thom- ith retell Une the same not guiliy, as she o wie the sentence sho. tened: as who was charged w Se aS “Ybert Gilb pert was found, tee V right to | to Begs ss A Word of Warning To, the Bitor of the Times,— desite. to crave your e@}a very SRE \gentlemanly remarks and acting in These often- axe Teequentiycopimlety ne hop> that a hint be sufficient to those concerne Thanking you for your space main Yours truly CITIZEN, ; ean ear aes Subscribe for (Fhe Times, / ete. da the neta ; i were each sentenced to 5 |inavigence “whilst I tresspas3_short-|3 ith BRODHAGEN gan has chosen Rev, Theodore Huegh, of Port Colborne, as/suceessor to Rev. H. C. Laudsky. Mrs. Jas. Elliott and children yis- ited friends in Monkton for a couple f days this rene Absurdity of Party ¢ System, 1 n Smith ‘The laborious efforts of the leader of Opposition to construct a platform is party onee more reveal the fundamental absurdity of the party system. Why go about to construct an artificial antagonism of principles when no natural antagonism pres Place of partyl—the defenders. of the ysten ask. @he simple answer et each constiuenye est the representative whom it trus most, and let every member of Par liament vote upon each question as hinks right. Let Parliament ‘cleat the executive, a8, pra ly joes now Copan ouatyeliueas tant urel:; arse, | hat this strug- gling alas acd ughi, of Toronto, fen wught, of Goderich, Ss with their par ‘of fPoronto, w » his bro- id tricnds: tn: thig Leinit MeNs ey) pending a few nd other se MeNauzht and ates Ethe] McNaught left on Monda Eo sastend te wedding -of: thelr: Bro Mr sell MeNaughi, of Fort Huron, rte ane Thi ean shovel has rethrac’. to Navghv's Hil also “iittle Tt Weachiciare tte - Ha BORNHOLM Mr. Chas. ation with Mr, John Walsh, chell, as salesman of of Mit- pianos, organs, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hicks ” spent in Palmerston yisiting their antiger SH other friends. Mr. and Mra. Chas. Newell SPiN at their re vise home here for a few Miss Fern Szoins is ating under ntal t pr Mr. Adam Behneide our ing wail man has re of coal and will now have abunS bundance of fuel with hae to run h has i enterpri purchased a his. chopper. He enily put ft: intivat’ kiss Rapes tom thie his coming fall and winte fr. John (Victor Ac aie to Re- eturned. party took Miss G prise on Friday evening of 1a An exceedingly good tim? was spent by all preseni Th follgwing Mrs. (Dr.) Parker at the | of the “Wouten’s Tastltyt considered so good that Mr: requested to allow published. The subject t for disoussio. this ternoon, Why should we hibit at the fair?” ie: ono that admits ° y little discussion as I am of he opinion that no one will aay ihe general good that 1 dane te: the em m) ‘om year by these i to "the question then, y e exhibit at the fair! I would reply, because it is an edu- ational institution, It is an ey itution which. by i ob- good to the oonl- 1 munity the ex fraid is too oft ted these fairs that ducts of the den, orchard, tnctory my criticism by, judges and spectators Trt aay the public are perm ted to se and compare the very b» that is “pe oduce sar to date in all the productive callings of life. In this cannot help y ana tha ped tite ing the past or am increased stig gather | “information whi ich in Iife th rangre wert nd qdd io it have discovered the g ehouse of things’ considered, perhaps the /mos' as This is the secret of \their this is really what pur aniual fairs are doing. best products, ie y being an exhibitor. gan active interest in the we are not only ‘laserving rai aay institutions in the community. . Moring and family, of Mit= is more Tenner one has only to take up an organ of either} party to Kno Carmunnoek Wi m. Brown, | spent h ane ds in this ‘vicinity: di Doerr has taken a situ- Jow mot Py encouraging, these fairs Be Miss Ba: bara Grosch is. at present ene ae suyiday ae ae Hy. INS eee Berlin. 2 ere ‘The Lutheran gongregation at Lo-| | P° ead ceieae By ae abe, Eis Laura vt home in Lin The eer day bet last week. in Waite Biggie friends in The ni s as we go anne free 10 ¥ angelical Mrs. J. ait lin nesday. on Tuesd h has a deli three oe Nigh*, Pair with Sut en plen of also act { the Drayt Hone Men Miss El stoned Rev A specia P7th tay ren day. M ant home in ¢ Hear pease songs, will be ge: held in ve: Plan of Miss Ma: in Milv Rev. 4 to this ua 8 of |W Iter Manners years and L. Bis suit ay in kd Ho 8. nee red creditor want all at once. and raisi per cent. abe Bs Ay his employ, cost: Mr. a few say in ee and Berita, toe Bare, iene Sunday with frends John Pfeffer and Mrs. E. J. fe 8| of aoe previous Hr. and Mrs. Win. Hartmier spent oshia Aiken, of ‘Trowbridge. The Grand Stand on the Fair ground bax been tues Rey. H. hop> oveupied ic wedding at Gowanstown on Wed- Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Finkbeiner rete 0 » Miss Crawford the lyric sopranoist, Sept. 2 Mr. Loui for Morefield Ethel ieiopse is rapidly de Kinear 1 M Lisbon to attend the funer- fat hives ‘Wester ‘ord to Milverton Frida: and Mrs. Harry Bennett on Fair AUghe olan and funny atatise The re cine eels been engagi 0 Mil may be seen at post is spendin; erton te Raters of Knox college ae suis Wise of Soi aa The race track better con d on the < ‘denote Webster's hit. de: mbar of orders liv his 5 We hereby, desire to state to ovr Sy esta Lame all asck da 30 days. We 0 hi 5 the call but we find it absolutely necs ~ essary to A Mornington farmer’ on_- Monday: ¢ y MILVERTON. eats spate Sunday ae Talo of pris and Tues the approach of fall. rs, Geo. Wilhelm spent Finkbeiner and daug! spent n Baden ‘umber of entries for the fair to press is quite up tothat week with ‘ith Mr. and Mrs. cyerhauled and is iy Dierlamm, of North East- e pulpit of the Ev= ehureh on Sunday evening. Hamil G fon and daughter ended the Weber-MeLaugh~ ary for Gowanstown wedding of his Recehopnd ihtful voice of great aves, and sweetness. range, Fair ll be fifteen numbers on Night concert programme neo e*, This should afford u ertainme mit is Tfoffer left on Muesday ield on business, he will n the eapacity of Judge at on fair on Wednesdi MeNaught, the young ng to the a delineater et Lgieratens on, Fair Night, Sept. 27th. la Smith left on Tuesday ‘dine wher 1 yer leaves tis ay, Sty agner, late pastor of at Listowel. d by Mr. g-4 Spence assistes 1 Ras Meat res from Strat< m. and returning leaving Milverton at ¢ p. John R. Yost and moved to Toronto on Tues« Yost was a good citizen h him success in his new he Queen City. x of etn hb him funy cos and music. nik full of fune mes, funny mon- P, R. staff of evans Be Blyth wi honest ve ed for sometim: perma he bicaes front Linwood n complete: has purchased a it. a ene family there on Wednesday r. Ross ee here era, regretted as he was ry high esteem as a citizen. hall for Fair Night concert ce Engh in pale _Xalnnith, _ Clee, ee i at her us reste is at Toron< tending the post grad-+ Night concert, Sepi. itu holidays jalting hie: doula <Mrs. has been put in dition than it has been for splendid yaces are expect= 27th. A. iad as, of the Mooney Stratford, spent Satur- iverton Wisin bis: eisters De illustrat- ake a great 7 The from) Englan Hear him on has returned £ 5 ie! to the West. We un- that he has placed a large ye de= rs fill and wij 's that owing to the stringen- mar ee outstanding ed arry on business. Pfef< “Milverton, 2t ‘ought before Reeve Milverton, charged with ts erly shastising an. adopted boy im He was aod $10

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