BeaverToo (Oakville), 7 Sep 1927, p. 7

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A LESEON IN ECONOMY » AUNT LUCINDA’ GIVES A FEW HINTS TO MER NIECES, Her Mother Was a Careful Manager, and Adhered Unfailingly to Her We ‘ever Waste.” Aunt, Lucinda; happy “with a lot «f young shes siting “around ‘er, had uened from them far a moment. to une doa little sent in to i 1 gat the’ string ott she -slophedta- ‘wind Abst round. her fing: Til litta, buat avhieh she said davis etapa “Aro you going to ave ne string?” asked ue of the Bl was.-do th “That is someting Mot 1 ieern: einda. xd When 1) seus a, girl and is habit hos always clung to me.” then she sat back and (alked a its tuking this “opportunity to sive Foung.nieces a lililo lesson in ¢ Why,” she shid, “I don't believe a et irls. could comprehend the meaning of the word economy as we understood family’ when , Mough it reso ie @ good $ lo econoniy we ee 34 ena] i lo ive. pth in a pleasant very comfortable home on_ yer; Gmail pay, all this being due to the untall Ing watohful care of our mother se miollo was ‘Never waste.’ ppt fo ae ae is ‘vas(etul in the present day, 1 Bai remember when fathe: $50.2 month, ana when os enue earn fo earn WE THOUGHT WE WERE RICH, Shad ye cetiainly. weend‘hetler off Ahan , nice people us ts ti wit we had and led to have only the most rigid. €0 which my mother never Romy, “in fiproud woman, who want- fed to have per chitdren lock well. Jwho wanted er house to be at yenst as: well furnished and well looking as {that ‘of anybody she he jana. here never was a nau jswhen you couldn't uo, through it from Htey to bottom and» find it spick and Lok with hole carpets and sound Hfurniiure an yihing in orde 1 ae ffiings cost Jesscin-inosd day Walf-as much" as “the but ih. things" we did were ished névertheless mgid penne a she nein of ‘Ne waste,’ w Uy dear’ girls, coud apply fo: dust as ” great. advant: age 1] to make ourselve: mad rags and scrap: funtudy. We used to haw soe for oolored rogs and Bs for wits rags, and we saved sold the: Aa to the rasan, @cmelhing tor them, an THAT WAS MUCH GAIN. it we had any old dhing else mad all the crap "We got iton, 61d hoops Ni flat-irons 6 shal enough and then sold them; of course, we saved and sold a hnewspapers in’ just the same way, betes, everythin; sted nothing, pial these things all brought in some: Abin ver knew my mother to cut and stash the string on bundles and then throw the string vhen a bun- dk, came in ane would untie the cord edrefully and wind it up arcu her sina little eBpttch and save hile anid cord: for “whatever use. we wight need never had to buy any. And of mee ahasared el wrap- Ging paper, so. that. we always ha Wrapping paper in the house, utile rstifple things of Piaber: and. twine alono-we saved cents and five cents ‘and _flines—probably a collar or two in af a year. at muh? No, mona ta buy Of shoes that We “might not other: wise have ha o economize in galing, Of course, We always had eneu at, but usually apie we Our mother knew Just ht ected Yor ar itso ere ‘pola: 10 get along as we wante oi fo, and she had the eouina, ge to do > SHE ear + WA: ED. till stri et whe ays had money enough for every rite we needed and our house was auways furnished and in order, and we had one of the best 's in church, mn nly. 6. sere sre in our rele, 0s the best, and we. all felt that ways and Munthe wae mat possible by our mother's: management, By her tdnering unfailingly to her met fo of never waste saying fs, we “had things, had a ite We hed in case o: cy; 5 ne: have to borrow- “dent is a arend{ul thing—we were really indepen- dent. “And you know that we girls all mar. ried well. Our family’s thrift didn't deter young raen from comidg to see us. And T teil you, my dents, that atugace: and part of the girl he ae idee you, girls, thot no esof a girh becaus e economienl, but ‘ sure, that. fo man ev pr .-thes ld love her all the Avid dhe Aunt Lucinda, neaated (6 finish unwrapping the barects. ath: Hollowa, trial. S ded tan poche fhcs cone pair ¢ feel. widhaieenns” Palo: What At a done onee-It will do bette & old mon, haven't seen you for aniage,” said a man to a friend. who Mind become ad Benedic jfnd_molrtinony: st an pensive: thing,” Was’ the reply. “if 1 Hind. ouy, known ‘what Fhidto pay in {Hiners' bi i single ied a aaAlner Be Infants. are. more or less pees of Dr te sPhis. medicine is such complaints tind ‘is highly. spok Of by, those: wha liavo! used it, Prowriolors clair 31 wi MILLIONAIRE TOREADOR i HAS ADOPTED ‘THE PROFESSION OF A BUEL FIGHTER, \ Mexican Named Vincente Segura, a, Mere Youth, Owner of a Big Ranch, re sdme toreadors who become wituionninee th pesos if mot in dollars. Bul in the hslory” there. is come a millior oung, bul sic, orhcin Pachucha pa Segura: wr tid, Spi “eorneapond 20 ft pri (eerie, Stanirale Su Hon wa 0: become, famous tores Alter ye 1 hard k he ips cieve i aistinetion on di ster in the ve of the achieve istinction thy Power « puhUely srowned in’ ike Madvia arena the other day by the celebrated Fuent Dns ile halve heath in’ Me sriieas..a. boy, equipped ‘himself. ith the bull-fighter’s regalia, and his father having: constructed @ ting for hin peght calves, . He soon graduated to iste and then to young bulls. asl, on his eighteenth ‘birthday, his father allowed the young Vincente 46 Gight, Wis. fest. fullzgrown. and savage bull. It was a fete day on the slate, Atid loud dclaim from the tenants and villagers, Segura skillfully despa Shortly after’ this Satay Montes, the famous prima espada. of ; ved. to ws only one milan ‘vio as torea bahia received anany. valuable lessons al his hends, ‘The master also young ‘man to Join ‘his rout pe ab “4 of the nearby fights, non! gura was Gorter? uied "ot All Mexionn torenion AFTER HIS FAPHER'S DEATH Segura engaged @ cuadrilla or troupe of fighters and started ona. tour of Mexi and South America. ‘The audiences at all the ok visited gave ions and loud he young millionaire for Fy applause tis spe nak oe. But there was a one on the. Weslerncontinent fo giv Se a the offefal investitute,, the atte v ative P whideb young SMe ar: ceive in a pela exhibitic on. from a mas ter ecoming. an lcrehd fis allerntiva is the srt of Recntion taiveri. inthe. days suuires who entered the charmed circles as knights on having won | spurs Segura set off for oe He was } pee ‘heralded in saver arrived a weeks shunning the lu al the inns trequented by the torreadors seville’ anc lordova strongholds of bullfighting. Here Stalwart and modest young man made ti. acquaintance of Spain's prominent fighters, He yolur on the staff of them all, and his skal was quickly. real- ee y not that the ‘They | naire. VEN HARD WORK. airs of the y arena, was crowded to. the ¥ Mexican srolony, 3 dates. ot} thes Mexicani-maillioneire ins remendous - applause greeled the ious. velerabs, Fuentes, Bomba ae Machaquito as they followed the pro- cession of matado Then ilo the ring. followed a hush as every cye sought the gate opposite tie ro: A SUDDEN gale opened and Vincento ‘ing into the arena. He was dazzl ¥ dressed {na splendid’ apple-green ai gold costume ond wore huge aamend carvings. in -procession around: the ring. amid’ w id applause and was in- qretuice (0: thie King and the publi b the theee famous ler ‘old -figh ura Aken sdircsfed:“nimscltof-some- of hi frills and . stood alone in. the, centre of thu ring, Fuentes slowly ndvanced and resented fo him the muleta rubia (ved sword.® ‘This. was the solenm uentes salufed’ S on n nd quite noed and foliose sutit. Nex othe test. vas cleared and oyna tari a had to ‘combat Iva wild’ and Bhalla ae wad ait (oilho: Ibsk-aind in a veey few min. wes utd baited ‘and stahbed ‘both “ani- mals. attendants drew the. car- ri out of the arena as Segura was dd as a master, The new Knight of Ae ing then made f the arena with his sword, red crimson cape in his as ‘bareheaded, but bowed The exploit of the mil: Paranéed extractdindry onl ‘The, evowd apolaed wilh Irenzy, nd fell y slill modest des espile ¥ he found any. evening sedted simidst his new com- rades,’ fhe famous. toreadors, drinking coffee On the terrace tthe litle gate troqueais y then aad’ dressed as. the are {black coat and flat hat the sho of the master bullfighter. He is at home. ON THE SAFE SIDE. Counsell ose e nee magistrate, after he has got his client, a thief, ac- juitled- ine the: face if you ou be not released ftom custody unl M agistrat SF | islrufe-—sCartainly. eur sre & But what is the near 7 ie is ealner ees bee niy. client knows quite well that I shall cbelera ae ale: acknowledged | that thes of old to} 5° thra { a, the two chief} with the |is bh 1 a in cut the ini and her aaa was much in awe of her. On disco new dress in: which she guctieroues lerod i s so awful, and as she went out, I pi uot of ins aes lo have another at her es qui ‘Three hours late! nervous neighbor, seen | ARE YOU ASUNDAY BABY? THE WHY AND WHEREFORE OF STRANGE. SUPERSTITIONS. Lucky to bz Born on Sunday—Babies and Kittens Cannot Thrive in Same House. ‘@ are few corners of modern ue un ‘whieh a trace of superstition doe: pen Mos! people accep! ; few Fella: ‘of it playfully. On pone ee tho more simple. it still’ has a li unepee: In the remote, out-o! ata AW rae pa of ae country it ga almost as pow- fat n the medieval Pica. 4 Z n place has its distine- fiers ition, bu © goimmon, every where." They r ag Ibis gi y to be born on a t thie week has iss viensutiron goodyear ill; ed a5 inevitable child" should turn out a thief. Cals. are supposed "be the heredi- ry enemies of children, Some sunt e:that ‘hoy inhale the that “Thursday's ty women be! breath of children on cause. therm die; others Uhat they possesse Ml bye=Snd its exit, eves atl be lieved in in other places than Ireland. Of Northumberland the sicknes. of catlte is put down to ils malign influence. The origin of this down lo dislike for cats the oid belief that may. be put ¢ slanes are related by faethe ers of how walehdogs have shown signs of great distress in growling and immediately — before their ‘whimpering if they detected some ‘ster’s dea os, as presence that ‘was INVISIBLE TO HUMAN EYE! ad become a at Long before palmistry pseudosciexce, old wor a child's future could b 0% the hands and. b the finger-naile, J Geney 49. close wns bupposed to be the index of a grasping nature. When the first two fi re sere the sume length, it was the sign: of a predestined pick- pocket, Even now many mothers shrink tre an culling: thein, child's Tet it bring, bad. tuck. ‘the are vy boys who do not pas can fa ES Miser Master's by these superstitions jown: through ir-also comes ‘hand: in, hand The Cupid. young. gi otfen i a Lnspwing the | pple over shoulder Doldiene fone Reiieibe ach r. lace they sit Seer # Howe'en, In olden as Jane's om ft of y witha ball of snow and. He took & part in all the big fights, and them fogether in-n {ub of wat ques x2 Bonita bh variely- | ish foreadors did not spare this|paper that rose to the top. first was send eel ihe yaar aaplight: i among: the’ shyest They gave him the dieu | enpposed to bear the nam eae tie y at fee African nae dangerous posts. The public | : “4 ‘ ies. Fe less “efficient | ve tio. while Sy Racy Beaeattorans ‘nick-| HER FUTURE HUSBANE * The ne hie ‘ine ee eee mK : ae had “he ant at it up wi Ln time ' fejicanc ° Mexica viday is Jabhe a upon the: tue Hest ring michtlime (bag athe olds Qpee our a: specimen was fart Segura could fight. bis- first. bul lt re} by nig ae and hy. doy /A com rison be-|"-The okapi token by ea Alexander segura cou b Ar tween an Peauld nok bé taken. alive ta. europe: Tt BE hk qualified in t nei ee the| £ vblained through. their use and the use! was. so. timid and shrinking “ina y {ated % pei | trai f the older typ ; au tallow ae Beard rive. in the presence ¢f ' clea distance being? from” Brant’ Rock to} juan, ules patel Cae eee rire en nimenle and ne ie Washington, D. : : |ferbade its tr ransportatio skin is ra ‘4 » eve. |-. When the old impulse produces’ anbnaw. being mounted or the Natural pera nee avy. eye. ” gma pened a aah Stes a to 4 o looked |¢ equiva a nt to 1.200 between the | History Museum of Londo ¢ Aas rhe ae forlune, but beurs of 10 a ab night the same im-| Lieut nder said that at Angu, <r the uli hier than dawdie Wes ugh | mney 6d to. denote’ | pulse would ae ength of signal) on the Welle: Male, he first heard. of Hae doh, Gos tte inte or RS oe eG eunning nal 1 s, howeve between 12 a 36 al Hoonof Only |the- okapl- in’ that. région: ‘The parly Silene: ae mien the da me} 10 be: little division among “the super- | thirty. “The new impulse un poli three weeks in the effort to ob- Ae eke aS ain cin Beta ae Mil. | stitions about me the throat | CCnditions will prodiice an. effect at the | tain 9 specimen. 3 SHORE AGT ave signifies Tusk, and on the ‘ei forehend | ceiving: station of abou! Heresy | ‘They found that ils haunts ate small Tabs gh S coallg Sata at SOY Fheriavcmuare Orvethece ‘and | {ween 10 and Pal night and of seventy-| streams running — through swampy ee ateenity eck they foreshe ae lov their possess tie common antipathy fo red hair ems to have been handed down e an ens a cel garded wi . ond a fe Ww ating drut md ae ary Deion Wee. Meyaued Whe OF MIND, Mrs. Smithson had a terrible temper, ne day, in his own den, but the other day she p at this aie hls wile antareds sud- And the Fanny ade aah the with- that “hey after on the Site Tow er unders!ood wha silly statement to wwke them: all Iaugh so. muc A man, zeus BL to his room in emhotel, and -d off one shoe, which lew na Brelatler its the other end of Then, remembering that the ext Boom Was a seteoua leepe sleeper, of est of his cote jelly a8, posite “ind got into bed, he was awakened vy ‘Soice of. is: doot 000 ald the Solee, ‘which the, kecomnized of when are | other: s 1 for three ae walt: a kick 0! 4 a ne tor fl” “expedients. | that} Nurses’ and ee Treasure fe lator for baby. colic a vomiting—gives Realthful ures KIDNEY TROUBLE Suffered Two Years—Relieved In Three Months. rest = hoea withont the harmful effects of medicines containing opium or other injurio 42 Cures saiogal Dror he Diarrhoea\o.en IT'S ELECTRIC SLEEP NOW SCIENCE'S LATEST CONTRIBUTION TO MEDICINE. Much Less Dangerous Than Morphine or Ether, and to Haye no Un- pleasant Effects. rs aoe sor of the 01 0 ies the ‘eminent. profes ing, K; e) B. FIZER, Mt. Ster suffered with 2) other troubie or ten yeai sleep, which, it is will, replace dhlorotorin and caches, st, “Last - March mmenced using “ier anstie eras Peruna and continued-for three manths. is seeded. from have not used it since, nor have 1.felt st idy of the elfee's of Antermivtent our 7 remls and from the instie thatthe t- pain. “T believ fore ive my e pat 1 am-well and-T there- ighest commendation to Be fo the currents. 8 © curative quali una, current of thie five wolbetseap. Pe ‘Trouble. plied infermiltently in ll strength Grant, Ontario, Hor minute fractions of a second eclrodes are applied to the Saal My for about four}a special manner, the points of -appli- stron cation being first carefully shaven, ee MADE MANY EXPERIMENTS, | taught f avoid try Peruna, so 11 Ledue made mony soores you and began at once to-lake Peruat| « experiments on do; ‘on -him- a Manaiin, self, AT NEO Suécesehil.. The appli “1 took only two bottles of Peruna cation of the current ig not dangerous, and one of Manalin, and) now 1 feel | and no Aemeos te: Meena better than T have for some ltrhe, the experiment lasts for hours. “T fe snat en and Manalin cured different woman of me Altogether, “I bless the day 1 pleked up t your The arguments for the electrig sleep are’ said to be numerous. ay chloroform, ‘morphine or citer, 1s iways, dangerotis, and |, while fhe. oun he electri sicep the patient ts perfectly aulel, and e ames ening enue when the electro- ite book and. read of is the business of the kidneys from the blood nb spaleuane materijls. They must be active all t stem iit i h need a lillie assi stance ISATIONS te oa 1e $0 paalons after the operation are ¢ mind ae to more nse of ineret snot able ating ‘ their awn butdens, ed =phY: lance “led Professor s brain electrization for ustion and even y fatigue and ioral depression derful results. y the scientist i WIRELESS Eee DAYLIGHT. Phi educ to use enden ‘Athounes the Discoy- of a New Impu! asserts that to the| communi¢ ecent a roel ieion of London, Prof. R. A, Fes- | ‘(be app! ication ‘in a pea anne senden states that he has developed a} 0! ‘al current ectro ee method sending wireless te ance! in abs see n ely hie messages during the daytime ay yma entle sleep be es “followed by tee means of a dilferent type of electri adual rtain death. impulse trom that which he ee és viously emtple This impu 3] 5 Sars made it postibie! to ut down ie ab- THE IOUS OKAPI. serbing power of daylight to a smal}. fionof ils ens. amount, Lieut, Layton Tells Mow He Sasa Phe ystem has heen (ried. from. Brant} the Shyest of Ani ASS. doth the Ags qlee sine: di ce ter “ oes . be a8 GLographical don’ recht Newfoundland to. dee < ly rt ow be stain Atel is so noticeable Fes- ground, six between 12 and 12.: pe atn 7 feet high where grows a plant some he fact that the ne vh oung shoots, puch weaker. in. daytime th img at the top, are an essential part o thought to be of no eerie the snimale food. Here it roams about, ing much more important that there | stgly or in pairs, and the natives said ;culd be no marked difference between tat ometiteas Hliken ~ ayo Cand the transmission during the daytime and | gether. at night. Rough measurements oyer “The nglives added that they had very sng distances scem to show that the | seldom animal, and this stale. ee type of impulse does fall off some- what when. transmitting 1500. miles or iiore, but that the rate of falling off does not compare with that of the old type of inspulse, so that the signals received are} «! it, much stronger. There is another pressing problem awailing solution, hi Electrical Review, and that is the devel- 0 to- occasions that he was near the animal, did not catch a etree sealed in the mud ound it feeding as Baten of rel ial practicable | food iv My sau ‘a number of stations tate 8 a.m., but after this hour the 7 side sot -alfecting 1 retires to the seclusion of. the Fetes ihe ve for the foresh, where. if “rematha wall night- is é led. fall. Owing to its restless nalure and keen hearing, the thick foliage of the lant on which it feeds and the perfect Wireless -syslemy- can’ Handle. something | clusion. af ile forest retreats he nolives iestinetaanie, nuigiber- oF messages, the | ts they are never able to Kill the cab Je ‘system has nothing Given | (1 with thelr is ans selective transmis’ sone an equally | Pessible to track a cod transmission will become -practie- | ™ens they have killed were Hfabied in able; but until both of. these problems | Pits: have Keer satisfactorily solved, the wire-| , Jose Lopez, a pore collector in ent nis ‘antent with a very | {he employ ot I Aleander,. follow- Sienna ts poe or: e a solitary anal for three succes- eae will not ges which are cable +H oe ee eae to handle the n now tran: stnit itted daily, ehad es sive mornings in the neighborhood of Rito ae hi | | aistream. observed that on leay- isa Liver: Pill.—Many/of the ail} ing the inter ths kal always too ments that man has to contend seit befween the same Se trees about 100 hove their origin in -discrdered tive which is a delicate organ piisogptihte lo’ ‘the disturhanees that eee Ta irregular’ habits or lack of eating and drinking. ‘This. ac- ecm for the great: many. liver: regu- laters now presaea onthe attention <f suffer Wile the aa of the natives he i he ants, lying in wait, at/once mal ¥ native a secured it, ‘The natives say they know no other C- uve, and {he most delicat can ‘use them. OL! D AIRS, mM ss Wagner—t just dote on nnuste, jon't_y Sis animal so. mysterious as the okapi. in their opinion it is always on the mov shrilde—Not and Miss Wagner—Don't sar like the ot@ Lopez's < af seem 10 bear ery occasion Miss Sus SS » hare mon nome, he might possibly tay in me.” ee z POSH POOP HOOGOOOSSOOOOOD q q The effect of Scott's Emulsion magical. » pale children is a It makes them plump, p and so put together that by little folk. OOOOOGGOS: it contains Cod Liver Oil, enn teabiies ; and Glycerine, to make fat, bi lood and ALL DRUGGISTS; 50c. AND $1.00. ain, on thin, every. specimen differs greatly from every other. speci- ni the most. variable animals that have Lankester's observation, rosy, aittve, happy. a es, NEEDED* FRESH “AIRS. epee young ‘man who plays y oe we net is i one, it is easily digested % ut Sa ee he will recover? ‘The doctor ROYAL DOCTORS REWARDED. Heraldic Lion Granted by King Edward to Two of His Physicinns, King Edward of England, the “‘foun- tain of nor,” has granted to Sir Frederick Treves and Sir Francis ak- aronets, the latter his physician 's own ion passant .guardant, on field gules’ (red). s ederick ‘TréVes with the aug mentation is shown ti ‘The only other instancé in which a charges of the royal shield were mitted e. borne on the shield of 2 me mber. of “the medical profession .oc- d in 1612, when Jam tec elaune,. his @ obtained the charter caries’ Society, the g de lys of France, whith wat also a charge upon it, BABY’S DANGER, Mare lillie lives are, lost during the hot weather months than-at any otlisr tise oe year. In the summer uenths tle dues ote lndaviettni sat har cholera infantum, ‘dysentey aud st omieh, 4 roubles, These come suc ly and without wariing, and. when ieiné is nob at hand. to. give the short délay “maay- mean During the hot weather months fablets, should be kep! home where there is n occasional use’ of the revent stomach und bowel if th Cs ract tear the child throuae safely, » New, Glasgow, Que., “[ cannot. speak too highly cf aby’s Own Tablets. One of my chil- dren had a severe attecl which the Tablets-promplly cure by medicine dealers or by cents a box from The Dr. Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont ares wilt pring dy il at 25 Williams’ NOT AT ALL CURIOUS, “She always reminds me of a public <ffice.” ees curious.” “Not so very. She's continually seek- ing the man you know.’ SIDEWALK. What r favorite amiisement?” ack the peach kernel “My favorite amusement,” answered “is tripping {he light banar fa nisstic toe,’ peel, re the beat quickty. that Bottled, “dit diaters in Medicine. “1 om thirly-five years old,” anneune- ed a woman of filty-six at a: tea last week, “And 1 am twent ne weman of forty-five, 1 2 girl of she asked “On” rep sent reckoning, T'm id oh hen, turnin, oslo eae ee “tow old care ye Ethel? el Ethel, *aceoiding to. pre- not born yel.” ested by -Time.—In_ his Justiy-cole brated. Pile Dr. Pormelee, has he world-ane @f the most-untque ‘el ed to the pu in the na tae : without nausea without pain, cause it and. curativ te re Pawers niet Duce Ne the front rank of medicines, ‘What was" that noise 1 heard snr the: hall early: this monn vyhen four come He (hastily tisk ive Boch Ue dose brealtny au darling.” She lene ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form a contagious Itch in Auman ' anim: red in 30 minutes by fonds Sani ta . pate It never fails, Sold by all druggists. “You say she married for love; but h e; the million ie. ohn ‘she loves!” syrup; nothing equals it * ynedidines.. the namo as a ae Mothe graves’ Worm Belyeniatons pm greats worm destroyer of thé advertise the fact ou have to wisdom. And it's easy toa that you are a fool. All yo do is toast publiely of your Physical Pain and montal anguish aMiict the otling of akin divenses, | ot rid of both by rub ding W ate on the heated, Itohing,. die. uted. f400, eltet “given i wouders of medicine.” Pastor {to patient)—-vour heart. is ve you anything ia: WARING your" Pationt—"Oh, ie particularly! Only that just now when you put your hand in’ your poc eh L thought you were going to give me your bill." In Filds. Far Off—Di ‘Thomas’. Ee- iva in Australia a js Nahi yo can wear Gate yn oiEotejaliat "comfort, real service end real satisfaction as Pen- -Angle Guaranteed Vago — AN AQUATIC. ATLMENT. “Now,” said the school-teacher, Blaney “lee MASS vie eae class of more less bright-looking boys Satis y eve ing-lesson, “can any of you tell me what ae the meaning -of waivers dis- es)? Then. silence reigned for few min- ules, while the leacher scanned the fg his scholars, “in: the vi S| ray of Gavin ‘nell my, con eS “divers' diseases is rb walter on the bi ‘house—why any modern PEDLAR Sipe Wa Sth bs tn bye eo wrest —— The PEDLAR People s ‘Oshawa Montreal Ottawa Toronto London Winnipeg _|—MAGHINERG FOR SALE, DYN AMO 300 lights. + Will be told. cheap and feast be ‘estan out of the way ‘wing f0. 6OOight ine pons ag place, § vank Wilson, %3- Adei Street West, Toronto, ~ FAN BLOWER Buffalo, make. mines oe gees ver- tical discharg high; perfeot condition. ing, 3 Adelaide ze inches stent ent West, ‘ul in Milde ‘Toronto, | CLEANIN sane ADIES NG @ caret printer ncaa MONTREAT, TORONTO, OTTAWA & QUEBEE pruccis7s, cr ty Fs BENERAL STORES 100. per packets liv: 250. will last a Share Goasoi well Canada end. the, United sles, and te censumption increases each year, — It 1 nas made ils own way, and: all that peed be dene to keep ils navn | fore ane “Public: Evergone im vs | that i he jedi alcany shane, t all alata keep the ‘solemn man. aught to make the ide the bel- My: friend? “éaid “pave you ever done ‘eeanmunily Te Winelape fer fat” yours iting yi “1 have done ne replied’ the other, humb‘+ ‘the homes. of my fellow-he- ings” Ah," continued "tl man, wilh @ pleased look, “you bula tracts?” “No; I clean’ carpels. = is attending him ates next door, ISSUE NO. 39-07. QUEBECSTEAMSHIP COMPANY River and Gulf of St Lawrence Summer Oruises in Oool Latitudes ‘Twin Screw Tron $3, "Oampana,” with oloctrlg. lights, electric bells and all modern comforts. SAILS FROM NO} QRMONDATS at st Ht ortoiglitly thoreaitor for Plotgu, X, Ba cat pe 3 saetas, in Siulhy ant thes aoe ae! BERM Mu DA : N era Cowles, $95, BaRH ~ ib Kopin or << esnge ot recicrea enim ARTHUP AHERN, Secrotaty, Quobeo,, B. OUTERRPSOGE & 00., Pers A. 29 Brondway, New Yoris, * 4 4 “4

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