G@rurcmrner) stts Gown amd asks of | knw Cookstown boy plays ¢ drums for his favourite rock band Rock band Theory of a Deadman showed up at Best Buy recentty to crash Cookstown's Owen Waerburton’s Grum lesson. From left are Theory of a Oeaedman lead singer Tyter Connotly, Warburton. Grurr- mer Joe Dandeneau, and Gest Buy Grum teacher Matt Ounn os u Nine year-old (hwen Wartaarton thought « was strange when hus Grum imtructer wanted him to come for « Sunday lesson He's been powmling Gee skins since February after getting an clectrx drurn ect as a Chirietrmas present His lesscams with teacher Matt [Dunn are usually Thursdays at Best Buy in Barrie and aside fromm the different date. he was surprised! to soe Vio Carmmecras sect up in eecdie the store + mrmsec Gepartrnent ht becarne clear what was happening when one of his fevourttice farki« Theary of a Deadman jam with him July 27 “| wes compictely Warburton said. “Joe walked um to rund bhow nn (lL herb. how to play All or Nortung Warburton had been practising the song and agreed to acoormparry the bard on the Best Buy stage © play the rock “ong “ht wee amazing.” he said Then Darmieneau taught hirn a “sack wick or two amd gave the Cookstown Central Sclvusl studio wgnod try the Dark! The surprise was Caught on video arn! will be available through Best Buy + wetbarte «xm Warhuerton + dad. Mike. knew atu the surprise for weeks amd had to ft qquect cirwurryeti Kk « koep ‘ht was really well dome. The bard was Playing that night at the Sound Empire and after we were done at 5.15 South-eastern Georgian Bay. review process. of the costs may be considered. To find out how to appty or for more information, please contact: Lake Simcoe/South-eastern Georgian Bay Clean-up Fund Enwronmen Canada 4905 Dufterin Street Toronto OM MM3H ST4 Tetephone. 416-739-5908 Emait ts -gitund@ec gc ca Seeking Letters of Intent Lake Simcoe/South-eastern Georgian Bay Clean-up Fund Environment Canada’s Lake Simcoe/South-eastern Georgian Bay Clean-up Fund is seeking Letters of intent for projects to help protect and restore the health of Lake Simcoe and The Fund will consider projects that reduce phosphorus inputs, restore habitat or add to the scientific understanding of the lake and bay for decision making. Projects will be considered in a two-stage process. Those successful in the Letter of intent stage would then submit a detailed project proposal. The detailed proposal will undergo a more extensive Successful applicants may receive one-third of total project costs from the Fund, and in exceptional cases up to two-thirds Letters of intent describing proposed projects and partners must be recetved no ister than September 26, 27014. Appel de lettres d’intention Fonds d’assainissement du lac Simcoe et du sud-est de la baie Georgienne Le Fonds d'assainissement du lac Simcoe et du sud-est de ta baie Georgienne d' Environnement Canada lance un appel de lettres d' intention proposant des projets de protection et de restauration de ta santé écologique du lac Simcoe et du sud-est de la baie Georgienne. Le Fonds examinera ies projets qui visent 4 réduire les apports en phosphore, & restaurer I"habitat ou 4 faire progresser les connaissances scientifiques sur je tac et la baie aux fins de prise de décision. L'examen des projets se fera en deux étapes. Les promoteurs de projets dont ia lettre d'intention a été retenue seront priés de déposer une proposition de projet détailiée, laquetie fera | objet d'un examen plus approfondi. Le Fonds pourra accorder aux projets retenus un financement correspondamt au tiers des coiits associés aux projets. Dans certains cas, un montant allant jusqu’ aux deux tiers de ces coGts pourrait étre envisage. Les tettres d'ittention décrivant tes propositions de projets et de partenartats doivent étre recues d'ici le 26 septembre 2014 au plus tard. Pour tout renseignement suppiémentaire, notamment sur ta maniére de présenter une demande, veuillez vous adresser au Fonds 7 assawwesement du tac Semooe ef Gu sud est de ta base Georgenne Enwtrronnement Canada 4905. rue Dufterin Toromto (Ontario) MAH ST4 Tétéephnone 416-739-5908 Courriel . ts-gitund@ec gc ca om... teey asked if we warted to com up © thelr sown’ check of S15 om We went and watched them play four songs. a” Mikes sand Then Warturton was wiited t& play rmdom beats on Deriietnews own drum kit for «a couple of minutes with the scour systern pouring am! «tage hight. fashung Along with Darmiconeceu. Ge young how said Rush druswner Neil Peart is arumtiver of Ths lawcnariies With his dead playing guitar all Ge ure amd older sister alec) loarmung gui tar, Warburton san he had his sights st om the arurn li wert to Beat Huy one Gay leet your i chd an awescwne demo on drurns and since then I've wanted to be « drum mer he saad Trillium grants inject cash The Ontario Trillium Founda tion is sprinkling its neat round of grants to help organizations like the Huronia Symphony and the David Busby Street Centre grow Announced. last Friday. the Huronia Symphony will receive $144,500 over the next three years to help build its profile and attract younger. more diverse audiences The funds will also help Mt ex- pand its youth programming as well as establish a digitized music library to share with other groups The David Busby Strect Centre is also moving into the arts with the Krima Project. With $49,000 in grants. the street centre will be the lead im the collaborative proj- ect that will have professional and amateur dancers working with the cemtre’s chents. Dress for Success Orillia and Barrie received $25,000 t© hire a project manager to operate a bou- tique in Barrie to help women get back into the workforce. Carcer memoring will also be provided. The Oro Agricultural Society is receiving $22,0000 this year to imestall lighting at the fairgrounds in Oro-Medonte. Lights will be added along the walkways to the midway. food court, track and ven- dor displays. if Facebook