Ts Costurned mterpreter Pas Rotfineon talks about Pte mm the trenches Guring Tuesday's Miureeurnh After Hours evert at the Girnooe Courty Museum in Mid>uret TONY KEENE PHOTO Museum event highlights Great War SEOA Woollen socks, duckboards and the poctry of Robert W. Service were all featured Tucs- day might at the Simcoe County Muscum. in the first of « series of planned cvents marking the role of the county in the First World War Standing alongside railway tracks behind the muscurm. costumed imterpreter Jarmec Levy bricfly explained the sequence of events that dragged Europe into war in 1914 “When soldiers went to war then. they sani goodbye to thei loved ones at the train sta ton. because there was little infrastructure for cars. Every smal) village had a substation along the mam linc. he caplained Dressed as a Canadian sokber was fellow imterpretcr Paul Rollinson. During the tour, he quoted from Rhymes of a Ked Cross Man. a book of poetry by Robert W. Service based on his timmne as an arnbulance driver at the from “ht sold a mullion copes. I'm told pretty grim book actually. he sas In the lengthening cvening shadows. a group of about 20 adults and children filed mao a replica trench on the museum grounds Rollinson told them about life on the line. crossing the mud on treachcrously slippery duckboards. and about the first Christmas of the war, when an unofficial truce occurred in No Man's Land. After the group moved back imside the — isa BB MUSEUM AFTER HOURS © Aug. 12 — Back to the Future Movie Nigftt. 8:30 t© 10:30 p.m. © Aug. 19 — Stargazing. 8:30 & 10°30 p.m. © Museurn members and preschooters are adrnitted free. Adufts $6. students/seriors $5 and cividren $4 ° The museum ie af 1151 Highway 25. Minesing © For more, visit rmusseurn_sirncoe ca muscum. Levy talked about the contribution muxde by the hormefrom m Sunmceoc County. which was a top prodweer of wheat and pro- vided 30.000 horses for the war. mm af age when horsepower meant cxactly that The Collingwood shipyards built 17 ships im the four years of the war and Sumcoc Coun- try provided about 300.000 pieces of medical equipment But perhaps the most ubiquitous sound during the war was the clicking of knitting necdics. as county wormen produced an csti- mated 27.000 pairs of woollen socks for the troops “The two most important things a soldicr warmed were a letter from home and a pair of warm dry socks.” Levy said. “Often when a woman had finished a pair. she would slip a letter inside for the soldier who received LOOKING FOR . classifieds your "af — . FIND THEM PRINTED NOW WITH YOUR MOMEFINDER REAL ESTATE SECTION New design. 'arger print. easier to reed! PALIOLE Open Sundays 9:00 >” CER POTPALE Creiwt AAGeIe BIKE HIKE VVATUCH GET OUTDOORS FESTIVAL : _ =e Reconmmect with nature. = " @ : 4 ¢ ww *** Cru? ha he ‘ oat “* ; vf w= le} vs ~e a ror * 78 ‘foe (arriely afb ans «-atrwe -~ a) FJ a Le gua, Collection times are changing Waste collection routes are being AUGUST 8S & 10 FEATURING Hurnmngbird Banding Oemos interactive Activities and Garmes Monarch Tagging Demo Naturalst Led Canoe & Waiking Tours and so Much More!’ wyemarsh.com 8 f ——— CtaevTy ce SIMCOE =% —_—e—" ——S— ——— a > el adjusted to increase eficiencies As a result, your waste collection time may be changing starting the week of August 11, 2014 FW ewe Have your materials to the curb by 7 a.m. to ensure collection Does not apply to residents of Barre and Orilke For more nform »* fT) -~ > » —— Better advice? Better car insurance? Better visit. Better car incase es Barts with real achvece from an RBC teresa © advisor They (an reveal benefits like Farnity Priendiy Pricing” Vanishing Dechx tibtes and Reptacement (ar Drop OF & ( later Start © Carne im and talk to 2 Geet Adena — _ — % ; oo = Ss ~ eeEeEeEeEeEe—EeEEO————— — ———EeE~ — Visit us at an RBC insurance Store near you: At Gryne Dr. & Essa Rd. 705-725-7402