Ways to cut costs ar act ‘cantgers to thelr inesses, many ways, 195 willbestmlar to aifferest. fom lest, ver, that Scott County will be celebrat her centennial: The the Kennedy ‘presided over ting, ot discussion were the cof the Thanksgiving © food baskets, the planning of a Christmas. basket, and the ‘adoption of a handicapped wi selebraton of the cele nial wll’ hil atte alte ot al "ae Bon op into (Printed as “xmetis s wehta by he Scien ta we dant z e je’! Received) Samet =e ee exchange. “Rebekah Lodge ‘Saturday, Dee. 14, Alpha Bria: centennial Ki Elghteen members of joyeda Christmas inner party wile a ln ante! |} Rebekah lodge met in regular at the Chaparral restaurant. bet Chamber of Commerce. and tie Scott of dancing and County: Historical Society, Satan atthe Hideout hb, on the 20th of January. This date will also. man HONORED oftelal beginning ot the WEDDING SUI ‘beard and bonnet con Mr and Mrs Alan Pfen- (Thee eel boealbion toe ringer of Hutchinson were existing beards 0 all on- wed testants do not need to ing reception supper, tosis wih a clean shaven Covistmas evening at the Mr and Mrs Paul St, Blane of Charenton, Lal") cit Pe atone. snes ay raegernnt of their dna a ci a Saris anit Mr aot centennial activity wil be area id waine lampe ch Scott City. Anne is 419 theatrical and Mrs Bill P r first Saturday. night in eee raduate af Scott Communit i oe they both attended Hutehinsom } grandparents, Inpart by the Association of Mrs Angie Plenninger, Mr evenly oalege Mar pov mplayed BY University Women, andthe andMrsC.D.LukeandMr Royal Beef Feedlot in Scott City. a an itennial commission. and Mrs Ray Carberan wwaidiag & plonaed in Charenta wit March well enerate Fei d fd ela call et J] anata port thet be supporters of chaplaln, Mrs Cans Pienloget and lark . presentation Bi cbs nd sree Koster, Kansas iy Alle Business iat ‘ld io by our Leach; warden, Winery fag’ bearer, Mrs Molly Hater, ine ‘axe a ‘May, ahotairballoon John McGrath; inside guar- and Daren testval i belng planned, 2 Briefs pe a Lig = irport. will be a renbend eaueeaT volving a dance, a parade, News of Our (By Rex Grothusen) iy 7) andsmaybe even a i barbee i Tnefie, well nave te We've back forthe last Sometime inthe sigan AIL Scho reunion on the celebrated wie the a Christm C he fs ned the OB Felows up. Pctan vecenty cone, "Nope scutes had teautfal Corttmas ba 1th snd in ite mutha Name New Heart dist, “and a ore Card Shower Sal atthe Elune. ted te French Com Christmas fandawonderful Tt was just the kind of mow the ‘futon ‘hot sly Chairman in County mito ner these Albert Allens being pitiaeas ‘a8 cs elt Bene eae ae a east arrived. Chrisinas cord cena ccleration Wil continue Anna Kelley has been early equal to, onored on hs 88h ith Hushaw pet cn tae Sirived Civiaimas card soe ele TaTIca i he’ nemoed Campaign, chal: the tial amber of deatha a, 1A8- 3 WA ward ereamto members, | Durk sphere 7] Kansas Chrismas fo ofa birthday ‘ot Scott manotthe American Heart from all other causes of shower. Helping him ‘Names in the dd ae pa ca £08 tT Scott County County. ‘Assoslation’s 1985-86 fund: death combined,” Mrs celebrate will be his French soldiers par- | |) “iheend othe year <The ‘centennial. com. tating carpeign mst Kal allgren,,\Gearge’ aad J-Arthur Bryan returned ticipated in rappelling, excellent time for teflee: mittee also has applied fo Count, accord eetghtingtoreduce Edwin Allen and. Bonale nme Sn ter Spends cure derma Hospital Notes | ton concerning the year he Kansas Arts Commis: Sohn “frank, present “i theearlydesthandalsabi Pickett and thei famille. ing the Christmas tiontraining, and patrolling Just past, and also for sion for the privilege of ph" Arank, Pre ir trom those diseases, so His address is: Route 2, holidays with his son, Joel inthe Black Forest regions. ieee nega Mangoes eect biG bart” a ate See ca Bryan and family of Con: An tnanteyman with te cog Te ar taumecena Mae, Colunters call remember HELP CELEBRATE : f ssuccesstul,_ late, ee a Eo lookback wedow 8 wuld ake lace fam AS cepcaelieadl ts iar emeriul 1 ioe aaa BIRTHDAY : ota selon daze with 2020 vioion, We ea July 15h to the 20h, and Mrs Kelley wil coordinate chairman urged area Assisting aera Oe hasten tenetbere, ty tea Tels fold ag con considera to ‘volunteers who will seek residents. tae Weisner Y the decisions that we made contributions and. dis: om ie aly, 2 au aad In most instaices, the ma” centennial, ‘ard of Thank: rns apps are mn Jonity ofus probaby made | Of couse, in August wel Serena ane Paulin, sue Scott City. mostly correct decisions, ave the "fair, in <I wish to express my and¥rs Dale Conine, Krist 21—Barbara Coen, but sometimes we were September a replay atthe heartfelt thanks to Conine, Mr and Mrs Kell scott city ‘ong. Fortunately, Squaws Den Pageants ALIN: TEs pede ah A Dec. 2—Kaylin Shell, tough: most of aur mis! planed alone “with the See. aes aay Leoti; Josephine Basgall, takes are not 1d cor ee es its, beautiful eens, Mrs) ‘illma Baker, Willar Scott City; George Mum. rection, so we willhave the thing really a Wells and Evelyn Waller. ma, Dighton. portunity to workon at Recife is planned tor i and many cards during my Ice cream and cake were Dec. 30—Joshua Hoeme, gematning » the aceident and hospitaliza- peed several phone welookbaekon the ¢elebration willbe incor. ‘ear, each of us vill porated Into the remaining inet the ear Yor Pel of he ea. issals different reasons. Specific details concer- Dec. 28—Maude Phipps, one of the most exaing ning all of these activities Melinda Rossman, Seat whi BE calls also belng recelved to Rosle Brelt, EMTS, Dr. from relatives on ths day. Dr. Hopkins nudes and staffot Scott County hospital for the excellent care I recelv- a, twas all seaty ap preciated. May 103 W. 4th Scott City, Ks. Open till 7:00 p.m. er Shawn Conlne and. son, things “that” happened are forthcoming, but You Scott City. worldwide, was the location | €an see by this brief outline New Year's Eve! Dec. Ethel Switer, ofthe Taal Te sory of | that 185 wil be exting i ten i the Titanic has long held erent. We will be closed New Year’s ] Sistiuey, natin Stes, lasitinformeandne | In adiog tthe sc rotarthe eteapge) you alk urate 8 We eee Wa ick See Nike ‘Seot_ Cy fat has ben peated |i Ted shove, a fom tert ease, stoke Holand PICK UP |. Kenneth Bickett, Garde EW chao! tivities are also being and related disorders more ROBERT'S swe to Shop nough movies the van to last City * written. Will hey raise? Planned by various schools, than 43 million Americans will close Jat enoug Heifbelamtagbs| ence tdaerer Se tw ‘2-Marllyn See, the holiday a jove the ty. tie al look stages wit Dec, 28—Barbara Coen, back on a , there 4 * ‘ eee ss CHTITDD | Coming Activities we Se for USD 466 the New Year's Day will “a FREE day! ec. th a good wheat crop, a Herschbergr, | Ladvina oor fal milo cop and and to help with the work | HAPPY NEW YEAR! | cy {Eat were, i pemsea mt he eration vil etal. Faabions Dance to eee ae, Pe a { this is 1] a Silver Creek Saturday, January 4 9:30 to 1:30 —Week of Jan. 2-Jan. 9— have recover =F, you nd that Ber ing he middle school Thu ak ‘and sa pa oe basket- ball, Dighton here at 6:30 p. ming beginning to learn the coihratn, itil be ro iechanics of a new farm bill—about which very litle |_| Until next time, we'llsay, . Byey at this time. ore Ne. ROR and att City retailers will we’l cl a 3 $5.00. Couple AdaghertoMeanayis MVE © cine © Bed nv sow cy -SCHS boys and girls : ees s ton, 6:15 e vew Cab | , page pee eat aay eat a i ’ Rhythmic Aerobics Sat., Jan. 4—SCHS invitational de- Welcome Members & Guests Sahl at sLanul orate ‘ bate tournament. Com eaiegad: Nes Year's Dap pares aupies tra With Fitness At Heart q tchen ‘open ai cava are and le A New Begin ing January Mon., Jan. 6— ae 6th,|1986 Tues., Jan. 7— 4Shear Precision We are offering two evening Wee, Jan. 8 109 E. Broadway lasses. One will commence at 3 Leoti Ks 67861 5:15 p.m., the second class at “Thults::4i land. 9-iiddlel feshonl , AS. 6:15 p.m. and son, Zachery. seventh and eighth grade boys basket- OPEN HOUSE For Location Information toe Mn et ball, Oakley here at 4:30 p.m Jan. 6, 1986 ; Fa Beet oa an 1, Kyle Hoeme 2-7048 Wells ot Nes cy, rand 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Betty Eisenhour 2.5431 Mis Bd Wels and rand Mrs. Steve Wells and . * 2 Pizza Hut Begin taking appointments Jan.7, 1986 or rh Gra of toot, and Demis | Wil-Hunt & Salmans Agency Kathy Ford —owner-operator ed gd doze}] Dente’ sna Sstua at |) Weinmann-Price Funeral Home 2 Reretord, Texas.