Hat as rh yl : dott ey, Bb een Tuesday Edition on Be Scott County “Birthplace of Kansas—1650" epi cambio atthe 1885 Kansas State alr was Zam B soot any hepa She to the Centenn! Contecat ere ant AA“*hait-mlle walking course” has been ‘a perity of Scott County SCOTT COUNTY "PRIDE OF THE PRAIRIE ‘TWELVE PAGES SCOPT CITY. Ka’ 20 the SAS copy (PLUS INSERTS) — | Pood ‘ver 5:000 Readers Weekly mar bbe Aug. 8, 1996 at Joplin, Mo. He dled July 31, 1976. Mrs Skibbe was a lal comaittee to her else purpose mipisted a maneth Pal 2 years a servo the sno cy is eJeamne, Landstedt and Don Dinkel we What r <The celebrate ther dh wedding ‘an - Jean and Wes Sandy *Nethoaist chureh, the Us- thodist Women, and EHU, all of ‘uhiman, county clerk; Teft aty, hosted by thelr son, Dr. James Kiter and family ical Baptist church Intals new minister, Rev. ity Asse ey & Aa Mark mervile seit in aie uaen ay nai tt ; syst al a came cay, roposal and thi Goering, district lection defeated the 82.7 mliion school bond as tt St masa ge, ‘Jeanne! her Sth aaalversary atthe ost of Reger of Schwartz Deeds of snow conditions, ‘Mr and Mrs Arthur te their Golden wedding pparenly unl and f Dighton 4 Gomty,-- Fst Bapist church dedicates: morning In head annighvay colon af Ay, da ol i i aaa 64, died Saturday i MA L OWN DEVELOPMENT. SANTA tan SWING BED patients this past eg on sate: with gifts htspial were Mary Ai . Pictured are Mrs arrangements Wehamam Price Fone! “Scott pred Sets eae ok pom Meeting Snow Twigs, at ones Mqueentoy (By Nell il Baruet) three buldings: frst, an the final basketball game was Teresa Reln, daughter of ‘shelter aaa ats Cosi coc, Derma Pe : car ye fave ‘Chamber ot. wil Ws Chris sted asic grad. coMr 3043 li oulang’ was, the county for-Chistmias selebrate thelr Golden wedding town watches ts downtown constructed, brovdng ta aroma bas! cog at fay, adding, a inch Renovation plansforiheScttLakehavemiredtecauseed eq Gelne because Your srkng enrsnce molsture tothe year's total blades reluctance to work anthelake sbogey bottom -. residents spent. thelr the north endj ot siness will include the Te™Peratures prior to this former teal Food Store, New owners @aUaFsinsearby les tbat Kaukatna’s downtown s- statment, of operations &2¥ hed been mld—and LeoCaspar of Turon... long-time Mod et Foe ae Jetty md Dalance sheet for the Comlinued so through this resident willbe par of ‘Seminar groupthat Tare selection? the ‘elty Year ended Oct. 31, Two ito, Eugen Raa PRIDE comme as) Yo ht bc! Aes, deraahed a dlapidtes 20H,e0864 Oct. 2. Two “ne Peau neater ‘Arbor day ceremony at 2 rk to honor ZM. that's, what. they building that then enabled rd of directors, I Improvement over jens Groban nuh Mr ads Kaukauna, Wise anautodealertoexpandhls Gayland “Gus” Ceuthon Neveniae) perso. te ith operation, enabling him to Sad Gerald Mowing | readings, Reuss Whocdiin AscctedcAppreimatey€) corer sinih ioe a ek us ald Wiechman are followin Percent a he elgbleetorat okie tp oe pols eastern nigeot he continous Se a ee pee clad was $ion ond River Valley, an areq that Thing the city bought a Cauinoa jg cin for a, Liab election for a new grade sct City, wi tate t deal of Gauthon is eligible for re- Dec. 19—High 43, low 29. tartans a Freel eal Of bullding in the middle of ¢jection, Alsonamed by the Dec. 20—High 44, low 21 Instr andinldesclies Kaukauna's “downtown Saminating commie ae ee 21=High ow 38 Such as Oshkosh and from a local fraternal farry Huck, Row Rinerand Dee, 2.2Hen $6 low 34 Appleton. orgatiatin, and aad tie Wiethrosn Dee. 23-Hlgh $3; low a Past 20 years, It toa developer, who Was Patronage | checks, Dec. 4 —Hgh 42 low 19 Kaukauna watched “Its aided bya low-interestloan reflecting a Sate, Bae eee ene from the grant money. The fie, wil be Dee: 25—Agh lw 18 3 buted at this meeting. Dec. 27- High 38, Jw 2. officals are trying toworkadealtosell the Holcombpower Ksoyuse Sy And converted Into.aminl- 4 steak dinner for adult Dec. 28—High 50 thelr shopping dollars to "Elaine Novak is the fuembersot thefamly will Dec. ih tw and other larger owner Garments and pam. ‘Dee, HSA DS eae ‘and Everett i ecaoe val ceca ‘ities in the Valley. Gables: in downtown" several fala ad Val oman early Monday result, according says: “The A SERIES ‘morning, when a severe ral raversed Scott County Less, Kaukauna’s ay ot Peiaason and the from the north south ..... Saturday afternoon and Community oo merchants of Kaukauna 1 hs reer wat veteadawmngen COT ity es cane tare torr ias oer eS ee a ee aad Mra be Linge ith bas Les emi Sok aa rates aber ZyeureAse mllon dolar, to provide development and One thing that un- doubtedly helped Kaukauna receive the 2 Hobawonensligedwe May at ine Fit Bapiistchureh in Scot Cty “lek , who promoted “Hot Fun nthe Summertime II” as KWKR Radio for the Scott County State Park 2 paid into the Park use rey Itit was awarded to Pastot tha dca money we ‘Tuzicka, and attendants Jennifer Tus Lisa Frick... wou Pat Roberts and Gov. Stan Chrinval econ ahd erate bs. pentose Nissen Several new. busnesee ‘church observed its 60th tit beted tore ty towing oa secs In the Beginning (By Bonnie Bailey Vaughn) far as the cooperation that AUGUST 30, wenow have goingbetween Sheep raising, aon ote od quarters thebusinessdlstrietandthe J.C. Render ownsa flock was thought secure ix MoOead,Hevealuedso' other bulllngs, Two Ttjust goes toshow you.. head from the clip this bulla uth Mala It your downtown areas sing ese all profisot_ Steet have ben secured bessih or you Paes the furs in being Poyieet Migcng ea about BF er head the past winter Bie vasan exceptionally rough winter, Cost fe evo ghee: orn Central Hotel sold mayor Willis Brya Ea -D. MeCoy MeMeey to Ft. Scotto Guldner Sets ‘Listening Tour’ tP Harol Guner has a “iistening tor ‘ver the counties he 's in southwest: Kan orale cattle and sas, ss tatcontuenscen in connection left on the table to cool. Her discuss Issues facing the farming. Me was detpaled of tor Kansas legllture isthe SEPTEMBER 6,188 several day pas oo session, Grigsby slowly recoveri Wanted: Small boy to SEPTEMBER 13, 188 Beet out ores, Callona Business man ofthe ety. Sheep pe smoemay Well inthis climate and at ian leases Cat 39 3n make havoc of flocks Wie ast. Soot County ts Certainly the place ‘cy ting a bucket of plum Jelly a ite munis ne wl vst, ep 2 — is swollen, {oatmast twice it natural size. Mr Harshbarger ha bad tuck with his stock this immer. Four cows died at ypened_ Monday win Prt Ue ‘od iiss Lula lteachers, ‘School adjourned Tues- su yy morning until next one time and a horse wi nday. Owing to the con: killed by lightning ine 13 p.m. On Jan. 8 he will visit Lakin trom 1-3 p.m. ‘nn Kasselman, Chery! Mat fartin and Donna Car- ‘Velma Thomas (top photo), and | Mark Urban Nici iend Mr and Mrs Orson Card Invited in.a few friends to Ibiy ine coitnay ie fifth wedding y Breezy oie ee Stig ‘nee picture) being greeted by ““Ol' Saint Nick. ‘get $55 per mont ‘on claims. Good teacher Duck hunting on Beaver. Thirteen ducks led by a party of young E, C, Adams hs bought the entire stock ofthe Scott unable to speak for about ten minutes. Minnle “Hall returned Normal lege. W. Bond of Painter ‘rel tg cogent Work began on the Amazon Ligating, Canal Moday of Painter fay determined that the ‘canal would bbe bullt. SEPTEMBER 20, 1888 7 Pence Corneutting—making sor- $9. ghum—threshing are the i sor broom industries aa anon. SG corn and ce OCTOBER 4, 1888 Mary, the two-year-old await tr and) Mia was drowned ete weer ant toa Thou tr water, it continues