| Alpha Omega = Alpha Omega sorority metat the home of Kyle Hoeme on : Dec. 12. President Peg Kennedy presided over the ee business meeting. % Topics of discussion were the ; § (" success of the Thanksgiving food baskets, the planning of a ‘Christmas basket, and the «(Printed as Received) adoption of a handicapped “Rebekah Lodge child at the Institute of Logopedics in Wichita by the group. The meeting was follow- ed by a fun evening of good food Eighteen members of “ Rebekah lodge met in regular » session Thursday evening with “Mrs Gail Hoagland, Noble and gift exchange. Saturday, Dec. 14, Alpha Omega and their guests en- joyed a Christmas dinner party at the Chaparral restaurant. The dinner was followed by an Grand, presiding at the business meeting. Installation of the officers for the coming year will take place at a joint installation on Jan. 5 _, at 3 p.m. The new officers are: evening of dancing and ~ Mrs Wayne Roberts, Noble ee Le re socializing at the Hideout club. HONORED AT WEDDING SUPPER Mr and Mrs Alan Pfen- ninger of Hutchinson were honored guests at a wed- _ Grand; Mrs Keith Hushaw, ging reception supper, . ating eee hae Christmas evening at the ' Fairleigh, financial secretary; yg of Mr and Mrs Ashley « Mrs Harry Dean, treasurer; » Mrs Gail Hoagland, past noble » grand; Mrs Berl Minnix, assis- tant treasurer. ,. Appointed officers are: No- _ ble Grand right and left sup- ‘porters, Mrs Bernarr Nelson -and Mrs Frank Teeters; vice grand supporters, Mrs Lillian ~ Magie and Mrs Grace Starr; Those present were: parents of the groom, Mr and Mrs Bill Pfenninger and daughter, Angela, Hutchinson; grandparents, Mrs Angie Pfenninger, Mr and Mrs C. D. Luke and Mr and Mrs Ray Chamberlain; Mr and Mrs Paul St. Blane of Charenton, La. announce the engagement of their daughter, Anne to Mark Lampe, son of Mr and Mrs Dwaine Lampe of Scott City. Anne is a 19) graduate of Hanson Memorial high school, and Mark is a 1983 graduate of Scott Community — high school. They both attended Hutchinson — community college. Mark is now employed b' Royal Beef Feedlot in Scott City. A Jan. 25° wedding is planned in Charenton. : Ways to cut costs and to attract customers to their _ businesses. So, in many ‘ ht aaa on nolan The new year will be different from last, however, in that Scott County will be celebrating her centennial. The celebration of the centen-. nial will bring people into town, and will present some activities that we do not normally experience. We'll also be celebrating the 125th birthday of the state of Kansas. The centennial kick-off will be a joint banquet between the Chamber of Commerce and the Scott County Historical Society, on the 20th of January. This date will also mark the official beginning of the beard and bonnet contest. (There will be a division for existing beards, so all con- testants do not need to begin with a clean shaven face), In February, the official centennial activity will be the presentation of the theatrical magic show. This will take place on the first Saturday night in February, and is sponsored in part by the Association of University Women, and the Centennial commission. In March we’ll celebrate Mr and Mrs Lee Pfen- ninger, Moscow; David and Chris Pfenninger, and Clark Kostner, Kansas City; Allie Cheney, Shannon Luke, Molly Miller, Tina Luke and Daren Russell. chaplain, Mrs Violet Sanders; conductor, Mrs Berl Minnix; supporters of chaplain, Mrs Bill Krebs and Mrs _ Irene _Leach; warden, Mrs Cherlyn Whinery; flag bearer, Mrs John McGrath; inside guar- dian, Mrs Laura Beeson; out- side guardian, Mrs Richard Boulware; musician, Mrs Edna Lomax; altar supporters, Mrs Cordelia Allen and Mrs Harold Quane, and lodge deputy, Mrs Vern Williams. Birthday. night. was Business Briefs (By Rex Grothusen) News of Our Servicemen . . We're back for the last with the Easter Pageant, and in April there will be a presentation of a second annual melodrama by. our local community theater group. For May, a hot air balloon festival is being planned, and will take place at the airport. This will be a weekend celebration in- volving a dance, a parade, and maybe even a barbecue. In June, we’ll have the All-School reunion on the celebrated when the Rebekahs joined the Odd Fellows up- stairs at the conclusion of the meeting. Hostesses Mrs Vern Williams and Mrs Keith Hushaw served birthday cake and ice cream to 27 members. Specialist 4 Danny Harrington recently com- pleted the French Com- mando school on the French-German border. During the three-week time this year. Hope you've had a great Christmas, and a wonderful holiday season. The snow that arrived | sometime in the night on Christmas Eve was beautiful Christmas bo It was just the kind of snow one would order for a Christmas card scene, and it made this a Western Kansas Christmas to weekend of the 14th and 15th, and in July, we'll have the traditional 4th of July celebration, and the celebration will continue into the 5th, which is the official birthday of Scott course, American and French soldiers par- ticipated in rappelling, obstacle courses, demoli- tion training, and patrolling in the Black Forest regions. An infantryman with the Names in the News J. Arthur Bryan returned home Sunday after spend- ing the Christmas holidays with his son, Joel Bryan and family of Con- | Scott County | Hospital Notes The Hospital management will appreciate strict obser- vance of visiting hours roe, Texas 16th Infantry Regiment in | : West Germany, Spec. 4 Admissions Harrington is the husband Dec. 23—Hazel Herschberger, Scott City; EdnarFister, Garien City: Déc. 26--Marilyn See, Pauline Skibbe, Scott City. Dec. 27—Barbara Coen, Scott City. Dec, 29—Kaylin Shelit, of the former Tammy -Bentle — aly. hi VCR and Movie Leoti; Josephine Basgall, Rental Scott! City; George Mum- ma, Dighton. Dec. 30—Joshua Hoeme, Melinda Russman, Scott City. 103 W. 4th Scott City, Ks. Dismissals Dec. 23—Maude Phipps, Open till 7:00 p.m. juts Conine and son, ’ Scott City. | New Year S Eve! css “‘MEthel Switzer, 7 ’ Glen Ramsey, Carl We will be closed New Year’s Beardsley, Nathan Sites, Day, ae: be sures pick Up. | venom wicket, Garden enough movies the 31st to last City. 5 : Dec. 27—Marilyn See, the holiday! Scott City. New Year's Day will be a FREE day! ao Coen, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Dec. 29—Hazel Herschberger, — Ludivina Franco and daughter, Scott hieahe'lee age SER ee | City. 1] Dec. 30—Mark Urban, | Dance to 1 Scott City. ti] Silver Creek § Saturday, January 4 | 9:30 to 1:30 Admission: $2.50 Single Births 2 $5.00 Couple A daughter to Mr and Mrs 3 {) Rafael Francoof Scott City, iy VEW C ub { Dec. 28. She has been,named 5 raat i Marlaena Eden, and weigh- 2 Scott City § ed 7 pounds, 7% ounces. ¢ Mr and Mrs Michael 5 Welcome Members & Guests eg emleps a cy on -§ Open 1 to 10 p.m. New Year's Day parents of a daughter, born : . . Dec. 30. She has been nam- “ Kitchen will open at 5:00 a Kayla Marie, auc weigh: 4 ed 7 pounds, 11 ounces. 109 E. Broadway Leoti, Ks. 67861 OPEN HOUSE Jan. 6, 1986 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Begin taking appointments Jan. 7, 1986 Kathy Ford — owner-operator eTeTs TSS SSS eer rss srs ser eee County. The centennial com- remember. i The end of the year isan excellent time for reflec- mittee also has applied to tion concerning the year the Kansas Arts Commis- just past, and also. for sion for the privilege of speculation regarding | hosting one of two Chautau- things the New Year will quas to be held in Kansas in bring. 1986. If the bid is successful, As we look back, we da this would take place from with 20/20 vision. We can July 15th to the 20th, and see clearly, the results would add considerably to the decisions that we made}, the celebration of . the In most instances, the ma: ‘centennial. jority of us probably made | Of course, in August we'll mostly correct decisions, have the fair, and in but sometimes we were September a replay of the wrong. Fortunately, Squaws Den Pageant is though, most of our mis- Planned, along with the takes are not beyond cor- Whimmydiddle. rection, so we willhave the Although nothing really opportunity to workonthat Specific is planned for the in 1986. remaining months, the When we look backonthe celebration will be incor- past year, each of us will porated into the remaining remember the year for portion of the year. different reasons. To me, Specific details concer- one of the most exciting ning all of these activities things that happened are forthcoming, but you worldwide, was the location - can see by this brief outline of the Titanic. The story of that 1986 will be exciting the Titanic has long held a and different. fascinationforme,andnow In addition to the ac- that it has been located, a_ tivities listed above, ac- new chapter remains to be tivities are also being written. Will they raise it? planned by various schools, It will be interesting to find churches and other groups. out. As we move past the Here at home, we look Planning stages with the back on a year that — ‘centennial activities, there presented area farmers " will be a need for volunteers with a good wheat crop,a to serve on committees, poor to fair milo crop, and and to help with the work grain and livestock prices that the various aspects of that were, in general, not the celebration will entail. the best. Please plan to help in some So, we look to 1986. As of Way as the year progresses. this moment, Scott County ' In addition to the fact that wheat crop prospects are your help may be vital to fairly good, livestock prices _ _ the success of the celebra- have recovered con-. tion, you'll find that by siderably, and farmers are becoming a part of the beginning to learn the Celebration, it will be more mechanics of a new farm meaningful. bill—about which very little Until next time, we’llsay, is known at this time. “Happy New Year,” and Scott City retailers will we'll be back in 1986. have to continue to find —Buy it in Scott City. ' Aerobics Rhythmic With Fitness At Heart A New Beginning January 6th, 1986 We are offering two evening classes. One will commence at 5:15 p.m., the second class at 6:15 p.m. For Location Information Call: Kyle Hoeme 2-7048 Betty Eisenhour 2-5431 or 2-3471 Nancy Kabriel, Origtiator REST HOME RESIDENTS were treated to a visit by Ol’ Saint Nick on Dec. 23, at an afternoon Christmas party with ‘‘refreshments for all.” Gifts also were distributed at this time, to the enjoyment of everyone Name New Heart Chairman in County Anna Kelley has been named Campaign chair- man of the American Heart Association’s 1985-’86 fund- raising campaign in Scott County, according to Dr. John Trank, president of the American Heart Association, Kansas Af- filiate, Inc. As campaign chairman, Mrs Kelley will coordinate volunteers who will seek contributions and. dis- tribute information on how the American Heart Association spends its money in support of research, education and community’ service programs. Mrs Kelley said: ‘‘this year’s campaign goal is $4,700.’’ In order to reach this goal, various fund- raising activities are targeted for Scott County, including ‘‘Dance for Heart,’’ business drive and “Swim for Heart.” Despite a continuing reduction in the death rate from heart disease, stroke and related disorders more than 43 million Americans are afflicted with these T T NOURAN Ha ( Life e Auto ) Farm e Home Martha Eaton 409 Main 872-5388 MBURBTCE COMPANIES ee J BREAKFAST GUESTS ON CHRISTMAS DAY Christmas breakfast guests of Mr and Mrs W. H. Wells, included Mr and Mrs Dale Conine and daughter, Kristi, Willma Baker, Willard Wells, Evelyn Waller, Mr and Mrs Malvin Wells, Mr and Mrs Kurt Conine and children, Chantelle, K. C. and Jay, Mr and Mrs Kelly Conine and son, Zachery. Tina Gruver, Sue Nickel of Modoc, Mr and Mrs Rod Barrows, Todd, Scott and | K. J. Barrows and Howard Wells of Ness City, Mr and Mrs Edd Wells and Mr and Mrs Steve Wells and children, Jason and Chan- dra of Leoti, and Dennis Wells and children, Tim, Denice and Joshua of Hereford, Texas. present. “and yearly one million Americans die each year as a result of these diseases—nearly equal to the total number of deaths from all other causes of disease, death combined,’ Mrs Kelley said. “We're fighting to reduce the early death and disabili- ty from these diseases, so when your’ Heart volunteers call, remember to give generously,” the chairman urged area residents. Card of Thanks —I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone for all the assistance, help, prayers, visits, beautiful flowers, and many cards during my accident and hospitaliza- tion. A very special thanks to Rosie Breit, EMTs, Dr. Arroyo, Dr. Dunn, Dr. Hopkins, nurses and staff of Scott County hospital for the excellent care I receiv- ed. It was all greatly ap- preciated. May God bless you all.—Mrs F. D. Holland. lp —ROBERT’S JEWELERS will close Jan. 1 and 2. Card Shower Albert Allen is being honored on his 88th birth- day, Jan. 3, with a card shower. Helping him celebrate will be his children, George and Edwin Allen and Bonnie Pickett and their families. His address is: Route 2, Scott City. HELP CELEBRATE 84TH BIRTHDAY Assisting Mrs Henry (Alice) Wells in celebrating her 84th birthday, on Thurs- |. day (Dec. 26), were Mrand | Mrs Edd Wells of Leoti, Mr and Mrs Dale Conine, Kristi Conine, Mr and Mrs Kelly Conine and son, Zachery, Mrs /|Willma Baker, Willard Wells and Evelyn Waller. Ice cream and cake were served, with several phone calls also being received from relatives on this day. WANT ADS lhe Ineypensive Way to Shop Thurs., Jan. bate tournament. Mon., Jan. 6— Tues., Jan. 7— Wed., Jan. 8— Thurs., Jan. Coming Activities for USD 466 —Week of Jan. 2-Jan. 9— seventh and eighth grade boys basket- ball, Dighton here at 6:30 p.m. Fri, Jan. 3—SCHS boys and girls basketball at Dighton, 6:15 p.m. Sat., Jan. 4—SCHS invitational de- seventh and eighth grade boys basket- ball, Oakley here at 4:30 p.m. Pizza Hut Wil-Hunt & Salmans Agency Weinmann-Price Funeral Home 2—middle school 9—middle school