, p. 3

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La 4 $500,009. Oxe of ‘of erection at Y¢ “factory fort fe One hyndred looms be Bla aan commencement, Bix experienced Lan= » cashiro operatives are to superintend opera “Bitvas, and to teach the Japanese, ¢ ‘Tox Dublin Metropolitan, police are fn the proportion of 1 to, 802.0f the population, whilo in the London dletricGthe forces Ja! in the proportion of 1 to 45% of tho tation, In the reet of Ireland tho police are J to 450 of the population, nd In the rest-of England and Walés 1'fo 992 of the populatfon. ‘Vaspzsviut has ordored the brass ornaments removed: fromthe New York Centfol Ratt- road engines, to eave the expense of keeping them clean, and stopped tho local tline-table advertisements Jn th¢ papers along tha road. Tho Butialo’Kzprese‘ ays the, Commodore hind better be careful and not wash more than he can hang gut. A Fairy Mrstiio ty Burvaio—Buflalo, Feb, 3.-About two thoutand Fenians ’assembled In Bt, James’ Hall on Saturday night, and wero addressed by Jon O'Neil, the President of the organization, and-Col. Walsh, of Cali- fotnla, ‘Tho Preéldent eaidIn'réference tow é aJetter sent to the British Consul threatening hie life, that it was not authorized by the organization—that such acts were condemned by.the Fenian organization. Lanoe Coxstoxiet ov Ofersh.—This mom~ Ing there was the untsual Jarge arryal at the Grand ‘Trunk Railway elation here, of thirty- *fivo waggons laden with no legs than forty tons of cheese, purchased by Mr, Furness, of Liverpool, at the extensive dairy, establish- ment of Harrletsville, East Middlesex, ‘This Jarge consignment fs, we belieye, to be ex- ported from Portland to Rngland,—London Advertiver, 90 Qarrcnr or A Carp a Century O1p.—A fisherman named’ Alexandre, residing at St. Ouen l'Aumone, France, caught a few daya back, in the River Oise, a°carp weighing 28 pounds. ‘Thin fish, which mensured four feet four inches in length, is supposedto be aged more than a hundred years, In the lip _ws a gold riug bearing the inscription — «“V—¢—D—May 1771—Algue Blanches.” The man had the carp: ¢ooked, and invited several friends to tho feast;.but the fish oved to be 60 coarse and rank as to be 3% carcely eatable, Metaxowory Dear.—The Richmond Hill «Herald cays:—On Thureday afternoon, the 23rd ult., the infant son of I, W, Yantassell, of this: village, met with an accident, which proved fatal ina few hours, It appears that the child's mother was engaged in some cu- linary matters, and had put a basin of Doil- ing water on the kitchen table; on turning to the cupboard for something required, the child had, it is thought, got hold of the oil cloth which covered the table, and pulled it £0 a8 to upset the water on its face and breast. After extreme suffering, it died about cight o'clock on Friday morning. 5 Tue Mencuast Navies or Evnope.—The en- tire mercantile navy of Europe, accyrding to the latest statistical returns, consists of 100,- G00 yessele, repretenting a total tonnage of 12 millions and employing ,660,000 men. This amount of chipping is (hus distributed : Bremen, 294 vessels; Hamburg, 539; Lu- beck, 45; Hanover, 906; Mecklenburg Sch- werin, 424; Oldenburg, 610; Prussia, 1,443; Austria, 9,491; Belgium, 107; Spain, 4,359; France, 15,259; Greece, 4,452; Holland, 2,227; Italy, 13,223; Portugal, 591; Great been current kero for a week or two payt tliat the President ied actnally tssu0d en gider, General Grang, forbidding him to uocep! rdora from jfecrétary Stanton, ‘a couple /of weeks, a 0 only the matter named, but also tho charges miid¢ by the Preaident against Goncral Grant of duplicity on the War Office question. “Tum Montreal Witness saya {t has reason to believe tlint theto!is an amonnt of diptrost at present in that cfty of which only few are ‘are aware, “Some of the foundrtes aré closed, and others are working only half or three- quarters time; while many of those employr ed jn the shoemaking business are eceking employment, (nd only too gl@4 to obtain ft at almost any wages. Stout able-bodied men are going about asking for either bread or work; and we haye heard of one family wherein there is slight doubt that a child had perished from sheer slow starvation.— The early setting in of winter, and the un- anunlly severe weather, have also, no doubt, in great part, contributed to bringing about this most distressing state of affaira, Alorge part of the money that in ordinsry seasons would have been spent in food, has this win- tor been compulsorily Iaid out In firewood ; and, ins many instances, the stock, provided in’ tlie’ fall, and thought tp be gufficjent, has already been exhausted, Branvation 1x Avoxnta—One © Huxperp Tuousaxn, Deatna.—A letter from Paris, Jan- unry bth, says:—The poorer classes’ are now undergoing tremendous sufferings, not only in France but in Algeria, In that colony, according to the Archbishop of Algiers, the Arab population are dragging ont an exis- tence of misery—feeding, like animals, on the foliage of trees, wandering almost naked (writes Monseigneur) along the roads, await- ing in the neighborhood of cities and villages, for the emptying of household refuse, to quarrel over the filthy remains. To these starving, nay, dying tribes, nothing that can be devoured is repulsive, S0 desperate is their condition (I translate the Archbishop's words), that “they actually dig up the car- casses of animals that have died of disease. A heap of ten and twelve bodies of dead Arabs lying by the roadside is no uncommon spectacle. When these poor men feel the approach of death—the slow and terrible death of famine—they do not complain ; they stretch themselves near some roadside, cover themselves ag well as they can with the wretched rags they may possess, and, cover- ing their faces, await their last hour, mur- muring the name of ‘Altah/’ It is thus they died of cholera all last summer; itis thus they now die of hunger, literally mown down by this plague. Calculations, which are not exaggerated, bring the number of the victims within the last six months, to above one hundred thousand,” ——— MARRIED. On Tuesday, the 4th inst., at the residence of W. McMaster, jr. Esq., by the Rey. Mr. McNutt, of Toronto, Dr, Bextiey, of New- market, to Catuanise, eldest daughter of the late John McIntosh, Esq., of Toronto. No cards. es Newmarket Marlrets. January 29, 1868. Britain, 27,868; 2,740; the Elve-Duchies, 2,552; Norway, 5,678; Sweden, 23936; Turkey, 2,309. > ‘Tage Caner oF vour Agnes—The Ingersoll Chronicle tays:—As Mr. ©. P. Hall was re- turning from the railway station at about 12 o'clock on Friday night, the 24th of January, and passing his store on Thames etrect, he observed emoke issuing from the adjoining premises, occupied by Mr. Alexander Gor- don. On investigation he discovered flames arising from'a wooden bos, in the rcar of Mr. Gordon's store,-filled with ashes. Mr. Hall at once gave the alarm, and, in p few min- tea, what might have proved a disastrous ¥y. “was prevented. On Monday evening . Gordon. was summoned, by the Street Tnspector, before the Mayor, and fined $2. Mr. Gordon, we may mention, is one of our most respected fellow-townmen, and the placing of the hot ashes in the wooden box was owing to the carelesancss and want of forethought ‘on the part of a lad in his em- ploy. ~ . Tre Avapayva Crams.—New York, Feb. 1. —The World's special says the tergiversation of Secretary Seward is of avail no longer — “ Another and higher authority has determined pon the course which is to be pursued in Tespect to the claims of the United States Government upon Great Britain. I am au- thorized to state most confidently and deci- sively that the legitimate demands which haye been too meckly urged by the Secretary of State upon the British Cabinet, are to he forced at whatever hazard. The new Rritish Minister, Mr. Thornton, will probably be pre rented to the President on Tuesday. Al- though the addresses that are tobe exchanged 2 may be guarded and serene, the fact yet re mains thet a speedy and satisfactory response must be made by the British Government to be the ultimatum of the Executive of the United States, or else a declaration of wa against Great Britain mist inevitally ensue. Parau Recruits From Canapa.—The Mi- , _ nerve publishes the following asthe terms on which the Papsl Government will accept It will not, organize Ca- dians into a separate corps, unless they Nor canit dertake to give them Canadian officers — ‘That is possible only within certain limits, 4&8 percons competent for officers in Canada rh 5 may hot be £0 in Reme, where the French THE | MERCHANT OF AVREIOE” system of drill is followed instead of the Eng- lish. Engagements may be for 1,2, 3,4, or5 yeate, No bounty money. “Pay, five cents 4 Height must be not less than 4 feet 8 inches, and the recruit must be under 46, and neither married nor a widower with He must be robust and in _ good health, have a baptismal register show-| ~ ing that he is a Catholic, with a certificate ef good conduct from’ his Confessor, and . Canadian recruits. ber five or six hundred men. + a day. young children, 4 must undergo medical examination, win, 1,416; Denmark, | Hi Flour ¥ barrel 7 Fall Wheat 4/ bushel. 163 @ 1 75 Spring Wheat 4 bushel. 150@ 156 Barley 4 bushel 097 @ 105 Oats 4” bushel 060 @ O 58 Peas ¥ bushel 009 @ 085 Dressed Hogs 4 450 @ 5 50 Beef ¥ 100 Ibs 500 @ 6 50 400M 500 6 00: @ “7 00 KI 050 @ 0 80 Potatoes 4 bushel 035 @ 0 404 Good Graft Apples ¥ b: 049 @ 0 50 Butter 7 . 660 @ 0 20 Cheese ¥ Ib. 010 @ 0 12 Eggs per dozen 000 @ 0165 Turkeys ¥ th. » 000 @ 005 Geese, each. 040 @ 0 50 Ducks 4 pair. . 030 035 Chickens ¥ pair . 025 @ 0 30 ‘Toronto Markets. From Wednesday's Globe. Flour ¥ barrel .... f@ $7 10 Fall Wheat # bushe + 000@ 177 Spring Wheat 4 bushel..... 0 00 @ 1 60 Oats 7 bushel, ceseee 060 @ 0 63 Barley 4 bushel - 000 @ 103 Peas ¥ bushel ..... - 900 @ 087 Dressed Hogs #100 Ibs..... 5 75 @ 6 75 Aew Advertisements, THANKS! THANKS! BEG to return my sincere thanks to those kind ladies and gentlemen of the village of Newrarket, who assisted ‘me, by their kind contributions, to enable me to purchase wood and clothing; also, to the parties who undertook the collection, the Lord increase their store, = WIDOW KEAN, February. 6, 1868. rat THE CELEBRATED ‘Townsend Family, FROM HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE, OTTAWA. r Feb. 7th, 8th, and 10th, FASHIONABLE ENTERTAINMENT ! N FRIDAY Eyening, the 7th, “TRE TWO LAWYERS,” And the Pretty Laundrees,” rence Townsend and the Company. After which Shakespeare's play of Company. To conclude with ‘Just roctived and for sale by i Sp ecial Notice! { READING BOOKS | 3 INO TCE hereby given that the Partner- FOR THREE NIGHTS ONLY! Friday, Saturday, and Monday, a ill be presented the laughable farce o' Miss Flo- Skylock, by John’ Townsend ; Portia, by Mies Florence Townsend, supported by the whole aes! Yes. Yola | “A BPLENDID ASSORTMENT * or tHe AnovE ; At Various Prices, t ho. MeBINNG,! © He i At the Covzizr Office, | Newmarket, February 6, 1868, 4-3t i THE CANADIAN NATIONAL SERIES ALSO, THE Canadian Speaker AND ELOCUTIONARY READER, May be had at the COURIER OFFICE, Newmarket, February 6, 1868. = a CANADIAN NATIONAL SERIES READING BOOKS ! Authorized by .the Council of Public Inetruc- tion of Ontario, First Boos, with 31 illusttations, strongly bound in limp cloth, -Five cents. Fimst Roox—2nd Part, 54 illustrations, strong- ly bound in limp cloth. ‘Ten cents. Srcoyn Boox, 54 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards. T'wenty cents, ‘Twp Boor, 41 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards. Thirty cents. Fovarit Boor, 45 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boarde. Forty cents. Firta Boo, 50 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, Fifty cents, *,* Alileral allowance to Retailers J Teachere, ADAM MILLER, Publisher, 62, King Street Enst. Toronto, February 6, 1868. 7-3t JUST PUBLISHED, The CANADIAN SPEAKER asp ELOCUTIONARY READER, ((oeHtsiNG a Choice Collection of Ora- tions, Dialogues, and Poetry, suitable for School and College Recitations, and Pub- lic and Social Readings, with Introductory Remarks on the Principles of Elocution.— Edited and compiled by EDWARD HARTLEY DEWART. 326 PAGES, PRICE 75 CENTS. *\¢ The Trade supplied on very Liberal Terms. ADAM MILLER, Publisher, 62, King Strect East, Toronto, February 6, 1868. Tat Dissolution of Co-partnership. ship heretofore existing between H. P. Sever and A.T. Byrse, as Marble Dealers, &c., in Newmarket, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. ‘All debts due said firm must be paid to H. P. Sevey, who will settle the accounts of the eame. - ALEX. BYRNE, .. .. .. H. P. SEVEY. Newmarket, January 30, 1868. 6-3 Something all should Know, R. HB. LUNDY HAS REMOVED HIS PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY One door south of Hodge's Tin Shop, Main Street, Newmarket, where he will be pleased to wait on all those who may favour him with a call, OLD PICTURES COPIED WITH CARE 7 ALSO, -THE LATEST NOVELTY, THE PORCELAIN PICTURE, *,* Do not forget where you will find a pleasant Waiting Room, Coxe oxz, Cour att. R. H. LUNDY, Artist. Newmarket, Jan. 29, 1868. 6-610 NOTICE | G. M. BINNS OULD respectfully notify the Farming community and public in general that he is now better prepared than ever to do ample justice to every description of LETTER-PRESS PRINTING, Having mnnde large additions to his office. Posters, Hand Bills, Circulars, BUSINESS” CARDS, BILL HEADS, BLANK NOTES, &c. Farmers getting their Auction Bills printed will have them noticed in the New- anger Covnirr free of expense. SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWMARKEET COURIER, $1.25 Strictly in Advance. G. M. BINNS, Printer, Publisher, § Proprietor, . Newniarket, Ont. NEWMAREET STOVE AND TIN WARETOUSE. J. & J. HODGE RE constantly receiving at this season, scription. ‘Chey have just now to hand a lot of first-class Cooking, Hall, & Parlour Stoves Among them will be found the CELEBRATED No. 4 AND No, 10 Ventilator Cooking Stoves ! The, heaviest and most durable Stoye made in Ontario. *.4 Call and see them. ‘pHE PAST YOUNG LADY,” And her Timid Lover, | Miss Florence Town send and the Company: eight o'clock. seats, 50c. _ W. J. SPECK, Agent. February 4, 1868, q-1t Doors open at 7,15, Conimence at Admission, 26c; Reserved -| Newmarket, Jan 8, 1868 Bt A® Foundries In the Dominion of Canada. manvfacture of these Stoyes, Their SQLTOVE BFURNITURE! ad Jes Deed, Cake, ‘Tea and Bpgar Boxes, Tea a Large Stock of Stoves of every de- Je & In indisputably the best you can get an: Galvanized, and Japanned ‘Tea Trays, Borvers, Bread Servers, nd Coffee Canisters, Candlesticks, &c, Brass and Enamelled Porcelain Preserving Lubricating & Coal Oils, Lamps, Lanterns BURNERS, CIUMNEY All of which they will gell ng Cheap as anybody elec. They are prepared to fit up Hot Air Furnaces on the most Improved Plans, Lave Troughing done in a Superior Manner. : {GF Particular attention paid to Jobbing. Copper, Brass, Lead, and Pewter, taken in exchange, say-> A CALL SPECIALLY SOLICITED AND SATISFY YOURSELVES. DONT FORGET THE PLACE :— FIRST BRICK STORE NORTH OF THE POST OFFICE, December 31, 1867. J. HOD E SATISFIED, FROM THE INCREASE OF THEIR BUSINESS, THAT THE Pablio are convinced that they keep the Best and Cheapest NG, PARLOUR, HALL, & BEDROOM xz OWVW = St In this section of thecountry, Selecting as they do all the Firet-Class Stoves from the best Foundriein the Province, thoy aro satisfied that their Stoves are not equalled by any other Bear in mind there is no old iron used in the and Untinned Frying Pans, Sad or Bmooth- ing Irons, §ad Iron and Coffee Pot Stands, Wire Sicyes, Screen, and Fly Wires, Cow Balances, Bkewers, &c, and Sheep Bells, Sheet Zinc, Grain Measures, Sced Hoppers, Cast Iron Pumps, Lead Pipe, Black Lead and Black Lead Brushes, Cast Iron Ham Boilers, Agricultural Furnaces, Ten Kettles, Sugar Kettles, Sinks, Sap Pans, ko, £0, &e. ywhero, They alto keep the Best TIN, COPPER, SHEET TRON, JAPANNED, AND PRESSED WARES, PLAIN § FANCY, SUCH AS Dish Covers, Jelly Moulds, Planished Double; Kettles, Enamelled Porcelain, Tinned, and Block Tin and Britannia Metal Tea and Coffee | B! Pots, Englizh, Pressed, Tinned Iron Wash Bowls, Galvanized Pails and Dippers, Soup Ladies, Spoons, Spring lack Tron Saucepans, Wrought Iron Tinned WS, WICKS, &ey Fe Farmers’ Produce, Sheep Skins, Raga, Old Cash paid for Furs. Main Street, Newmarket, Ontario. 24 THA DEALERS wor respectfolly announce to. the ” ‘{ohabltants of Newmarket and the ~ surrounding country that they have purchased the entire Broce-1y-Trane of W. . ste now carrying on tho business in ell {ts various branches. Slo a.sooren 2.c0,| GROCERS, Wine & Spirit Merchants, MANUFACTURERS OF FOR THE BEST a a —_._______ | Groceries : WATSO BAY ft Mi A ii W ALD C Hit ATK ER , Wines Newmarket, Ont. Dec. 1867. tf-1 Straw Hats Cleaned, Dyed and Altered. Liquors Trimmed Bonnets, MISS PAL. Embroidery Silks. Trimmed Hats. ud 7 | Embroidery Cottons, Drugs : MILLINER, ; Feathers. Ribbons. Mantlaand Dress Berlin c= Wools. Mantles, MAKER. Braids. Beads. Chemicals ¥<=> Ladies’ and Chil tf1 SHOP—CORNER MAIN & TIMOTHY-STS., dren’s Underclothing. NEWMARKET. WOOLLEN NEWMARKET NEWMAREET, ONT. FACTORY. Woollen Cloths of Newmarket, December, 1267. NELSON GORHAM, MANUFACTURER OF ALSO, GENERAL DEALER IN WOOL. Every Description. Ltt 1 ANTED, a middle-aged Woman to take | Vy charge of a family where the Mistres isin delicate health, Apply at this office. Newmarket, Jan. 22, 1868. TREMENDOUS BARGAIN AS WE INTEND Enlarging our Premises, We now offer remainder of | Stl) At Cost; _AND EVERYTHING IN THE AT PRICES tae Nove Satisfactory 64 "Than can be obtained elsewhere. The Whole must Positively be Cleared Out — ‘To saye expense of moying. SYKES & BLVIDGE. Newmarket, Jan. 22, 1868. 15 d. H. JOHNSON’S Sash, Blind, Door, and , Is now in full operation, A GALL FROM BUILDERS SOLICITED: A Good assortment of MOULDINGS Always on hand. N.B.—Custom Planing dane at any time. " SHOP,—Corner Mill & Roglan-sts., NEWMARKET, January 23, 1867. t65 4 TLLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS | { For sale at the Counier Office. S il 0 V if} S| Wioney to Loan. HARDWARE LINE) PLANING FACTORY CHRISTMAS NUMBER OF THE WITH EXTRA SUPPLEMENT ASD BEAUTIFUL ‘COLOURED PICTURE. PRICE 40 CENTS. | Newmarket, Jan. 16, 1868. 4 APPLY TO | A. BOULTBEE. |\VOLUNTEERS, ATTENTION! t HE NEWMARKET VOLUNTEER COM- | pawy will meet for if Drill each Monday Evening, During the Winter, AT THE ARMOURY, ar 7-30 P.M. | SF-Members of the Company failing to at- | tend will be fined. A, BOULTBEE, | cane Dec. 1867. tf-1 | Notice of Co-partnership. HE UNDERSIGNED have entered into Co-partnership, and will carry on the Dusiness heretofore carried on by Mr. A. Sonter, Newmarket, Province of Ontario, under the name and firm of A. Sovrsn & Co. A. SOUTER, - - - - W. TRENT. Newmarket, Dec. 31, 1867. a4f NOTICE. pseaies indebted to the Subscriber are requested to call and ecttle the same either by Cash or Note. CARD. TURING any absence in England, persons will confer a favor by paying my agent, Mz, E. Crsay, the amount due mo, who is authorized to give a receipt for the same— My customers will find eyery attention paid “ No Thoroughfare.” " Dickens’ New Christmas Story. _ - FOR SALE BY G. M. BINNS. to their wants, the same as if I was in the shop. F J 4 F. RUSSELL. ‘All accounts unsettled by the Ist day Ginger Wine Gordials Pickles Sauces Ganned Fish Preserved Fruit Orange Tonic Cigars —GO TO— A. SOUTER & Co’s WHOSE STOCK IS AND MORE THAN ANY of February; 1868, will be placed in Court for collection. A, SOUTER. Newmarket, Dec, 31, 1867. Batt “Wood Wanted, [paAenies wishing to pay for the Courier in Woon will please deliver at once. G. M. BINNS. NORTH OF TORONTO. MAIN ST., NEWMARKET. Newmarket, Jan, 14, 1868. 44 Newmarket, Dee. 31, 1867- Larger, Better Assorted ADVANTAGROUSLY. PURCHASED, A. SOUTER, - - - W. TRENT, Lif 7, and RY GOODS ! PATTERNS AND STYLES, — GROCERIES! oF Tim | VERY BEST QUALITY. — CROCKERY 1. IN ENDLESS VARIETY. BOOTS & SHOES, ke, key key > Are constantly belng added; in fact every- thing new as the eeason may require will bo found here in abundance, at prices that can- not fail to give the best satisfaction. Clothing, Reaty-mate & Made to Order, This department has gained great favor of late years under the management of Mr, ELI SPENCER, Ginger Wine, Orange Tonics, & SYTUR, Whoze fervices bavebeen secured by Beare, vex & Hanatzos. He will ‘be found ever réady to Clothe the human form divide" in garments not to be eurpassed for Quality of Material, Make, and Lownees of Prico. They haye also added to the establish- ment & Boot and Shoe Manufactory, . And this Department is under the immediate superintendance of Mr, ROBT, PREST, So long and favorably -known as the most thoroughly practical man in his line in the Province of Ontario. In Renady-made Boots and Shoes, A heavy stock will always be found, of a Superior Quality, and the workmanship of every article, whether of their own manufac- ture or otheririse, will be Fruvy Waznantep. PEMEMEER THE PLACE: SIGN O¥ THE BIG T, 3: MAIN-ST., NEWMARKET. December 26, 1867: Le —o—— CARD OF THANKS. HE SUBSCRIBER would reepectfully return his most sincere thanks for the very liberal patfonage bestowed on him during his ecven years’ business in Newmar- ket, and would solicit a continuance for the firma of Messrs, Burk and Harricon, in whose employ he now is; and he would bere state that the public may rely upona better article than he has heretofore been able to offer, having every facility at command for £0 doing. 3 ROBT. PREST, : Boot & Shoe Maker. Newmarket, Dec. 26, 1857. ltt 1868. THE 1868 ‘Globe’ Newspaper. GRING the year 1868 yery important Sessions will be held of the Parliament of Ontario, and of the Dominion, and yery in- teresting discussions will take place on sub- jects of the deepest interest to the Canadian people. ‘The foundatigns of the New Gov- ernment haye been laid, but the superstruc- ture will demand all the care of the people, and the public journals will neceeearily be called upon to discuss at length many ques- tions, upon the right settlement of which the future welfare of the country will depend. In all the-matiers which will be brought before the Legislaturés “THE GLOBE” will take a deep interest, and both by FULL REPORTS OF PARLIAMENTARY And by editorial discussions it will strive to* inform the public of the progress of events, and guide them toa right judgment on the points at issue. Early in the year 1868, THE DAILY GLOBE WILL BE VERY CONSIDERABLY ENLARGED, and will be printed on a Rotary Lightning Press, ordered from Messrs Hoe & Co. of New York, capable of printing 10,000 impressions an hour, The outlay for this press, about $15,000 rx cox, has been rendered necessary by the large and increas- ing circulation of THE GLOBE. Ithas been for come time impossible to supply in time’ for the morning mails the number of copies called for by the public. The increase of size is rendered necessary by the preesure of advertisements, which have already caused the publication of a large supplement twice a week, and which will be continued as may te found needful until the permanent en- largement takes place. At the same time as the enlargement, THE PAPER WILL BE PRINTED ON NEW TYPE Early in the year we shall commence the publication of a New Sroay ey Wie Coz- tiys, author of the Woman in White” THE TERMS + Of subscription will remain as heretofore, SIX DOLLARS per annum for the Daily edition and TWO DOLLARS per apnum for the Weekly edition, both payable strictly In ad- vance. No paper ecnt ont of the office until the money is paid. ; Parties sending in their eubscriptions now will receive either edition of Tas Guoze up to aist December, 1863, on payment of a year's subscription. “CLUBS FOR THE WEEKLY GLOBE: The Club rates for the coming year will be as follows :— Srx Corres, one year - +. $10 09 Trs Corus, “ = 15 00 Twestr Cores“ 30 00 ‘And an éxtra copy of Tae WEESLY Gioze to the person who gets up the Club of Twenty. Tarery Cortes, one year for -...$42 00 ‘And an extra copy of Tez WEEKLY Groge to the person who gets up the Club of Thirty. Furry Corizs, one year, for......$55 00 ton who gets up the Club of Fifty. : Eiczry Corres, one year, for...+$109 00 ~ ‘And a copy of Tze Dany Goze to the per-— on who gets up the Club of Eighty, Payment must be always in advance Each paper is addressed separately, and may be gent to any Post Office, When additional names are AppED to apy Club during the year, they must be ent to ‘Tae Goss office by the person who made u| the Club; and the money sent with such ditional names must be such a proportion of the years subscriptionat the Club rate as will pay up to the expiration of the Club, i GEORGE BROWN, ‘ - Publisher. Toronto, December, 1867. lv PROCEEDINGS. i ‘And a copy of Tar Damy Guoze, to the per- ‘

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