Important to the Public! The Model Jewellery Store, 20 feet Metal Cases | Fi illed with FINE Goods J hone a large stock, carefully selected, andcan give CLOSER PRICES FOR CASH than any dealer in this section of Grey Co. buy a Watch, Cloe sk, or any line of Jewellery, Elgin Watch, 7 jewels, Exp. Bal., 3 oz. Coin Case, $12.00, 5 7 cent. off for cash, $11.40 net. A fine Swiss W atch, f full jewelled, $9.50. My Warrants for 1 & 2 years cover all breakages, which means considerable to purchasers if they invest with me. 3 grades Waltham W atches, close prices. No article misrepresented. 1 have Fine Lathes and Material for WATCH REPAIRING, which I make a specialty of doing in a practical and careful way. Your work and patronage respectfully solicited. W. A. -_ BROWN, For Table Use, JEWELLER, MARKDALE, ONT. Best makes Silverware, Quadruple Catarrh—A New Treatment- Plate. Hollen & Flat, agt. \OS AND Another Battle! 30 CLOCKS! Assorted,—best American Spring and O. G. Over Fifty ‘Finel Watches TO SELECT FROM, makes, Prove this by calling at my shop when you want to OVER 100 RINGS 18k., 14k., 9k., Wedding and Engage ment Gems, Solid & Filled. _ - Mendon, W. Medical. 9 THE MEMBE R FOR EAST G 2B | DISTRICT SAY INGS DO! Noe _ | Perhapsthe most extraordinary success | U 2 The Ottawa C ITIZEN— iti | . SPicy | that hae been achieved in modern medicine 1 yR. C A RT E R, ; we Wik. column under the heading of ‘‘Ob-! has been attained by the Dison treatment In the Arrangement of Which, . J ” } , i C 2 | M.C ‘ Scissors and Pen are Hot Work—Three Days struction -Notes,”’ -has the following |/°F Catarrh. Out of 2.000 patients treated - 36.088, Freely Used. i Fighting. complimentary references to the tal- oo - six months, fully ninety per} PHYSIC Thy ” RGEON, &e. nse is sw Ps _ | cent. have been cured of this stubborn | ‘LESHERTON., —The Normanby Teacher's Association — d M. P. for East Grey, Dr. malady, This is mone the less startiing) Residence, next to Division Court will meet at Ayton on the 16th inst, LATEST NEWS FROM THE FRONT Sproule It was refreshing after the | when it is remember: that not five per cent. Dr. Hixon. * Physician, Surgeon, and the Obstruet- 4SE PROF. LOW’S SULPHUR SOAP for Prickly Heat, Nettle Rash, Sealey Erup tion, Iteb, and all diseased conditions of the dreary monotony of listening to of patients presenting regular themselves to the Wiyytirsc, May 12.—Early on Sunday oft-repeated speeches of the practitioner are benefited, while th N? , May 12.—Early ‘ ’ I . : . yatent medi es d ott 1 od cu skin. morning the attack on the rebel lines was 10nISsts, to hear some vige rously spok- on medicines and other advertised cure 0 7 . . ‘ . , 3 . vever record a cure at al 8 ing } . : COUT ) The Benevolent Arny of Jeses bas) resumed by the gallant 96th Winnipeg en words from Government support- |, i rem - sarting — the . ‘HER, 2 al : 4 a iat be Ciaim noW generally believed by the os *RICEV B INT > commenced operations in Markdale. Battalion, who so nobly distinguished ers on Saturday night. Messrs. pet et ete. * 1e m t PRICEVILLE, ONTARIO FEVER colic, unnatural appetite, fretful ore: a oo eee . oo ss entife men that the disease is due to the | 24 All calls promptly attended t . themselves at Fish Creek. “y were roule ‘ t . Taater | nn > . } nees. weakness, and convulsions, are some} a1 ° Fish reek oF ere Sproule, Landry, (Kent) and Foster | presence of living parasites in the tissue,| @ of the effects of - orms in ‘ hildren ; destroy heer ace Que : ons were very effective and poured in their | Mr. Dixon at once adapted his cure to the ir} Dentistr he worms with Dr. Low’s Worm Sz-rup. attalic The « of ‘ 3 j , , + ‘ ‘ . . . the wens . \ ; Voorn 4 P wattall os le guns , A and the in oratorical shot in a manner which extermination this accomplished, he el sims | = J u. —Voting on the Seott Actin the County) nipeg Field battery took up commanding meade the Ohaireetionisls foci u the Catarrh is practically cured, and tl @ per- | > be , nade the structionists feel uncom- i eo = oo peso ; " of Frontenac and the city of Kimgston, will positions on the right and the left centre . manency is unquestioned, as cures effected J.P. MARSHALL, L.D.s be held on the 21st inst. of our line, while the Gatling gun under fortable. by him fcur years ago are cures still. No DENTIS1 THE HECTIC FLUSH, pale hollow) Capt. Howard held a position near the In the course of his spirited speech one else has ever empted to are Catarrh | quant ATE of Toronto School of Dentistr cheeks and precarious appetite, indicate centre . in this manner, : v other t t ha will be at Markdale the Ist and rd Wedn 7 . _ ’ x pa Fi i ouse 0 ( ; on Satur- ier, ther treatment has . ada and ' worms, Freeman's Worm Powders will The rebels were under cover in the in- *” the H ouse of Commons ACUr- | over cured Catarrh ¢h spplication of the | 4¥ of each month, and at Fleshertor = . , . : ' and sda wth for the nr ‘ quiekly and effectually remove them. numerable rifle pits and deep, pnatrow day night, Mr. Sproule fearl ssly | remedy is simple, and can be done at home, | of his ~. Saosin cams stnas Fitzgerald's hotel, Orenardville, was village f Bétoche ~ district below the vindicated the character of the Hous: - ae Pie. Pi pe mes . es > io ee ; wed by fire on Fr 8rd i ‘ary | Villuge of Batoche. 1e infantry firing — . Host favourable for & speedy and permanent |} , son 1 Ce Pee ae was at long range at first, and the artil] of Commons from the base aspersions cure, the majority of cases being cured at Legal. ittle saved, : me , eatment eit ) - — oe ; a : ery directed shell after shell at the houses of the Globe and other organs of the C@@“eatment Sufferers should correspond | __ aw emtrnttal SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made. miserable | |. both sides of the river as well as at a with Messrs. H. A. Dixon & Son, 805 King sii by that terrible cough. Shaloh's Cure is the tl riff 1 it ‘ f the rebel . Wi : = a” Opposition. If Mr. Sproule Or any | street west, Toronto, Canada, and enclose |? 24/2¥"™ BANDS. B. P. RCHLIN. PRED.W remedy for you. Sold by D. 8. Munro. “de Pe oe neve: & , ‘~ stamp for th eatise ‘on C ° ace : uM A A. Stent . shell would burst over the rebel lines other member of the House imagines trea! Bt » caw - aaae perenne ARDS, EUHLIN & GARVIN, as oe ere r. +. A. Blephen, 800) numbers of them could be seen running thatthe organs will withdraw their ~ : . essors to Lauder & Hands Stephen, vas just bee < D »rear. The . » PP > . of Dr. dtephen, just been promoted to tothe rear. Then our men would pate, calumuies, they are much mistaken. | | ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. NOTARIES the important position of Manager of the ally advance, crawling along the brink « When they start a falsehood in motion CONVEYANCERS, &e. Money to Loar Simeoe branch of the Federal Bank, one of |a ravine, or through a gully or owt ¢ iS ibe a . | Lows " Rates of interest. Offices, 16 King St heir } t f th try busi Slope. Every now and then a puff if they take good care that it is allowed Varriag's | East, Toronto their largest centres o xe country busi ™’)’ 4 7 i i ’ _ | Pps teen neon Cor sxewood Beat ; smoke from the enemy’s lines showed * proces d on its mission. | n Dp “ es8s8.—CoLLIngwoop ULETIN. . é ) < : WILL YOU SUFSER with Dy ; , that some few of thy halfbreeds and In nie ain ing | R US X PROS i. Liv Cor * - ) Shil Teg ly anc dians, more daring than their fellows, Few people have any idea of the care ; | DARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, CONVEYANC’RS iver Complaint ? Shiloh’s Vitalizer isguar-| 54:1) remained in the cover where they | with which tobacco has to be attended after Neatly, Exped sly, and Cheaply per- &c. Office Poulett Street, Owen Sounp, and anteed to cure you. Sold by D. 8. Munro. > 7 : " I ill bibe t al ‘ A every Thursday at FLESHERTCN F y qT teh Red had first been encountered. The firing it ie grown. It will imbibe odors of almost |. W. FROST. LLB . ksST i - ” 8 - ner y . } . > ‘ : ‘ta — ’ BUSSE, -" — wr. Red, on both sides was very slow, nothing #y kind if placed near the source of them. { ALFRED FROST. Crown County Attor White, and Blue loaded at Chicago for approaching a pitched battle being notice- A pig dap aa ote near the plac GEO RGES a A | J [,\ lr, Crow: aunty orney 1 “ . ere the planter store is er Collingwood, with 30,000 bushels of corn. able except once or twice during the fore beg te ii P ee “ss fav : whi h ped = Kl ~ , disagreeable flavor, ch no ‘care 3 bd 4 fhe is probably now ex novre, and wil! | noon and then only for ~- brief time. vaeretete a andes BSE) Amene’ the “lesherton. Business Cards. Kkely be the first arrival at the elevator rm ( bw line was ee y very —) many precautions taken to obtain a fault. Who will be found in the old stand, above ne . . he left resting near the mnver—in a bluf “ lay , svason.— Collingwood Enterprise. s less leaf for the “Myrtle Navy" brend, is to | Wilh wrria ahem whe . J h W A t Ob we eagvecs: Sa near which a few rebel sharpshooters ascertain carefully the methods which ever filburs rriage shep. Orders by mail oun » APS rong, SHILOH'S VITALIZER is what you need |, concealed, wi J - -_ 4 ppt Y | or otherwise will receive careful att t for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness were concealed, while our right extended farmer adopts with his crops in the sections . eaten Fiesienton, Co. Gury. , and ali symptois of Dyspepsia, Price 10 & far up the hill sides and along its crest. of Virginia where the “Myrtle Navy” is — Division COURT CLERK, COMMISSIONDT 75 cents per bottle. Sold by D. 8. Manro. Across the river an occasional puff of| grown. ten BS Cdeneirednaien. dine’ Manneshies eames smoke followed by the report of a rifle or F ARM FOR 8 ALE, Seereores cre . ~T h e ese . en . ’ Ax Act ha eo sed a the Local | the whistle of a bullet indicated very sneak hinmamabia terrenn’’ Lanceietent Uae Legislature giving township councils power clearly that some of the enemy—and , LICENSES to aid individuals to build wire fences on’ good shots teo—were concealed in the 0 acre 0 ’ eared and in , 7 coy 4 - the public highway. We hope this matter rifle pits scoped out of the gently slop ‘ chat. io "to JA a BLAC KB l i beng ro Jas. E. Sloan, will receive the attention which it demands, | ing bluffs boomy yw : However, our OF premises, or t oro mama ' |INSURANCE AGENT, EUGENI. ‘ by individuals who own farms ' men gave little heed to them, expecting b Be ' SELL AMY ; both by individuals wh wn farms where every moment to hear from: the ‘rear of Valua le Farm Property Flesherton Representing that solid old Fire Insurer heavy drifts of snow are prevalent on the -! : , ( e Nonwicu Unton, of Norwich, |} and ; ; the rebels on the other bank the clear In the To Insurance effected on Houses, out gs, & public road and councilsy—Mr. Forest! ring not only of the mounted policemen’s FLESHERTON t at Insures against ligh REPRESENTATIVE. ‘cheers but also of their Winchester rifles El PHI , nN STA. ’ ’ CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH, & Bron- they waited in vain, Col. Irvine did Churches and Societies, W. . BE L | A M Y_ 4d ohitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. | not show up Sut as the steamer North- ) power of sale-in « | JNDER and pursuant to t! Sold by D. 8S. Munre jcote is supposed to have gove on to certain mortgage from Stephen Burrittto! Cards under this heading are inserted | " aa, AV RTOTA fs aa ‘ | a sady | the Vendors, which will be produced at the time | - ‘ ‘ F CONVE Vi , COMMTSST: A Geneva Devaves.—Thursday night P rip > Albert with bss. yplie a the speedy | ceimic, and om default being madein pariwent ot |free of cha d x : 4 . = i -y: . SIONEK Iawt: the eve of the arrival of the Seott Act A tellin of Col. Irvine may be counted! the moneys thereby secured, there will be offer ‘A. 1» AGT, dt 7* . > on as sure. ed for sale by #ublic Auction — > . EEDS, MORTGAGES, LEASRS, & repa « Cane wan Gale cathe i . ; ; t(LSBYTERIAN CHURG - n it ge in this County was duly celebrated im) (), the cast side of the river the 90th At Munshaw's Hotel, in the Villag j : oa oe terrane mas ocd thaas eodepenies. ‘Money to . eo an ’ eve Sund at o'ch ed's 8 Ass COmpanies < t Collingwood. The hotels and bar rooms stuck to their work like heroes and in if Flesherton. S da a ool at 1 p.m. Pr — Saye ry | lowest rate a, were filled with men and boys of all ages, eae | the = warhoop of the Indians On Saturday, the 16th Day of Thursday evening at Rey. A. Winson, pas ee rm th il a oh eer ear, andj decease i roadng, Bit |°™ aly, 186Rs at | O'ebock Dem a ‘ifle there seemed to be a general rejoicing ab ha CF CANAUINE er ammuni- Tu " py} an a F an aa j meeps , " tion the 90th were reinforced by the! BY 4.8: Vaxpvsny, Auctioneer, tho South-Kast METHODIST CHURCH i é ‘ < ( ( out something: and there were more gen- Gy ii ti Midl 1 battal quarter ¢ t Lot Number Three, i a the Fifth Con g! RVICI 43 ‘ . mrenadiers he Midlan¢ mattalion and cess aid Towns! f Ruphrasia ntair . oS y Sunday at 11 a.m. &f t , r ine " drank ! ig ‘ y } 4 oi ne O aere * f wi hb Su 1 5 at z \ ng Pex ~ ¢ uine cases of drunk that night then Colling the rifle men of A battery. Then began ; . ner f anA onit! he OF Wile Gre sald to |... t very M , ‘ nin at 7: Railw auy e wood have seen for some time.—Colling ¥ood | 4 rattling fusilade ; but as the rebels lay| On the premises are said t & Log House, |“ al Pra eeting every Thursday evening e Enterprise low in the gullies and rifle pits our fire is, With Frame Kitchen, Fra mam 6nd tag b7Ss, Sey. D. 0. MoDow a oe * : le, also a small whar |} Owen Sound District, pastor Ladies’ A oc TS " THAT HACKING COUGH can be so not suppoged to have been very effective. —- ah. 7 . nea teil eee ie te ene. ba id & ONTARIO 1 DIVISION. A : ? ‘M 10 per cent. s », 1S per | quickly cured fh — i We guaran- . il ne, one that most of the cent. within one month thereafter, and balance seit, Sold by D. S. Munro, ulleta flew high « » range as to be secured by a mortgage of the premises for | ,, ,, rom — = i : T — me 1: | _ =r n - ete i rants - a bo five years with intere tat? per cent. yearly or PRINCE ARTHUR LODGE, A, & F Change o of reysal Mason The D. D. G. M. of the Georg- © 4 wo nun oy ee 8s at ie me such other terms as may be arranged with th WASONS, 3 atrict. Bro, J cj > t ; et 40d Ih Some was less than one hundrec purchaser at the time — < ~) , 4 2 j ian district, Bro. John King of Barrie, last As a consequence our men did netaim low| _ For further particulars apply to W.J. Banta M PT their Lodge Room. St ok | Taking effect Moniay, Nov. 24 1884 week yvisitel the Collingwood, Clarksburg “~~ ° we . . my, Flesherton, or to | m every Friday on or before ° full enough, the bullets as a rule causng the MOSS, FALCONBRIDGE | Visiting brethren cordially welcor ned Toronto, Grey & Bruce Division, eaford lodge ‘e sday even- & BARWICK and Men vey soriges.. OB Wednes aay oven rebels to duck the head very suddenly April 20th, 1885 Ton: N 5. DamopE, W.M W. J. BELLAMY, Bet'y 3 : ing he visited Manito Lodge in company | Stil] every now and again one of them } Tomon Sagar, Sy Ape pe with several visiting brethren, on Thursday could be seen crawling, disabled to the DUFFERIN LODGE, 1.0.0-F. ’ seven of the Collingwood brethren visited rear. So, too, here and there during the| every 2nd and ith Tuesday Evening in CREDIT VALLEY DIVISION ’ . : . ay, some fi 5 tren r The undersigned is prepared to execute all each month at 8 o'cloc Lodge Room, in . Clarksburg with Lim, and several of the day, some unfortunate Grenadier, 90th mS See ete tet then aed in's block, Toronto sweet, Desrar Loann'12,| Tononro, depart od 110 pr esha! ‘ f , or A battery man might be noticed Jeis- | 4" ¢™trusted to him for the erection of newenc - pen apse gy vi Degree Lodge on arrive, 8.45 Clarksburg brethren accompanied him to " - , , neeti ach mont isiting brethen cor , ' Meaford. The D. D.G. M. is canta urely making for the hospital quarter Dwellings and Frame Buildings, | diall Norr.—Mixed train leaves Parkdal Meaford. x D. i. M. is zealous ‘s 4S One or two poor fellows had to be borne | auring the season of 1885, All material furnished | 20% B&AckBeRN, N.G W, H, Campatonn. 5.8. ONTARIO & QUEBBC DIVISION work, anda highly pleasant and profitable) hack by their comrades while two were |if so desired. None but competent workmen ] WO & QUEBE Sl timo was speut.—OCoLtinewoop BuLietin killed outright. The Midland battalion re Spy nee at the rng given | A. 0. U.'W 4.10 p.m, Depart...... Toronto Arrive an SHILGH'S COUGH and Consumption | seems to have lain very low, and yet did Apply to vines \. McLBOD ' pag ae my nme Lodge Ne, 142, meet in their| * werk rT gies en 5 atONICOL! eee Cure is sold by D. 8. Munro on a guarantee, | good work. Thus far no casualties have ches vhtemaner ifs ine ist rm “ied Monday ta nog . ” Ga'h $1 Guaw'L Pass, As It cures Consumption. been reported from their ranks. 7:30. harp. Vistting hrethron welcome. TRAINS LEAVI —On Monday forenoou while Miss Han-| Private Kemp of the 90th battalion was | ry) \¢ Kerr, MW D. S. Monnor, Recs FLE SHERTON ST ATION nab Leader was engaged in making beds in brought in with a severe wound in the H Kk M A RK k i T 8.) Sea : mr re - - 7 a fe = es - 2 her father's house, 9th Line St. Vincent she |"#ht eye and Private Crinkson of the | PLESHERTON O. L. NO. 429. | Going South, at 6:43 am., 4:06 | £ 9:00 4 & suddenly ill, aud fa five minates time, |**™° battalion with a flesh wound in the FLESHERTON, EET in thes Lodge Room in Strain’s block a ae * y . > r ‘ a , a ; arm near the shoulder. FI a3 75 to 4 every Fri vening after the full of the ¥ yvreathed her last. er mother and aun The total killed to noon on Sunday was OUP .ecccerssevees cossese BO TD tO (0 | moon in each month wal = ‘ | Visitihg-bretiore come 4 were present but her father (whe was at) two and fifteen wounded. {Fall Wheat ............ 30 85 to 0 88} j ~ ro ~ * toe oe me P. Cuoestur, Bee'y I lesherton work on the place), did not get to the house Spring Wheat ......... - 085 O88 — W e a t Vi a r K e ( before death took place. Much syenpathyis) Drive rr Away.—Drive away all poison. L TPBTIOY vase es corveccocece 050 0 60; Ref. Os F e felt for the family in the sudden geief so un-| ous humor from the blood before it develops} Oats s,s... = 20 85 0 88 iF rt at, AIN COUNCIL No. 146 ba a Age a SEPT. GOOD, e of*Temperance, all, Strai expectedly fallen upon them, as the deceased in ecrofula oF some chronic form of disease.| Peas ....... 058 0 60! block "and ar ais in. each nent had not complained of feeling at all indis- Burdock Blood Bitters will do it. Butter...... 012 O04) tors are ¢ ordially invited posed. i . a — b gle Bay | — ~ ~Here—< | Boys, fresh... .... 010 0 10) Jos Sourri, 8.C J. G@. Russene, RS pronouncec earth disease oO 0 ‘ | ‘ ame 2 eel Sabi er death.—Mrarorp Monrtor. Valuable Property For Sale. Potatoes we tesseeeres 0 25 0 30} SONS OF TEMPERANCE. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh’s In the village of Feversham, containing | Pork ...........060.00. 5 80) 6 75 | gyLMSHERTON DIVISION, No. 244, meet in Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by D.! half an acre of land. Good house, stable | Hay, per ton............. 10 00 13 00 | Wedweuton pt Mat, oo et Bg oy iting 8. Munro. and orchard, Best situated property in Hides ....scccoccecessesss. 5 50 6 5} brethren cordially invited R ‘ ‘J. SPROULR, P. i Min. x, . ba wha Pinte for — ” the village, either for business stand: ey Aka 16 20| ©.J. Sprounn, WE battens wemnehones The undersigned has a quantity of House Sheepskins 045 0.60 Sapo oe 1 : + private residence. For particulars: | “ssy°* > * fat Cattl Q Plants, Perennials, Bedding Plaats, Toma- | ito J. W. Bates, Flesherton pply OU gh ta, ialtag gd 06 6| FLESHERTON READING.ROOM. Cash paid ‘han attle as } 8, Celery a Cabbage . ‘ . toes, Cauliflower y and 8°) NAPIONAL. PILLS are eo -eoated, 'Dueks, per brace... .. 50 50 | |Qrens every evening (Sundays oxgepted) from 7 o'clock P. M. antil 10 P. M Cordially invyed to visit, J. W. Anmarporm, Prest Steangers are) Byesh Meats constantly on hand Se: neh. Osders pramptly Sled, Plants for sale, ¥losherton, JAS. BEECROFT, near | \}Chiekens, per brace..., PREMIO YO vcs cogpeeedhs sectye 20, 30 a” ag mild Wat thorough, and are mach and Liver Pill in use. the hess, Sto, TH0s CharyTon, Secy