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g. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, FLBESHERTON, . ° ‘Money to Loan. At 64 Per Cent. Titerest un Straight Loan. Vr’ W commission charged. A. GRIER, Apply to CAUTION ! EACH PLU’ OF THE MYRTLE mANY IS MARKED Tr. & B. In Bronze Letters, ONT. — TH Interest paid yearly, not in advance. No THORNBURY, NONE OTHER GENUINE. Pure.y VEGETABLE Highly recommended Bil lousness, for petite, Jaundice, | Memory, Sour Stomach, Liver Com- platat,or any illness arising from the Stem- ach, Bowels or Kidneys. They are ~ ‘mild and thorough in their action. ¥rom ito Pills is dose. Daree 25. PER BOX, - CLAYTON'S HARNESS SHOP! ¥LESHERTON, Is the place to get your Harness Collars, dc, made up in good style, Shop in W. Fle derton, Clayton's Boot & Shoe Store, AYER’S Hair Vigor rostores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich brown color, or deep black, as may be desired, Hy its use light or red hair may be darkened, tuin hair thickened, and baldness often, though not always, cured, lt cheeks fulling of the hair, and stimu- lates a weak and sickly growth to vigor. It prevents dnd cures seurf and dandruif, and heals nearly every disease peculiar to the ecalp. As & Ladies’ Hair Dressing, tho Vicor is unequalled; it contains neither oil nor dye, reuders the hair soft, glossy, and eilken in appearance, and imparts a delicate, agreeable, and lasting perfume, Mr. C. P. Bricner writes from Kirby, 0. Ju!y 3, 1882: “* Last fall my hair commenced falling out, and in a short time | became nearly bald, 1 used part of a beitle of Ayri'’s Haim Vigor, which stopped the fail- jug of the hair, and started a new grewth. | have now a full head of hair growing vigor- ¢ as'y, mul C... convinced that but for tho ve ye reparation 1 should have been eur “F bal MG 7. W. Bowes, propris otor of the Me trthur (Ohw) Enquirer, saya” AVER's Mvtit Vigor is 4 most excelleut preparation for ha.r, Ll speak of it fro: nm my own experie iis use promotes the growths of new hair, aud makes it glossy and soft, The Vicor is also nm sure cure for dandruff. Not within my hnowledge has the preparation ever failed to give entire satisfaction.” Mr. Axavs Farrnairn, leador of the Celebrated “ Fairbairn Famille” of Scottish YVoeulixts, writes from Boston, Mass, Keb. &, 1.30. ** Kver since my hair began to i ve sil- vovy evidence of the change which foeeting time procureth, T have used AveR's Hain Virion, and so have been able to maintain auap wee arance of youthfulness —a mutter + a erable consequence to ministers, era- tors, actors, and in fact every ene who lives ju Le eyes of tise public.” Mrs. ©. A, Prescort, writing from 18 F/n S?., Charlestown, Maas., April VU, 162, says: *Two years ago about two-thirds of my hair came olf, It thinned very rapidly, and 1 was fast growing bald, On using AYen’s Ilan Viook the falling stopped and a new growth commenced, and in about a month my head was completely covered with short hair. It has continued to grow, and is now as good as be ofe we itfell, L reguiarly used but one bottle of the Vigor, but now use it occasionally as a dressing.” We have hundreds of similar testimonials to the effleacy of Aver’s Hain Vicor, It needs but a trial to convince the most skeptl- cal of ite value, PREPARED BY Dr.J.C. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. New Butcher Shop in Flesh-| erton ‘Petch & Mitchell, erton and surrounding country, that they have | started a Butcher Shop in the to the Marble PROPRIETORS. HE undersigned respectfully take this oppor- tunity to announce to the people of Flesh- stand next door Works, FLESHERTON, where they will be pleased to meet with all who favor them with their kinds, and Fish, patronage. Fresh Meats of all te. in their seasons, Respectfully yours, PETCH & MITCHELL. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS! HK. VANZANT, Flesherton, Marble ALL KINDS OF Marble ant Monumental Works, Such as Monuments, Counter and Italian short notice. Marbleized Slate, &e., &c. Tomb Tables, Headstones Tops—in American and and Granite, and made on Table Aug. 30, 1883. Cures Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and Kidneys, Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels : HEALTH FOR ALL, HOLLOWAY’S PILLS &OINTMENT| THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the Liver, plaints incidental to Females of all ages. THE Gout and Rheumatisin. Stomach, Hidn’ys, They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in all Com- For Children and the aged they are priceless, y) / 7 r OINTMENT 1s an infallible remedy fer Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, O14 Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. For disorders of the Chest it has no equal. For SORE THROAT, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS and Bowels. GiauJlalar Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and for contracted and stiff > nee it acts like a charm. Fanufactured only at Professor HorLowar's Ratablishment, 18, New Oxford Street (late 533, Oxford Street ), London, al aro sold at 1s. 144., 28, 04, 7. S 1is., 22¢., and 3%, eavh Box or Pot, and may be had of all Medi Vendors ‘throuyhont the World. gr Purchasers should look t the Label on the Pots and Boxes, If the address is not 538, Oxford Street, Londen, they ure spurious, It is famous for | of the family ; Dam, grand-daughter of Imported @len- coe. “Parnell.” This is the name of asupberb Trotting Stallion owned by Mr. James O’Brien, of | this Township, and which will make the season of 1885 as follows— i Monday, May 4th, will go by Flesher- | ton to Maxwell fdr night. Tuesday, May 5th, Wareham, Mr. Wright's for noon ; Dundalk for night. Wednesday, Hopeville, for noon ; Or- chardville, for night. Thursday, Durham, fer noon; Price- ville for aight. Friday, home by way of Flesherton , stopping one hour, thence across 24 & 25, Station. “Black Prince.” The property of Mr, W. W. the season of 1885 as follows :— Trimble, will stand for the service of mares during | Monday, May 4th, will leave his own stable, Flesherton, and proceed up the | Toronto line to A. Cairn's corner, thence along the Meaford roaél to.town line, for | } noon, thence along by Wiley’s Mill and | accross to Wm. LEatons, night. Tuesday, May 5th, will proceed ins Epping, es the 4th line, Euphrasia,to Joseph Clark’s, | | | side road to James Stitts 9th line, Ew! Above route continued throughout sea-| phrasia, for night. son, Pedigree,—Sire, Clear Grit, the founder he by imported Lapadist. See bills. —3w A Wide Spread Evil. The great source of consumption and of | ugly sores is scrofula in ‘the blood. dock Blood Bitters purify the entire system and cure scrofila, as well as the mere com- mon blood hawors. >: “Jimmy Paier. The property of Mr. W.H. Campaigne, | will make the season of 1885 as follows :— | Tuesday, May 5th, will leave his own | stable, Little Mills, and proceed along | Gravel Road to J. Porteous, thence south to 4th, thence east to MclIntyre’s for | thence by Maple Valley to Redickville | for night. fe re re | ers, Messrs. Imrie & Graham, with a National Anthem, entitled, ada the Free,” Save the Queen” onto, | other person. on their own charms. Ayer's Hair Vigor prevents turning gray, and restores gray hair to its original color. vents the formation of dandruff, derfully stimulates the growth of the hair. will stand for the season of 1885 as follows :— F | Hagyard’s Yellow Oil is the Wednesday, south to 15 side road Me- lancthon, thence along side road to J. | Cullitous for noon, thence to T, & 8. to Corbetton for one hour, thence to Me- Cullough’s, Dundalk, for night. Thursday, proceed by Flesherton home. | Friday afternoon, will proceed by 7th | line to Kimberley for night. Saturday, by Eugenia home for noon, | R. ithence to Flesherton Station for two | hours. _— Po eae Many ladies admire gray hair—on But few care to try its Nor need they, the hair some effect since from the It cleanses pre- won- alp 5 “Young Duke.” The property of Mr. Samuel Martin, service of Mares the Monday, will leave his own stable and | proceed to Eugenia, thence to Munshaw's Hote), Flesherton, | Gravel Road and by way of Back Line to | Jake Holley's for night. for noon; thence up Tuesday, will proceed around by Val- ley home for night. Wednesday, will proceed downto Conn’s side road, thence upthe Valley to Condy’s | hotel, Kimberly, thence to his own stable { wr night. Thursday, will go down the 12th to | John Linley’s for noon, thence down same ad to withina mile and a quarter of ‘eversham to Mr. Smith's for night. Friday, will proceed as far as Town Line, Arteinesia & Osprey, thence home to his own stable where he will remain !until Monday morning. The above route will be continued throughout the season health and weather | permitting. Also Mantles in Marble and} e+ A Golden Opinion. Mrs. Wm. Allan, of Acton, declares that best household medy in the world for colds, croup, sore throat, burns, scalds and other painful com- | plaints. Her opinion is well founded. Our Table. We have been favored by the publish- Toronto, “Can- God by Mr. John Imrie, Tor- There are five verses in this new set to the music of patriotic song, the chorus being the first verse from the anthem of ‘‘God Save the Queen.”’ Price, 10 cents per copy ; Im- rie & Graham, Book, Job & Music Print- ers, 26 & 28 Colborne street, Toronto, Fluid Lightning. All sufferers from that terrible torment, Neuralgia, can be made happy in one mo- ment by a single application of Fluid Light- ning briskly rubbed on painful parts, and without using any disgusting medicine day after day with little or no result. Fluid Bur- } } ) } Lighting also cures as effectually Toothache, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Headache, and is only 25 cents per bottle at Richardson’s Drug store. ¢ Cattle Fair. Flesherton Cattle Fair on Monday last was fairly attended, but owing to lateness of season, few cattle were offered ; Sev- eral changed hands. Our cattle ‘falr is Thursday i sren, auc lie a oul toprol held regu ee See Lee Ss a “od Thames n each month, jalong 9th line, Wednesday, May 6th, will proceed Euphrasia, by way of Blantyre, to side road 9 & 10 thence ac- ross to and on 11th line of St. Vincent tor} Hamilton Howe's, Lot 8, for noon, thence ! along 11th line to Bowe's corner, thence across Blind line by T. Walkers to Geos | Heighes, Lot 4, Con. night. 12, Holland, for the Thursday, May 7th, will proceed along Blind line and on the 20th of Holland by Spring Hil] to Daniel Taylor's, for noon, | thence along by Henry Ceaser’s and An- | | thony Shute’s to James Farrley’s stopping | 1 hour, thence by Williamsford to Mrs. | Allen’s, Berkly for night. Friday, May 8th, will proceed across | line, west, to his own stable. : } one concession west from Berkely, then | } down back line, by Andrew Freeborn’s to | |noon, thence south to Red Lion one hour| yarkdale, for noon, thence down back | Saturday, May 9th, will proceed along: Collingwood road to Legard’s corner, | thence up Backline to Johnston Cullen's | and out the gravel road, thence to his own stable where he will remain until the | following Menday morning. The above route will be continued throughout the season health and weather | permitting. Eastry Cavent.—It is very easy to catch cold, but not so easy to cure it unless you use Hagyard’s Pectoral Balsam, the best remedy for all throat, bronchial and lung tendencies. GORDOW’S | troubles, coughs, colds, and consumptive } er | } j HARNESS SHOP JOHN WHITTEN. FLESHERTON, Builder and Contractor, esherton, 5S now ready to.take building contracts for the Allorders will be promptly season of 1885 attended to as usual by a large and efficient staff of workmen To Rent. Also takes this opportunity to heartily thank the public ¢ for past patronage. | The Blacksmith Shop on the 4th line. Arteme- | sia, formerly oceupied by Mr. Thos. Addison, is | Possession given at once to rent on easy terins. if necessary. Apply to DUNCAN CAMPBELL, Eugenia P.O. Dressmaking. The undersigned begs to announce to the peo- ple of Flesherton Station and neighborhoodthat she has commenced business in Dressmakin the building opposite Hannah's Hotel, ton Station, where those requiring anything her line wfll be promptly attended to, making also done satisfactorily. in Flesher- in Mantle MI88 CORNETT. May 4th, 1885. NOTICE TO CREDITORS! STATE Donald Cameron Macfarlane ! of Donald Cameron Macfarlane, of Mcintyre, are hereby notified that the said has executed an assignment of his stock and other assets to me, Paul Campbell, of the city of Toronto, as Trust- -| | | | j tee for the Creditors of the said Donald Cam. eron Macfarlane, and are further notified tosend their claims to me on or before THE FIRST OF JUNE next, accompanied with vouchers on which said claims are based, as I will after the said date forthwith proceed to distribute the the parties entitled thereto, and will not be liable for the same to assets of the estate amon any person of whose claim I shal] not then have had notice, PAUL CAMPBELL, Trustee, TononTo, March 27th, 1885. The thorough-bred Short Horn Bull, Dufferin Will stand for Cows the season of 1885 at Lot 140 Ist F. T. & BR ough bred Ayrshire Bull, Robbie Burns oad, Artemesia, Also the thor- Will stand for Cows the season of 1885, at the same place. Pedigrees of above Bul time spam 6 ms ~~ to the proprietor. TER “Dufferin,” @ Is can be seen at any “Robbie "A MARVELOUS STORY Percheron Is beautifull in the Detroit is accessible by railroad and steamboat. not familiar with the location may call at city office, s2 Campau Building, and an escort will accompa them to the farm. Send for catalogue, free by Address, Savace & Fannvu, Detroit. M CHOPPING DONE TOLD IN TWO LETTERS. CROM THE SON: “23 Cedar St., New York, Oct, 28, 1882. * Gentlemen: My father resides at Glover, Vt. He has been a great sufferer from Scrof- ula, and the inclosed letter will toll you was e warvelous effect Ayer's Sarsaparilla lias had in his caso, I think his blood mn-+ Lare contained the humor for at loast ten years; but it did not show, except in the forra of a scrofulous sore on the wrist, until ebous five years ago. From a fow spots which ap- peared at that. time, it gradually spread so as to cover his entire body. I assure you he was terribly afflicted, and an object of pity, whex, ho began using your medicine, Now, there aru. few mon of his age who enjoy as frood heals as be has. 1 could casily name fifty persuus who would testify to the facts in lis case. Yours truly, W. M. Puiuups.”* “Tt is both a FROM THE FATHER: picasire ana a duty for me to state to you the benefit £ have derived from the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Six months agoI was completely covered wits ® t ry) ble humor and scrofulous sores, Tho ha caused an incessant and intolereble itching, and the skin cracked so as to cause the blood to flow in many places whenever ] moved, My sufferings were great,and my life-a burden, I commenced the use of the SARSAPARILLA in April last, and have used it regularly since that time. My condition Legan W improve.at once, The sore have all iealed, and | fvel perfectly well in every (tt— be lug cbie to do a good day s vrsofego. Many icy «ico ve 2ch a cure in my 1, 28 | Bave Lers tried to‘ell r:-*, R "Era. Glorer, \b, &.% Yours gratefully, Minam Durie.” i wn, KR". Aves SAvtararrve.ta enres ferofula ce» tall Scrofalous Com) lalate, Dryol pe e:as, Eczems, Bingworza, Livi.ties, forv-, Betts, famors, and Fru lions of the b:.'m. It clears the bleod of all imps r °.%, alds Gizestion, stimulatos the act the bowels, and thus restores vitality éicongthens the whole system. PREPARED BY Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Druggists; $1, six bottles for $5. Send Advertise in The Advance. Veins = Stock Farm Crosse ile, Wayne Co., Mich. | GAVAGE & FARNUM, Proraieroac Patrocle No. 2 (167). w= |iMPORTED «= Horses. All stock selected from the get of sires and dame of established reputation and registered in the French and American stud boo ks. ISLAND HOME situated at the head of Grosse Ine River, ten miles below the Cer. and itors tall ich, BRN @NaleRS aS ASN a4 Ys YELLOW Mm CURES. RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. cgtmmntmn Are pleasant to take, Contain their own Pargative. Is a safe, sure, and effectual @omtreyer ef worms jn Children or A EUGENIA Grist Mill, SAW ond lath MILL, Having made extensive improvements in my Grist Mill, [am confident I ean give good satisfaction. ANY DAY. Good Flour always on hand. Custom Sawing, Burns” 82.00; payable Ist of January. Discount | and Bills filled on the shortest notice. Lum- ARCH. CATRNS, for cash allow: THE Thoro’ Bred Bull, * “CLARENDON,” Is standing at Little Mills for Service. beernnceneonine ber and Lath always on hané. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. M. AKITT,

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