I7 r subscribe now!1 It is published ta serve yau. by voicing your opinion on matters that affect your lit e daily,such as housing,education & employmnent. We &ýo keep a close watch an developtnents in the Caribbean, Latin 'Arnelca,Africa and Asia.Our ties with these areas are growlig. We have expand fram a four page News paper ta a eight page publication. Our production costs are cor.iderable. We would lik. ta continue Incruing aur circulation and aur national & international news coverage. To do this we need yaur AID. Pleose tend us news Items, general Information, and contrbu- tions. I enclose $ 2.00 for a years suBscrlptlon r-1 enclose $--- ta HELP build the Black -Liberation News. Send ta: BLACK LIBERATION NEWS P. 0. BOX 967 SIN "F"t TORONTO 5, ONTARiO. Nane ............................................. Addres ........................................... City ................ Prov........ Phone ....... Tii. Stoa Ubufton Nm.wuls publlbd byi.e tc LIbailon Front of CoeodaÇssocItlon). P. 0. Bo$, 976 Statmio Ft rontor, Ontaro. PMon. 92468, 537-5MO. Slgned «artclsdo natneuWsrly reprusent du.opinion of tii publlsbes.%Tiivews of the. Black Liberation Front ame express.d ln editoiols. Deor against the Police Dep3 rtment. Recent incidents have shown the Police Department flot ta Be v ery responsive ta the wishes of the people of Toronto. For ex- ample: 1) The cantroversy over school crossing guards - The Police re- fused to heed the wishes of the citizens of Toronto, even though accidents increased where cros- sing guards were removed. 2) The victimizatian and surrept- itious handling by the Police De- partment of the Angeloa Nobrega case. 3) The ramifications of the Nob- rega case as manifested B)' the loss of confidence of the Porttj- guese community in the Police, Deparhnent. 4) The i ntentional promotion oi racial strife as a methad af div- ision between the block and t he Par tuguese communities as mani- festcd by the Alexander Park "incident".u We insist that the Police Depart- ment should be responsible ta the citizens of Toronto. As it stands now, the. citizens have-no control over "their" Police force. As a former Police Commloner, Mr. Albert Campbell,, sold MTly are not responsible ta ony- one ... they don't f..l respo- slible toanyone.. :i tzens The Police Department's react- ion ta citizens' complaints is automatically in defence ai thi Police. For instance, Judge CO Bick, Chairman ai the Police Comm- ision, justified the promotion ai the anti-Black film, "Reva- lution Underway", os part ai a educational program for the Ta onta Police. When asked by a iew concerned blacks ta view this film the request was deniec The Police Department did, ho ever, show the film ta the Soul Parkdale Resi dents' Association --(for "educational purposes..1 ???) This action ai th. Poli Deportment in their sa-cal led campoign tQ bridge the gop be- tween the community and the Police actually - Because oi th iilm's racial avertones and the support ai the film by the Pplic Departm ait - was most violentl rejccted by lb. Parkdale Assoc' iation os a device to create rot ial strife. This film was produc, ed by th. National Education Association, a rigbl-wing assoc iation operating irom lb. cam- pus of Harding College in Serc, Arkansos. Decoing relations wlltiithePol ice art by no means limIted ta ethnie and moiel mînoriies. A lbougi "_etm.r of Pgpliçeco on*Palic. on foot-pato1 in Ohu Cdjtown ares, for intemci *ive the. oppearace tits reviewa community 15 being mare thnn amply"served and protected", e the actuol face is that the "serv- ing and protecting" i aonly ai the property ai the obsentee landlords and stare-owners, and the community itsclf is more har- assed thon "servcd and protect- ed". In other wards it secms that in in the value systcm ai the PaI- r- ice, materialism takes preced-. ence over human dignity. J. As the Plice Commission auto- w matically defends t4u Police De- h partment, a vicious circle ai 1 hostility develops between the individual policeman and the 0 citizens. Since the members ai the Police Commission are app- - ointed by those with vested in- terests in the city's bureaucracy, e and flot elected by the people, they remain beyond the contrai :e ai YOU, the ordinary citizen ly and taxpayer. (cý)argl t oStudio DANNY G0004NO PHOTOGRAPHER 533-7012 M3 " ntrs eSiot bord This Citizens' Review Board shauld nat Be enacted officially os port ai the present political structure, but rather reoin an independent body withoùt tics ta City Hall or the Police Commý ission ta Be effective in resolv- ing complaints and making rcc- ommendations. We are aware th;at the Citizens' Review Board, if enacted by the present political structure, can Become just another bureaucra- tic extension oi the. samne struct- urc, alienatcd from the people.. Iherefore, aur recammendatians are: 1) A Citizens Committee for a Citizens' Review Board Be est- ablisbed and maintained as on independent body. 2) The dissolution of the pros- cnt Police Commission. The mnembers oi a new Police Com- mission would 4e elcct.d By the people, wltb representalion from minority groups. 3) It is also impe rative in this overhaul that the. Chief oi Pol- ice (in Metro and els.whi.e) b. elected ta have the confidence ai the populace at large. "'4 -and 1 would Ilke ta tbank ..you and your wiic for the wonder- fui hospîtalify you .xtended ta us whi le we were in-. -Also, ex- tend aur greetlngs ta- and As- may have told you, the FBI and 'immigration authorities were waiting for us at the - on the border that Monday that wc left... . 1 suspect they had lthe phone tapped and heard me tell - thot wc couldn't take her sis- ter ta the airport that night because we wanted ta Be home by.- that evening. The Pigs took us through a thing at the border, stripping me naked, capying every phono number oijt'of the address books we had ond refus- ing ta allow.~ ta re-enter the USA. Aiter some hot verbal exchonge which was aillI was in a position ta do at the time, we went bock ta Canada where the Canodian Pigs had a departation order mode out for -. Since deportation would take a iew days wc managed ta get in touch with some friends who had a few connections. We spent up until Wednesday trying ta oBtain a student visa so- could re-enter raceîand USA. We finally got in. The'entire event was just another example of now the US and Canada cooperate ta inflict Blacks with oppression, Ie -t 0'0 777M7 witIh boýsFnwt4 or ny tctflnec- .Wsry ta peq»oe eo de.nt sys- tom~ of exploitation o<md raclsm. Sa, Brothers, l.t'all understand the. nature of the. beoswltii wboawtb.y look up ta for justice ond protection. Let them understànd' Ihat such things cannot came from a tyrannical bur- eaucracy of international thugs. Ther. is oMtyone justice for Blocks and other op' essed peaples and that is the justice with wblch wc struggle ta freedom. There is only ane pro- tection and that is the unity a rd support we share. Presently I amim- as I indicated ta you on my visit where 1 would Be for a year or so.* There are somne beoutiful brothers and sisters here; however, the work ta Be donc is tremendous. 1 hope the work ai the organization in - is gaing wcll. Evcryone was onxious ta sec the papers that 1 braught bock rom- (the Pigs tried ta canfiscate them but 1 re- iused ta hand them aver). wos ftade awore ai what was going on and cnquired about-. . Keep on pushin'. Your Brother.......