Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1970, p. 9

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News and views LORRAINE A calamitous situation that could have climaxed in horrendous disaster was cleverly averted last Monday evening when an adroit bus driver kept cool and was able to literally dissect a washroom lock with only forks a knife and bent nail as his tools Mrs the name of an energetic little lady from Guclph whose chief ability seems tobe to organize bus which transport great numbers of people to and fro from various places whereat cultural concetti are being performed Approximately once a month group of ladies with the odd turning it around fast enough in any event that didn t work either spouse thrown in trips off to a shortdistanced destination to enjoy a program of anything from boys soprano concerts to outstanding symphonies and homeward bound they prearrange to off at the St Johns Anglican parish hall where the ladies there have I must admit that pushed futilcly at the handle a few times myself but my help also t to much avail meantime the poor lady inside kept calling frantically through the door that daintily prepared a scrumptious U wanted was 0 lunch of sandwiches delicious homemade cookies Now this can be a long and rather late affair as the usual procedure for these events is for the St John s damsels to arrive at the hall about 30 pjn set up tables and arrange the food attractively which will be served with steaming hot coffee or tea before the arrival of the bus passengers scheduled for about 11 and the signal to hurriedly scramble and serve is when the jubilant voice of organizer booms from the opened parish hall door that Yaloooo we re here and the late am vers swoop in to the tables partake of the goodies swoop out again and then nothing remains but the clean up Ordinarily 1 is as good time as any to expect Our deep consternation broken momentarily by the assurance of the Guelph lady on our side of the door when she called through Don worry Bessie some one is coming now and I turned around to sec who was coming only to see Audrey Hudson arming on the scene looking positively efficient and wielding an impressive little gadget which was definitely according to the look on her face going do the trick On closer inspection however deflation set in fast as a close up view of the utensil with which she was about to attack the lock was nothing more than an axel from a child truck to which one wheel was still attached and frankly this did not appear to me lo be a tool for opening locks By this time the bus driver THE END OF AN ERA Driver Roy Nightingale made last rounds in the Saunders Bakery del very truck this week The bakery is the del very serves after 15 years Mr Nightingale will to work in bakery Staff Photo End of an era Saunders bakery truck completes last run effort but last week si saunter proved to be slightly more dramatic than usual and it could result in being either a boon or a baboon to the ladies of St John depending on the attitudes and results of last Tuesday night event Everything was going well The St John ladies were especially pleased because the count of only customers turned out to be 36 when an extra head bopped up from the four years after he had spent a year there learning his trade and then completed his training in Guelph and Toronto returning to where he purchased the shop in which he had taken his rudimentary apprenticeship A family business which progressed through the years from horse and buggy delivery to the more modern innovation of mechanized delivery truck gradually included various members of the Saunders ly in its organization as well as several outside employees from time to time The oldest established trade store in the on the scene to investigate Saunders management explained village of Rockwood the nil r The end of an era in the village of was signified when the Saunders Bakery delivery truck made its final round last Tuesday March 1970 It was with sad acceptance that township and village residents read the sincere letter left by their regular delivery man Roy Nightingale explaining the necessity of delivery cutoff after 56 years of lued and friendly relations ps between bakery and customer Probably one of the last bread completely wrap up whole of gassing his business dishwashing and all vehicle the of females hat being a mums two behind him lhs lhe the holdup After all it was already about 12 30 am and certainly no hour for a lady who had come from a recital of the St Augustine Boys Choir to be holed up in a washroom Now the weary bus driver did not profess to be a lock specialist but despite the lateness of the hour he was still awoke enough to realize that forks nails and bottle openers not exceptionally great their personated circular that due to illness in our family and sp railing costs our industry wc regret to announce that starting April 1970 we will discontinue our retail bread delivery The Saunders bakery is conducted in the building which was originally trade named the Grundy Bakery but was taken over by George Saunders in customers of which come from distances to be on hand is the hot bread is taken direct from the oven and with only two of its original customers left the bakery shop caters to a miscellaneous clientele with homemade baked goods for every taste The big double Hi loaf is a bread buffs speciality and during summer months depths of one table after its equipment for such a hazardous owner had retained the penny situation nevertheless he did in she had dropped on the hall of attempt to floor thus giving the church tutu the screws in the lock with another two quarters and as wo loosening all know when you re dealing contraption Fifteen Willi church finance every 50 cents counts As 1 said everything was going according to with the treasury being some few dollars fuller than it was four hours earlier The Guelph travellers had via Mrs Blythe said the old Thank you very much and see you next month and were trooping out as they had come In about an hour and a half before when great exclamations and noises were heard coming from the vicinity of the ladies washroom some little lady had been locked in the lavatory It was with calm dignity that the ladies of St Johns called through the door to the frantic female and told her not to be alarmed that she would be out in no time at which point forks pencils and bent nails were all produced miraculously to on a locked door winch I learned later was always playing havoc with people who brave enough to chance the plumbing facilities in the Parish Hall minutes Bessie in the washroom was becoming slightly more alarmed especially when someone had jokingly suggested that she might have to take breakfast in St John s washroom from under the door and Mrs who also had made her appearance was trying to keep things gay and hopeful saying things like Well it could have been worse but from the side of her mouth in garbled tongue She just the one lo have a fit and 1 had imaginary pictures of all sorts of things Well happily everything turned out alright One clever church representative suggest that we should contact the gentleman in charge of the parish hall in case it might necessary to break down the door However Ins wife was slightly disconcerted and said that 1 a m was no hour to be calling a man from his bed to try to pet a lady out of St Johns Those of us involved also thought it was no lime cither for a visitor to lie church to be stuck in the washroom and that times wends its way on weekend afternoons to cottages as far north as and South River Ontario with hot yeast rolls to the success of many local banquets ginger and only two of the original cookie highlights of this culinary ciusmc with fruit loaves buns fluffy chocolate eclairs and many other home bakery lines as well as special occasion wedding and birthday takes Reference to country bake store has been made many times by audi as Percy Sallzman Pierre In magazine and Greg Clark with particular on made of the breads and doughnuts Although Mr md Mrs George Saunders the family originators of this retail store could have retired years ago it would had to be with jreat in as they both were individuals who enjoyed meeting lla public and liked the business they were Comcqucntly Mrs Saunders Senior assstcd by her daughter Lets Play Bridge There a useful axiom at bridge which goes as follows An opening bid opposite an open bid usually producci gtn Nobody gives written guarantees bridge so you cannot expect make nunc ill the time just mo it of the time A low pi would hive done belter had they known axiom and used it tail week at the Acton Bridge Club Here arc the hands in question South dealt with East Wt vulnerable NORTH S D KQ632 C 10 WLST H Q86 EAST S It J 10 D C SOUTH A 5 4 But nothing worked everyone 0 ke l0 bidding of those metal devices failed to release the broken lock Vocal noises from wi hin the washroom were sounding more and more alarmed and frankly it was disturbing because no one except her friend on the outside of the door knew who was inside and the lady outside kept SOUTH NORTH EAST I J Paw 2D Pan Pais All in our own beds It was about 1 IS when that poor woman was after the quick thinking bus driver had decided to rip off some Open lead stripping along the door frame rattier than tear it down fireman style She looked slightly and certainly It all up to Nortl whet tl get the game or not If he simply bids three hearts South will pais However North hand a good hand and many players would consider it of opening bid I feci thai should proceed dlrcclly to game in hearts Regardless of the opening lead declarer can draw two rounds of trump and then run his diamonds The defense should take at most one spade one dub and one trump If declarer gets a spade and a return he will of course Now lie must only take out two rounds of trumps before starting on diamond A few players hate to leave a I trump outstanding but in this aw you must or you will not make contact If you lead a rd trump West will win and farce you to ruff a spade using up your last trump Now all you can make arc five amonds tricks and Tour hearts lucks Once tail gets In v th the club ace he will take all the spade Incks that he can Lail weeks winners He Acton Bridge Club were first Mike and Duke ond Jack Coats and Bob third Gcn and Pat daughter in law Marjory attends the counter while their son Herb works with his father up the special breads and pastries Probably one of the best known of the Rockwood residents also employed by the Bakery is Roy Nightingale a youiij married man who has lived all life in the village of but who now commutes from Guelph where he and his wife and small daughter Roy has always been a favorite on the Saunders delivery truck with many village and rural folk looking forward to his twice weekly bakery runs which take him through and Eden Mills covering the and 5th lines as well as proper During His daily trips he has managed to relay messages report fire mishaps and be a general Jack of all Trades to his patrons Tor 15 years he had nude Ins deliver chatting will customers remembering their particular preferences and them all feel special th his own im que good humour The new or the old one will find Roy Nifjitmgale full tunc in the bakery The Saunders bread will continue to be available at various po ills of delivery as the past as wc I as Raceway should contribute The establishment of the Automobile Raceway near Milton would accelerate the need for reconstruction of the Base Line Road a letter from county engineer D J Cor belt informed council Tho letter also said Automobile Raceways Ltd should be prepared to contribute to the cost of improving the road and also pay for special signing illumination and control devices Halton Raceways Ltd should ensure that gate capacity on the Fourth Line is at least equal to the capacity of the road deliver traffic the latter went on at the bakery itself but no longer will the familiar yell Saunders reverberate throughout the area homes as he pulls his truck up to his regular customer s driveways and opens their back doors no longer will they be able to hassle over what he has in his basket as compared to what is In the bread truck no more the old familiar exchange of local pleasantries the bakery truck has completed its last run The lime of fresh bread and baked goods direct to customer service is over and another past era will soon be erased The Acton Free Press April WELCOME SERVICE you are new in town or know someone who is PHONE 8530805 MANURE COMPOST WEED FREE STEAM STERILIZED Government Recommended for SHRUBS GARDENSw vegetable LAWNS COMPOST TOP DRESSING FOR LAWNS ONE INCH OF MANURE COMPOST WILL KEEP YOUR LAWN IN GOOD CONDITION ALL SUMMER LONG HOLDS MOISTURE IN SANDY LOAM MIX WITH CLAY TO BREAK IT UP COMPOST FOR FLOWERS AND SHRUBS FOR BEST RESULTS MIX MANURE COMPOST WITH SOIL BEFORE PLANTING FLOWERS OR SHRUBS THEN APPLY ONE INCH OF COMPOST OVER THE PLANTS CASH AND CARRY 35c Bushel 3 Bushels for 100 Bushels for 300 1400 a load 5 yds PICK UP AND DELIVERY McNAIR MUSHROOM FARM LIMITED HIGHWAY MILES SOUTH OF ACTON Open Every Day to in bemoaning that Bessie really was experience was not a good not the kind who liked being for every trip but locked up inude a ladles washroom I took tunc to mentally ponder just who wis the proper type for such an ordeal and wondered if ever met such an individual One by one we all tned our own special type of manipulation in an attempt to dispel the lock on that door with the exception of the lady from the Cultural Society who kept assuring the cultured lady inside the washroom that she worry too much because she would not leave until she was out Now Babs Ellis was very good She handled the situation in grand fashion but in all fumess it was obvious to most of us that she knew a great deal more about horses than about picking church lavatory locks Flossie McMinn wiggled a penal around in a arete inside the lock which had a rather large hole in the centre of it and kept saying something about this happens all the tune when the Girl Auxiliary are here and this seems to work for them However the penal was either too small for the hole or she there is good reason to bd eve that now the executive branch of the parish hall whoever they are will finally decide that the women s washroom door lock needs to be replaced and Mrs Blythe assured the St John ladies present that her Guelph Culture Society will not hold it against them for another time Some of you might object to South open the bidding with only eleven high card point but when you for single ton a five card t wo tenure there s every reason to open with hand hand worth twelve point and can easily be bid Hie two level South resist the Icmpiat on to raise partner diamonds A minor suit fame not attractive and a raise might sound loo forward going with a minimum hand Since most playcn in this ana open four cant major suits t is far better for South to re bid hearts showing both a Laid suit and a minimum ope run bid for Pleasure tatfUBOYIl for Health THE ENTIRE FAMILY CAN BOWL TOGETHER GO BOWLING ACTON BOWLING LANES IP MAW it MEMBER hi Sot Sun APRIL SHOW STARTS AT PM OPEN FRI SAT SUN ONLY DRIVEIN THEATRE 1 MILE E OF GUELPH CITY LIMITS JUST OFF PHONE UNTIL MAY JACKSONS LADIES WEAR UPSTAIRS 28 MAIN ST N GEORGETOWN NO REASONABLE OffER REfUSED NAME YOUR PRICE WE WILL NOT TURN DOWN ANY REASONABLE WE DON T HAVE MUCH TIME LEFT SO COME AND HAVE FUN IF YOU LIKE OUR PRICES COME AND BARTER OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF LADIES AND CHILDREN COATS SUITS SLIMS BLOUSES SWEATERS GIRDLES BRAS SKIRTS NYLONS LINGERIE ETC MANY NAME BRANDS AND WE HAVE HUNDREDS OF ITEMS TO CHOOSE FROM HURRY HURRY YOU CANT AFFORD TO HISS THIS CHANS HERE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES OF OUR LOW LOW PRICES CASES NAME BRAND MILADY f cotton quality or painting S SUGG Price 29 WHILE THEY LAST NET TOWELS Thick and AbeortMnt Bath Towela in Am Colon EA NET HO OfRR REFUSK LADIES RAYON BRIEFS Ml 24 SUGG PRICE 69 NET MENS WHITE ONLY TSHIRTS SHORT SLEEVE FOR SPRING SUGG PRICE s33 USE YOUR

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