Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1970, p. 6

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday April 1 1970 Sister group for in St Kitts West Indies Twelve members and one visitor were present when the Greenock W I met for their March meeting at the home of Mrs A Gates Mrs George Wallace opened the meeting saying if each member of the Institute would contribute one article of clothing to the Unitarian service it would amount to 501 Tills is something each one could think about The opening Ode was sung Mrs Wallace read a very interesting letter which the members had hoped to have had for the previous meeting It was from Sandy Point Institute St Island British West Indies It told of the formation of their I years ago and the work they do among their people This they were told is not a group interested in farming as wo are here Members hope to be able to keep a correspondence with this sister group so far away Minutes were read followed by the reading of thank you notes from sick and shut in members Roll Call was by past and present farm wives What 1 do to make a good farmers wife Miss Elva gave as meditation Take Courage topic of the World Day of Prayer Members were reminded of the annual meeting to be held on April 14 at the home of Mrs J McCulloch Acton Conveners were reminded to have their reports ready to be handed in Mrs A Winters was convener for the Federation of Agriculture and brought a variety of information on agriculture and its future Mrs A Gates delighted the members with her humorous reading The Farmers Wife A contest on farm safety was won by Mrs Johnson A delicious lunch was served by Mrs Gales assisted by Mrs C Allan and Mrs Gordon Johnston UNUSUAL AS TWINS are in the horse family proud mare Velvet is just as concerned as any mother would bo when Free Press columnist Wendy Thomson assists the smallest a 30 lb buckskin filly to her feet while her twin brother a pound chestnut joins the family circle for the camera Road all about it in The Painted Box Staff Photo By Wendy Thomson When we started into the final week of my mares pregnancy I kepi thinking that I should keep some kind of diary but probably all got into it would have been Velvet if getting and If I had thought she was ready last week she was almost burslmgnow Every night Id check her over thoroughly from one end to the other sit on a bale straw lor half an hour and watch to see how she was for the night then dash up to the house to call friend Jenny And every night after listening to me spiel off all the clinical details shes say after a long pause Well it COULD be soon Then every morning 1 dash down to the barn ail expectant but all there was was Velvet saying she was hungry One morning Gord got there ahead of me and stuck his head back out to ask if Id brought Velvet in out of the pasture the night before I ran in and to all appearances there wis no horse Then the dun flashlight a flash of white She had been Handing with head in a corner and her rump so we see till she looked around and showed her white face what all the fuss was about And so we passed the Even further signs thai trwi night MIGHT be the night but even in fining it Wd obvious been Tlie due dale and weit On mom by than I united Mac down to give then unprofessional Jemij tool one loot mid wod Oil my Vuiid she liuy I don you but wi and worried tl aud Bui whin 1 lo bid Velvet nijj tutted quivering at knees bulk onto the 2nd was obviously aboot give birth no more Round about then I forgot everything I been reading up no and made a dash for the home to get my hide book I in back down just 111 time to hear say Youre too lite Hes bom The most beautiful thing 1 remember seeing was he look on Velvets face when she saw him You might think a horse cant show emotion but there was surprise then wonder then absolute delight in her expression And he KNEW that although I was rubbing him SHE was his mother and he clambered up to where she could reach him They lay side by side in each others nostrils completely oblivious to everybody else Gord hardly had time to say Theres another one before a tiny filly was lying there not breathing and not moving We both thought she was dead then Gord felt a heart beat The next few minutes were agonizing working on that little thing nibbing and drying her Then she twitched kicked feebly then tried to raise her head By then Mac and Jenny had arrived they shot out of their home as soon as Beth phoned tod said and showed me- how to get some milk into her To give her another boost Jenny ladled a few spoonfuls of whisky into her then had to fight off Velvet who was trying to reach the bottle So there they were Out of Tex Smiths palomino stallion and my black marc we had a pound colt chestnut with two white stockings and a white face and a small buckskin filly cream with a black mane and tail weighing about pounds And Velvet was flabbergasted I sal up most of Tuesday night and by morning the filly was wobbling to her feet by herself and knew quite tie finitely where the food was and how to get there Shes so small and shaky that I gave a huge sigh of relief once shed passed die 24 hour mark Shell very likely live now Theres no question about the coll He already running circles round and round his mother Wednesday morning the excitement began in earnest I hadnt realized that twins in the family are fairly rare and Hut here are only five out of every hundred born live and And Velvet has two of I theyve never seen iuch a wellmannered mother She doesnt fuss all at hating people look but just there patiently as proud of I am of her TV special starts drive A twohour T special designed to involve the home viewer will be aired Saturday April from 30 m to 10 30 p m on 1 The program kicksoff the Canadian Cancer Societys April campaign for funds The special feature will be a panel of experts who will answer questions phoned in during air time from viewers who want to know about the cancer disease symptoms treatment research and preventive measures and the services of the Cancer Society There will be interviews with the Health Minister the Honourable John Munro and a number of cured cancer patients A similar show was televised last year in April with a fantastic response from the audience in viewing range of channel 1 Hamilton who plugged the stations switchboard with calls THE EMMAUS ROAD As we walked out upon the way On the road Willi bitter and frustrated hearts Bowed down beneath their load A stranger who cared not puss Joined me and Clcopas He talked to us in loving ones About Gods wondrous plan Of how One dying took the blame For all the sin of man We cast aside our weary toad On the Emmaus road All unremarked the night came down Without a single star We wanted to hear more from him And we had journeyed far So now we offered him a bed He stayed to break our bread Then silently as he had come He disappeared from sight And with exultant hearts again Wc sped into the night To tell the others what wc knew at they might share it too The way seemed now not half so long No heavy hearts did cloy For had seen our risen Lord And all was light and joy Because a stranger flcctingly Joined Cleopas and me Miss Nora Kcnney is home again after an enjoyable trip to Florida Mrs Frank Bauer of Cleveland Ohio is spending a couple of weeks with her aunt Mrs Jacob Bauer and family Mr and Mrs John of Toronto visited here on the weekend Mr and Mrs William Martin of Kitchener visited relatives here on the weekend Miss visited recently with Mr and Mrs William and Scott in Roxboro Quebec Miss Elsie Stewart of Toronto visited in town last week and over Easter Mr and Mrs Robert Taylor of Orlllia visited her family here during the Easter holidays Toronto teachers Miss Jane and Miss Joan were holiday visitors Mrs F Holmes Park Ave left this week by plane to have a short holiday with friends in California Mr and Mrs Mcrvin Mrs Edna Mr and Mn of Ottawa spent the weekend at Iron Bridge the parental home here with Mr visited on Saturday with and Mr J McUod thiir uncle Mr Donald Reed and Mn George Hargrove a surprise engagement party lieii daughter Sandra to Mr Winter last Saturday guests were present rem Toronto Kitchener Brampton Georgetown and Acton Mr and Mrs Frank Cooper and Trevor of St Catharines spent Easter relatives Mr Mrs Howard Coles and family of St Marys spent Good Friday and Saturday with Mr and Mrs M M Coles and Mrs C M Hansen Delays in flights slowed the return trip considerably but Mr and Mrs Ron Heller arc back from their honeymoon holiday in Bermuda House sold York House has been sol to Mr and Mrs Ed The large house was owned by Beardmore and Co and used for yean as a guest house Mr and Mrs Norman Small of Niagara Falls visited on Easier Sunday with the latter mother Mrs R M MacDonald Mrs Jim Johnstone of Applewood Acres Snyder and Campbell of Toronto were guests on Monday of Mrs M Taylor and Mrs M Friend will be pleased to know Mrs George Simpson is recovering from major surgery which she underwent last Monday the Miss Jackie Palmer who is working on a geography project on Vancouver visited the city during the winlci David Norman of Montreal formerly from Acton is viiitmi Peter for holidays during which he also visit M Bennett Schajt to meet former aid friends Harold and Carrol Smith aid granddaughter Leslie of Toronto spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mrs Anna Smlh and Mr and Mrs Gordon spent the Eater vacation with former ActorJans Mr and Mrs Ted in Miiledgeville Georgia Recent visitors with Ml and Mrs Jack Frank Churci St were Mrs Jim Curnr and children of his A Cook and and Mrs Gowlett Parry Sound Mrs A Near visited with friends in Kitchener and Waterloo over the Easter holiday Miss Dorothy Simmons attended the Silver Wedding Anniversary of Mr and Mrs Tom McGce on Sundaj near Norval There have been happy gatherings of relatives and fnendt lint when Mr and Mn Brian Mctristall are visaing from Brian former reporter and sport editor here and now newt editor of Ihe was married spring and many of hit and friend meeting his wife Marion for the fim lime They jie staying here hit Mrs utter Mr Fro Allen Mr Allen and fxm Church St of the ji arranged for Sunday night rented the game of hockey Brians three Hit wife vsjr teacher in has week off vtrsA i-j- i enjoying her Tint one of fint pi ifci took was to see Niagara FaJb Mr and Mrs Ralph two daughters and son and Tim Brown of Montreal visaed here with Mr and Mrs Billy Middle tun Mr Hansen was born at Acton and married Sally Watts Reg N who was a graduate of Acton public and high schools Mr Hansen has just recently been appointed chief engineer system for the Canadian National Railways at Montreal he was previously deputy chief and before that assistant area manager of the Montreal area manager of the Hudson Bay area regional engineer of the St Lawrence Region as well as holding other posts at Montreal and Toronto Isabel Anderson Family gathering marks wedding anniversary Dubliners end successful unit On Tuesday March the Dublin girls held their sixth and seventh meetings at the home of heir assistant leader Mrs The meeting was commenced with Ihe Pledge followed by the minutes of the last meeting The roll calls for both meetings were answered by all and the collection was taken Marilyn Barber and Cathy Las by were nominated to be the commentators for the fashion show it Achievement Day held in Milton on Sat April Following this the girls began to work on their garments Mn served a delightful lunch at noon and then the members went back to their machines and continued with their outfits The girls have now completed this club with the seventh meeting However they have planned a work meeting on Saturday April at the home of Bonnie Armstrong in order to work on their covers for their record books organize their exhibit for Achievement Day and finish any minor on their garments The girls all agreed that this was a most interesting club COMPETING IN THEIR FIRST ever CWOSSA entries Members of the rink coached by teacher Acton District High girls curling rink are to Cheryl Lee Hazel Eastwood defeated Paris but lost to Gait and Brentford In Cook and Ann Watson Staff Owen Sound last woek The drew Discuss current events of A dinner party was arranged to celebrate the wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Clifford Storey of R Acton Host far the happy gatherum last Saturday was then DISABLED MAKE GOOD WORKERS Disabled adults all have abilities which are sharpened by their eagerness to hold a job like normal people Next time you need to hire someone call one of the workshops for the Disabled There ate workshops in Kingston Toronto St Calliatines Hamilton Kitchener Sault Marie Port Arthur Sudbury and Ottawa son Edward Storey with his wife and family in Their two daughters and three sons were all present with their families totalling The others are Mr and Mrs Harry Cannons daughter Marguerite and family from Victoria Mr and Mrs Hugh Hilkuison daughter Alice and family Acton Mr and Mrs Wcslev Storey and family Acton Mr and Mrs Bruce Storey and family A special gift was a bouquet of forty loses accompanied by a hostess chair The couple also received cards flowers and other gifts to mark the occasion They were married in Orangeville and have farmed in area at several locations since 1950 They arc now retired at Corners FURNITURE Tha Nation LMding Home Furnish St Ml Wares TWIN TUB WASHER a SPIN DRY WHITE SPECIAL Lanark Traditional PC CHESTERFIELD Rag NOW JOB Wailing PORTABLE BLACK ft WHITE TV NOW BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED ADAMS St The March meeting of the Nassagaweya I was held at the home of Mrs Walter Freeman on March 18 In spite of the absence of most of the officers due to sickness there was a good attendance of members and visitors The meeting was conducted by Mrs David a past president who opened with a short poem written by Joyce Beaton the Institute Ode was sung and the Mary Collect repeated The roll call was a short talk on a current event and a variety of subjects such as regional government the proposed new hydro line through the township and many others were given Correspondence was dealt with and the treasurers report given by Mrs Edwards It was decided to have a euchrt party in Brookville Hall m the near future with the previously named committee m charge Following a suggestion made at the January meeting a committee was named look into the matter of placing signs at the thiee villages in the neighborhood so that the travelling public would be aware of their location The convener Mrs Malcolm Moffatt then took charge of the program and opened with a questionnaire for each present What do you look at first when you open the newspaper The answers varied from headlines births and deaths to the comics In observance of St Patricks day an Irish poem and some readings wore given and all joined in a sing song of Irish tunes Mrs Moffatt who has been very interested in the subject of cancer having been the contribution collector informed the groups that Mrs Walter Freeman would be laking over her work She then concluded her program with a very amusing reading As Mrs is leaving the community Mrs Young on behalf of the W I presented her wilh a cup and saucer and expressed the feeling of the group at losing a valued member and wishing her well in her new home All sang For shes a jolly good BEEF ACTON ACRES Choke Red Brand AND A A PORK PROCESSED TO MELLOW TENDERNESS AT THE J M SCHNEIDERS PLANT KITCHENER SAW BUY NOW SIDES OF BEEF WHOLE OR PORK lb 49 lb FILE THIS NUMBER 8530185 the moreforyourmoncy 1970 DATSUNS are at NORTH END BP All models on display priced from 1845 OPEN WEEKDAYS TO m SAT SUN TO Base Line Rd Milton 8782471

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