Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 11, 1970, p. 6

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The Best Salesmen in Halton County are on This Page BIRTHS and rice Churchill to nnnouncc the birth of their daughter Mane ozs at Milton and Memorial Hospital on Feb ruary 7 DEATHS BROWNING Myrtle May At St Michael Hospital Tor onto on Friday Myrtle Dills wife of Frank Browning Funeral service was held at the Trull Funeral Home 1111 Dirrforth Toronto on Mon day afternoon at clock In torment cemetery Ac ton COMING EVENTS The Legion Lndies Auxiliary will be holding their Saturday October The Legion Ladies Auxillntv will be holding ing on Thursday March In of the first Thursday Softball Club met it Hall Saturday Feb Dime J C the Squin Lunch Drvw Prize pay mil I 1imv Irei Pit ii photo SI lai Cash I now liin in Dills Mill St I luult and lliiutt Inn in iiiih f Aloi i school ft to February students t trip at Kobe i pin Tin sponsor Joseph A At Toronto after i lenglh illness on Sundiv 1 Joseph A bro ther of Ihirlcs RR I Cimpbellvilk uncle of G Joseph A Last both of service wis held the Shomnkir Timer Home on it 2 Interment Faimcw cemetery CARDS OF THANKS The Ability Fund wishes to thank captains many people who so ind High School students who helped out 133 I wish to thank all mv rel and neighbors for their letters and icts of kindness shown to me while a patient in hospital A sincere thanks to all Ann Stalker A sincere thinks for all the many Dowers gifts visits from fnends rclmv stay in hospitil Special thanks to Dr Hobson and doctors of the Medical Ccn A sincere think von for the cards flowers and visits from relatives and neighbors during recent hospitalization Specnl thanks to Drs Moore ind Embrec and to all those who were so kind coming home I ik tin Fsqiusing Hill PIS pin spoil sand town Soeieiv On 1 Ml Dublin euchre i table night I ire holding it e silt on Thin Hill pill 50c per person Good and lunch sen oil ill Rosslike sleigh ride ics ire i in Anything does ficilitics use of log it no Rites on request Plume rcservition to Joe Ross 3895 The Ladies Societv of the Christian Reformed Churei in holding their innuil biking alc for the retirdid children at 10 im on February 13lh at Simpsons Sears order of Everjonc most vvekome Snow mobile rices 1 Sundiv February 15 Acton s Like races pou der puffs Entry fee nee Trophy prizes Refreshment booth Sinctioncd by Acton Mens Club for support of a332658 Mrs P Turkosz I uld like thank everyone for cards gifts visits and enquiries while I was a patient in Hospital since returning home Also for kindnesses shown wife Spicial ihanks to Dr Hobson B Moore Dr Van ind nurses on the third floor Clinton Tavlor We would like to thank one who give issi during the fire in our home Sunday A special think sou to Sheldon Blow who us of the fire ind the prompt response of the Acton Fin Dt ind all our neighbors for their icts of kindness John ind Jem McLnn Dun cm and Irene Moffit ind Nor ma take this nut hod of thanking our relitivcs friends and neighbors for their kind expressions of our bereavement Also the nurses of the intensive ire unit of the General Hospital Rev Mr the Rumk Shoemaker Home Our sir ude for ill those I to think ind who hive phoned sent ends ind other kills the Gu To those who provided rides for Wife ind when To Dr Dr J Scott the nurses ind staff on third the Trmitv Unitid Church CW and Session en who were sponsible for comfort Think The family of the late Kith leen Kay Spencc wish ex press thinks to all our ind neighbors for their acts of kindness messages of sympathy fiord trib utes and domtions to the Cm Fund during the illness and loss of a beloved wife mother grandmother and sister Our special thanks to Drs Van Bent and Moore doctors and nurses of General Hos pallbearers Beardmore Co office staff and Local Mr and Mrs Bruce Shoemaker of the Funeral Home Rev and Mrs Major McNeily of the Salvation Army and the ladies of the angel Pentecostal Tabernacle for their Truemnn S pence and Family sisters brothers and families Discussion meeting on the use ind effects of drugs LSD i etc at Hill on Mondiy February it sponsored by Halton Firm Sifelv Council Resource per will be present with films from the Drug Addic on Research Council Everyone welcome RADIO band push hill tin etui sipai ill bass mid highly polish ood PRODUCE FOR SALE Nl i lover or buck liquid Apinlles out off 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE 1 DING 7ve loos verv good Phone lid App 133 ADVERTISING RATES I It A I I INKS or Tlio Wotlnoilny I VEHICLES FOR SALE 1 Mnlo Ski lip less 1W liu hi Must Mil III Inflation is Well in Hand at Milton Motor Sales Providing We Increase Staff Jo Handle the Buyers We on he Jirv if ibli to give tH drop price on lition 1969 irdtop Lie The price right on this unit 2 door only miles Lie looks and drives like a new THIS WEEKS INFLATION BEATERS AT MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD MAIN ST MILTON HELP WANTED ELECTRIC guitar and ampli cash Phone 1409 MARY propvlene knitting now iv and stove wood ilso kindling hour service d Free delivery Eramosa Flower Mart Greenhouses 3 miles west of Acton on Hwy Visit our greenhouses No obligation Store OPEN frum a m p dnl Wide of polled phnts ind flowers Gift items Planters pollen seeds md Liwn Supplies Poind sprint flow 75c up up TV TOWER SALE ra heads for Installed 15 element color head Im Repairs of all types RICHARDSONS Radio TV 201 Main Street East MILTON Phone 8786949 A RELIABLE baby quired for2je evenings and Phone sitter re weekend 8j33 27I0 Who Is an Avon Representative Someone like you who likes people his some spare time likes money Be an AVON represenlilive Termor les open in Aclon and ruril ar Cill now MRS BENED ICT Milton i34 EXPERIENCED Real Estate Salesman rtquiied for branch office in Rockwood Le ids ind lop commission Newman Newman I STATE LTD 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED LOST OR STRAYED 13 spue for Air tinted ill Building 1147 Studio hoi witer private toilet icilities helled Building 853- 1147 APARTMENT for rent with 1 bedroom Adults only No pets per month which includes light water and phone Phone in afternoons 14 WANTED TO RENT WANTED to rem two room ished in Acton it after it i Phone i332470 by I will not be for debts in one in mj n ROY Ju SERVICES Upholstery E re upholstering refinishing nil rip urine of ill kinds of We low hive modern sandcr and Wc will your lours or rent the to do the job yourself J Prink phone 8532040 St S Acton 16a SERVICES ACTON UPHOLSTFRY Allium Inn I OK I J 1 853 0684 Earl Jensen i6i8tr Farm Animal Service Up to for fresh dead horses Top prices for old Ill Collect License 24 Hour Service H L Stull Excavating RR 5 MILTON Cill Milton 878 9360 Custom Loader Work Spetiilmng in loiding ind moving No Job Too or Too Small 16a tf J Koski Co II St ALUMINUM WINDOWS DOORS GLASS MIRRORS REPAIRS 878 9452 MILTON 16a Stanley Construction TRENCHING TRUCKING SEPTIC BEDS CUSTOM HOMES TILL TOP SOIL R R 1 Aoton 853 0849 16i50lf ED Contractor Cement floors Sidewalks Stoops Chimney it Plastering Repairs Stucco Work Fireplaces Phone Acton 8531818 16a33tf CARPENTRY K Lumbers MILTON BEL AQUA Water Conditioning Co SOFT WATER SERVICE SALT ALL Tjpes of PHOTOGRAPHY Jim Jennings 853 MAIN ST Weddings portraits pass ports vims 16a25tf DAWSONS PLUMBING and HEATING For fisr Indus in re is new work Com- Phone 8532203 PACONI Dead Stock Removal LIMITED Highest cash prices for dead disabled cows and horses CALL OPERATOR ASK FOR Zenith Lie No 16a PI AMI PING I l y Aclon I iif Jennings Excavating KM I I Inriti nil Gravel Top Soli Given I IHSr 16 REAL ESTATE Listings Wanted Homes Farms Rural Wc offer you our many years experience listing and selling properties in and Wellington Counties Christie Woods 189 St MILTON Phones 878 878 2095 ACTON clients Roy W Goodwin T Ross Ballentine Phone 853 2000 TENDERS TENDERS The County Board of Education DUPLICATING AUDIO SUPPLIES DUPLICATING PAPER Tenders will close it EST it the Adminis Office 166 South Ser OikMlle Ontar The lowest or iny tender it be accepted THE COUNTY Or EDUCATION 18b33 Golden Age Club bean Prime Minister 1 1 i fjl III Id lid I III Mm MlloiHJuif i iifijuni- ill mf 1 IU t I f III lit Mil y Hit illji me rril uImI Mi mill 1 id tnl 1 ill wild Mm I ml Mi in Mi J fuller war wcl link ill mm the mi J Mrs A funeral Jan Mi pitted il ihe Gnelph llnpll She I Hie Hie lite Irwin flu J mi Uric In I I Sin by her lm re link Ml I vert Iv fCiielpli Shi of Hie I Uiwukv service the Shoemaker funeral borne Act in mi Mo Jiituiy Rev f tic Church After will be ji illbunrs were in Joe I jky Ihuglr IX if re wir ihyd Willi IjdM- J Limb 1 Mi Win A Wild a iy Win it lulu Mrs Nut Mi Abe Mrs T Spence 1 Jan 29 J mi Iruiiiui I Art St a I Id id On I in Kid isle r 11 PI mull Mir I 1 Will She I id Itei it Mm lie I I ild Kuril me Jjn I I i liru die tilt trie d Sue ir mill v Mr Hi e 1 ir iu III USIHISSiMOMSSIOli DENTAL LEONARD Dental Suite No Hinton Bldf Mill St Acton Ont For appointments phone Road employees receive increase id IjUeUI I eC j em i i the I till will nuke 1 VLr J per II hi ARCHITECT DONALD SKINNER BArch 17A Mill Street Suite 2 Acton Telephone Office by or Stavebaok RtL Port Cradh OPTOMETRISTS QUALITY TV SERVICE Trust set to a DTI train All Work Guaranteed MODERN TV llenrv Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS the Estate of WILLIAM Mcdonald late or the Township of In the County of Re tired Salesman deceased HANKS HEATING and AIR CONDITIONING Shiti Mini and Repairs INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL i COMMERCIAL for Gas or Oil Lennox and United Gas Certified Dealer ACTON ALL person the if He of Willi having claims at John McDonald the 14th APPLIANCE SERVICE for RCA WHIRLPOOL WASHERS DRYERS STOVES ind DISHWASHERS Call EARL of 1969 are to file proof thereof With the undersigned solicitor for idminisininx on or before the di of February 1970 liter which due the estate will be distributed having regard the claims then filed DATED it Ontario this day of January 1970 C Acton Ontario Subeitor for the Adminis ARTHUR A JOHNSON MILTON IM Main Tuesdays and ACTON 54 MiH St Wedncsdayi and Saturdays Residence phone FUNERAL DIRECTOR Phone night or day Bruce E Shoemaker APPRAISING AND INSURANCE L WRIGHT Wilbur Street Acton Ontario Phone Appraiser and t Over 50 Years In Acton WORK The Mntual Life ROBERTS HART Road Actan Bui Res 31M5315Z7 Nelson St Brampton OnL Resident Partners G WILSON CA HUGHES BA Reeve will make most of convention who served Warden County during Jus his intention make the moil of this Ontario Good Roads AsiOLMtiuii When deputy reeve Tom the at what days hi to attend the convention reeve replied Just Monday Tuesday and Wednesday thai sail tins is tlu last time m ever going Hie County Haiti to my 1 might as well go days the If year old reeve Reeve selves on roads committee of council Board still wants meeting trustn the Ha I ion hied the perwnally the Minuter Municipal Affairs and request a meeting Failing that go to Prune Minister of Ontario Mr urged 1 really feel it is hat important The minister had earlier indicated he would meet with the Board to discuss the in plications regional government would have on the Board This week he announced he felt it better if the icf from the board was submitted first and only if there were pails he did not undeistand would a meeting be necessary Mr said he felt it was absolutely necessary to meet with Mr McKeough before regional flovetnment took effect

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