Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 11, 1970, p. 15

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday February huts place Halton M P Rud Whiting the knack of hitting the proverbial nail right on the head He concluded recent remarks in a debate in tnc House of Commons over automobile safety by stating we do not need faster cars we need safer cars and safer drivers In the hands of a responsible person a car can be a highly efficient and most pleasant means of transportation Mr Whiting said but in a split second it can become a weapon of death and destruction The final choice still remains with the driver It is difficult to criticize these statements because they carry weight of experience and the seeds of trutn Nevertheless all vehicle accidents are not caused by reckless or negligent drivers Probably the majority arc but there are other causes such as bad weather poor roads dangerous bridges misleading signs and defects in tne vehicles themselves The loose nut the wheel of accident causes can be a 1fee4 feat Jim Snow the likable giant from Halton bast at Queens Park has become the first to be appointed to the board of directors of the Ontario Housing Corporation where his background construction should be put to good use He is already making his presence felt Probably the most pressing need in this town and district is suitable housing for families in the low and middle income brackets Because single family homes are beyond the buying range of most people Jim Snow said he will seek tne development of condominium apartments purchasable rough low down payments and of land banks lor building of single and multiple family units on a lease or low cost basis His program also calls for increasing the older home through building adequate r citizen accommodation Tins hopes would encourage people to move out of in making them available to in would hope the suggested which isnt bold and imaginative but makes a lot of sense earned out with vigor and speed in of municipalities in this a ii held covcrup for the real tnat the most careful driver can be ditched by a loose nut in The number ve nicies manufacturers have been constrained to recall for safety adjustments in the recent past is its own comment on the situation Some provinces arc compelled to pass laws make independent inspection mandatory on vehicles frcsn from factories Fellings of buyers are not mollified by the statement sometimes heard Irom dealers that you must expect a few little tilings wrong witn a new car You should expect nothing ot the sort especially where it is going to affect personal safely New expensive precision machines should reach their purchasers in perfect mechanical condition Nothing less should be expected or tolerated Careless driving should not be allowed to form a coverup lor careless manufacturing or poor roads dangerous bridges or misleading signs Unless tneres an inherit nice the average family can no more altord one of the type of housing being built tuan expensive apartments springing up in affluent locations They are beyond the purse per cent of the people who work in the town and district Financial counsellors have suggested the average should not spend more tuan one weeks wages tor rent or payments on purchase of a home We suggested this would run about 1 JO a week in this area which would mean the average family with just one wage earner should not be prepared to pay more tnan that tor rent or payments Where can you rent or buy a home for SI a week Inflation and demand have shoved prices to almost double that figure and it boils down to more hardship I or ily a struggling to make ends meet Some solution tor the housing crisis in this area is imperative or we are going to lace desperate need on the pari of muiy people forced to spend money for accommodation that is needed for other of life Jim Snow program should be weighed carefully by those H officials and then speedily implemented or without amendments The Dresden North Kent Leader scores some points in a recent editorial concerning the annual reports of many churencs Annual reports so often seem to emphasize the financial aspect of preceding year without much space devoted to the spiritual progress or lack of it One might suppose from this that the care of souls is entirely in hands of tnc minister or priest It the has as some so positively claim then wc are all to blame not just clergy I here are who a dollar bill doesnt do at a grocery checkout yet think a dollar on the collect ion plate is a monumental Until tl it attitude changes among it is going to be to church or world the a ACTON PUBLIC SCHOOL front row Francos Murdoch Evelyn Jean Barker Beatrice Woods Frances Lamb Doris Weaver Violet Weaver Florence Salt Alice Gibbons unknown Betty Mann unknown Mike McMillan Sam Brunei lo second row George Taylor unknown Ernie Close Jack Holmes Ken Hassard unknown Lome Masters unknown unknown unknown Hockjins Annie Marshall Dunn Tom Atkinson third row Muriel Darby Neil Anderson Dorothy Foot hi Kathleen Wedge Margaret Lasby Polly unknown Dons Mary Mario Cam Cooney Lambert Bernard Lea ham fourth row teacher Miss Gerry Pargeter 1 wood Allen Harold Simpson Gordon Gibbons Arthur Ford Bill Holmes unknown Ken Blow Telford McDowell Joe Taylor Douglas Bennio teacher Mrs Moore Weedy meringue Sugar and Spice It was a close squeak but I retained my position is President of PORK Parents Of Rotten Kids at the election of officers held in my study recently I was given the honor of leading once again this progressive and widespread organization Willi members in every town and city in Canada because my daughter quit university after one term We now have the situation of our son win dropped out two years ago and dropped in this yen urging Ins kid sister not to be a slob a ninny a quitter a lazy bum just as urged turn when he did it The reason lor Kims decision is rather in our eyes as she wasnt failing and even seemed to like some aspects of it But I think the reason was that years of school and lessons she had simply li id enough and wanted I ind out what real life is all about I havent figures but I 11 bet theyre shocking of the number bright young people win quit college in heir first year The reasons are obvious It is boring it doesnt live up to heir expectations or hey cant the new freedom and fill behind hopelessly in their work It s a biltei blow for parents with high especially tor those who atloid themselves and want something belter for their children There are tens and exhortations and beating of the kids especially when the latter arc old enough to work to marry and to live their own lives Parents should do the same live their own lives They should go on loving their oflsprmg if possible They should help them it they need help But they should slop trying to manipulate them to mold hem into a design they think is the right one Please dont think Im defending all dropouts Some of them are lay bums and quitters But I cant help wondering what I should do if I were today When I went university was a way of getting off the treadmill escaping a dull job and a limited and a life of diapers and boiled cabbage and hamburg four times a week and never enough money Todays affluent kids ate getting off another of treadmill a different way They my sympathy but my heart bleeds for those who won make it and discover too late that they have exchanged a treadmill for a squirrel cage Pepper I flipped idly through the pages of a magazine published by the Union Gas Company Then a headline caught my eye Your True Character Revealed the heading modestly asserted in aity type It beckoned luringly to someone intensely rested what hes really like deep At glance the heading is innocent enough You immediately think of face you put on for the world how you really feel about issues like the nude scene in Hair the they are baking in bread the poor quality of the ink hey arc sinking in ball point and other earth shaking conundrums But look again Its about colors This article purports lo show what you are like by the colors you like or dislike Psychologists have long maintained that the color test reveals a persons true character Maybe they had the southern US in mind when they thuught that up Anyway pick the you like most and then the color you dislike most and Ill pick you apart follow mi IF YOU Red is he color of action love com and sin If you like it you prefer or yearn for the impulsive life You ire likely to be outspoken athletic and somewhat fickle You probably experience many and downs have a quick temper and judge things without too much deliberation ir Something must be wrong with you You hate the rat race of life and long for security It may be that you feel life has passed you by that your earnest efforts li not borne fruit So you arc upset would seek escape from yourself as well as from the world You will never find complete peace IF YOU You ire capable conservative sensitive to others and to yourself You arc resourceful know how to bear responsibility and to make money While you enjoy life you find it difficult to release your emotions You have weight in your character and would make a good executive But you are inclined to be serious opinionated and stubborn YOU Ins is revolt pure and simple You arc weary of hiving to concentrate to work hard and fit your sol I into the conventions of the world You envy success in others and are likely to say they had good breaks luck or influence You arc merely covering up for your own hard limes and failures II YOU YLLLOW You are probably high minded and intellectual You luvc a well controlled temper but are likely to have stubborn opinions and a high admiration for yourself You would adore being admired lor your brilliance and sagacity You may seem to resist flattery but deep down inside you just revel in it There is he lion approach plaintive appro Jell the ihund But you might as well try reason with John Calvin or an oak slump as with a stubborn 1 yearold who has made up Ins or her mind about something The favorite expression is that want to themselves to learn to live in a world is not cotton wrapped or institutionalised fins aigument brings ulcers apoplexy and lallen arches ol the sou to parents 20 years ago Taken the issue the Thursday I I i And 1 have some sympathy tor the kids As long as they re not my own They want to get oui of the rat race mortgages taxes and striving lot security in which they see their grey parents engaged They aie simply sick ot a system with a stick at one end and a carrot in the form oi a piece paper at the other For some kids the system is line And I especially admire those who without loo much natural ability and practically no money haul themselves through school by then bootstraps on plain hard work For others a minority the system is rotten and to some extent I agree with them They want a simpler cleaner way of Il a lough decision for them Often it takes more courage to quit than to They hate to hurt their baffled parents They are labelled as lazy punks and dropouts They arc told they cant face reality They arc by nagging bullying threats and bribes along with their own feelings of guilt They often become emotionally disturbed or pretty tough on the surface But theres one thing parents must do They must stop trying to live through their The Society A held its second meeting the A simulated radio program from station Acton was introduced by Dick Wood with Fred as the The- Theatre the Air starred Anthony as the judge Braida as the police officer and Don Davidson as the crook The Saspanlla Sisters Joyce Greer Shirley Thompson Yvonne and Veldhuis entertained with Over The Rainbow A guitar duct by and Don Davidson was somewhat when their record refused to start The last event was a minstrel show by the boys The Station closed down At this point there was resounding applause Womens Institute presented their play Always in Trouble at St John church One of the largest crowds of the season attended Farm Forum Monday at the home of Mr and Mrs Alvin Fisher Ospnnge when Miss Sybil Bennett was the guest speaker 50 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press Thursday February 12 1920 It is very gratifying that Premier Drury will not be harassed in his election for a scat in the Legislature by the nominee of any party or union of parties in Halton Residents from all parts of the county attended the nomination meeting in Milton and enthusiastically welcomed Mr and he was cheered time and time again At the last mo men I a stranger from Toronto entirely unknown in the county who claims he represents no party appeared on the scene and put in a nomination paper His name is J Stephenson The Junior I O will hold an afternoon and evening tea in Henderson and Co stoic Saturday Messrs Hubert Mann and Perry Watson who have been operating the Acton Creamery for several months have dissolved partnership Mr Watson continues in the business and Mr Harold Wiles lakes Mr Manns interest 75 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press Thursday February 1895 The new church for the Presbyterian congregation is rapidly completion The last services the old building will be those of next Sunday Yesterday morning the thermometer registered degrees below zero A meeting of the Board of Trustees of Acton Public school was held and three tenders were considered for cords of wood for the present year The tender of Donald Mann for being the lowest was accepted Mr He who was for some time editor of the Journal is considering opening up an office again and the old journal may be resurrected Great Suit Sale at Nelson Guelph Made to order perfect in every respect first class trimmings The Empire and the Toronto Mail have tend to reject things fanciful abstract or presumptuous You have little patience with anything involved or complex and you are critical of people who hitch their wagons to a star You pride yourself on sound judgment and common sense yet you wish you were smarter than you are You are natural and friendly in nature The social life is the one for you with all its material benefits You probably indulge yourself loo much and are overweight You take part in community affairs enjoy gossiping about others but are careful to lead a conventional and You like to be liked IF YOU D1SLIKL GREEN Yoe hive probably met with many frustrations You dislike smalltown life and belong in a big city Things conventional and irtificial bother you It is difficult for you to find a smooth and easy road through life You resent others who seem to gel along without too much difficulty You are friendly cheerful and able to get along with practically everyone in every station of life However your last friend is likely to be your best one You arc social by nil re and hate to be alone You wan I the world to be and mellow like he glow of fuepl ice IF Orange is a color many persons dislike You probably cant stand openlicdrtcdness in others You cringe at vigorous hand shaking and back slapping and wish people would act their age You secretly yearn for love and companionship but find it hard to be friendly yourself IF YOU LIKL PURPLE You are an aristocrat or artist at heart the mundane things of life arc far beneath you You like to impress people to surround yourself with talented mortals as your own talents may bo superficial IF YOU DISLIKE PURPLE You are an enemy of pretence have struggled to overcome instability and to You luvc Little patience with vain or conceited human beings To you sincerity and genuineness arc the highest of virtues You long for clear and sound view of life IF YOU LIKE BROWN You arc probably conscientious steady in your ways and tight with your money You arc dependable and people arc very likely to say you never seem to change over the years You seldom exert yourself unduly You make a loyal friend IF YOU DISLIKE BROWN You cant stand people who to you seem slow taciturn and ignorant Obviously you are quick wilted and have little patience with anything that requires undue effort and hard labor You are quite aware of your own virtues and faults and arc irritated by those who lack this selfconsciousness you make out You like all those colors disliking ind the paper will be known as the Daily Mail and Empire A train and 15 men arrived Saturday at and removed the snow from the cut There is now not much danger of another blockade this winter Three deaths arc recorded daughter of W Barnes Diamond Moore age Mary Augusta Long age Corners Old residents say that the year 1885 the last year of the Russian War was called Eighteen Hundred and froze to death But for coldness and severity 1 will match with THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE and Edrorl OH lirsmi IB- Si kwi MHK1Migiia SubKv CoIm Don x Mi 1g70

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