Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 24, 1897, p. 8

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ft^ mw^n Bvooker. & ftrf Rev. W A. Johnson, of Harrov, will Ijonduot the aerviooa in the Baptist thuroh hore both morning and evening toeit Sabbath. Otlnda. Jos, Fox has dug a 100-barrel cistern 'tor tT. H. PhUlips, at the lattor'a tarn, Tho melon patch of Wm. Hut chin r Vr&B visited one night last week, bat thettuevea did not get anything as Mr. Hutohina was waiting for snob visitors ,'trifch a flhot-prnn. The patches of Keu- ben Bruner and David Noblo wore also Visited and muoh damage dono by the dofltruotion of vines, oto. The wind on Thursday afternoon of last week was one of tho heaviest ever experienced in thiB vicinity. Troos Wore laid Hat, and hay and straw stackn were scattered all over the fields. In the woods many troos wore blown down. "Wosloy Oowoll, of tho Cth con., had tho misfortune to lose a valuable cow by a tree being blown on her, broaking her back so that she had to be killed. ;>.."': " Hiss Lizzie Strong is visiting friends in London, Ont. Dr. 0. Hodgkihsonhasroturned after spending a couple of weeks at hlahorne in Toronto. . : Mias 0. Lynch and brother, of Cleve land, O., are the guests ofjtfhajroniiie Fitzgerald. Mrs. Bellont, of Cheboygan, Mloh., visited Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan and family last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, J. Fontaine, of Belle River,, visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Mouttseau last week. Francis Lambert, of Porth, Lanark Co., is hero visiting his brothor, John Lambert, whom ho has not soon for 40 years. Pete Tiernan bought up a carload of hogs last week. Bert Lydvitt was tho guest of Qoorgo Grant last Sunday. Rv Mooney'fl smiling faoe is seen In our 'burg occasionally. - . * Mrs. Maisonville was the guest of Mrs. Eli Janisse last week. Fred Hill was thrown from his bi cycle ono night lately and slightly dis figured. Hi" i ' hv- m. fc: I;- Cottatn. R. Tato left for Loudon on Thursday with a carload of cuttlo. Mifls Gronville, of KiiiguvUlo, was Visiting at Mrs. Waltor JamoH* laafc weok. There aro forty-livo appoalfl to bo 'disposed of at tho Court of Rovision t next week*' Miss Kayos, of Detroit, Is-visiting at Mrs J. T, Brown's. Mins Hayou iu an old friond of MrH. Brown's. Robort Tnto has closed Ids Cottam- merit market and gono into tho whole sale trade. Wo wih him miomms. Rov. A. McKibbln purposes troating tho pooplo of Oottam and vicinity to a coureo of lootnroH in tho near future. "There woro two elegant monuments erected in Oottam Oomotory this \vook ono in memory of Mrs.-W. B, KoIIot the ofcher-for Mihb Perkins. Mr. Kollington thrashod this Vook for J. Marks Sc Bona 810 biiflhola of wheat in throe hours and a half. We should like to hoar from other throflhora In this vicinity. Lust apriug aomo snoak thiol pilfered a three gallon crock of lard from tho collar of Mrs. B. Bvooker. Bhohasuso for tho c^ook now and ia willing to iill It up again if tho party will ploaao ro- tnrn it. Tho hour of aorvico in tho- Mothodint ohuroh which has boon Y.UO p.m. up to the prosont timo, has boon changed to 7 p.m. for tho fall and winter months. It only moans start for ohuroh half an hour earlier than usual. A. good doal of inconvonionoo and considerable damage wns caused by tho violent wind ttfcormhcro last Thurs day afternoon. Olovor was blown all over tho field and foneos wore lovollod to the ground. A chimney was blown off Alvin Orton's house and ji window brokon out. ncOrcjfor. A. Ouollotto, of Tilbury, was in town last Monday, Harrison Plummor made a business trip to Windsor last Friday. R. H. Travis,M. O. R. agont.Htaplos, visited with T. Reaumo this week. John Donnelly is raising his houeo and putting a now foundation under it. Mrs. Jas. Roaumoia seriously ill, She is boing attended by Dr. J. W. Brlon. Jas. Pembletou, it, 0. R. station agent horo, has purchased u boauttful piano. Mrs. J. Aubin loft last Tuesday to visit hor daughter, Sistor Mary, at tho Chatham convent. Miss Noiborgall, who haH boon visit ing hor mothor in Windsor, returned to hor duties here on Monday last. Ed. Saucior, M. O. R. oonduotor.who bus boon spending tho summor horo, intends loaving forBlonboira this week, Mr. St. Pierre and wife, of Belle Rivor, visited Mossrs. Galipeau and Gugnon on Sunday. M. O'Oonnor ami wife, of Harrow, visitod friends horo this woek. With thorn was Mrs. O'Noil, who loft on Monthly for Tilbury. J. Aubin, of this place, is about to oreot a grand hotol in Tilbury'on tho sito of tho Grand Ooutral, which wuh dostroyod by Are some thno ago. ' JomoB Lnoior had tho misfortune to Colchester South. On Monday last the mixed train west on the-L.E.&D.R.R. struck two ties which had been laid on the track a littlo west of Harrow. Had it been a passenger train running at the. usual speed it would in all probability have been ditohod: As it was the pilot was smashed and the guards loosoned on the right sido, besides other injury to the engine. Tho 'case was given to Constable GrifHth Tuesday and ho soon had the porpetrator run down. His nomo is Potor Armstrong, a colorod youth of Oolohostor South. Ho ad mitted to his mother that ho placed'the ties on tho track and there appears to be a strong oaso against him. It was a dastardly not, and it was fortunate that tho obstruction was not encountered first by a passongor train, in which case loss of life would have to bo ohron- iolod. Rochester Council. '! w> s;.- & $i':i North Rldfiro; Tho white frost last Saturday morn ing did no damage. Potor Gilboo and sons finished out- ting corn last Monday; Robert Burns, of Detroit, Gulled on friends hero Inst' Saturday. :Mrs. Thomas X). McCrcory called on relatives in Windsor last wook; ' ' Hugh Callondar, of Windsor, called on acquaintances horo last wook. Miss Bell, of Tilbury Oontro, was a guest; of Mrs. W. Roives Inst wo'ok, Petor Gilboo put a now roof on .his collar root house hist Wodnosilay. David MoCroory, wife and son, otillod On Wm, Reives and wife last Sunday. Thoro was a killing frost last Tues day morning and tender vogotabloB and lato corn suffered. ' "TTrias Phillips, wife and "daughters, of Olinda, woro guests of Wm. Roivos . and wife last Sunday. Alfred Linton returned to his homo in Alphonn, Mich., .last Wednesday' aftor'a few w'ooks' visit at Charles Ban nister's. }Vm. Henderson is -homo 'nursing a dislooatod wrist which was oausod by a largo bar of iron falling on it-at MoGrogor's mill oho day last wook. . J.J. Palmer and E. H. MoPhar-lin have harvostod a lino crop of tobacco this wook. It is nowihung up.todryin their drying honsos and proaonts a fine appearance. A novel si^ht may bo obsorvod on Talbot Road this wook. It is a honso being movod '. from Ebhox to North Ridgo by Goorgo Billing. Mrs. Billing .Js living in tho houso and oooks for tho men who aro working. The moving spirit Is a gentleman from Tilbury. A houo on wIicoIh passod through our village last XViday. It was pur chased, by Joromy-Johiifiton a short time ago from Joseph Crow, of Essox, and John Wo^tloy movod it to tho Otti ; oon. The Imilding was raisod and .and trucks put under it and bIx teams of horses' to its destination. A violent wind storm struck us last Thursday afternoon, and rain fall in . torrents for about ono hour. A large rhnmber of troes woro.broken down or S'v;' torn up by the roots, both in orchard ^i'v' and forest* .Tho welcome rain had a M'Q very.'.good- and greatly desirod effect in H&fa! :y^a-ni-na tW hard lumps, and every break ono of his horsos logs while toara- ing last wook. It is a source of mirpriso to tho whole village to soo tho animal apparently gotting around all right. Last Thursday's storm was a corker, blowing stavos ovor the surrounding country like shingles and snapping tho smoke stack of tho mill off like a pipe stem. ' Eli Pagoau, night watchman at tho mill, was knocked down with flying dobris and seriously injurod, Roaumo's storo was flooded and somo goods dam- agod. Many of our villagovs thought tho ond of tho world had como. South Woodslee. V. My]es has aceopted a position with Mr. McLaughlin, of Tilbury. Wm, Kaimaly and family moved to Chatham on Wednesday last. Miss E. Rose, of Essox, callod on frlonds horo Tuesday morning last. Paul Pikoy, of Dotroit, is rusticating with his brothor this wook. Mr. and Mrs. John Perry took in tho Western Pair at London last wook. Missos Hall and Foul aro ovor sup plied with orders for drossos tho past woek. Tho R, T. of T. entertainment will bo hold in the hall on the 8th of noxt jnonth. Tho Daughters of Robokah of Woods- loo Lodge purposo visiting Bathven lodgo on Friday night. ' . A lively littlo scrap botwoon two of onr oitizons took place the otbor day, Tho attacking party camo out second best. *>" $'; . m till >l^- fyi J^^/ioftenin^the. hao ^:l\^^iftrtner~*who-hdd not previously planted his wheat has been very, busy, ever qv^i oiao& getting it in, The area, sown to ' wheat will be larger this year than last, fejK'-iXv,"'; Gosto. Tho concort under tho nuspioos of Court Gesto No. 11,508 last Tuosday wight, was n grand success in ovory way. Tho woathor was propitious, tho hall- was beautifully docoratod rind ovorything conspirod to make thoovou- ing pass off pleasantly. In tho absouco of 0. Wiglo, of Harrow, Jason Woodi- wiss, provincial organitfor, took tho chair, Mr. Woodiwiss tried to oxonso himself on tho ground that thoro was no humor in him. Ho succeeded in disproving his own statomoufc before the evening was half spont. Tho first Horn on tho programme wns a song by Waltor Shaw which was onoorod. Mr. Beaton, M.O.R., ngont at Edgar, made a fine spoeoh. Ho urged all tho young men to make provision for tho future by placing insuranco on thoir lives. Ho rnthor ambiguously said that tho Foresters woro always happy to toko pooplo in. This was followed by n song, "Pull Away," by G. A. Shbrrin, as oncoro Mr. Shorrin sang "Thoro's not anothor . like it." M. J. Wiglo, of Esaox, wns thon called on and gave a vory forcible addross on tho financial and fratornal benefits to bo derived from Forestry. Ho said Forestry gives tho maximum bonoflt for tho minimum coBt. Waltor Shaw again dolightefl fcho audiouoo with ono of his ohoiuo songs, "Honoy dooa you lovo your man?" Mr'. Shaw's singing was hoartily on oorod. Tho chairman rnthor fnootious- ly advisod tho young ladies in tho event of a young man spoaking in that way to them, to'ask him. if ho had his life inaurod. Dr. Brion was thon called upon and xnado a clear,'logical and foroiblo address on tho financial bene fits accruing from insurance. Ho ad visod tho young Indies not to marry mon who woro not financially woll fixed and had insurance on thoir Hvob. Thoro was no safety undor the prosont chang- od conditions and urgod all young men to onsuro themselvos against tho day of adversity and trouble.' Tho Dn's apoooh was listened to with marked attontion. G. A. Shorrin sang "The bravo Knight*' and tho programmo was eonoludod by a humorotxs.pitliy speech by Rov, D. H. Trimble. Ono of the ploammtost features of tho evening was the presentation of an address and beautiful bouquet of flowbrs to the chairman by little Miss lua Woldon. She was asked to contribute to the pro gramme and she did so by sweetly singing "The little Slave boy." Tho singing of the closing ode and prayer by the Chaplain brought to a olonu one of Jtho most successful concerts ever Gesto. Afterwards all who re mained were treated to coffee and cake by the ladies. There is no doubt that the gathering will result in a very material increase in membership to Court Gesto- . , >" - ' Intoor's shop. Ho intonds coming to South Woodsloo ovory Thursday. Mr. Wiglo, of Loamington, u, " ad horo Sunday and on Monday sot up a tout in which ho is now talcing tho physiognomies of our townspeople- Mrs. H. Simonds, of Minnesota, is visiting with her parents',Mr. and Mrs. J. Mylos. Mrs. H. Owoy and Mrs, Martin, of Chicago, aro also visiting thoro. Mrs. Wm. Hagor and Miss Jessie MoKcnzio who havo boon visiting re latives and friondn nt Wallaceburg for tho past two weeks returned homo last Thursday. ______ On Sunday evening last tho church was crowded, so thnt a groat numbed had to remain outsidb. Rov. Mr. Saund- ors, B. A., of Chicago, proaohod a most oloqnont and forciblo sermon. It is oxpoctod that ho will preach noxt Sun day both morning and ovoning, A. Smith is in recoipt of a letter, from a young man on Poloo Island in which ho tondors his thanks to tho Oddfellows of Wood sloo for tho way they have troatcd him during his illnoss thoro. Ho fools him- solf undor doop obligation to them for thoir kindnoas.. This spoaks volumes for Woodsloo I.O.O.P. Lodgo. On Tuosday ovoning last tho annual business mooting of tho Epworth Loaguo was hold. Tho following oJll- oors woro olootod for tho onsuing torm: Pros., W, H. Rumball; lstVicb, Angus Taylor; 2nd Vico.Mro, G. Taylor; See,, Miss M. Mungor. Aftor tho olootion of ofilcei'R a short address was given by Rov. W. H. Shaw on tho dutios of a member. Town Hail, Sept. 18th, '07. Council met as per adjournment. Members all present. Minutes road and confirmed. Tho Reeve gave notice that, at the next meeting, he would introduce a by law to appoint a .tax collector for the ourrontyear. Mr. Mailloux gave notice that, at the next meeting, ho would introduce a by law to appoint doputyroturning officers for holding the municipal elections. Enginoer Laird's report on road al lowance botwoon lots fl and 7, E. R. R., wnsjreod. H. B. Knistor and others petitioned the council to deepen and widon tho north rear road, and clean drains on each side of road. Tho Reeve gave notice that at tho noxt mooting he would introduce a by law to soil tho road allowance botwoon lots 0 and: 7, E. R. R. Moved by Mr. Dowbirat, soeondod by Mr. Wilson.tlmt tho clerk bo autlior- ized[to publish the nocossary notice in tho Comber Herald,and post tho neces sary notice at tho most oonspicuouM place in tlio locality.- Oar. Tho ratepayers on tho IIth con. ap plied to tho ooimoil to open a road from tho fith con. road to tho townlino of Tilbury West, botwoon lots 10 and 17. Moved by Mr. Dowkirst.soobndod by Mr. Mailloux, that tho Reovo bo auth orized to intorviow tho parties owning adjoining lands to tho proposed road,to bargain for tho necessary land. -Oar. Movod by Mr. Dowhirst, soeondod by Mr. Mailloux, that tho Reovo bo auth orlzod to expend not more than 950 to gravel Bolle River road, from corpora tion .of Bollo Rivor going Houth. Car. Movod by Mr. Sylvostro.socondod by Mr. Dowhirst, that Mr. Mailloux bo authorised to havo a culvert built on base lino at Urd con. Oar. Tbolpotition of 0 Lofoivo and othors was laid ovor for furthor consideration, J B Lalondo applied to havo tho-stat- uto labor money of his division to lower tho pipos along tho baso lino in tho vil- lago of St Joaohim. His application was granted. Moved by Mr Wilson, soeondod by Mr Dowhirst, that Mr Sylvostro bo ap pointed to soo about T Shoohan's com plaint, with power to aot.- Oar. Accounts passed: I* Mailloux, #2, Diebel & Bricked New Fall Dress Goods, ... . . Mew Dress Silk and LADIES' MANTLES m Pit An Ideal -$*>- Stock ot Now Dress Goods and Dress Silks, the largest and bopt assortment over shown in Essex. Never before have wo sold so many Dresa Goods. To see the counters lined with Dross Goods buyers, you would think we were sup plying ovory person in town and vioinity. No roason why wo shouldn't, when such good values aro givou. * -of '12* inch two-tonod French Novelty Dress Goods for 30o. pbr yard. 40-inch fancy LroHB Goods for 17c. poryd. 14-inoh fmo illuminated Dross Goods for COo* por yard. A full Assortment of Priestloy*a *Blaok Dross Goods, tho bost in tho world, m Velours, Korgos, Habitual, Droobos, Lustres, Oropons und Bouolo Oloths, GO New Parisian Dress Oosfcumos, no two aliko, troro $J> to 13, for oaoh Dross. .._..... Fanoy Blouso. Silks from I)5e. to !^1 por yard. Special values in Blade DreHn &iX\tu nt 7Bo., $1 and $1.25 per yard. :,-i LADIES! Now ia tho time to soouro a now Mantle, the valuos aro a groat deal hotter than you think. An inspection will oonvinco you. 1 ( w V. "W. H. Konnody, of Essex, has opon . . , . , -^ , od up a law office in Oummiford & irc^^Iu^;M18011 Crook; S Duoharme, 85.50, bah fcoa and oxponees onBouhg- ny drain appeal by ordor of Jiidgo; Jos Ladoucour, #8, llo; P Btssonnotto,S21.- 04. ditching from Ituscomb Station to roar .oad; R MoNaughton, ^10.12, do; Joh Boauno, $fl.70, ropairing cuivort M 11; A Lofoivo, 83.40, .repairing two oul- vorts roar road; Jno Wafla, $5,ropairing cuivort MR;F Lofoivo, $IG, <olearing and burning on (Jth con; A Itousin, ^il.05, drawing and putting in tile M R Tilbury West townlino; O Simon, $;25, ditching M R; Goorgo MousBoau,$i).01, bridge lumbor; M OR,88 cents.froight; C Olark, ^5.75, otatibnory for olork and postorsro bridges Moieoii Crook; D Marontotto, $10, trips to Windsor and postage; .T B Lalondo, $0, ropairing Ruscomb briilge and putting sowor pipe across baso lino; P Marontotto, $10.08, sowor pipos and ropairing culverts on 2nd con;. Goorgo Whito; $12.83, sowor pipes; S Ducharmo, $8.60,trip to Sand wich ro taxes on Oanada Oo.'s land, lot 25, con. 7; F Sylvostro, $4, two trips to Tilbury to got sewer pipos; M Strong, $28.40, -ditching baso lino; A Sissoh, $20.03, ditching 2nd con; II O Roeso, $108.20, oak planks and drawing samo to Ruscomb bridge,Tocurasohroad; W. M. Lailor, $25, drawing gravel for road fromiT A Hognu's oornor to tho jog; T H Hogan, $18.03, grading same;' John Konnv, &8, cutting thistles on Ord' con road; J S Laird, $0, survey and roport 4th con and baso lino, do, $20,150, sur vey, assistance and oxponoos road al lowance between lotH 0 and 7, E R R; Hoi^ry Ohilor, oloauing Souliguy drain outlot, on account, $25. . Adjourned to moot at tho Township Hall, on Saturday, Oct, 10th, 1897. A SPEOIAL purchase of Boots and Shoos, at a groat reduction from rogular prioos .enables' uejto offor special iudncomonts inLadios', Mibsobt*^ Mon's, 'Boy's and Ohildron's Boots and Shoos. The Millinery Dept. . . is tinder now manaromont, Miss Pottignor, of Orillia, who oofmos higlily rocornmendod. Tho Dopartmont is woll stookod with all tho popular and fashionablo gradon of English, Parisian and Now York Stylos. The Great Corner Store. DIEBEL & BRICKEE. Ite Peninsiikp-gt SucceHSors JjAING BJttOS.,- LAING, lUTOIUlE & CO., O. E. JSfAYLOK, Hnudle Works, .. ' Material Doorw, SaHli, MoiUrtlntrs, &c, Gold Mining and Development Co., (OP ONTARIO. LIMITED.) M^M lucorporatotl untlor tho Laws of tho Province 6l Ontario. Huud Olta, - Loamiugton, Out. Nou-Porooudl Liability. AUTHORIZED CAPITALIZATION. vuluu tl GO, fully paid up and non-aaaoBaablo. (lovclopmVnt parpoooii.. A limited number iu Tho Company will advance tho price" 000,000 shares pur aharoii hoc unido for tho market at 5 ountn pur imjto. of stock on Septoniber 15th- OFFIOEKS. PreHidout JOIIK A. AUIiD, EqM M. 3?. P., Amho^fltburK. Iflt Vico.Prou.~DH. W, A. PIPEU, Bh^j., - Loamiugtou. 2nd VjaQ-IreH.-OIlAS. G. FOX, Esq., DM, Bop. King&villo. :trd Vioo-Prou. J. 15. JOHNSON, Bun., Mayor, Ijoamiuctbn. MauHor BIOHABD TRUAX, Eaq., - Toronto. Soorotury-Trouflnrai: HUGH McSWKJRN, Esr],,Ij0amin^orj. Bankora. ' Connultiny Ee^inoor. Tho Tradors Bank of Cuuucfa. JS., Wallace, Ifisq., Toronto. Soliuitor for tho Oompany. W. T. Euutoi), Loamfugton. - BIREGTORB: - 2op,ooa.- uow lnv; :xi5 .fi- V4I John A. Auld, Her], M P P, Amlioriitburc, jQlmrloaG I'ox, Diutrlot.Uop,, Kinfjiivlllo. k W A Plpor, Kho. * boimiiiifiton J 13'JoIiuhoii, Kilt]., Muyor, LoamluijtOD Itlalnird Truax, 1'jnq, - Toronto Huch MoUwoon, Kta, - Loam I u ton Dr l) U PIpor, Mbq. - -: OliloAKq, 111 Roiifith and Finished, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Coal. Handles of All Kinds- . : Pumps, Hay Tools, Ladders, Bag Tiuoka, ./. IS* All Oiders promptly. filled.. Give is ft call f HE UIN0f, Whoel-BHrrowa, Wagon (* mmmmm W .M Buttoii, TsUct* -' *' - ' Iiondon W J GlrlJnti, Emj, - - MfluahoBtoir, England J.ibIi Dunn, Ijlaq, Ijuuaborman, Maokluao. Mioh I) H fiweouoy, Kb({, O&pituliHt, - Detroit, Wlofi W 0 Crawford, tesq, Rluuufiwtutor, - Tilbury HooJiLifuIti Koblb, I'iU-mor, - ljoamlDgtoa Jamou l-'lBhor, UBfj, Publlahor, - Iianmlagtoq Thon W il'ilhoHioy, 3Sngtiior, TJotrolc, Mloh rriio IClon<Iyko, Bonanza and Eldorado Gold Fields. Tho Poomtmlar Mioiug uud Dovolopmont Oompauy of Ontario, Limited, has beefa] or^anizod for tho purpoao of explorint!, looutiup. and working miuorttl landfl. aqd thej Yukon will bo tho prjuoipid iioHl of itH Duaoiriptioria of thi wonderfulf ooautry aud its groafc dopoHito of Gold huvo tillod ooJueqb in tho -Oanadiitu uud American prosa, and tho Bomiuion Govorumont has oonflrmed tho facte. American 'iiyodioafer that Bout mon to that region havo roiipod onormpue proflts in a very Bhorfc time.. Owini to tho diftionHioa in tranflporfcation and procuring food only strong syndicates'; sti$ oapitallnta can BuoooBBfully oporute iu thab region. Tho Yukon Gold - .3?iaIdB:'" attracting tho atteotiou of tho oiviliuou' world. Tho Placer Mines are richer ton fimpei ovet than any hitherto diaoovorocl, and every man ttbonld havo, hia share of;(iid Klondyke Gold. If hooanuot{*ofor it himaelf, ho can pnrohaao from 100 to liO^W ahaKoa of thin Company's btock for fivo cants per1 share up tiU'Septembatviothi which it will bo advanced to from .25 contB to 80 oonta per abare. Thie Oompany i| uowooraplotinu arrangomenta for'a Btroug party to proceed aB Boon aa poaeible; tp'thit Klondyko and Yukon, lb will bu thoroughly equipped in'every reapeot, aoodgpounf will bo Booured and mining oporatioue will be paahed with vigor. Yon will.-obnuft that thia Company ia only oapictdizad at 900,000 Hharoa pnr value 1.00 each, fully;^ ap and noh.aBBOBaublo. Though the purohueor of thin atook cannot be ^palled'upon;ft' pub up any more niotioy on tho eaid stock, yet-the Barnetook may advance in onia!yet to 95 per aharo, for in Placor Mining tbere ia no blaating of rook, or sinking; 'of abaft or pnrohasiDg of expansive maohinory, thereforo onr chief expenae will be in geftir/ our men on the ground. Wo aay to iho investor that ont'ohanoea of making|arg^jffl3 quick roturnd out of Placer Mining la twenty times greater. thap i.6theio,--'Mft]8 Johnson, of lieaminRtou, Vlda-Pres., and Bbujamin Noble, the latter a wealthy farmTOT of Meraea, will take oharge of tho expedition and will aot aa managers for the CompaDyJ They are both';large BtookhoiderB. , Only a limited number of promotara' ahajflBrIeti(^|jj 6 cents each to pay for Jprelinainary expenara of oquipment, ete. V.^expeotiW^tferan to pay every investor who ptita in 610, 200;; and every IQ0, 93,000 the firat.^K)^ WHAT IS jftEQUrREp- All who wuh tojom thia Company'* Klbndyke expedition p^y: must in t^#'| plaoo be eound in health aud well reoommanded. Will be reqnired to ta^avricW shares of Btock at 6, cents, 3260. :'^.fll^l-'iTb* Leamington, either iu peraon or by letter; .' ,.." 'jS^to, The PfliiinsWar^Q(d WHh^ mMm '^^^Mm^^&^^^X^^^^MMM^^M 3580

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