Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 24, 1897, p. 7

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I$wjwffi .- W ^ *Mi !ttoi.bllttO;itolcnMi In Uw .world, n i:ttied]geited food too long in the boweb luce* biUouanou, torpid Umftiliidfc ^ bad toBtb, ooateU i;v."tongue, lok headache, Id- ^VwifUdi, Me.-'Hood's PUIs ^(S:wreconBtlpatIoa.ina~U lto : remlU, easily and toorbugtayT iaJo. All dnigKlsta. W'jPwpared by 0.1. Hood & Co.. Lowell Mass. Sfte.The only PillatotakawithPoodraSarsapwiUfc Pills (>' pv, RREFLV FLASHES. &?' ""TOs Method by Which the Ineect Kmlta $::- Ita BeantlfttlUfht, fi' , "By what prooosa do fireflies produce Ihe beantifnl flashes of Ugh t?" That ! M,;\* question frequently nuked, nnd an on- tomologioal books fail to givo a satis factory roply the following explanation Aay bo interesting: I have made a special Btndy of the light, and carefully oxnmined thomouh- jr... , aninxn of the illuminating sogmontu in %$$ '.-. both mala and female spociinoue. The light emitted, when tested by the epco- troecopfj, gives a brilliuut spectrum, Vfaioh is continuous throngh all the olore from the red to tho violet rays. he illuiniuatirjg organs ooaslat of dis tinct Hpiiorioal cells, each ono of whioh la about 1.2000 of an inch in di a root or, and tho bootlo has powor to illuminate ono or many of theso collu at Will, producing light of corrospouding I^Ti... lnwnaity. fho colls contain a fluid wit- $${{ . tiratcd with phosphorus, and tho cover ing of the cell isnotbiii that atmosphere oomlng in contact with it fcany; an*uot the contents. It has beoa snggestod that tho beetle produces tho flashos of light or ronriorfl the phosphorus Bwddonly luminous by electricity by tho injootioa of worm fluids or by friction. But it is certain that the flash of light is mndo in an other way. We mnyoloarly trnoo a con nection between tho spiracles and trachea (spiral air tubos) of the hoe tin and each of the illuminating colla, unci find that tho littlo creaturo rondoru tho phoHphorpfl contained in tho coIIh lumi nous by forcing air upon thotn. Thccolls when thus excited omit light from thoir uxfnoo. We may imitate tho act of tho bootlo by dissecting ono und phioing tho illqmi: Bating organ under a microscope, cov ered by a thin glnsH covor. Whou tho cover is lifted so as to admit a little air, tho oolls bocome luminous Wo may add that tho nnmo "firefly" is a misnomer, as tho "lightning bug" Is a trao bootlo, belonging in tho natural ordor oalooptora, and in tho family lompyridao. D. K. Wimlor in Detroit Free Proas. _________ A MUJlonalro'e ICxtravaeauoe, Ah examplo of extravagance by a Well known millionaire who built him self a oastlo in ono of tho English mid land counties' is raportod by Tho English Illustrated JUtaguzinp. The wntor of tho place was puro and sufiioiont, but a oauo of soarlot fevor occurring in the vilJago at a littlo distance from his residence he took a disliko to tho looalwator sup ply and lit n oast of over $400,000 pro vided himself with a frofih supply from distance of 18 miles. Without ohildron or wife and a groat tritvolor, ho docs not inhabit his own country plaoo for more than throe, months in tho year, Although.ho drinks no wino, his wntor ha an expensive beverngo. Allowing ouly 8 iper cent ou tho monoy, with 1 por cent sinking fund, his wntor costs him $350 for overy day ho visits his onnfcle. This supply, it should bo added, is lim ited to tho ono honso. There is really no reason why it Hhould bo shared with others, for tho local supply is ample and of good quality. If Uoneof.ihe moatennobllnff and edn. oating of profesilpufl. In my opinloo. every theological Btad^nt In the land pagbt to workon a aowapaper at least a year, in order to study human nature and gain the kDOwlodge that it la impossible to receive in the academy, at the college, and In the seminary. That's the trouble with preaohers. They don't know the men to whom tuey are preaching, thoy haven't a knowledge of human nature; the beat way to acquire all of whioh is work on the.prtjffe. Bo, you see, I am a believer in the newspaper and of the great practical Work whioh it performs. You people reach thousands, where wo roaoh hundreds and the results are correspond- iugly large. .-----------.*--------------- Providence Thanked. It Is with pleasure that I rooommeud B.B.B. for tho oqre of indigestion and im pure nlood. X had triod many medicines but received no benefit until, I tbank Pro vidence, I was advised to Ufle B.B.B. and lb was with perfect sacoens, Mna. W. Looks, Oahnwa, Out. 7 y i--' That is all you can demand from people und all ouo can 1urIh6 opoo from onoBolf to do omi's boat lu ovary sphero and situation. In the shop or factory, at homo or at Bobool, in tho pulpit or on tho bouoh, tho inoxorabla law 1b tho laW of doing ono's host. As to what la tho best that is to be loft to tho individual, and it is not our business to sot down a oomuion Btundard as to our neighbor's conduct. I'jot us do tho nourosb duty to bo done; lot us brontho iuto our work all our manhood or womanhood, all our oamoatuoua and do- toroiiuation. Theu~wu oau poup a littlo ut our neighbor and soo how bo is gotting alon(4 and whethor tho rofmlt is worthy or unworthy. Pahi in the Back. Mr. M. P. Halpin, Brookvillo, Ont., makes a Htatomout as follows; "For two yours I sufforod from liiduoy troublo, oausiug sovoro paiu aoross my buok,*dizzi* noss, baadaaho, sleeplosonoHs, oto. 1 had ofton tolosu on the conutor when serving aoUHtomor, so intonno wsh tho pain in my baok, On taking Doan's ICiduoy Pills I improved from tho very flrBt, and now after using throo boxes am all right; all my pains, aohos and di^sinoBH having din- appoarod, thanks to Bonn's Pills," What sorb of Bolt do you ubo iu your buttor? Burrol salt will do very well as a fertilizer, or to bo given to Htock; but it is a little too coarse and harsh for your but tor that you wish to sol) in tho market at tho topmost pnoo ? Think about it. Take a prido in your dairy work and turn out nothing but tho nicest, Good salt will help you to do this. Sovera Headache Cured. Dkah Bins, Boiug troubled with .a Bcvoro headaohe I was udviiiod by a friond to try Laxa Livor Pills. I only utjed half a bottla, and have not slnoa suffered from tho oomplamt. Tboy soom to be a jperfoob euro." !', /. The IhiHluflMU Man Iu Polltlmt. Watts The husinofisiiiim in polities la a deal of a fnko. Whnt can u businosfi man know about politicH? Potts At least you must admit that a good business man would not hqII a ' tl,000,000 franchise for a paltry little $3,000 or eo, Indianapolis Journal. tfhe biggest price ovor paid for a faorso in America was.'^iaS.OOO, given .by J. Mnlcolm Forbas of Boston for I*o- land Stanford's Arion, a trotter. Tho enterprising highwayman re lievos many u mini the doctors cannot touch. Havrisburg Putriot. SICK HEADACHE Positively cured'by theSO'. X/ittlo Pills. : They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, 'Indigestion and TooIIcarty~EaUng. Apcr- fcet remedy for. dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi ness, Bad Taste m the Mouth, Coated Tongup Pain in tho Side, TORPID LIVER. . Tlicy Regulate the Bowels.. Purely Vegetable, 8mall PHI. Small Dose. Small Prlco. Substitution . the fraud of the clay. ... |(Se<4 you get Carter's, iAslc for Carter's; Amoriaans aoknowlodgo thut Canadian dairymen have tho boaiof it in English market, but they nono tho loss confidently ttHBort that "they will fiot thoro ad tho samo." Tho question for uo to sofctlo iiu Prompt, Pleaant, Perfect. Norway Pine Byrup is a prompt, pleas ant and porfoot cure for oou^hs, ooldB, aatlitna, bronoliltitj, hoarsouoss, soro throat pain in tho oh'cHt, croup, whooping oouRh, qniiihy, luiluouzR.aiid nil throiU and luug ,roublos. 25a. aud 50o. at all dru^ etores. Whon should tho fattunin({ proooss bo' gin? Tho up-to-date utooltrnau who turuB out his sticok afc a profit keeps his steer, his pig, or his lamb in marketable condi tion during tho whole growing poriod. Insist and demand HAND-IN-HAND. Health and HappinesB go tiaud-iu-Hand With Stomaoh and Nrvo8 all out of Sorts, Health aud Happiness are Un known. Prank A. Gadbois, Cornwall, Ont.: "I wub for Hovoral yoaro a groat enfforor from indi^ntion, dyopopnia aud norvuuouoHit. I took many roratidiDU without any rolioi. I saw South American Norviuo advertiuod. I.prouured u'bottla, and I oan truthfully nay it is the beat modioiuo 1 ovor UHod, aud I strongly rooommeud it to unyouo nuffor- )dk an I did. A low donoa wonderfully hulped mo, and two bottloH haVo made a now man of mo." It auron by diroot action on the norvo controo. Sold by J. Thorno. _------------.^4^,.-,--------------; Sosit: ono has omployod a loisuro hour in an enquiry an to tho propor tionate uso of lottore in tuo printing of a-nowspapor* Tho result is an follows: o, 1000; t, 770; a, T2B; i, 78-i; s, 008; o, 072; n, 070; h,.f)40; r^SSj'd, 803; 1, 300; u, 2(11); o, 280; m, 372; tt 28(1; w, 100; y, 18-i; p and g, 108; b, lC8;.v, 120; k, 88; j,.5fi;cu,50;x,'40;a, 23.... Piloa Curod iu 8 to O'MifjhtB Itabiu^Bnrn- ing'Bkiu Disouaoe^ Itolioved in Ouo Day. Dr. Afir.ow's Ointment will euro all oaHes of Honing piles lu from throo to six flights, One application brings comfort. For blind and blooding pilcu it is pfeurleim, Alto ouron tottar, salt rhoum', eezomo,- barber's itch and ull oruptious of tho shin. Itoliovoa iu a day.. 35 oents.' Sold by J, Thome. AuHtraliun frozen boo! Is underselling Canadian and Amoriaan dreasad beof in the English markets by -10 or 50 per cent., There is no way of meeting this op pom- Hon eacoept by sondlog ovor boof of (he vory quality cut up, dressed", and packed I in a way to n^traot enfltornora who are ^nm'm^is^- On A flerloun anbjeol, Urio Aold.' Tbe name of a terriblepuison.^ It is formed In the human system. " And causes rhoumatism.'aoiatloa, head aohe, and kidney troubles. The work of thn kidaews ie^to remoye'it. If they are overworked.they fail to do*so. Then trouble boglnti. It gets worse and worse. Help the kidooys to do thoir work. Doan'a Kidney Pills are true HiJnoy helpers. Thoy ouro all kidney troubles. Chase tho urio noid but of tho system. Mr. Jarn:s Guoas, |Br., well known In Ehbox, has tbie to uay (about I)oan's ,Kid- noy Pillfl : "For many years 1 have had terrible pain aud lamonoss in my back oau soil un doubtedly by kidney trouble. The uriae was highly oolorod with a groat dcul of sediment, and I was aIno< aullotsd with ovore neuralgia paius in my head, diazi- uobh, sleoplossuoHa, fluttoriug of tlio heart, stiortucas of broath, oto. "Many a night I wan so bad that 1 dared uot lie down, and as a matter of faot I was inaterriblo condition, uomplotoly wora- oub, and dubilitaLod "I commenced tho use of Doan's Kiduoy Pills whioh I got from Mr. Shame's drug store, and oan say that thoy are a groat kidney and hoarfc inudioino, as well as an excellent tonic. "I huvo ho oil gottlutf bettor oyer Hinoo, I boifaii to taku thuia two months, ago, and to-duy have no baok or urluury troubles. Thoy huvo also removed alt the hoarfc troubles from'whioh I suflared and I boartily rooommend this valuablo modi- oioo tin a spoaiflo for all forms of klduoy complaiut. *' Titia sporting; Moason oponod * last week, , .Tt is now legal to ehoot grouse, phoanants, prairie fowl.purtridgo.snipo, rail,plovor, awans, gooso or any other watorfowl or game bird or animal, in cluding black or gray squirrels nnd harea. WiUl turkeys must not ho killed till Oot. 15, and no ono porBonmustkill moro than 400 ducks during the sosson^ No ono who is not a rosident-oE-Ontario is entitled to hunt without first procur ing a liconso from tho Provincial Seoro- tary, coating 825, The persistence with which tho game laws aro being enforced is incroasing tho number of birds in tho WflBfc, choice furming and ranch land lying east of tbe UUioari River, and within 1 days rid,o f rom Ohloao to Milwaukee whioh a Ah bebbiijih't roaaonably obo'ap.Jbut whioh be fore the eud of another year j triay be ad vanced in prioe. The titook-raisiojf hiduutry in|South7 Da kota is profitable, and eastern aapital is now being invested in oatfclo and sbeep growing in that state Diverafled farming, the arrowing of live stock,.and the products of tho dairy, are placing South Dakota' formost in the ranks of tho successful Western Btatos. Those desiring fall information on the eubjoQt, and particularly those who wish to ssek a new home or purchase land,. are roquoatod to correspond with A. J. Taylor, Oauadiau Fassengor A gout, 2 King street East, Toronto, Out. Before going on a Hoa-voyage or into the country, bo sure and put & box of Ayer's fills in your valiso. You may have oooas> ion to thank us for this hint. To relievo oormtipation, billouBDQHH, and uuusea, Ayor'a Pills are the bout in tho world. Tboy are also easy to take, . . Three Points In Swine Roiaing. The Bwiue Brooders' Journal In diH- ouHelnfi che tendenay of hogs to diseune aaya that there are threo things that the eiporiouae of the past two years has em phatically impresaud upon the swlno raau : (1) Tho absolute neofBsIty of caution in ohanging from ono diet to another ; (2) the almoin to Qeoessity of using nothing but the purost wator as drinking water for tho swino ; and (fl) tho absolute neoesHity of protecting Rwino from tho injurious effoats of dust. The first noacHuity has boon gen erally recognized, if nob noted upon, by the profiroBiiivn awmo-broedor for some time, Tho Beooad uocesslty the ravuguH of the lute plague have brought homo to tbe minds of brooders in a way that will not soon bo forgotton. But tho third nooosflity is uot so geuorally rooognizod an tho other two, and yet it i4 as roquiaito a oonditicu of good health as eithor of - the othorn. Swiue should not Im allowed to wallow iu dusty pens, fanoo ooniorn or Htraw staokfl. Whenever thoy snooze it should bo taken as evidence that soinothiug in Wrong. In Bwino-braodiug, oloan sIoepiug-plnaoH aro aud indlApousablo necessity, Undoubtedly tho Boat. Gkntlkmkm, I wish to say that Dr. Fowlor's JGxtrtieb of Wild Strawborry has proved a wonderful roraady in my family, Wo would not bo without it for twioo its prioo. I say it te tho bewt (not merely ono of tho bosB but tho bent) medicine ovor brought before tho public for sumranr oom plaint or diarrbcoa oithor in children or adultw, John UNDKniiiLti Lioonso Gommissioujr, Stratholair, Ont. Ymh sir, mon oan cefc 830 por clay for ordinary labor in Alaska. It may as well bo added that it takoanoutj$10,75 a day to buy enough to oafc and givo a man strength for a day's work. Evory voho baa its thorn, hut thin Klondike proposition sooma to bo a regular old burr.________________________ Axvny Qowki KukC Prom oant to went pooplo huvo heart (rouble Tbie oauaoa violent lioadaohes, neuralgia, norvo troublo and proiitratiou. Says Mrs. Bomors, of Alonoton, N.B., ,lI tried many romedioit but nuvor found any thing to yivo me huoIi pforapt relief as Mil- burn's Hoarfc and NeVvo Pills have dono, I uuffurod from tho ubavo HymptomH,hut now gladly tontify to tho curb tliOHD wonderful pillw have mndo in my easo, ami I hope nil oniTuroi-H will try them." 'Two wGGka'nKO wogavo a i.Bt of tho booku on tho Toucher's Beading Oourso for 1807-08. It is said that few toaoliors iu Ehsox soourod tho booIcH on lust year's course, and nouo to road and mnko tlio roquirod ayuopais for tho inspoofcoi'. Teachers should begin with this . ypav'a bookfi. u Tho dopartmont suggests that it will groatly assist in tho voiidinpr of books if tho toaohors will form small roading cirelon for thiH purpoHo and moot onco a fortnight to discuss what thoy hava road during that time. No bottor gaugo of a toaoh- or's probablo bucoohh could bo found than a knowledge of tho extent of his professional reading. Those who koop in touch with tho spirit of progress aro euro to grow and advance. Thoso who do not go forward mtiHfc go backward. Norway Pine Syrup htah the Jungs, TOBTUnisi) AND HKLPLESS. Rheumatism ban of Viotinin, and is no Iti'Bpootorof PorfiopH South Amer- 'laan Pneumatic Caro Iton!Hfcs his Oruel Grosp.aud lioalu the Wounds ho lufliots, Ileliof in Six Hours. . Geo. W; Piatt, . Mauager ^'World's" Newnpapor Acenoy, Toronto, says: "I urn at a loss for words to expreHs ray feelings of Hinoora gratitude and tbankfulnoss for what South Amerioau Bhuuma.tioGnrelms done for mo. A<ia result of oxpoBure I was taken with a severe attack of rhtu- matlo fever whioh affected both ray knars. I suffered pain ulmost boyond human fn- (Jur.-iuoo. Having heard of marvellous auras'by South American Rheumatic Otire, I gave it a triaL Artor taking three dotes' the pain entirf ly left me, and in three d^ys I loft my bed. Now every traoo.'qf my rh( a- rriatlam has diuappettred.'* Sold by J.. Thorno. . Norway IHne Syrup aire's tbvticMtis* That hacking cough can &a quickly cured ly using Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. Price 3$C. Tho Grim Reaper Foiled. The Marvellous Virtoe^ of Pake's Celery Compound Conquer and Banish A lady's Troubles. FIvg I>o<;torfl were Unable < To H<ill> tlio Si^flcror. Twolvo.yoaro of uoiuory und aony from fomale, kidney uwd stomaoh troublos.I Phy'sIoaiiH wore uttorly porploxod aud un- ablo eo auro tho lady I In a time of gloom and dospondenoy the magic virtues of Paiuo's Colory Compound bring joy iind now Hfo I Thoso aro tho leading faots in tho following statomout mado by Mrn. G, Stbno, of Eaauvillo, Ont. ' Pot-more than twelve years 1 wan uOlated with Jfiduoy; sbamaoh and fomalo troubles, and had boon attondod by fivo dootors, and tried modiomoafter medioine, without any i^ood results. "My suuTuririKH a year a^o from the kid neys und stomach woro dreadful. I waa in Huoli a state that I thought I could not livo, and concluded thoro was no uao try ing other medioiuoH. "l.was advised, however, to try Paino'a Colory Compound, aud Anally decided to givo it a trial. Boforo I hud finished tho firnt bofctlo I bad improved vory much, and a (tor tho use of a few moro bottlou I had not boon so well for long years, and am now altogether a 'ditforonfi person. Tbo uho of Paino's Oolory Compound alno baninhad my nervousness I can thoroforo roaommond Paino's Oolory Compound to anyone suffering from 'kidnoy, stomach and fomalo troublofl." A oicisnK in a'Dotroit storo kopt tally of tho numbor of pornons who camo iu lau* Thursday and said -"Its very warm to-day," and found that affcor miBsing a few oarly in tho morning tho numbor wa8 115 boforo dinner. Practice Boononay In.buying modioinos as iu othr matters, It is economy to yot Hood's SarsapariNa booitnao thoro. 1b moro modininul valut) in Hood's Sarsap'irilla than in any other. Evory bottle of. Hood's 8 a rsa pari 11a oou- tuhib 100 dodds and will nvarago. taken aconrdintj to direotions, to hint, a mouVh, while othors last but a fortnight. , Hood'sPillH aro tho only pills, to take with Uood'aSarsaparilla. Kasy aud yet Sufllolent. : .- Avar's SarBaparilla Is not'a searot pre paration. Any phynioian may, .huvo_ tho formula on ap?>lioatiun. The secret of Ms success an a modicino licmin its oxtraordin: ary power to oloanso tho blood of imnnri. ties and cure the most deopHoatod of blQod'dlsQaso, At jjabt the ran^has oomG, but it is to be hoped that we may not get ah over flufiloienoy for the Great Souih- western Pair BoiIrj pimt lcS uutl oiuptloiis, sorofnla, salt rheum and till other manifestatiouH o( impure blood are cured by Hood's i Sarau- parillfi. JEarter's Little LiVer Pills. '! ** * p^ Rood prices. S-",.V'""-" ' si' "; ' ' , ' '- : ': Qbod JJ<.w ftom Sotith Dakota, -:Wit^y^ ifiaSiTS*i Jrt^T^&^i Vtfi.V.Wl mm 'f6bTig:iiiikt'Ttitdaio aied man and old men con look lUirifr ' - maohood with * Jgh of rtmoiM. at 111* u "on* oi tlw borfl" bw win U a terrible dn acatnat natara and iMMttpibe t7 l(r and vitality Pt Jhe Pno f^ P*** ^W3.tar* 0r *^* ina^t>o4. with>. tifh "of mon: __,_ __ aarlrjrottib,prlatAamlM '??*" fc fnttiriaffatib|r. *. Bio _ METHOD uplbp Ty. lit* and ym posltirely cure au toe foil* K 5 4- will brinsr a rich hair iff n aBM: <S VARICOCELE; EMI88IOM8, NfeRVOUS tiEBIOTV; g 8 .NE8* PIMPLES, tm MANHOOD* UNNAIW^ [% DISCHARGES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DI9EASE8. ^ "*,ii ADC Vflll 7 weakoTdoniiitftteditlred mohilnrfsi Wo ^Q * oa*Urfatlu(<dieiulUWaDd.lrri- }B n tntilo: oyen arinkou, red and blotrodi pimples on fnooi droama and nlffht loeses; rt- fi W J- *\ lioKsnrd lottldng; Wek book, bone palnni hair looiei ulcatai or* thrfloti varloo- ' M% ci.loi <lpo4tbi urine and drains nt to*h illattaetful; want qf coofldence^laok of N tuortfj andafctantth^W/e OA/V OURE YOU 6&ASI?Na>lPAY, i CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAy-CONFIDENTrAL \ HATCHED FROM THE GRkVL ATteSto^ A .'i (itioioiH mid uonro ton Ice by ttioncorowltbontbonafittainlMioiiaanddB^iUtnoraaMd- <f L b(H'iii]i n, norvouB wrook. A friond whp had boon enrod by l)ra. Kennody 4 Korgnn t iiniuillur (Udooso, odvlaod mo to try tham. I did t nnd Id two montbimupccra,TB- Jy onted. Thin won olnlit years ago. -1 aai now matriadand have two healthy aWla- ron." lfARIPn0n'C PIIDtn "VaricocelemadoHfemlwrable. I was Mek and UMUlUUbVLL, UllntU, narvorn.ny^rtBnnkon.baBUtpllnprwlotT. hair thin, iionmbltion. Tim'Goldon Monitor'o^ned my eyea. ThbNdwMatbod Uro. Kennedy and Aergan corod ma in a few woaiu^-I, L, PKTBjltBOM, "" "rod en whioh was going a.Kaanedy Balf-abase iV KntKiin, foil iutohiy linzida. t.ii'l nuppwl my vitality. I took " ' le tlih ftty. I. . ... f riuiids tilllik I (Wiu ourml of conamn wliom woro oarod. TKoir Now maidiood." J humaed the TRUTH and the CAD 8! Z CVDUIIIC PIlDril '*ThintorTtbl*blooddiaiaawaalnniyeyiteTn for ohjht m*m OirniLIu UUilLUi yearn. Had tokon tnoroury for two >oarn, hot the dteaaao returned, ICyea rod, plrapleaand blotoaeaon tho akin, \' tonfrna, bono palnn. falling oat of hair, weaknoen, eta. p__ _....._ _ _ __ _. ___. . _ _________... *o< _ ______________ 52 TtiUvm'oii. ICyea rod.'pTraplea'and blotoaeaoo tho akin, olcora In the month and on tonfrne, bono palnn. falling oat of hair, weaknoea, eta. My brother, who hod been cured of Gleet nnd. Htricturo by Dra. Kennexly and Kergan. reoommendad tham. Thoy cured mo In a tow wooks, and I thank God X conanlted tham. No return of the ditiutuu) in. BLxyenra." W. V. M., Jaoluon. R S 17 YEARS IN DETROIT, 200,000 CURED. NO WBtC Aro yon a vlotlmi' Mavo )roa loet hope? Ate yott containpfatfpg KDrAnCRI Are yon n vlotimi' . riCr*L#c_lil jnarrlo#o? Uaayoar ^ Our Now Mothod Troatmont will care J yon, CONSULTATION FREE opinion Frooof Ohartfo. C _ .... (UluRtrnUd), on JJiseosea of MmulneloM poatag*, Z oenta. & s r. blood boon dUeaaed? Have'yoa any weaknesa? yon. What it bos done for others It will do for ,&, No mBttar who has treated yoa. Write for an boneat Cliorgefl reasonable. BOOK* FREE,-'Tho Goldan Monitor" .^vm.^.^,-" ~ - of Mnii.lnolDpoatafi*,2oenta. Sealed. yTNO*NAME8 USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT, PRI- lTB. Nomedloln^sent C.O. D. No names on boxes orenvol- VA _ opes,' Evo^ythhitr'oonfldontlal. Treatment FF rREE. Question list and coat of DRS.KENNEDY&KERCN,No,48SHEl-BV8T atfibtttfiiatEio Ii DETROIT, MICH. LATNG BROS. ** Dealers In All Kinds 0/.. Screen Doors and Windows, Cisterns, fftfOO and Up. Bee-Hives (Standard Siise) 5Qc. XSach. :$% 3STEl"XArBST^-E^ And Latest Designs in Verandah and Gable Ornaments CHAH The Best and .... .... Cheapest range! MamifiLctiued by The;..'... - GkvL^xx&Y Foundry 0.P. E*iEaitQd# i >, -^yjg . ,-WB QNT, Call and Inspect; General Tinsmitbiug and Repairing attended tb.^^ w$$$M ' '^0M: ": Af^-*m ^* Worth of Bail^a^ -.X-

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