f*i :'<".;)'."^^^^H; ...""'I'.': ):-. -"Wii JV-.: !# Cnji i. $V< Fifty Y<^r Ago. ^ThU i the cradle In which there grew ; That thought of a philanthropic brain- y_ remedy that-would make life new .. Tor the multitudes that were racked with pain. 'Twn saraaparllla, ns made, you know' 'ZJy Ayer, some 50 years beq.. Ayer's SarsapajeUlai \ras ia, iteiinlanpy half i a con-; tury'SErof feiay it doth "be- Rtrido tho narrow world, liko a colossus." What is tho socrofc cT its Dower? Its euros) 'The. Sir-mbor bf thom!'tlThowond-;v r.r frhoml.ylrqitatorsiliavo,- ic.% "'"rvod'-iij from tho bbtfiimiric <jZ. i. > rraoqo^g. They, ar'o still bc*- 7 "::d it/ Wearing: tho ovAy y::edol granted to sars&pari?.?;.'!, Su tho World's Fair of 18G3, ltj polntsyprpudlyi to ita rooord. Others imitate the remedy; they can't imitate the record: So Years of Cures. The Cataract of Orimo. ST-' Hi'v: W/.-' frfci w For more, than twelve yoars the Ohrifl- Hfta ajvooa^e hae lugubriously' prophoeiecl Bn Increased of orimo and lynahinga in this oonntry, and tho prophooy has boon fulfilled to tho horror of many oommun- Itiea and tho disgrace and Bharno of tho nation. Among the oaUBCB aro tho maudlin Sentimentality with which oritnua aro Wl treated, the easo with which an expert oan be procured to swear a criminal inaano, or thVcrank export who believes ovetyone in. Banc, tho influence of detailed diaotujaion of Crimea and mottle re in tho newspapers, tho law's delays, th,e lporeaBlnd depravity and recklessness 9/ yopttaTtHo flroat dedline in the conduct and ordor of judicial proceed ings, the want of revoronoe for relIgiontho flippanoy of juries, the frequonoy of par- donfl, the denial of a place to retributive ' justice, and the unnatural and debilitating doctrine that the solo purpose of puuiah- tnent is reformation. Such Iynchiuga as have taken pkoo in Ohio and Maryland, where in tho first case tho prison or was in jail aoutouocd to death, are a shook and a frightful damage toCivilization, Tboy domousfcratod what every stndont of history and obGOrvor of * panics knows to bo true, that tho brutal mobOikoiustinats aro very near tho eur. face of onr civilization, and nothing that ever has taken ptaoo is so torriblo that it has not been paralleled in this country and ./tatty not bo yobagain. In tho meantime unnaoosHary dolays in the exooution of tho law should bo frowned down, aliil governors nhould bo elected with somo reflpoot to tboii oourago. Thoro are several crimes which should bo punish ed with death] murdor in tho first dogroo, attempts ta murder by tho use of poison, train wrecking and attempts attrain wrook- iqfr, assaults such as those committed by ih& persons rooonfcly lynohod, tho netting & ' fire to inhabited houses, and tho lynching I'.'ofprisohors already in tho hands of tho jfoi'Vlaw. Wcro the death ponalty inflated in anoU oases tho number of ouoh crimes would diminish and alaa the number of K- lynphinga. V If the do/it I) ponalty bo uofc inflicted up- .,., Jon the perpetrators of auoh orimoo, tho jj' /liendenoy to lynching will iuoroano, tho v 'p'raotiae of Jynohing will roaot upon publio morals, and both orituosand lvnohings will croatiy multiply. Dr. Low\s picmant Worm Syrup removes worms of all hinds from children or adults. ^(i; ' '"For yoars," says Gapt. C. MuoIIor, "I ^. Jbayo relibd moro upon Ayor*e Pills than ^;J. anytliing olso in tho mediomo chest, to j,"- .regulate my bov: els, und thoeo of tho Hhip'n Jl^brew-.TboBo pills aro not aovoro hi thoir inaction, but do thoir work thoroughly," !&> ., l|B^4eservinf; of ' vlawloBi) never like a bold, A newspaper without enemies is hardly friends. Tho vicious and foarloan paper, g^'and every solf-repoptinp pubhshor Bhould febe proud of thip enmity. ThorD aro other fesDjewepapor foes, howovor, who aro far raoro |f|!ticdtib!eBomQ, and oonBoquontly, moro to bo^ fe feared. First and foremost the mau"~who Pvowes the uewnpapur an honout dobt and jflirefases to pay it, 'i'hou, there ia the am-_ JfflihiflonB m6rtal who wants an offlco and ^\/oomplaina beoauBo tho nowapapor oaunot pibonsiBtontly champion his aauaoj he is fcpretty likely to beoomo an enomy. The fevman who wants to "hapQ tho polioy of a "/newspaper and is not allowed to do so is ";,a Hure enemy.-Bafc tho moanobt man of ^Jali.jBftbe muu who deliberately ooudemna ^.the/eheet after Bee a ring from, it all the ^awifitauoo be possibly oan. The newspap* i>er man can to some extent respeot an o|,cn l^ypwpd euepjy, bat, au in;rater under any feolrcttmstanoe.' TO'V'.,; : . , -, m&'1 r- fciWa*tfra>.don'fc/often . make a fool, She riar^ahoa thejy matorial, and lets it tahe [^' $$!$$y$ffiMst\mal{f safe and sure, rtgu- %le tlit livtr and cure canstUation. /* l ' ,. ^^ .^. Why tk* KIM* of WUIUfcao, IT Wh Calltd to. tb Throa*. BeTerat'nowapaperi, in explaining lo ^their-roJidora how Queca^VJ^toria oame to gnooeod William IV, y it was bo- CatiKS alio Wob his nieoe. That is the truth, but only half tho troth, for Will- lamTV had naphewa and other nieces. George IU'i tat, aooond, third and fourth onfl were respeotlvely the Prinoo out chiidrori; Wihiam, ftnke'iof ;6iar- onco, who died Wllliain-IV, Jane 90, 1BII7, without lawful iseue, and Ed ward, dnko of Kent and Strathoarn and earl of Dublin, who died Jan. 33, 1820, aged 68, leaving as the nolo issue bf his marriage witi^Prl^p'ota Victoria of -Lfllningon a baby*' daughter, now Qneon Victoria. The queen succeeded WiIlium IV. not boofliUfle she waa simply his nieoo, bnt beoauso she was the only child of the brother next to him in the order'of Bacbeasion.- -* Had Queen Victoria had a brother she would in all probability*; not huvo bevn a poraonnRO of historloal celebrity, aaye in the contingency of auoooeding him. Her rights were those that de volved on her from hex' father. At the timp sho fluooeeded ,to tb,e th,rqne her uncios tho Diikofl of Ournberland, ot . Busflox and Oambridgon-wero-i liv;in^, younger broth era of her father and jun ior to him in tho line of suooeiiBlon ^n the order named. The Duke of Cumber land, who booame king of Hanover on the death of William IV, was a man of auob . doapotio, temper and principles that all England cherished the..Prln- oess Victoria aa standing between it and bis Baooesaion to the -throne. Ho had lawful issue, * had the Duke of Oam bridge. Thq Duke of Sussex, a most estimabjo man, married twice; but these"unlonfl being repugnant to tho provisions of the royal marriage act, his children Were barred from the line of suooeusion. From the revolution of 10B8 roso tho Jacobite party, made up of thoao who supported the cause of Jamee II, his sons and descendants. The picturesque modern - Jacobitos do not reoogniio Queon Victoria, denplto the foot that her suooesBion is due to . her Btuart blood, for ahe is a direct desoondant of Klizubotli, daughtor of James I, to WhoBO bolrfl tho ti tlo to the throne de volved by the not of atittlement on the death of Anno, -Boston Trannorlpt, X>afno4 In School O^iUdrea. The fact that myopia is- frequent atnbug school children is well known, It is not so woll known that impair ed hoariug is also frequently met with. Tho children thus affected are oftbu ac cused of bo in g lazy and inattentive, Wheu in reality thoir oars are at fault. Ho lot shows that these oasos ore quite common, are easily recognized, are gen erally ourublo and when cured a large number of children aro transformed, so to speak, both from a physioal and a moral standpoint. According to Weil of Stuttgart, tho proportion of school children with impaired' hearing is 35 poroeufc; according to Monro of'Bor deaux, 17 per eonfc Helot agrees with Goto and other aurists that tho propor tion ia 2C per cent, or ono-fourth. All tho children.in a oIubs should bo care fully examined, and those somideaf pu pils will always bo found among tho poor Boholam Tho oauso of infirmity is to bo sought for nasopharyngeal catarrh following measles, scarlatina, whooping cough, adenoid vogotations, hyportropbiod touflils, oto. -and uornial conditions nro to bo rostorod by appro priates trcatmont. Popular Soionco Kowa. numbrt' GnnfoIty. King Humbert's eoooroaity in ohari- tablo works is said to bo fabuloufl. A potitiou hardly ovor romnina without an nimwor. His majesty spontanoouHly givoa presents to thoflo porsona to whom ho doos not wish to grant BubBidios, Thoao,'prosontfl aro .generally of two kindR a golden clock with tho royal arms'or a broooh sot in diamonds. HiH jowolor aupplioa him oaoh year with COO clocks and 1,000 broochua. King Humbert novor roos .to tho thoator savo on tho occasion of im oflloial eolomnity^ Ho Hays that ho finds no i^lousuro in arfcifioiul life "I piny a part ovory day," bo sayfl, "in tho political nud oflloial comedy. What can tho other comedians touch MG?"~-Kono Letter. A WELL KNOWN HOTEL-KEEPER RELATES HIS EXPEBIENOE. KIDNEY -HB DOO- na suFFBnnD gbeatiiY fhom THOUDIiB kAN INDIOBRTIO^ TOIIHD FOB A LONO TIMB WITHOUT GETTING AMY ItnLIRP. Origin of a NttUiR. Tho origin of tho uamo Fifo is not known. One .historian "tries to show that it coniGH from tho Coltio word vouch, a Piot, and means that the dis trict was inhabited by Plots, but that is obviously absurd, an Fifo was not spe cially the homo of any of the PiotiHh' nations, Tho tradition that ilndfl grout- est favor is rolatcd by u monk, who stutoH that tho first known possossor of tho district 'which has sinco grown into the' kingdom of Fife was one Fifus DufPus, a fninons ohioftaiu whoso dato is lost in tho mists of antiquity. ~~ ttlio Queen'* IrfeMnugotii. Tho four queen te massougors always travel incognito. Thoy wear thoir badges of oftlco out of sight, suspended round thoir nooks, and nro always most reluotimt to display, them to emphasize thoir authority and tho importance of thoir mission. Tho badge is a small, exquisitoly modeled silver greyhound. From The Standard, Cornwall. The march of tho world's pro gress is forced, protracted and continuous, the. competition for supremacy is koon. The man of busi ness mnstkeep rank if ho would secure any covotablo measure of success. Tho watohfnlness, vigilance and thought involved in modern suporintendonoy produces a sevoro strain.on the i>hysi- cal and mental powers of modern busi ness men, and oxposes thorn to tho attacks of certain diseases. Consider ing that much depends on health in this struggle, it behooves those who would bo victorious, to guard against tho first approach of diseaso, .Neglect of early adjustment . of digestive and kidney disorders'ls often fraught with dire results, addod to this is tho un pardonable trifling with health by ex perimenting with all manuor of worth less decoctions. It is simply invalua^lo to make an acquamtancoqf a safe and ofFootivo remedy such as I)r. Williams* Pink Pills* James Moophorson, hotel koopor in tho village of Lancaster,' Glengarry county, hun dono business for a number of years in Lancaster, and having successfully oatorod for the patronago of the travelling publio thoro- forb is favorably known not only at homo but abroad. In conversation with a nowspapor reportor ho enumer ated Ftomo of his ailments and how he wasourod. About tw;o yoars ago, ho said, "my whole digostivo apparatus soomed to bo disordered. Somo days I could movo around, then again I would be obliged to go to bod, I tried soveral things but with,, different huccohb. Oocaaianally I felt rcliovod, but in a day or two tho old 'symptoms would return with a more -.depressing offoofc. This kind of thing wont on un- till I booanao trouhlod with my kidnoys which was a very annoying addition to my sufferings I was restless, with n sensation of sickness at my stomach, with intermittent pain in the small of my back. I was miserable onough whon I consultodtho doctor who pro bably did mo some good, because I felt relieved. The dootor's modioino was takon and bis directions, oboyod, but I did not improve I had hoard of the famo of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. My wifo believed in thorn and urged mo to try them, t am glad I did so for aftor taking ono box I felt hotter^ and X con tinued taking tho Pills until X was completely oared. This summor I had an attack of the saino complaints and X found Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as offoofcivo an before, I had this advan tage my knowlodgo and boliof in tho pills savod mo from costly and tedious experimenting such as I had undor- gono previously. I may furthor add that both .myself and Mrs. Maophorson have derived much bonoilt from tho uso of Dr. "Williflras' Pink Pills, and I can cordially rocommond them to thoao who aro suffering similarly." Dr. Williams'Pink Pills euro by go ing to tho root of tho disoaao. Tboy ronow and build up tho blood, and strengthen tho norvos, thus driving disoaso from tho system. Avoid imita tions by insisting that ovory box you purchase ia onolosod in a wrapper boar- ing tho full trade mark, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People EOWAflD 8CHIEFFELIN ONE OF TOMB STONE'S DI8COVERERS. Truu Pt >rle of m Most Tjrploal Woatvrn Pro poo tor HWw the Schleffelin Broth- "'eri nd Dick Gird Stmok It Bloh la Tombstoiu) Gnloh. A hundred tonfl nl oatH' tailn woro roooiit- ly Hold jn one lot at London for tho piirpoflo of ornamouling women's wouring apparol. Auanminfj that an average oat's tail would weigh a'onuplo of onnaos, this would moun that no fewer than 1,^02,000 puHsieo had been killod just to supply this ono dual alone. fouled. Pa, what^s a tonicr" Pa It"a something you take to braoo you up, Willie some thing to braoe you too much? Harper's .Bazar, . , . ', Her Swaet Charity. When to rufln ia so moan and cranky that nobody wants to have anything to- do with him, his wife always says ho has a peculiar disposition. New York Pres*,.-. THE UNIVERSAL ANSWER. What Dyes aro always guaranteed, And In our country tuko tho load ? Tho Diamond Dyes 1 What Dyes aro'strong andbriuhtaud feat, An d iriu'RYH din to livo and last ? Tho Diamond DyeH 1 What Dyes brintf prolH. ploasurfl, rinuco, And by ihoir work a (jreatiuorcaso V Tho Diamond Dyna I Wliat-Dyos should every woman try ? HaiJi 1' Listen to that mighty ory '- Tho Diamond Dyes I Reports from I roll aid ssy tho ornps of .oats and potatoes, have bt-on ruiut*d in nearly all Ht-otions of tho country. Famine in Inevitable, and it in feared the' hard times of forty-eovonwill bt* repented, Normty Pint Syruf cures toughs. MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS POBITIYEIiTOnBE ptr,Impoteaoy,SlopleMnoM,otc- nnwd Of Abnsb or other Kxosun tmd Indl< ronora Ijoii; Vitality In old or joopa. and wwwt XnMulty and C Ilurwlm lnmi pfiBB wbara off Smtao L t upon fUTftonrod___r lUT0tnittnKo eooh.oua or n Bold by J. Th wbora 1 na&lne AJue MiRlToQroroti< to effect a Minn (loll ttwlnuntt noeletofi 3B The Paoiflo ooaat newspapers have been fall of stories about Edward Bohleffolin, one of tho discoverers of tho Tombstone mines, who was found dead in a cabin in oostem Oregon. His remains, according to his wiah, now rest upon tho top of a granite peak two milts west of Tombstone; A! T. He de- iird, he said, "to bo burled in the garb' of a prospector, my old pick and can teen with me, end a monument euab'as prospectors build when.locating q min ing claim built, over . my grave and no other monument or alab erected." If seoms to bo generally felt' through out the Paoiflo coast that this plain, ignorant, kind hearted old pioneer and prospector, who had traveled" many thousands of miles in searoh of new mines, has thus unconsciously made his mark upon ouri romance and history. That lonely granite pairn in thedpscrt, rising upon tho extreme point of a tree- Jert' promontory, will long "bo pointed ^ui as tho grave of one of the mo*I fa-1 toousof-American prospeotors. Kd Sohioffeliu's one; great strike yielded him fally a third of 91.000,000.. At various times in his adventurous oaroor he plodded painstakingly over the1 wildest portions of the Rooky moun tains and Sierras, he visited Alaska, Mexico, South America and Sooth Africa, bnt never again found auoh w mine. Whon he died, his fortune, at ono time said to be over $500,000, had greatly decreased by reason of bad in vestments'and costly expeditions. The story of tho finding of Tomb stone, that briefly" famous Arizoniatt mining city, has been told in many differont ways, until it is fast becom ing ono of the most; attractive of Paoiflo coast myths. The simple facts are that lato in the seventies tho two Schioffelln brothers and Dick Gird Wore prospect ing, sometimes 'together, somotimes separately, in Various1 districts of Ari zona and New Mexico, It was a time of terriblo Indian outbreaks, and tho Apaohoa were on the warpath, killing lonely minors and prospectors, attack ing tho stugo coaohes and running off cattle. Ed Sdhioffelin finally wandored into the neighborhood of a disputed claim, tho Bronco, where eight men had been shot in various attemptsto de cide its ownership, and Was hired at $3 a day to sit on a hilltop and look ont for Indians. Ono day, while hunting up, a stray horse, tho hitherto unsuccess ful; prospector stumbled into what was afterward culled Tombs to no Gulch and found "somo ooppor stained rook on what became tho Tough Nut mino. This ho sent to Gird for au ausay, and soon aftor sent ore from the Xmoky buss. Whon development was begun, a thin voln in granito widened, arid promised immonso riohoM. The claims woro sold for vory largo sums, and whon the Apaohos were driven out capitalists pourod money in to the district. But the mines did not justify expectations. Tombstono was vory far from being a second Oomstook. Tho unlucky Broncho novor paid a dol lar. The Schicffolin and-Gird claims yielded for u time but soon ran out, and tho oamp sank into deaay. Tho first timo I met Sohioffelin, that most typical of wostorn prospectors, was about six years ago. Aftor hoariug some of 'kfs pioturesquo prospootor yarns I told him about tho various treasure oxpoditiens to Ooos island and tho legends which had oaused these ox- oitomonts. He' soloed upon tho glitter ing talo of diamond hilted swords; bags of doubloons and bars of gold with tho faith of a child and at once offered to fit out a schooner for tho islands and to pay my oxponsos as well as give me a third of tho troasuro if I would go along to repeat tho logon d as often as dOBired. Ho had prospoctod for almost ovory- tbing, ho said, oxcopt plrnto troasuros, und he wautod thoao diamond hiltod swords to "put in his parlor," I did uofc know at that timb tho story about his parlor. Having bought a $7,000 bouse in the town of Alameda, ho kept aovoral tons of quartz in ono cornor, on top of whioh his old pros- pootiug tools, burro's satldle and oamp Outfit roposed whon ndfc.in uso. I never hoard what his wifo thought of this unique furnituro, but thoro is no doubt that the diamond hiltod swords would have rostod peacefully on tho quartz pilo, and it was with Bincoro rogrots that I uokuowlodgod to Jaim my outiro laok of faithin tho pioturosquo Spanish legoud of Coos island. ; Sohioffolin's Alaska exporieuoos have long deserved a chronicler. Ho ilttod out an oxpodition yoars ago and pros- pootod over vast aroas of that region. His little steamboat nscondod tho broad Yukon, and tho purty wiutorcd iu .the interior. One man, sinco dead, Charles Furoiofc, remained bohind whon the stoamor returned to proapoot further. Whon ho desired to return, ho built one of the most remarkable little steam cn. ginos over seen 6u the coast. It was mado from a fow piocos of pipe and sOmo old cans pioked up about tho de- ertod Schioffelin cump, and his only tools wore a fllo and a pookot knife, with a stouo for a hammer. He put this rude littlo ongine in thestorn of a small row bout left behind for his use and stcainod 2,000 miles without? an^ acoi- dent. The outfit was afterward on exhi bition in San Francisco, and excited tho astonishment end indeed the profound admiration'of the best machinists, who agreed in saying that Farclot's meohan- ioal goniua1 was of a vory high order. Now YorkPoai. t " . Rei and Paat Pe-eaenger Steamers Grey- houndr Oity- of Tbi^flo, Darius Colo and Idlewild- Buonlna tvtoa dally botwooo Detroit, Pojt Huron And way'norts. dally botwoon Detroit and.lbledo.andthroo trlpi d&Uy btw*on' De troit, the famous Bfa, Olsir Plats and St Olalr. , Leave foot of Oriswold 8t., Dotrolt, for Port HqwHiiudway,i><wu, 8,sfl *,m. and apop.ro: 8nod,TB, 0 a.m. and %SO p, m. t returning orrivo DebDltlla.m.anaflJMp.m.: Son days. 12 a.m. and 8,00 p.m. Loavo Detroit for Toledo, dajly, 8 80p.m.; RundayBO a.m. atid 4.80 p.m.; retnrn- lmmrrtr'iHWKdf-y". lfl8Q P.n?.; Bu&days 1,80 and 0 p.m. , ., . Iieave Dotrolt for tho Flats, Bt.' Olalr and way ports, weok days, 8.80 a.in., 2,80 and i p.m.; retaining arrive 8 25 a.m. and (M)0 p.m. Faro,'Dotroltf to Port' Huron!"or'Toledo, 78 oiwts, single 1 912Q; unlimited rotarn. Bxoar- ' elohtf, Dotrolt to Port Haron nnd roturn, every woob day, 61, every Sunday ,7Bconta.; to Toledo and return every Sunday .morning, BO oentB ronn4,trlnJ.' Bpeolal rates to soolotles. Wtiarf, foot ot GrUwoId atroot. Telephono 1,100. C. F. BIEIjMAN. TrafQo Managor, Detroit, Mlo u I , ,. .-iti'i 1 m "m Takoi this JAMES -NAXLOR,,^ * *iL wrtooity of announcing totlwrffr'i people of the Town and Ooant> of EsseV?^tnw;*$ bo fiaa remodeled the Bflwx Boiler 'MUliTK'S floralng to plant supared by B N. PrloeTof Wl4':A .Thoroae, and altoaoaurodthaaorrloes of Bobrt3lJ^'! atraolian, an experienced and thoroughly oom*'.';W* petont mlllor; $ Thanking tho people of the town' andcoimty'7^ for the patronago bestowed upon Wmmtbi-riiS paat, will guaranteoaaUafaoUonla thofutur^f "nf Wanted Men and Women who oan work hard talking and writing six boars dally, for six days a wook, and Will bo con to at with ten dollars weekly. Ad dross. NEW IDKAB CO., Brantford, Out..... Is what you oan rely on getting whon yon buy from us. Our wagon Kooh to nil parts of the town. Buns. Cakes and Pastries, You cant find moor, fresher, or sweot- er In the oonntry. All kinds of Funo> CakeH aud Jolly Kolls. Fresh Taffy and Candies evoryday. Wo soli nothing utalo or dry. Leave jour Order and you oan roly on prompt de livery. FRANK F0SS. Oipo Ito Book & Francis, Kbsox Gristing and Chopping; a Specialty. * The Best Grades of Flour, he"' Corttmeal Kefi in Stock and sold at Prices* Cash Paid for Wheat and, Oafa "Vm ,h: 130 you Iftde? If so, you want to have ^k the best thore is and everybody knows thai The Nobbiest Turnout -18 TO llK Hit"- JOHN- A. ROSES Livery. *u f,'-'tA.\ J'-\Uti "m SING- LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY. Wilson Ave., next Ahordeon Hotel. The latoat improved Ironing Oollars end Guffs, or break too wing. machinery for Will not oraok Family work ohonp. and dohvorod. Parcola called for Good JRoctdfitcra, Matty Hiding Buggies. Comfortable Carriages. A Call Solicited. &aU'nfaotion Guaranteed. North of the * Railway Track. ESSEX, ONT. -I .'/. Builders AtlJ Contractors. nMAMuns IK-- British Columbia PloiLCio call and try. If not natiBfactoy no ahurgo will bo mutlo. f our work qui* you. roaoramend uh to your friends. BURDOCK^. BLOOD Strong Points A oUT B. B. B. 1. Its Purity- 2. Its Thousands of Cures. 8. Its Economy, lc. a dose. U JtS* 3BE Regulates the Stomach. Liver and Bowels, unlocks the Secretions, Purifies the Blood and removes all the impurities from a common Pimple to ihe. worst Scrofulous Sore> and . DYSPEPSIA, BILIOUSNESS. ' CONSTIPATION. HEADACFtE, SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA, HEARTBURN, SOUR STOMACH, DIZZINESS. DROPSY, RHEUMATISM, SKIN DISEASES. Pine Shingles/$100; Up- All Kinds of Building Material. S4SIT, DOOKS, LATH and BARN LUMBER, VST NalUfucUon Cunk-aiitood, Opp. Water Works, Essex -l3 FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS ft" ' '.Vfi' THEC00ICS BEST FRIEND- I.^HGEar SA>l l.M CANADA.' Jc GOURI.AY & SON. ESSEX. ONT 'I'M ,;# '.,:-.-;v"v Old Boman^BwordU* Tho Roman sworde, before Canute, B, O. 286, wen polhtJesa andvibjup on oirir one Bide, AttAr Qatmce tjw phort Spanish n'Word, for cutting and^thruifc- tug, was adopted THE TEIGMPH.CORN SHELIiER ..... Thift Machine consists of a hprizontal-oaat cylinder, vitl)tt^iiglit:;iro^:^^' bais,T with steel, teeth bolted to the,cylinder so as to be reverpible-.;vhegi '^SjS teeth bcocmewpra,on the front aide, vnnriing in a perforated /(bra'^^t'ii^v^^ ahel whioh the shelled cftfb pasaes through into': & jhee't :.iron/oase^'WiilivjiJ^j an or olfflner attached beidw, wljibh take's all the dqetf ruin the fi^aipi'i>^Jli)B!^r heapest beat, naostsiniple and durable Power Gbnihene^in^^ corn perfeotiy clean in any <JOriditiqn^fl^ thousand'bushels of'ears, ptt"dayv'lfctfoj&l4jiE;to:-p^w PniBNSioNai * ""^ *"* '""..... ter, 6;^ ia^oe; Motion, 800 8HHLLER; ---------,_ . .... ,...,, ,,-.,..,ft.,,......, ..........^mm^m^m ^^^SiSii^^^^^^^M^^B %jv KcmcUY j^i;t ::+VW*sm***WWW***^ ,"1-1'"' -f'i -j'-t-fi -'p-^mfff^PJ^