Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 24, 1897, p. 5

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*-:vi.J$i S M'-J vflSS ||!S;B^PNQv;,:;;..,,.. FABM LOA^Sr & ""If, 'i *t *),1^^ , liiA Large amoant of funds to Loan I'iftn.BealEfltate at 5 arid'W~pef cent. Ml'SW7PU are paying more call and eeo T^^^iW mm Wm ./. Talbot-st.t Essex. Btt. Essex Free Press. :.* BRETT A. AULD, PROPRIETORS. ^TOTTOAY, SEPTEMBEE 34, 1897. "r'*' m. Town and Vicinity- ")ity\ Goto Stono for forkn, Bpados and shovels. '"'-,,: Did you se thoso ologant watorsots at Park's? '! Gbain baoh $1:70 per* dozen at M. J*. c^; Wigle & Oo.b. O, Kbibohopf moved this week into ' tjjx'-K)* J. Gardner's residence. W, H. Richardson shipped in a car -load of bnggios on Wednesday, Go to Whitney's for your, hiits, caps and furnishings, f off this wook. fyjl',- .'. Fivn year old Ayrshire milk cow for Bale. Apply to Rov. A. Xj. Bovorloy. 1 Ladieh ! Have you seen the beauti ful new dress goods at M. J. Wigle & Oo.'s? ; * . ' 1 John Abbott, M.O.It. oporator, ar rived homo from the Soo last Saturday evening, Pba-hs are reported to lio Hplittiug this year and the orop thoreforo will most likoly bo poor. J. A. Aijhott, M. C, It, ngont horo, apent a few days this weok rusticating in Wetland county. GentXiKmkn I X'or boat vnluos in olothiug, underwear, shirts, HockH, hats, etc., go toM. J. Wigle & Co. R. AiikbxjIi and \V. Wndo, of the Im perial bank, whoolod to Chatham luafc Saturday afternoon and roturuod Sun day. W. H. Kjcnnkdy has movod his oflloo from the American House into tho rooms over J. E. Stono's implomont waroropms. . Miss Hattih Rohu loft at noJh Wed nesday to visit hor sister at Eden, Wis. Sho will remain a week at Detroit bo- m m fe: vesti. M,:J.;WigIe'A 06^ : !^".;.': A. H. Soarpp & Oo. are Belling a good tea at 16o per pound. Ip you wftnt yonr girl to be proud of you, get your hat at Wllitney'fl Olajrb MoAhthub, of Fenelon Folia, is visiting filends here this week. A. H. Soabff & Oo. for fruits, vege tables, etc., try them with an order. QDon-'t fail to attend the great exhibi tion of now Fall goods at M. J. Wiglo & Go's. Mrs. J. E. Moore spent a few days visiting friends in Amherstburg this week. Say ! are you looking for something if it is bargains? You will find thorn at Park's. It is wonderful tho bargains you can. get from J. E. Stono in hand made single hornoss. Rnv. Dn. Giffohd occupied the pul pit of the Forest Methodist church last Sunday evening. Wantibo An apprentice to . loam drotmmaking. Misses Hall and Fan!, South Woodsloo. tf Betweicn the zniddlo of this month and tho end of Ootobor about 154 fall fairs will ho hold in Ontario. Tmauis is very littlo grain moving this week on account of tho formers' boing so busy seeding and cutting corn. Tina Lauig-Ritehie Oo., of Essex, Ltd,, want a quantity of second growth hickory and whito ash butts. Highost prices paid. Mrs. John Brown and sou James loft on Wodnesday morning for Chatham, whoro hIio will spoiul a few days with hor daughter, Haruy Pdar90N, formerly with R. H, Travcr, Botroit, has gone to Chicago whoro ho has a lucrative position in a! gout's furnishing store. Mr. and Mrs, M. Baker,of Victoria, B. O., spout tho first of tho wook as tho guests of Mr. aud Mrs. W. Hatch. Mr. Baker has just lately returned from tho Klondike. ',i^/^ ^.^ We mnt Twenty mdre Gars of No. 2 Red Wheat Delivered by October IOth next Don't sell a bushel of wheat until you see us. The Metal Gram Elevator. DIE BEL & BRICKER, isri t ri*i :-y :Mm^m?^>- ttfjmxwzi . ' " ' ... . ' ' "' ' # Has Taken a Drop. Bio discount on all lines at Park'* this month. Stone gives the best value in wash ers and wringers. Mas. E. MdoRB is visiting her mothor in Windsor this weok. Ohah. Hood, of Detroit, visited his friends hero last Saturday. lilt. Baking Powdor and broad pan for 40o. at A. H. Scarff & Go's. If you aro wanting a natty hat, cap or tie for tho fair, go to Whitney's. Be suro and see J. E. Btono's exhibit at tho Great South WeBtoni Fair. .Fiubp Cotton this wook purchasod a high grado bioyclo from W. Ohurch. Tub Prick Prkhh will ho sont to now subscribers to January let 1898, for 2tfo. 'DuKHnAY last Wob the Fall Equinox. It didn't seem diiVeront from any other day. - IV you want to take tho'prize nt the fair got your roady-mado suit at Whitf- uoy's Ihaao Middlwton oloflod up John % 'A W: ft,1. u \' fore proceeding further westward.-1. ' Ttfic are indobted to Rov. N, Scott for a beautiful tomato weighing l\ pounds. Mr. Scott says ho picked Hix in his gar den which aggregated six pounds. The latest idea is that tho passengers get on a car at tho end -next to tho on- gine and dismount at tho further end. This would obviate tke-upual crush, Gro, BitjIjINO has purchased tho property on Briou avonuc, owned- by Mr. Chatfiold, and is moving tho build ings thereon to his farm noar North Bidiro:' J. S. Laird, ,O.L,S was in Am herstburg on Tuonday doiog somo work for Simon Frasor, who ui having ""'florae trouble with tho corporation over drainage matters. A. J. Grkbn shipped two double. ; deokod cars of hoera on Tuesday one from Essox and one. from Harrow. Thoy woro nhippod to Montreal and Frank Green accompanied tho cars. , Mark PkOisw has a good Hyslop bi oyclo ho will oxohango for a good young . serviceable horse; also, a number of good dwelling houpos that ho will iseU so cheap that thoy oan ho movod and will make comfortablo farm houses. Tnm morehaut who has neat and at tractive stationery proclaims to tho world that thoro U nothing shoddy about his oifico, and that his business methods are correct. When you re- quiro printed mattor of any description bring your order to Tins Fnisa Pjekss. You will got good work at n moderate price. Miss Giusavkh bogs to annouuoo to 'tho ladicH of Essex and vicinity that sho will hold her fall millinery opening on .Friday,. Saturday and Monday next, Latest London and Parisian stylos in ladies' hats and bonnets. All aro cor dially invited. Duo hilla taken in"ox- '. change for goods. Tho Scott block, . Talbot street, Essex, Tuia total number of Jubiloo stamps issued,was IGO.OOO fr-confc stamps, H,- 000,000 1 cent stamps, 2,.*i00,000 2-cont .stamps, 20(000,000 U-cont stamps, 700,- 000 6-eout stamps, 75,000 fl-cont stamps, 200,000 8-cout Btaraps, 150,000 10-cont .Stamps, 100,000 15-cent stamps, 100,000 20-oent stamps, 100,000 60-cont stamps, 25,000.$l-fcamps, 25,000 $2-stampH, 2f5,- (JOOP-stanips, 2K,000 $4-stampa, 25,000 $G-stamps, 7,000,0001-confc postal cards. / .Tab hay orop has this year, accord ing to tho Department of Agriculture, proved a greater ono than usual in most localities, but owing to tho rainy V weathor which prevailed at tho cud of July much of tho product was spoiled. In Yarmouth, Elgin, tho crop wasjfcho "}.' host in 40 years. In Huron tho crop Was. heavy but spoiled. In Greenock, "'Bruce, only half tho orop was savet), most of the remainder proving unsale able while in Innisill, Simcoe, tons of ; hay are rotting on the ground, and some farmers are using' it for manure. Tho Bainy-River district proved an ex- $S."!' the universal deatruotion,the fe1 X, *0# i>eing aeonrod in fine condition. V &&:: k Miw. (Rov.) E.Grigg, lately mission ary in Burmah, spont a few days this weok with Mrs. W. R. Manning and loft to nddresH a mooting at Valotta Thursday ovoning. In our roport of tho. number a! pupils in ouch room of tho Publia eohool last wook, wo prodited Miss Russell with having 20.pupils on tho roll when it should have read 20. .R. SoNrjicy and wife, Who have boon aponding tho past Hummor at Pinodalo, Ontario Co., roturuod to Essex on Sat urday last. Mr. Sonloy is undooidod as to whether ho will ro-opon in Essex or not. Mb. and Mrs. E- L. . Park roturnod Tuosday from a two wooks' visit with friends and relatives in Toronto and tho Niagara District. Holidaying evidently agroos with Mr. Park, on ho has gained ton pounds while away. In tiiio abnonco of Rov. G. A. GiiTord, Rov. B; H. Trimblo, of Gosto,conduct- od tho Borvicos in tho Mothodist church hero, morning and ovouing, last Sun day. Mr. Trimblo's sermons woro lis tened to by largo congregations. A Tjoap of young poople, under tho chaporonogo of Bert Ohuroh and Walter Shaw, droyo out to Qesto Tues day evening to tho Forostor's Concert thoro. Af tfor tho Concert thoy woro all entertained by Mies Elsio Woldon at hor homo. Moris pooplo from Essox county vis ited tho'Wdstern Fair, at London, this yoar, than ovor boforo, Thoy nil pro- nounoo it an unqualiflod succoss, and up-to-date in every rospoofc. Several of tho visitors-from this county have ex pressed their intention of exhibiting at tho Western next aoason. WniiiK L. Loiler was getting a load of hiokory bolts into position in tho roar of tho Laing, RitehioCo.'s works, last Thursday, tho hornos crampod tho wagon catching lilr; Loflor's thumb bo- twoou tho whool and tho rack and crushed it completely oil*. Risv, Norman H.* Russell, B, A., a Presbyterian missionary laboring at Mhow in Central India is' at present homo on a furlough and"will addrons n mooting in" tho Prosbyterian ohuroh' Essox, onTuoaday evening next, at 8 o'clock, giving somo account of his work in India and of tho pooplo among whom ho labors. Ho will illustrate his lecture with storoopticon views. Every body -welcome Mrh. (Rkv.O.E. G-nifla, of Chatham, Into returned missionary from Burmah, gave an oxcoodiugly intorostiug address in tho Baptist church lant Thursday night on tho habits aud customs of tho pooplo and of tho fine missionary enter-' prisc'displayod by native and foreign missionaries there. Tho looturo, graph ically delivorod, was listened to with groat attention by the audience. s TiiBnow dollar bills are in groat de mand. Sinco tho Roooivor-General sent out tho first packages of notes of tho $1 and $3 denominations to replace those now in use, there has boon a steady demand from tho banking houses all over Canada for new sup plies. Tiie signing of them entails a large amount of work, aud as soon as it is put through they will be. wont out. Although it was only last month the new bills were issued there are at pros-; cut Home #400,000 worth in circulation. Of these the greater part is in $1 bills. Foster, butchor of Windsor on Tues day. Vw. you go nut dor fair bring your faces to JCriog-hoir ho will koop dom for akuartor. . Thiuus aro sovoral places iu tho sido- walk on Main stroot whioh require at tending to beforo tho fair. , Mitm EniiA Orton and hor brothor, Elmer, of Choboygan.Mich,, are spend ing tho wook at Chas. Flint's. Parties wanting a wagon, buggy, or family carriage wait till you soo what J. E. Stono will havo at tho Fair. Tiris Salvation Army hore has boon ro-oOlcorod. Captain J. Crawford, of Wallacoburg, and Liout. Sitzor, of In- gorsoll, aro now in command. G, A. WiNTjmuTia, tho Patron-Con- scrvafcive candidate in North Essox, says ho intends making a personal can vas of tho wholo riding boforo tho next election. v T&j Jamios A. Hicks attendod thoW^ost- orn Fair at London last wooSPiind whilo thoro purchasod a thoroughbred Jorsoy bull from Smith & Co., of H*gh- fiold, below.Toronto. J. F.MoQouiiN.Treaa. Public Library Board, received this wook a chock for $180 from R. Haroourt, Prov. Troas., boing tho government grant for tho yoar to tho Public Library horo. This frost on Monday night'did con siderable damage to sorghum and stand ing u'nripo corn. Tho tomatoos whioh woro still unpicked were totally spoiled- It took tho first stop towards riponing tho hickory nuts, howevor. Rev. W. A. Jounhon, of Harrow and Colohostor South, will pronch in tho Baptist church of this town noxt Sun day, Sopt. 25th, both morning and ovoning. Rov. M. P. Campbell will nil Mr. Johnson's appointments tho same day. Tun Floming Gup, won by tho Esaox junior football, team on Labor Bay, is now on exhibition in E. L. Park's win dow. It is a beautiful pioeo of tho on- gravor's art. It was hold by tho Wind sor Collegiate Institute team for 1800. It is to bohopod that our boy's will not allow it to pass out of their hands too easily. '. M. II. Hat* and his brothor John, of A. O.U.W. lodgo horo, accompanied by Honry Hall, wont to Harrow last Sun day to attend anniversary sorvicos of tho A. O. U. W. lodgo of that place. About 70 mombors of tho Order march ed in a body to tho Prosbyterian church, whoro thoy Hstonod to an olo- qubnt sermon by Rov, J. Johnson, They roport tho lodge thoro to bo in a flourishing condition. Judoe MoHvnu has roudorod judg ment in tho oasos resorved by him at tho last sitting of tho Division Court hero. In tho case of John O'Briori vs. Gluts, Hicks, Thos, . Plant and Jan: oh Addison, arising out of tho impounding of Addison's cattle in-CBrien's pound. Judgment was given for, defendants' Avith.costs .of court, exclusive of witness foos. W. H. Kennedy for plaintiff, E. A. Wismer for dofondants Hioks and Plant, and R. F. Sutherland for Addi son.' . Tho M. O, R. will give special excur sion rates from all stations between Windsor, Amhorstburg, Loamington and Ridgotown, .inclusive, for tho fol lowing faira: Groat Southwestern Fair at Esaox, Sopt. 28th, 20th and 80th. Singlo faro for the round trip;-"tickets good to return Oct. 1st. The West and North Tilbury fair, .Comber, Oct. 4th and KUi; faro and one-third for round trip, tickets good to return Got. (1th. Loamington fair, Oct. 0th, 7th and.8th, singlo fare for round trip; tickets good to return Oct, Oth. Ridgetown fair, Oct,111th, 13th and. 18th; single fareior round trip, tiokets good to retura.Oct, 14th. Big Discount in CHINA, GLASS, TOILETWARE, And SILVERWARE. This Month at -^ Issuer of Marriago Liconsea.. some snapn M. J. WioxiM & Oo. havo in underwear. Tuk bean harvest is now on m the neighboring county. Wm, Hart and wifo roturnod from tho London Fair Monday night, H. W. AttLMN, of Windsor, was an Essex visitor last Friday and Saturday. OoMMUNioN Horvicod will bo held in fcho Prosbyterian church, noxt Sabbath morning. Tjm! straw hat will soon follow tho music oftts own band and go into re-, tirement, Tins blow nearly killed father whon I refused to got three of thoso photos at Krioghofl"s~f or a quarter. Gjso. Ooiii), formorly barber of this town, is making arrangements to opon a harbor shop in Windsor. At London on Wodnosday afternoon last, Emerson Gardinor, of this town, was married to Mias Davis, of Loudon, I*' you want your goutloman friend- to think you tho host dressed lady at tho Fair got your dross at Whituoy's. Tihi Harvest Homo services in con nection with tho English ohurch horo, whioh wore to havo boon hold noxt Sab bath, havo boon postponed until.Oot. 10th. Again wo hoar tho familiar hum of tho handle factory which has boon closed for Homo timo. Ordors aro com ing in now faster than thoy can he filled. Thk Postofneo Department has is- suod a oondonsod Postal Guide, for tho use of the public, and copies may bo had on application to postmasters, Tho prico is 8 conts. Trrjn drouth was brokon by "tho storm on Thursday, doing iucaloulablo good, oapooially to tho fall whoat. Continued fair weathor followed and an immonso lot of fall whoat was sown, Mihs Katk Morton, who was engag ed in ovangolistio work at Essox, Loam ington and othor placos in tho county, during last winter will noxt wook bogin n sorios of meetings at Amhorstburg. Tub following shipments woro mado horo this week: -C. E. Naylor,four oars of staves for Eastern States; T. H. Do- Cow, two cars of stavos for Black Rook and two curs of lumber to Montreal; A. J, Green, one car of hogs and ono oar of oats for Montreal; Robt. Tate, ono oar of cattle for Honsall, Ont. Wis woro pleased to havo our sano- tum brightonod on Thursday by tho proHahoo of our young friond Frod. Gascoyno of Minsi, Ponn,, formorly of Oottam. Fred, will spend a few days in town and Cottam and then return to Minsi. HimuY O. Wa^terh, of tho law .firm of Waltors, Humphrey & Waltors, of Detroit, and a former citi/.on of Essox, hns boon engaged to deliver two loo- tuvoH weekly on "businoss law and po litical economy" in I tho Gutchoss Col- logo of Business and Shorthand, De troit. Last. Sunday night a most shocking fatality oceurrod at Tilbury. J. Ouol- letto and Miss Potors woro)driving south across the M. 0.. It? track at Quoen stroot when No. 10 oast bound oxpross dashed into tho buggy, Mr. Ouollotto was thrown against tho turnstile and horribly tmangled and bruised.; His skull was fractured and tho flesh, torn off ono side, of his body. Besides ho was intornally injured,'.He* died in about an hour. Tho young lady was inoro fortunate and oscapod with slight' bruises. Tho horso was T killed and carried on tho ongiuo of tho train past the station house, throe or four hundred yards distant. The young couple had tho top of the buggy up and evidently heard nothiug until the train struck them. The deceased was a young, man, 10 years of age, son of An- toino Ouellette, a small farmer at Jan- nette Creek. ' Mien Peters, who is SO years of age, is reported to be doing nicely. Dr. Bray, of Chatham, was .summoned next morning and.proceeded to hold an inquest, which will beoon- oluded to-day (Friday), commencing at 10 o'clock. - ;:,': }f("""; "': /. '.v' ',.!i."nr.'jr ":/." UBlii : ./>!uw r^:!^M VSith Our Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats Caps and Furnishings. 'uHt We extend a cordial invitation to all buyers visiting the Fair to call and inspect our Stock, which is complete m all lines. Particular attention is called to our Large and-attractive stock of- Dress Goods-^^ j Which embraces all the latest styles and coloring from British, Ftench an<i G-erman Markets. Clothing: We have English, Scotch and Oanadiarfc'; Tweeds and Worsteds made up into Men's, Boys' and Ohildrens Clothing, hi all the latest designs in the market- -.'Wj 'A D. J. Whitney, ,1 :1 Stoves. Farm Implements. Wagons. Buggies, Etc. W. H.-Richardson^ :is :>4 ESSEX 5 # Do you Want A New Buggy # f .. J. Hi. -.- n-'.f i Or your Old One i| Repaired? i# If so you cannot do bot^flr palling'at the i;'-^jSsi Essex Capria^ TATL.BOT-ST.; - .^BBSSX Having tbe best Meonanios employed* we oan guarantee, all work to.1 .v. ^ifc:$$$8& .' '.i^! , ,iut*,'V *^fi*ir :; We are prepared to do all kinds of EepainDg'inolndinff Paintitik T ming and General Jobbing,;;' ,., :r?^'^x^ ^^^mmi '.!/

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