Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 24, 1897, p. 4

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^i&giii^^ i jfc SBiD^ ^.^ft'OdwaHBTATiTB convention for South I^Bex Will be held, at Kingsville at one p)ploolt;plm, to-day (Friday) to.qovl 'Dftteft candidate for the Legislative jtf^Bembly of Ontario at-the ...ensuing ^general elections, to elect officers and j'v to transact other business' of the asao- ^'oiation. J. P. Whitney, M. P. P., &).leader of the Opposition, Jaa. Clanoy, %-^M.. P., and other speakers are expeotocl wr present .to deliver addresses. , Am vrzhT* be seen by tho report of the ^council proceedings in another column tenders have boon received for tho sale of the 96,000 worth of debentures issued under power obtained' from, the JJieu- tenant-Governor-in-Oounoil, and tho highest offer hiiB been acoopted. The premium of 8452.45 on $5,000 worth of five per cent, debentures shows that tho oredit of Essex Town must bo gilt-edged. ThA debentures aro dated July 1st and run for 20 yonrs. "Should they bo delivered on October 1st there will thus be $63.fi0 of aooruod interosi in addition to the premium. ? . s^r.. I; fe tV"' $:' Last Thursday's Storm. The hoavy windstorm on Thursday afternoon of Inst wook did thounands of dollars worth of damage to Ehhox County, striking tho county aoar tho .mouth of tho Oauard Itivoi', it con tinued across tho townships of Andor- don, Oolchostor Gosfield and Moraoa, levelling trees, hay utaokH and straw stacks in its lino of march. In town several feneofl were laid flat, tho fence around tho fair grounds boiug con- aidorably dnmagod. Tho old Oroamory building at tho Y on tho M. O. K. was blown over. In Andordon, .several farmers had thoir barns unroofed, troeH uprooted, and residencoH damaged, wliita corn and fonooa woro laid flat nnd hay and straw widely scattered. In Oolchostor North no-buildings arc reported to havo boon dainagotTbuF . -uprooted uud ovorturnod troos aro numerous, during tho progrosH of lanfc Thurs- day'H Htorui on of T. H. DeOow's teams woro killed by a troo falling across thomiu the bush. Thoy woro being ; drivon by Isaac Loo, who also had a narrow oHoupo. . HundolF Brush, of GnmpPahnor, lost a"valiiublo cow by a tvoo ' hoing blown over .on hor. . In GtoHflold, two losaos from falling treos aroreportod, atwo-yoar-old hoifor owned by IFrod Uor and a cow ownod by "Wesley CoweU. Tho rain which accompauiod tho storm was very aocoptablo but in some parts of Andordon there was hail. Fall Fair Notes. '-n.' BxcellBnt Promises For.aBig Time, BPStOIAfc ATTHAOWONB I>ROYIDBI> TRIALS OF 8PEHD AND BIOYOM BAOB ON THE HsaOND and LAflT DAYS mrarBHOTrs HNTBIBS IN ALT* BPAIlTMENT8. The ooming annual exhibition of Essex County, *tho Great South Western, on Tuesday, T^edneaday and Thursday, September 28th, 29th and 80th promieoB to bo one of tho best shows ever held not only in tho Town of Essex but alflo in Western Ontario. The officers and directors of tho society are using every endoavor to make this exhibition iu every way worthy of the liberal patronage that is sure to be accorded to it wbilo the people of Essex Town aro doing their part to make it a success. Tho indications for a first-clans dis play in tho moro solid departmouts aro of the most on con raging character, al ready n largo number of stalls having boon engaged, tho merchants and busi ness mon of Khbox1 Town will have Hplondid exhibits in tho maiu building whoro also the floral, horticultural and Indies' exhibits, which will undoubted ly bo up to tho high- standard attained iu tho pant, will also bo placed, Tho excellent apooinl prison offered by Hiram Walker & Bons for dairy and Hhorthorn cattle nnd for corn in tho oar and in tho stalk, as woll as tho very largo list of spooial prizes offered by people in tho county, givo ovory indi cation of u large lint of entries iu theno classes. Tho grounds aro being put in first class condition and tho track will bo in oxoollont order for trials of spood, bicyalo raoos and other amusements. On Thursday, there will bo quite a numbor of spooial ovonts, for which tho spooial attraction oommittoo is now making proparntions. ExhibitorH should begin preparations on Monday and havo ovorything in "order for tho judges by noon on Tuos- day wbilo live stock and poultry pre viously entered may bo brought in till 10 a.m. tho second day. Ah many ani mals as possible '-should bo on tho grounds tho first afternoon, W. B. Benman, Essox, is tho aocro- tavy, and any information wnntod will bo given l>y him, from ' whom also prizo lists may ho obtained. Entries close on Saturday, Sopt. 25th. ' Trm quail orcn OM^i^onco.^ OotplMEnr: ^Ui*te::- :i-N:- . *, A' ma reduction in watohfts^t 'Park's during the fair. Mas. J. Gv Sloanb and family hare ft/; w it'll' X Entries cIoho to-morrow, (Saturday), Sept. 25th. . ' - Secretary Boaman has boon busy all 'tho past wook taking in outvies. Thoro will bo trials of spood on tho second and third days. With good weather, tho fair noxt weok will oclipHo any fair yot hold iu the county. Tho ladies in particular can aid great ly in making tho fair attractive, by ex hibiting liberally. Afow flags will not cost much and thoy will 'help a lotto add to tho ap pearance of tho town. The boys of tho oast ond intend put ting up a spooial attraction,in tho shapo of aOalitbumpiauprocosaion,at3o'clock . on tho second day of tho fair. ... : Myety farmer in tho .distriot has something on his farm worth showing. Briug it to the fair, ovou if you do not get a prize. Friendly rivalry produces ; good results. ' . Oloso up houses on next Wednesday and Thursday aftornoons and como to town with tho whole family and bog tho fair, ,.'. . This year tho largo farmer, tho mark- .' efc gardonor and tho fruit grower all " havo bountiful harvests and ought to malco fine displays from their -plenteous .fields, Thoro is no bottor educator than tho fair and ovory agriculturist 'ought to turn out this year and havo ; his mind hroadonod on farm life. Tho townspeople should also display thoir wares, as honest rivalry is for the im- IK';1. provomonfc of all. *"*' Trials of spood boIow,opou to trottors and pacers, will tako placo on tho second and third days of tho oxhibition at Spi.m,: Throo-yoar-old colt in har ness, half-milo dashes, 1st pmo, 820; 2nd, SiO; 3rd, 80; 4th,'84..; Horses not having a lower record than 9.40: 1st prize, $40; 2nd* 820; 3rd, S12; 4th, 86, If;: Mr ^: If m- Kit/ V- i' m Mtf. Horses not having a lower record than S minutes: 2nd, 18.75; 8rd, 811.25; 4th, $7.C0. Horses not haying a lower record than 2.19: 1st prize, 40; 2nd, .^20; Srd, $12; 4th, $8: Bnnniug Horsos, half-mile hoato, best;2 in 3: 3rd, $5. Y Paquette. Our village was visited by ,f, , vur village was yisitoa oy a very k^yf'Uye/hnrrioaiie last Thursday, which |l^oftrried the corn shocks all over the ^|;//fl elds, levelled fences and windmills alike:*nd carried the rooflCoflf Thomas |$' is a long time time sinoe we had such a wind atormJ Belle River. Sam Ohovalior has his now etoro almost complotod. Tho telegraph gang havo moved thoir hoadquarters to Tooumfloh. Tho Bpard-'of Trade mot Monday night and dinouflsod biiBinoss of im portance. As tho south half of tho now bridge is about complotod, all trains will bo run over it noxt wook. John Cray ia soriouslyill this week. Tho Iittlo-ohild of Mr. and Mrs. V. Oloutior is vory ill this wook. A mooting to promoto tho formation of a high school district was hold at tho Puce school on Friday ovoning last. E. Ouollotto, F. V. Boutoillor, P; Dumont, S. Graingor and M. L. Mou- ard took in tho London Pair last wook, Thostreot opmmissionor is roooiving tho oomplimontsof farmers and others for tho gravollinpf of those streets load ing into town, Our oitizons aro all looking forward engorly towards October 12th and 13th tho days on which tho Grout Korthorn Fair will bo bold this yoar, Tho of Philip .Moussoau and Miss Rose Imohurito was solemn ized iu tho Oatholio Church horo IaHt Tnosday morning by Rov. Fr. Muniox. Mrs. Ijnframboiso, Duluth, Minn., has nrrivod at Mr. Brostioit's, whoro she intends to make a prolonged visit, ro- turnincr homo boforo navigation cIohoh* Tlio G. O. P. was organizod last wook with tho following officers: G. Hopo, O. B.J S. A. Adams, V.r O. P.; 0. A. Ouollotto,-P. S., and T. Sauvo, troas- uroi'. School pupils nro proparing ilnospoo- imons of thoir work to , exhibit at tho fair Oct, 12th and 18th. Tho prissos aro opon to all pupils who aro actually in attondnnco at tho schools of Poohostor, Maidstone and Hollo Rivor. Moso Ijosporanoo, of" Rollo Rivpr, roooivod the unexpected news Tuesday morning that a watch ho had lost somo timo ago had boon rooovorod in Big Stono county, Minn. He had lent tho watoh to his hrothor who was rohbod of it iu the above namod place, Ono day latoly a man -named Wado was arrostod there with tho watoh in his possession,' Losporanco owes tho re covery of his watoh to the fact that his name and place of residenco was en graved on tho case. His brofchor from whom tho watch was taken, lives 100 mites boyond where H was received; _ Rochester. Magistrate Bartlot on Monday hoard tho case of Thoa, Scholflqld ys..Wm. Mitchell. Soholfiold said that the do-* fendant had removed sand from his premises and had, theroforo, damaged hlB property. It was shown that tho sand had not been from complainant's premises, and tho action was dismissed. moved to Windsor. Tbjb Ontario Normal Oollogo opens for the fall term noxt Friday, Oct, 1st. WAt/ran Diiwab spout a fow days at Arner last weok, the guest of Mrs. Eodo: Mns. Sydnby Vanbst and ohild, of Port Huron, are the guests of Mrs. GT Soars at tho Aberdeen. ' OniNA and glass waro at cost for the noxt month to make room for my large stock of new goods, Park, the jowolcr. Don't forgot to have Richardson put ono of those Acme heating drums in your houso this fall and save your fuol bill. W. H. Riohaudbon has just received a carload of MoLaujrhlin buggies. If you want a good rig this Pall call and see them. A noY can sit on a sledge six inches s<maro, tied to a horso moving eight mil oh an hour, butho can't sit on asofa 11 vo minutes for a dollar. A man will sit on an inch board and talk politics for three hours; put hiua in a church pew for 40 minutes and ho gets nervous, twist** and turns and goofl to sloop. A man will puuch his chocks with filthy tolmcoo, juice runs down his chin, ioolvj good, but a hair iu tho butter kills him. Ho stays out till midnight, wife don't know whore ho iH, conies home whon ho pleases; but if'a meal isn't ready on timo ho pouts, frowns and says uupretty thingn. Evidently man is a strango animal. desmoid South. Tolm Grainger has had his dwelling houso sidod and painted. It prosonts quito an improved nppoarance. Tho sovoro frost on Monday night ban dnmagod tho oorn foddor for feed ing purposes. Atprosont tho,farming community aro, ovor-run with work. What- with cuttiuer oorn nnd clovor and sowing fall wheat, thoir time is moro than fully occupied. James Drako has tho rough framo work of tho California sohool-honso nearly ready for tho joinor's work. Quito n gloom was cast over tho pooplo of.tho California sottlomont on learning of tho suddoh death of Pd- ward Swootmiin, which ocourx'od on Monday afternoon Sept. 20fch, Do- oonsod was a victim of consumption, but hud, almost up to tho timo of his doath, dono his gonoral farm work. .Doooaaodwas past middle lifo, and loaves a widow and two daughtors to mourn his loss. Tho remains were borne to Kingsvillo cemetery followed by a largo numbor of mournors and sorrowing friends. John MoOrao, of tho 4th con., whilo visiting tho Western Pair bought a "Monitor" clover hullor. Having at tho .beginning of tho threshing season bought what is known as tho dustlesB separator, ho is now fully equipped with now machinery to Icoop abreast of tho times. Past, oxporionoo as a throshor has taught liim tho^ impor tance of having good machines to satisfy the farming intorosts. The past two weeks we have been receiving and pasti|@^ Mfc into Stock Large consignment of New Goods suitable fbr| tlie early Fall Trade, and the different Departments arel now- well stocked. Many lines were purchased away;^ below actual value and will be sold at. about regular?! wholesale prices. We desire to call special attention to our assortment of ..... . New Dress Goods, Including some of tho Newest, Nattiest Goods in the Market, and tho prices are away down. Nice patterns at $8, $8.60 and $4.50 each. Beautiful Plaids at from 12Jc. per yard up. Twood Effeota from 80o. per yard. Now Tubulur Braids and Skirt Protector in all tho leading colore. Special "Values in Ladies', Misses' -and Children's Vents. Spooial values in'Flan nelettes. Special valuos in Table Linens. Tho bost wo havo evor shown.* :*& Ready-made Clothing, i Is a Line in which we excel: Our aim io to furnieh First Olass Goods at roa30nabla prices. . We also make Suits, Pants, Eto,, to order, ac cloaoBt poaeiblo prices. 11 :W?M need of anything in this Link it wiU pay^'ty: you to calf on ua, We carry an irnmensO'^' atook of Hats and Capa in the loading styles' . and colors, with priooa all in favor of the ' buyer, prices. Underwoar at regular wholesale" Boots and Shoes Is another strong lino with us. Our Galea in this Department are wtoadily increasing ; Proof positive that our Goods and pricos are right. And Groceries is a Line to whioh wo pay particular atten tion. Our Toas and Coffees havo moro than a local reputation. We havo juafc received ,,mjl:,anothor hoavy consignment of our famous ,^ffl 2Bo. Toa. visitors to tho Exhibition are ;V*!M| Bpooially invited to oall and see our Goods and got our prices. Yours For Bargains, M.J.WIGLE&CO. :Jf DOTTSTA1T BLOOK, ESSEX. T" Special Sale of SPRING DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HAT>, GAPS, BOOTS, SHOES AND GROCERIES. Special Lines of Dress Qoods. Dress G-oods, Latest Shades, at 25c per yard, all wool. Black low as 35c per yard. "" Fancy Black Soleilat very low prices. Fine Line of Prints for 5c per yard. CLOTHING. .. , We handle nothing but best makes at the lowest prices. BOOTS and SHOES. Special Line Ladies'Oxfords for $1. Men's Brogans for $1. Latest Styles in Straw and Felt Hats at very low prices. GROCERIES, We Lead the Trade in best Goods at lowest prices. Try our 25c Tea and if not refunded. J. A. FRANCIS. <&* Highest PricetPaid for Wool and Produce, m ":fc JintliH. Housbn -At Maidstone, on Sunday, Sept. 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jiouscn, twin daughters. Mai.koud At Maidstone, on Sunday, Sept. 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Nace Ilalford, a daughter, Major At the Puce, on Tuesday, Septem ber 21st, to Air. and Mrs. Patrick Major, a. son, Kr.TTYi5 At Camp Palmar, on Tuesday, September 2int, to Mr. and Mrs. John Kettyla, a daughter. . Wood At Camp Palmrr, on Sunday, Sept. 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wood, a son. Marring*). Lamhier-tLowk At Essex/on Wednesday, Sept. 2ist, by Rev. N. E. Scott, Melvin Lnmliier, of GosiieM North, to Miss Hnttic Lowe, of Mersea. Bondv In Colchester- South, on. Friday, Septembtr 10th, the infant daughter'.of JnmcR D. Hontly. .Beaudoin In Maiden, on Friday, Sept.., 17th, Mrs, Joseph H. Bcaiuloin, (nee Miss.- Hitttie Navarre), aged ahoub 33 years. ' Saltk Uejclstor. Auction Sale of I'nrni Slock, Implements, &c. L0.L290, TallioLRoad, Maidstone, Sat urday, October 2nd. Nblson Littlk, Pro prietor ; Sinclair & GoiiMMiv,Auctioncers. , Eftiioc Markets, % Soptoiubor S3rd. Wheat, rodj por bualL...$ whoat, wliito.'.............. Oorn;..... .;................. Oata...... . .................. Timothy Hood............... Oloyor Hood......;..,........ Hu^, por toil............... 1 20 B'OO 5 00 8 00 4* 63 83 310 21 25 00 1J.UJJ I'UI UUII'M......."Ill AIhiIco.......... Beef, droHHcd............... Pork, livo weight......... Mutton....,.................. 4 00 Hidoa........................ 8 75 Ohiokotiu, por lb.,........ ' 07 Butter.......................... IB Lard..r........................ . - 03 EgKfl, por doz............... 00 Potatoos'(now);.....,.,..... 0 00 00 05 00 GO 00 07 14 08 00 60 NOTICE. We are . now buying corn at WalWervHIe nd paying 25 cents per bushel, for No. ia No..^ Rye 40 cents per bnahel. Hikam Walker. A Sons, <Ud.) Walkerville, [une 8th, 1897. gchool^ Booke, Slates, Pencils, School Crayons, Inks, Etc., Office Stationery and Books, Garnet? of all kinds, ..A.T THE Essex Medical Hall. .......Pharmacist, Ubsox....... Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only aife, reliable monthly medicine oil which ladies cau depend iu the hour and time of need. Ia prepared in two degrees of strength. No. X for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known sold by druggists, one Dollarper box. No. 2 Tor special cases 10 degrees stronger sold by druggists. One box, Three Dollars; two boxes, Pive Dollars. No. J, or No, a* mailed on receipt of price and two 3-ccnt stamps. The Cook Company, Wlndaor, Oot*rlo. i- RoldinKflBoit and ovorywlioro bv.ull rofiponftfl)lDruaeiflt. iu Canada _ Puce. ' Mrfl! Patrick Mftjor, of tho.Puoo, died suddenly o! puerperal convulBione on Tuesday last. She was apparently as well aeufluaUil. day, had a severe con- vulsion about 0 o'clock in the evening, followed by several others. She be came comatose at. once and never re covered consolousneeB. , Dr^Jenner, of EBBex, and Dr. Pelletier, ^f BelIe Biver, were immediately Bummdned but she died about an hour ;alter they arrived. She has beeji married ten yearfl on- the day of her deottu if;.-' The Shoe Business of this Store has been built up on its Merit Price is a consideration in buying, TKCE F^QT ---- Of having the newest and Selling on the Closest ^ margin of Profit i all the argument that'is needed ' for brisk sales. The more you compare Goods and prices the more certain you will be to Spend your noneyhere, "We want your Trade and we offer you this oppor tunity to secure Extra Value* J. l^-Sigu o( tho Ooldon Boot, WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX. 9": Great Last Chance, ai 2BSS-E3-X All Lumber must be. sold out this fall aS^M the Proprietor has disposed off his and is leaving town. H,'i'

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